Raising OpenURI::HTTPError caused wrong number of arguments error - ruby

I am testing how a method handles a 302 HTTPError exception. I tried to stub the one method call to raise one programmatically, however it keep complaining that wrong number of arguments error (0 for 2)
the code tested this particular line:
document = Nokogiri.HTML open(source_url)
and in the spec I stubbed it like this:
I don't think it is related to Nokogiri.HTML() or Open-uri.open(), so why is this happening?
Also, how would I try to make this HTTPError as a 302 redirect error? Thanks

I found out that OpenURI::HTTPError's constructor requires two parameters. Rspec by default will call the error class's new method with no parameter, which cause this error. So I need to manually create an error object by passing the required parameters.
exception_io = mock('io')

This is a very late reply, but for others who may find this helpful: if you use the FakeWeb gem in conjunction with Nokogiri, you can do this kind of testing without having to get so involved with the internals of the code. You can register a URI with FakeWeb in your test, and tell it what to return. For example:
FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, 'http://www.google.com', :status => ['404', 'Not Found'])
The URI argument you provide needs to match the URI your method is calling. FakeWeb will then intercept the call, and return the status you provide.


Custom Sinatra route

I'm looking to make a custom route for my Sinatra blog project which shows the user the last entered post in the database.
get "/most-recent-job" do
Can anyone help? I can't find info in my curriculum for such a request.
The Sinatra documentation on routes is pretty thorough. Assuming you're just trying to call a class method of Jobs::last, and that the method returns something stringifyable, then:
get '/most-recent-job' do
should get it done. If that's insufficient for your use case, you'll have to expand your question to include code and output showing what Jobs.last is supposed to return, whatever errors you're getting from the route currently, and what you think the route's output ought to look like if you're expecting a MIME type other than text/plain.

How to use custom error settings for JWT middleware

I have followed the cook books guide to the letter, found here https://echo.labstack.com/cookbook/jwt
But when using the JWT middleware I am having some issues with adding custom error messages. Login works fine, even to the point of not giving details (username & password) that returns a 404.
But when the JWT is missing it returns a 400, I want it to also return a 404.
So in my research I found this, https://forum.labstack.com/t/custom-error-message-in-jwt-middleware/325/3 which lists the following middleware.ErrJWTMissing & middleware.ErrJWTInvalid But is very unclear on how to set these?
I have tried setting them as vars on the router file, like so
var (
ErrJWTInvalid = echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusTeapot, "test 104")
ErrJWTMissing = echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusTeapot, "test 103")
But the error that sill comes back to me is a 400 and not a 418 (as this is just a test). So what am I doing wrong?
You can change the HTTP code and message this way.
func init() {
middleware.ErrJWTMissing.Code = 401
middleware.ErrJWTMissing.Message = "Unauthorized"
First, a point on your statement that you want to return a 400 and also a 404 error - you cannot do this. You're sending one response from the server so it gets exactly one response code. You could send a 207, but we're not really talking about multiple resources here, so don't do that. In my opinion, a 400 error is indeed the correct response for a missing JWT as that constitutes a bad request. A 404 "Not Found" means that the requested resource (the thing on the server side) could not be found. It does not mean that something in the request could not be found.
As for setting your custom error message, you're likely to be out of luck without altering the source code for Echo. That specific response is coming from within the middleware handlers of the package itself (you can see it here). This is mostly abstracted away from you, so without looking at the inner workings of the package, there would be no way to tell where this was coming from, and frankly there's not a lot that you can easily do about it. ErrJWTMissing is indeed the variable that the package uses internally for this error message, but Echo does not appear to provide an exported setter method for you to change this value, so you're stuck with what it is.
If you truly wanted to set a custom error method for this case I think your options would be to:
Write your own middleware to intercept the request before it was handled by Echo's middleware, where you could handle the request however you wanted.
Edit the Echo source to work how you wanted it to work -- specifically, all you would have to do is edit ErrJWTMissing.
Basically, Echo is trying to do you favors by handling all of this middleware processing for you, and it's a lot of work or hackery to un-do that work while still using Echo.

Ruby WebMock: Getting Actual Parameters Passed Through a Method and Using Them in Spec File

I'm using WebMock to stub out HTTP requests. I have this one particular call where, instead of creating dummy data to pass through, I want to be able to capture the actual parameters I would pass into my send() method. Therefore, I need access to those actual parameters in my spec and I imagine I would need to somehow capture that context.
So, for example, in my application I'm calling this method:
send(method, uri, :body => data_file)
And in my spec file I'm stubbing the method:
Is there any way I could -- in WebMock, Rspec -- get the context of when send() is being called in the application and grab those parameters I'm passing through to use them within the spec and replace them with args?
I've looked through the documentation and I don't see much of anything on this. If there's anyone aware of this, I would greatly appreciate your help. Thanks.
Using WebMock you could use request callbacks to capture request data:
WebMock.after_request do |request_signature, response|
puts request_signature

Ruby error handling with external request

I am making an external request and using HTTPARTY for the JSON file and then am parsing it.
BUT should the request fail (the file no longer exists or is a bad uri) how can I handle errors so I could still display the page?
Not sure of how best to protect the application from this point of failure and I have not done much in error handling.
def api_fetch(url)
JSON.parse HTTParty.get(url).response.body
Please help
The below should work. It will check if the method returns nil when you call it.
def api_fetch(url)
JSON.parse HTTParty.get(url).response.body

How do I make a uber-simple API wrapper in Ruby?

I'm trying to use a super simple API from is.gd:
Which returns a response header "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" if the URL was shortened as expected, or "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error" if there was any problem that prevented this. Assuming the request was successful, the body of the response will contain only the new shortened URL
I don't even know where to begin or if there are any available ruby methods to make sending and receiving of these API requests frictionless. I basically want to assign the response (the shortened url) to a ruby object.
How would you do this? Thanks in advance.
Super simple:
require 'open-uri'
def shorten(url)
open-uri is part of the Ruby standard library and (among other things) makes it possible to do HTTP requests using the open method (which usually opens files). open returns an IO, and calling read on the IO returns the body. open-uri will throw an exception if the server returns a 500 error, and in this case I'm catching the exception and return nil, but if you want you can let the exception bubble up to the caller, or raise another exception.
Oh, and you would use it like this:
url = "http://www.example.com"
puts "The short version of #{url} is #{shorten(url)}"
I know you already got an answer you accepted, but I still want to mention httparty because I've made very good experiences wrapping APIs (Delicious and Github) with it.
