Doubts in configuration of SQOOP - sqoop

I have configured SQOOP on my PC. But I am facing some problem that,
when I go for bin/sqoop I get some error as:
Exception in thread "main"
at com.cloudera.sqoop.tool.SqoopTool.loadPlugins(
at com.cloudera.sqoop.Sqoop.runTool(
at com.cloudera.sqoop.Sqoop.runTool(
at com.cloudera.sqoop.Sqoop.main(
What could be the problem? I have also set the path of $HBASE_HOME and $ZOOKEEPER_HOME.
Please suggest me how can we do it.

I am giving you the steps as I configured on my terminal.
Downloaded sqoop-1.3.0-cdh3u1 from the Cloudera archive.
Download mysql-connector-java-5.0.8 and copy the mysql-connector-java-5.0.8.jar file to lib and bin directory of sqoop (for sqoop and mysql connection)
Copy all jars from lib to bin (optional)
Add 2 lines in .bash_profile file
export SQOOP_HOME=/home/hadoop/Desktop/Cloudera/sqoop-1.3.0-cdh3u1
Save it and just type sqoop help on terminal
It worked on my terminal. Post me the steps you followed .

Maybe this helps:
Try to downgrade to a different version of Sqoop.


HDP 2.2 Sandbox Could not find SQOOP directory

I was following the tutorial
I am unable to find the /usr/lib/sqoop/lib.
I could see Sqoop running in the sandbox. Just not able to find the folder to drop the drivers.
Where else I could place the jdbc driver? Also where is the installation directory for sqoop?
It's in /usr/hdp/
run below command at sandbox root to locate sqoop
find . / "sqoop"

Sqoop import cannot locate needed JDBC file

Ok, someone has already asked this question once, but it seems that didn't help, so here is my question.
I've got Hadoop 2.5.1 installed on my Cent OS 7 machine. It's set up to run in a pseudo distributed mode. I ran few MapReduce sample jobs - so assume that all the configuration is fine.
I've downloaded Sqoop 1.4.5. And installed MySql database (MariaDB) and created the needed table.
NOW. I'm running the following command:
bin/sqoop export --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/sqoopdb \
--table sqooptable --export-dir /user/dennis \
--fields-terminated-by '\t' --username root --password ***
It returns the following error message:
14/11/12 06:11:54 ERROR tool.ExportTool: Encountered IOException
running export job: File does not
The file mentioned in the error doest exist in the local file system, moreover I've given it chmod 777 - just so that everyone was able to access it.
Any ideas anyone please?
The way i understand it - it looks for the mentioned file somewhere in hdfs whereas it is located in the local file system.
I've made it work. It is definitely the worst solution possible - but noone had offered me anything better. I've created the folder structure in the HDFS and copied the bloody JAR there. Now you can judge me :) The same thing written on my blog

hbase installation on single node

i have installed hadoop single node on ubuntu 12.04. Now I am trying to install hbase over it (version 0.94.18). But i get the following errors(even though i have extracted it in the /usr/local/hbase):
Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.HBaseConfTool
Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.ZKServerTool
starting master, logging to /usr/lib/hbase/hbase-0.94.8/logs/hbase-hduser-master-ubuntu.out
nice: /usr/lib/hbase/hbase-0.94.8/bin/hbase: No such file or directory
cat: /usr/lib/hbase/hbase-0.94.8/conf/regionservers: No such file or directory
To resolve This Error
Download binary version of hbase
Edit conf file and hbase-site.xml
Set Up Hbase Home Directory
Start hbase By -
Explanation To above Error:
Could not find or load main class your downloaded version does not have required jar
Hi can you tell when it is coming this error.
I think you gave environment set wrong
You should enter bellow command:
export HBASE_HOME="/usr/lib/hbase/hbase-0.94.18"
Then try hbase it will work.
If you want shell script you can download this lik ::
It have hadoop, hive, hbase, pig.
It is not recommended to run hbase from the source distribution directly instead you have to download the binary distribution as they have mentioned in their official site, follow the same instructions and you will get it up.
You could try installing the version 0.94.27
Download it from : h-base 0.94.27 dowload
This one worked for me.
Follow the instruction specified in :
Hbase installation guide
sed "s/<\/configuration>/<property>\n<name>hbase.rootdir<\/name>\n<value>hdfs:\/\/'$c':54310\/hbase<\/value>\n<\/property>\n<property>\n<name>hbase.cluster.distributed<\/name>\n<value>true<\/value>\n<\/property>\n<property>\n<name><\/name>\n<value>2181<\/value>\n<\/property>\n<property>\n<name>hbase.zookeeper.quorum<\/name>\n<value>'$c'<\/value>\n<\/property>\n<\/configuration>/g" -i.bak hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml
sed 's/localhost/'$c'/g' hbase/conf/regionservers -i
sed 's/#\ export\ HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=true/export\ HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=true/g' hbase/conf/ -i
Yes just type this tree commands and you need change replace $c to your hostname.
Then try it will work.

Hadoop issue with Sqoop installation

I have Hadoop(pseudo distributed mode), Hive, sqoop and mysql installed in my local machine.
But when I am trying to run sqoop Its giving me the following error
Error: /usr/lib/hadoop does not exist!
Please set $HADOOP_COMMON_HOME to the root of your Hadoop installation.
Then I set the file with all the information. Beneath is the snapshot of the file.
Even after providing the hadoop hive path I face the same error.
I've installed
hadoop in /home/hduser/hadoop version 1.0.3
hive in /home/hduser/hive version 0.11.0
sqoop in /home/hduser/sqoop version 1.4.4
and mysql connector jar java-5.1.29
Could anybody please throw some light on what is going wrong is a template, meaning it doesn't by itself get sourced by the configurator. If you want it to have a custom conf and load it, make a copy as $SQOOP_HOME/conf/
Note: here is the relevant excerpt from bin/configure-sqoop for version 1.4.4:
if [ -f "${SQOOP_CONF_DIR}/" ]; then

Error in Pig: Cannot locate pig-withouthadoop.jar. do 'ant jar-withouthadoop', and try again

I am trying to Start Pig-0.12.0 on MAC after I Installed Pig from Apache website.
Before I start Pig shell, I copied below 4 lines after creating file in conf Directory.
Export JAVA_HOME=/usr
Export PIG_HOME=/Users/Hadoop_Cluster/pig-0.12.0
Export HADOOP_HOME=Users/Hadoop_Cluster/hadoop-1.2.1
Also, Added below text in file:
I copied core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml and mapped-site.xml file from
Hadoop_home/conf to pig_home/conf
I Get below Error when starting Pig in Command line under bin directory of Pig. Error says:
Cannot locate pig-withouthadoop.jar. do 'ant jar-withouthadoop', and Try again
If it is not there copy pig-0.12.0-withouthadoop.jar (renamed or not, it shouldn't matter) to your $PIG_HOME, so in the end the file /Users/Hadoop_Cluster/pig-0.12.0/pig-0.12.0-withouthadoop.jar exists.
Also be careful about the lower case/upper case letters. Otherwise it should be fine.
Finally it works.
All I did is rename the file in conf directory to "pig-withouthadoop.jar" instead of pig-0.12.0-withouthadoop. Also I make sure the hadoop is not in safe mode.
I kept the same settings as below in file below and all the 3 hdp files are
copied to pig_home/conf directory.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr
export PIG_HOME=/Users/Hadoop_Cluster/pig-0.12.0
export HADOOP_HOME=/Users/Hadoop_Cluster/hadoop-1.2.1
I too got the same error. Solved by removing /bin in the home patch in .bashrc .. source in bashrc and start pig..
export PIG_HOME=/home/hadoop/pig-0.13.0/bin ==> wrong
export PIG_HOME=/home/hadoop/pig-0.13.0 ==> correct..
You need to follow as per the error generated :
Cannot locate pig-withouthadoop.jar. do 'ant jar-withouthadoop'
One needs to run the command ant jar-withouthadoop to get pig-withouthadoop.jar
if ant is not installed for ubuntu users try apt-get install ant.
The command ant jar-withouthadoop will take roughly 15 -20 mins, but one needs to be patient for getting this sorted.
I scratched my head all day.Kept looking for solutions on goggle none helped.
On extraction of the pig tar there is no jar that is created in the home directory.The above is to be followed to create the jar file and to run pig successfully.
I don't exactly know why this is done,but this is the solution that has worked for me with hadoop 1.2 [out of safe mode] and pig 0.12.1
The key is find
in your $pig_home.
so use
find / -name *withouthadoop*
you can find it. maybe
, you should rename it and cp to $pig_home. Worked for me
