Starting ColorBox slideshow using a link - jquery-plugins

I would like to have a page with both an image gallery and a slideshow. The slideshow should be started when I click the link, the normal ColorBox should be used when I click one of the images.
What I do now is group all the images with a rel. For the slideshow link I use the following code:
<a rel="slideshow" href="#">Display slideshow</a>
In the configuration for colorbox I define rel as the rel I use for the images. This works almost, the problem I have with this is that I get an extra empty page at the beginning.
How can I start a slideshow of an image gallery, using a text link?

I searched for how to do this for a long time, and finally found the answer on - where else - the F.A.Q for Colorbox. The example is worded a bit differently though so it wasn't as easy to find as you might think. Especially if you're asking question in these terms, like I was.
<div style="display:none;"> <!-- optionally hide this div -->
<a rel="gallery" href="/slideshow/one.jpg">Caption 1</a>
<a rel="gallery" href="/slideshow/two.jpg">Caption 2</a>
<a rel="gallery" href="/slideshow/three.jpg">Caption 3</a>
<a id="openGallery" href="#">Display slideshow</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
var $gallery = $("a[rel=gallery]").colorbox();


Fullpage.js wont scroll up after clicking on link href

Im using the lastest version of fullpage.js(4.0.10).
I cannot suceed to put it on jsfidle license error block me to use CDN
so I put a really simple part of code here give a copy past it locally will reproduce the problem(and of course link back the fullpage.js and the fullpage.css).
so everything work fine until i click to the "button>a href=here" to go to the slide #here
then I can't scroll up at all I have to scroll all the way down and scroll one more time down to then be able to scroll up upper than the slide id "#here"
I want to be able to after I fire a link to an id element to scroll up.
<button type="button">here</button>
<div class="section" id="section1">
<div class="slide" id="here"><h1>Simple Demo</h1></div>
<div class="slide"><h1>Only text</h1></div>
<div class="slide"><h1>And text</h1></div>
<div class="slide"><h1>And more text</h1></div>
<div class="section" id="section2">
<h1>No wraps, no extra markup</h1>
<div class="section" id="section3">
<h1>Just the simplest demo ever</h1>
code to run locally
The question has been answered here.
I paste:
You can use the anchors option to assign a different anchor to each section:
new fullpage('#fullpage', {
anchors: ['one', 'two', 'here', 'four'],
//your other options...
This way the #here anchor will be linked to the 3rd section.
The other option is just using the fullPage.js JS methods such as moveTo.
You can read more about anchors on the fullPage.js docs.

Photoset layout not working on tumblr

I am content with my current theme but the photosets are not laying out properly, they are the same width with my photos but say for instance i reblog a photoset with the photos side by side, it wont show up that way on my blog it will show up underneath each other and that is very frustrating since it makes the images blury.
This is my photoset html code. Is there anyway to correct this?
<div class="entry">
<div class="photosetbox">
<img src="{PhotoURL-HighRes}" class="highres">
<div class="photosett">
{block:NoteCount}{NoteCountWithLabel} • {/block:NoteCount}{12Hour}:{Minutes} {CapitalAmPm}
<div class="photoset_a">
Photoset Photos
Your current code specifies that you want each photo from photoset to rendered in the html as an img tag:
<img src="{PhotoURL-HighRes}" class="highres">
To render a photoset, you have two options. Either use the built in feature / theme operator. This will give you an iframe with a photoset prebuilt inside it:
Or use a plugin to take your current code and turn it into a photoset.
Tumblr Theme Operators - Photosets
Photoset Grid jQuery Plugin

Load sharing widget via ajax into a lightbox and share the lightbox content

I've got a gallery of images, and I'd like users to be able to share those images to their social network.
When a thumbnail is clicked, an lightbox opens using colorbox, and ajax's in the images main view /images/view/<id> rendered as HTML, with an AddThis widget beneath it.
However I'm finding that because I'm loading the widget in using an ajax query there is obviously no event handler for it to catch and load it's bits. It's also, quite rightly, sharing the main url, seeing as it's been loaded in a lightbox.
Is there any way to overwrite this functionality or another sharing widget which will allow this kind of functionality? Or do I need to create my own sharing widget?
I have found a solution to this problem now, although it is more of a hack then anything else.
The basic principle is that you need to reinitialise the widget every time you load it back in.
The simple premise is that you include a ?domready=1 when loading the javascript.
<script type="text/javascript" src="*Your pubid*/"></script>
Then when you complete loading your ajax, you need to run,
window.addthis.ost = 0;
Which will reinitialise the widget. My code is thus. I cheated, and attached it to the global ajax handler, because of my php framework </aside>
$('.content').ajaxComplete(function(event, request, settings){
// We need to reinitialise the addthis box every time we ajax a lightbox in
// Apologies for using regex to read html when javascript can parse html!
window.addthis.ost = 0;
Once you've done this, the addThis widget will now load properly. Onto the second problem, of specifying the lightbox content as the sharing item.
This was much simpler, in that you can add the url into the button element. So you end up with widget markup like the following.
<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style ">
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_1" addthis:url="<?php echo $image['Image']['id'];?>" addthis:title="My example title"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_2" addthis:url="<?php echo $image['Image']['id'];?>" addthis:title="My example title"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_3" addthis:url="<?php echo $image['Image']['id'];?>" addthis:title="My example title"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_preferred_4" addthis:url="<?php echo $image['Image']['id'];?>" addthis:title="My example title"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_compact" addthis:url="<?php echo $image['Image']['id'];?>" addthis:title="My example title"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src="*Your pubid*/"></script>
<!-- AddThis Button END -->

JQ Touch and AJAX

I am a little new to this so apologies if I am a little vaugue but I will do my best.
I am attempting to create an iphone friendly version of a site using JQtouch. I understand that normally this would be done all in one HTML file with pages seperated by DIV's. However, I am wanting to load the content from exisitng pages of a website.
The next part to the problem is that my iphone.html page does not sit in the same directory as my current website, so the normal behaviour of JQtouch doesnt seem to work.
So far I have set up a page as follows:
<div id="home">
<div class="toolbar">
<ul class="rounded">
<li class="arrow"> HOME</li>
<li class="arrow"> ABOUT US</li>
<li class="arrow"> GNWR</li>
<li class="arrow"> GNER</li>
<li class="arrow"> NEWS</li>
<li class="arrow"> FAQS</li>
<li class="arrow"> CONTACT</li>
<div id="content"></div>
<div id="about"></div>
<div id="journal"></div>
<div id="faqs"></div>
<div id="contact"></div>
I then have :
$('#content').load('' + ' #content');
$('#about').load('' + ' #content');
This loads the content I am after and the page animations work fine. The only problem is that a couple of links exist in the content I am loading and when clicked they obviously dont work.
Is there a way I can check the href of a link when clicked and if it points to change it to point to #about and force it to navigate there?
Hope this makes sense if you need more info let me know.
You are asking quite a few questions inside a single question... You should really break them up into several questions. It's easier for people to answer. Anyways, I'll give it a shot.
First of all, you don't have to have all contents in one html; you can load contents via AJAX. See the AJAX > "GET Example" in this demo, as well as the page content loaded via AJAX.
As far as I know, the pages you want to load do not have to be in the same directory structure. The pages you want to load via AJAX need to contain a valid jQTouch page, i.e. the whole page is enclosed in a <div>.
Is there a way I can check the href of
a link when clicked and if it points
to change it to
point to #about and force it to
navigate there?
If I understand you correctly, you essentially want to replace all the links to with #about. This has to be done with jQuery:
$('a[href=""]').attr('href', '#about');
You may want to do that when each page loads:
$('body>div').bind('pageAnimationEnd', function(event, info){
$('a[href=""]').attr('href', '#about');

Pull DIV from separate page and update DIV in current page

I've got a simple one but haven't been able to find an example of a solution that fits exactly what I'm asking. Sorry in advance if this is a repeat.
From my navigation menu, I want each link to reference a specific DIV in a separate page and then pull that DIV and replace the content in the current page.
..and so on
Elsewhere in the page:
<div id="displayContent">Content refreshes onClick. Previous content fades out, fresh content fades in.</div>
Separate page (content.php):
<div id="about">About content</div>
<div id="contact">Contact content</div>
Agree with brhea, a question is a bit unclear.
If I understood well you're looking for something like this?
(click car names to see it in action)
OR with jQuery like this:
