Using MonoTouch 5, my images are not displayed in Interface builder - xcode

I'm using MonoTouch 5 and I'm trying to use images from my MonoTouch project in Interface Builder. The images are available in IB and I'm able to drag them on the view, everything looks good in IB. When I run my monotouch project, I don't see any images.

I think the issue might be that when you make the reference to the image in IB, it will save that reference as 'myImage.png' even if the image you have is stored in 'Images/myImage.png' so when it comes to find the image in the root of your application, it is not there.
It might be worth filing this as a bug to see what we can do to get this fixed. Does moving your images from a folder into the root solve this issue?


Localizing storyboard Launchscreen

Is it possible to localize the Launchscreen in storyboard?
I have an image for English and for French, I need to localize them in Launchscreen.
Please this is important to solve this issue by any means.
If there is any tips or trick, please let me know...
#Martin R This topic is not duplicate, you are refereing a solution of older xcode.
Older xcode we used to use Default.png, but newer xcode we use LaunchScreen.storyboard.
How can we localize the LaunchScreen.storyboard if I have two images of 2 different languages?
I had the same problem, I find all the documents has not found the contents of the localization of Launchscreen.
Here my situation:
The document of Launch screen (Launch Screen) suggest using static images:
Avoid including text on your launch screen. Because launch screens are
static, any displayed text won’t be localised.
It’s best to use an Xcode storyboard for your launch screen, but you can provide a set of static images if necessary. Create static
images in different sizes for different devices, and be sure to
include the status bar region.
It does not say whether the picture can be localized,so I localised the launch image resources like this: Launch image multiple language. But I failed like this Can't get correct localized launch images on IOS 9.
It's launch images can't be localized: Localized launch images were never officially supported?

Xamarin - how to center a launch screen image (iOS)?

I'm using Xamarin for Visual Studio, and am getting frustrated trying to do what I would think should be a very simple thing: creating a launch (splash) screen for iOS, that has a single image that is centered on the screen (vertically and horizontally centered).
I'm creating it the recommended way, using a storyboard (other methods, like using an assets catalog, are considered deprecated as of iOS 9). In the storyboard, I have a View Controller, which contains a View, which contains an Image View. In the Properties pane, I've tried messing with the Mode (in Widget tab), and I've tried playing around with contstraints - which I think might be the key, but it is difficult to understand how it all works together.
You need to add the Splash screen in the applications properties (Launch Images). You need to create the image and upload it via that section. I couldn't find anything saying that the use of Asset catalogues are depreciated.

Not seeing my view in simulator using XCode 4.2

I have downloaded Xcode 4.2 and I'm having problems viewing my project in the simulator. I'm getting a blank whit view when I run the simulator. I'm using a single view application. I created a interface .h, .m, .xib... I have connected all actions and outlets and saved everything. My thoughts are that I have overlooked something simple. again, I just started using Xcode 4.2 today. Help!
I am assuming you are not doing this
if((self = [super initWithNibName:#"MyClass" bundle:nil])) {
// do stuff here
This isn't enough information to tell what's wrong with your code.
That said, if create new project in XCode using the "Single View Application" template you can see how everything is hooked up and you may be solve your problem with a 'how is mine different?' comparison.
If that fails... post some code and we might be able to see the issue.
Edit: From your screenshot it looks like you are mixing storyboards and XIBs. If you are using storyboards, then you won't see .xib files. They are inside your storyboard. You can click on the storyboard file and edit the first XIB which loads when your app runs as well as create new ones. You can still do things the "old" way by just unchecking storyboards when you first create the app. On a side note, it is possible to mix storyboards and straight XIBs, but I don't think that's what you were going for.
At a guess, you created a project with storyboards, then added a XIB manually and you get a blank XIB. Try clicking on the storyboard and modifying the XIB in there. I bet they will show up when you run your app.

#2x images do not display in XCode4 interface builder designer

I'm trying to design a xib using XCode4, but when I put down an image view that displays an #2x image xcode doesn't preview it correctly (it displays a missing image icon).
It works correctly when the app is run though.
As an example: I add a UIImageView to my view and set the image property to test.png.
In my project I add a file named test#2x.png.
In XCode 3.2 this image would have correctly displayed in IB, and the #2x version would have automatically half-sized on non-retina devices.
However in IB in XCode4 the image does not display.
Is anyone else experiencing this? If they are, it's a pretty massive issue.
Why not just add both images? AFAIK UIImage isn’t guaranteed to work like that.
I always use both sizes, having the #2x ones first, and unretining them using the free app unretiner from app store, and drop both sizes to the project. When referring to an image, instead of writing test.png or test#2x.png, I write test and xCode finds sizes to the corresponding devices, but YES! in IB, the image won't be displayed in this way, just a question marked blue screen; but that works fine when running the app.

Interface Builder UIImageView not showing image, only black screen

I have a UIView in Interface Builder and set up different UIImageViews for the background images that I want displayed that are not going to move at all (thus I didn't think I needed IBOutlets for them).
However, when the view is loaded on the iPad, it shows a black screen, and none of the images are shown.
Does something need to be set in Interface Builder to show the images?
When you add the image to the Resources folder, you have to make sure that you check the correct target. In your case check the iPad target. I hope this works for you.
You do need to use IBOutlets to do this
I had a similar bug while using cocoa pods. The pod included a Default.png file that was being selected in interface builder over the file with the same name in the regular project.
