Spring framework version with Spring Data Neo4j - spring

Is there a version matrix for Spring framework core with Spring Data Neo4j?
I am looking for the (least) version of Spring framework core that is compatible (should be used) with Spring Data Neo4j 2.0.0.

If you use maven, and add just spring-data-neo4j, it will fetch all dependencies automatically. Even if you don't use maven, you can check the declared dependencies. From what I see in the pom file, it doesn't declare a specific version, which means it should be compatible with the latest version.


How do I find out if a component is compatible with the current version of Spring

For a given spring version how do I find out which if the latest version of a component is supported or not,For example-if we are using spring boot (v1.5.8.RELEASE) ,how do I know if that spring version supports the latest version of a component say netty-all (4.1.63.Final) or the spring boot version does not support it and needs a spring version upgrade
I guess you put the version into your POM and run your tests. Then you'll see.

Backward compatibility of Springboot 2.3.4

I am using spring boot 2.0.4 for a project, and need to upgrade the mongo driver to version 4.1.
I understand that springboot 2.3.4 upgrades (here) MongoDB to version 4.1, but it doesn't clearly says if it is MongoDB version or MongoDriver.
Seems like springboot v2.3.4 is not backward compatible and my project starts failing build for missing class ChannelAwareMessageListener.
Trying to find the class path for this class, and how can I make it backward compatible with minimum changes. Otherwise, I would have to exclude the Mongo driver from Springboot mongo starter and add it as a separate dependency, which defeats the spring boot dependency version management goal.

Can GraphQL server be built with Spring Boot version less than 2.x?

I am adding GraphQL schema wiring to my legacy microservices. I want to embed the wiring inside each of the spring boot services; The challenge I am running into is my project's Spring boot version is 1.4.5 RELEASE and moving it up to 2.x runs into others issues and would be ideal if I can get a basic graphql schema wiring done without updating version to 2.x. I see from documentation that minimal Spring boot version needed is 2.2.x in articles like this:
According to the gradle build file for the graphql-java-spring library (https://github.com/graphql-java/graphql-java-spring/blob/master/build.gradle) the oldest supported Spring versions are:
springVersion = "5.1.2.RELEASE"
springBootVersion = "2.1.0.RELEASE"
You can try to compile it with an earlier spring boot version, but there is probably a lot of work to do.

Which version of Spring Data MongoDB is compatible with Spring 3.2.2.RELEASE?

I am currently using mongo-java-driver 3.0.1. I am trying to use Spring Data Mongodb with Spring 3.2.2.RELEASE. Is there any way i can find out which version of Spring Data MongoDB should i use, in order to be compatible with Spring 3.2.2.RELEASE? Some kind of compatibility matrix.
Try define your spring data mongodb dependency at the last of the dependency tree in your pom
You can check the compiled dependencies of Spring Data Mongodb.
Here are the most compatible options for Spring 3.2.2.RELEASE:
spring-data-mongodb 1.5.6.RELEASE depends on spring-core 3.2.22.RELEASE
spring-data-mongodb 1.4.3.RELEASE depends on spring-core 3.2.8.RELEASE

struts 2 spring plugin - spring version

When using the spring plugin for struts 2, is it possible to use the latest version of spring or are you stuck with the version referenced in the plugin? For example in my project I am using struts and its spring plugin automatically uses spring 3.0.5 . So if I add spring 4.1 to my pom as a dependency then there are multiple versions of spring added to the classpath.
You shouldn't have more than one Spring library in your classpath - disaster will be bound to happen. I guess you can either exclude the spring dependency in that plugin or set its version to the one you want.
The main problem with this approach is moving between major versions (3.x to 4.x) - if Spring is respecting Semantic Versioning incompatibilities will exist between the two versions and it is possible (or likely) that struts2-spring-plugin is using something that changed.
Edit: Comment below reports successful usage of struts2-spring-plugin and Spring4.
