blend 4 code behind - expression-blend

I am designing a template in belnd 4. I am new to .net and blend. I am trying to link a click event to the button but when I go tp properties and click the Events, I get this
The document item has no code-behind file. Add a code-behind file and a class before adding event handlers
I will appreciate help

I think you are trying to add an event handler for a button which is inside a ResourceDictionary file. A ResourceDictionary is just for storing control's styles. You can only do that in a UserControl or Page.


How to show Menu in MasterDetail Page when using Prism and Custom Title bar

I am completely new to Xamarin.
I am working on a project where Prism framework is used for navigation (my first xamarin project) The requirement needed a custom title bar. I have implemented it as detailed out in this tutorial
Now with prism navigation, how to show the masterdetail page menu i.e. set the IsPresented property of MasterPage to true when the user clicks the custom hamburger icon.
I have been reading about this for hours now and not able to understand any of the solutions mentioned nor are they working for me? Could someone please break it down for a complete beginner here?
Some links that I have referred so far
Just have a boolean property in your Master page's ViewModel, let's call it IsMenuPresented, then in your MasterPage XAML:
IsPresented="{Binding IsMenuPresented, Mode=TwoWay}">
If you want to be able to toggle the menu from code, you can either:
1) do something like
(App.Current.MainPage is MasterDetailPage mainPage).IsPresented = true;
2) Use Prism's Event Aggregator to subscribe to an event in the Master Page's ViewModel that will listen for a true/false value that gets published from some other ViewModel and set IsMenuPresented accordingly (thereby showing/hiding the menu).

MFC form designer

According to my understanding if I need design MFC form with button I have only one possibility - write everything in code editor. There is no designer. Except cases when I need design dialog form. I can use designer and generate resources for dialogs. But in case normal Frame there is possibility to drop buttons in designer window. Is that truth?
If you want to use a form as a main window, create your project with a CFormView as a base class. You can select that inside the new project wizard. Then you get a dialog resource for that view. It works just like a dialog.
Go to Resource view
Create a new dialog template
Double click the dialog template name
Once the dialog opens, the toolbox get enabled
You can drag&drop the controls to the form now

How to perform a page navigation action for a button which is in the Application.Resource?

I put several ApplicationBars in in the App.xaml because I want to display different ApplicationBar for different pivot pages. However, how do I perform an navigation action using the ApplicationBarIconButton? Because when I put the Navigation code in App.xaml.cs. Visual Studio gives me an error which says "An object reference is required for non-static field, method or property "System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationService.Navigate(System.Uri)".
Help please.
You can obtain the app's frame's NavigationService instance.
(Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame).Navigate();

Adding controls to a Property Sheet at runtime (without Dialog Templates)

As far as I can see, the way you normally create Property Sheets in Win32 (I am using the API, not MFC) programming is you have a bunch of dialog templates for each tab page, and you make the property sheet out of them. I have read about creating Dialog Templates 'in memory' but I would prefer not to do it this way. How do you add controls to a Property Sheet programatically at runtime, just like you can create a BUTTON and add it to a Window at runtime?
I suggest that you create a blank template and link that to your app. You can then create the property sheet with CreatePropertySheetPage and then add and remove controls to that property sheet as you please.
If you absolutely have to use a template built on the fly in memory, and you can't bring yourself to link a resource to your app, then you need the DLGTEMPLATE structure.

How to show XAML inside a Tab Control in Silverlight 4

I am wondering how to display a XAML page within a tab control that is part of another XAML page. Or, for that matter, if this is even possible. I want to be able to click a button on page1 and be able to view the page2 from within a tab control that is on page1.
Would this be something to be handled within a Frame control? Or something different? Or is there a better approach to this altogether?
I am programming in Silverlight-4.0, C#-4.0 from within Visual Studio 2010.
You could use the navigation framework, but that isn't really what you're asking. You want to know how to put the contents of one file into a tab, while the contents of another file are in the other tab.
A page in silverlight is simply a user control. You can put a usercontrol into the tab just like you would any other control. In order to use a local usercontrol in another xaml file, you'll need to do the following:
Add this to the root element of the page containing the tabs:
Then you can add this to add the control into the tab:
<local:usercontrolname name="mycontrol" someproperty="value" />
You can check the Silverlight Navgition Framework You can show "frames" inside your control. It also support deep linking, which is the killer feature here..
This is a very good intro - by Tim Heuer
