how to write finding output to same file using awk command - bash

awk '/^nameserver/ && !modif { printf("nameserver\n"); modif=1 } {print}' testfile.txt
It is displaying output but I want to write the output to same file. In my example testfile.txt.

Not possible per se. You need a second temporary file because you can't read and overwrite the same file. Something like:
awk '(PROGRAM)' testfile.txt > testfile.tmp && mv testfile.tmp testfile.txt
The mktemp program is useful for generating unique temporary file names.
There are some hacks for avoiding a temporary file, but they rely mostly on caching and read buffers and quickly get unstable for larger files.

Since GNU Awk 4.1.0, there is the "inplace" extension, so you can do:
$ gawk -i inplace '{ gsub(/foo/, "bar") }; { print }' file1 file2 file3
To keep a backup copy of original files, try this:
$ gawk -i inplace -v INPLACE_SUFFIX=.bak '{ gsub(/foo/, "bar") }
> { print }' file1 file2 file3
This can be used to simulate the GNU sed -i feature.
See: Enabling In-Place File Editing

Despite the fact that using a temp file is correct, I don't like it because :
you have to be sure not to erase another temp file (yes you can use mktemp - it's a pretty usefull tool)
you have to take care of deleting it (or moving it like thiton said) INCLUDING when your script crash or stop before the end (so deleting temp files at the end of the script is not that wise)
it generate IO on disk (ok not that much but we can make it lighter)
So my method to avoid temp file is simple:
my_output="$(awk '(PROGRAM)' source_file)"
echo "$my_output" > source_file
Note the use of double quotes either when grabbing the output from the awk command AND when using echo (if you don't, you won't have newlines).

Had to make an account when seeing 'awk' and 'not possible' in one sentence. Here is an awk-only solution without creating a temporary file:
awk '{a[b++]=$0} END {for(c=1;c<=b;c++)print a[c]>ARGV[1]}' file

You can also use sponge from moreutils.
For example
awk '!a[$0]++' file|sponge file
removes duplicate lines and
awk '{$2=10*$2}1' file|sponge file
multiplies the second column by 10.

Try to include statement in your awk file so that you can find the output in a new file. Here total is a calculated value.
print $total, total >> "new_file"

This inline writing worked for me. Redirect the output from print back to the original file.
echo "1" > test.txt
awk '{$1++; print> "test.txt"}' test.txt
cat test.txt
#$> 2


Combine multiple sed commands into one

I have a file example.txt, I want to delete and replace fields in it.
The following commands are good, but in a very messy way, unfortunately I'm a rookie to sed command.
The commands I used:
sed 's/\-I\.\.\/\.\.\/\.\.//\n/g' example.txt > example.txt1
sed 's/\-I/\n/g' example.txt1 > example.txt2
sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' > example.txt2 example.txt3
sed 's/\.\.\/\.\.\/\.\.//g' > example.txt3 example.txt
and then I'm deleting all the unnecessary files.
I'm trying to get the following result:
The file looks like this:
-I../../../Common/Component -I../../../Common/Component1 -I../../../Common/Component2 -I../../../Common/Component3 -I../../../Common/Component4 -I../../../Common/Component5 -I../../../Common/Component6 -IComp -IApp ../../../
I want to know how the best way to transform input format to output format standard text-processing tool with 1 call with sed tool or awk.
With your shown samples, please try following awk code. Written and tested in GNU awk.
awk -v RS='-I\\S+' 'RT{sub(/^-I.*Common\//,"Common/Components/",RT);sub(/^-I/,"",RT);print RT}' Input_file
output with samples will be as follows:
Explanation: Simple explanation would be, in GNU awk. Setting RS(record separator) as -I\\S+ -I till a space comes. In main awk program, check if RT is NOT NULL, substitute starting -I till Common with Common/Components/ in RT and then substitute starting -I with NULL in RT. Then printing RT here.
If you don't REALLY want the string /Components to be added in the middle of some output lines then this may be what you want, using any awk in any shell on every Unix box:
$ awk -v RS=' ' 'sub("^-I[./]*","")' file
That would fail if any of the paths in your input contained blanks but you don't show that as a possibility in your question so I assume it can't happen.
What about
sed -i 's/\-I\.\.\/\.\.\/\.\.//\n/g
s/\.\.\/\.\.\/\.\.//g' example.txt

Creating individual files from awk output

I am trying to use a script to create several files inside a directory but am struggling with creating separate files for the output from awk.
the awk command is as follows:
$ awk '{ if ($3>=20 && $3<==30 && $5=="Sequenced") print $6 }' ./foo.txt
This produces an example output of:
What I want to do is to create 3 files from this output that would be say cat.txt, dog.txt, mouse.txt inside a directory ./animals. I would appreciate any help I can get with this.
$ awk '{ if ($3>=20 && $3<==30 && $5=="Sequenced") print $6".txt" }' ./foo.txt|xargs touch
using xargs you can transfer your output to argument list to another command, for example touch. It will creates empty files (or updated modification time if file exists)
You have one extra = in $3<==30. Fixed below.
awk '$3>=20 && $3<=30 && $5=="Sequenced"{ #No need for if here
file="./animals/"$6".txt" #Build the file name
printf "">file #Creates the empty file
close(file)}' ./foo.txt #Close the stream
awk '$3>=20&&$3<=30&&$5=="Sequenced"{f="./animals/"$6".txt";printf "">f;close(f)}' ./foo.txt

Prevent awk from interpeting variable contents?

I'm attempting to parse a make -n output to make sure only the programs I want to call are being called. However, awk tries to interpret the contents of the output and run (?) it. Errors are something like awk: fatal: Cannot find file 'make'. I have gotten around this by saving the output as a temporary file and then reading that into awk. However, I'm sure there's a better way; any suggestions?
EDIT: I'm using the output later in my script and would like to avoid saving a file to increase speed if possible.
Here's what isn't working:
my_input=$(make -n file)
my_lines=$(echo $my_input | awk '/bin/ { print $1 }') #also tried printf and cat
Here's what works but obviously takes longer than it has to because of writing the file:
make -n file > temp
my_lines=$(awk '/bin/ { print $1 }' temp)
Many thanks for your help!
You can directly parse the output when it is generated by the following command and save the result in a file.
make -n file | grep bin > result.out
If you really want to go for an overkill awk solution, change your second line in the following way:
my_lines="$(awk '/bin/ { print }' temp)"

Removes duplicate lines from files recursively

I have a directory with bunch of csv files. I want to remove the duplicates lines from all the files.
I have tried awk solution but seems to be bit tedious to do it for each and every file.
awk '!x[$0]++' file.csv
Even if I will do
awk '!x[$0]++' *
I will lost the file names. Is there a way to remove duplicates from all the files using just one command or script.
Just to clarify
If there are 3 files in the directory, then the output should contain 3 files, each sorted independently. After running the command or script the same folder should contain 3 files each with unique entries.
for f in dir/*;
do awk '!a[$0]++' "$f" > "$f.uniq";
to overwrite the existing files change to: awk '!a[$0]++' "$f" > "$f.uniq" && mv "$f.uniq" "$f" after testing!
With GNU awk for "inplace" editing and automatic open/close management of output files:
awk -i inplace '!seen[FILENAME,$0]++' *.csv
This will create new files, with suffix .new, that have only unique lines:
gawk '!x[$0]++{print>(FILENAME".new")}' *.csv
How it works
This is a condition. It evaluates to true only the current line, $0, has not been seen before.
print >(FILENAME".new")
If the condition evaluates to true, then this print statement is executed. It writes the current line to a file whose name is the name of the current file, FILENAME, followed by the string .new.

How to modify a file by using awk?

awk '/<ul>/ {ul++} ul == 6 { getline } 1' /var/www/html/INFOSEC/english/test.html
if i run this line of code, the shell will not help me to modify the file, instead, it only output the result in the shell. Can any one help???thx
The simplest solution is to just send the output to a file; you might want to copy the file beforehand so you don't have to overwrite the file you're reading (which might otherwise lead to undesired behavior).
cp test.html test.html.orig
awk 'your awk script here' test.html.orig >test.html
# and then optionally remove the copy:
rm test.html.orig
