Vanishing NSTextField Text - cocoa

I have a custom view in a .xib file, which I use as the contentViewController for an MAAttachedWindow. The view has several NSTextFields in it.
When I open the MAAttachedWindow first time, everything is fine. Text shows up in all relevant text fields. Then, if I close the window (which sets it to nil) and then call it again (which reinitializes, using the same custom view as the contentViewController), the last firstResponder text field is now blank.
The strange thing is that if I click the "empty" text field, it shows the correct text. This can be edited, and behaves appropriately as long as this text field has focus. As soon as something else becomes firstResponder, the text vanishes again.
Changing the color did not change the aforementioned behavior.
The text color does not change at any time during this process.
Placeholder text also is subject to the aforementioned behavior.
No errors are occurring at any time during this process.
This does not happen to NSSecureTextFields.

I first encountered this problem about 5 years ago with accessory view of a NSSavePanel.
The solution that I've found was to move the first responder to the panel itself, before it's closed. Here's my exact method:
- (void)windowDidEndSheet:(NSNotification *)notification
NSSavePanel *savePanel = [(XSDocument *)[self document] savePanel];
if (!savePanel)
// this fixes a bug where on next opening one of accessory view's text field will be blank and behave strangely
[savePanel makeFirstResponder:savePanel];

Try changing color of textfield text to red color (or any other color) you may get what happens here.

I got it!
I simply needed to explicitly remove the viewController from its superview before closing (and subsequently deallocating) the MAAttachedWindow.

Try resigning all first responders before setting the window to nil.


Make NSWindow.isMovableByWindowBackground work with NSTextField

I have a Cocoa app that shows a "quick search" window similar to Spotlight. The window contains a visual effect view and inside a NSTextField. The text field stretches across the full width of the window.
I would like to be able to move the window by dragging inside the empty area of the text field. When dragging across text in the text field, the normal editing (i.e. selection) behavior should be used instead.
In theory, moving a window by its background is easy:
window.isMovableByWindowBackground = true
However, this behavior does not work with NSTextField, because it intercepts dragging and attempts to select text instead.
Spotlight does it somehow. Here's an example:
A couple of options that I considered without success:
Tried overriding hitTest: returning nil
Tried overriding mouseDown|Up|Dragging: and forwarding to superview
Tried to use autolayout to have text field shrink to tightly wrap around its text (could not figure this one out)
For reference, I finally found a way:
Part 1: get NSTextField to grow/shrink with its content
Override intrinsicContentSize and measure its content:
private func measure(_ string:NSAttributedString) -> NSSize
let cell = NSTextFieldCell(textCell: stringValue)
cell.attributedStringValue = string
return cell.cellSize
Part 2: view setup
Add a placeholder view right after the text field
Set up auto layout to have the placeholder view to grow and shrink
Part3: all about the details
Set up the placeholder view to use the iBeam cursor to make it appear like a text field
If the user clicks in the placeholder view, make the text field the first responder
That's it.

-[NSButton setImage:] only redraws the first time it's called

I'm working with a view-based NSTableView that uses a custom cell view with several controls in it. One of the controls is an image-only NSButton that either shows a checkmark image or no image at all. Additionally, when I mouse over one of these buttons that has no image, I would like a "faded" version of the checkmark image to be displayed while the mouse is inside the button.
I've gotten the code set up using NSTrackingArea to respond to -mouseEntered: and -mouseExited: events, calling -setImage: on the NSButton to show the faded checkmark while the mouse is inside the button, then set the image back to nil when the mouse exits.
As far as I can tell, all that code seems to be working as expected, but while the button will update and show the checkmark image the first time the mouse enters the view, then disappear when it exits, moving the mouse back over the button a second time does not cause the button to redraw for some reason, leaving it always blank after the first redraw no matter how many times the image gets set.
This is a summary of the relevant code:
- (void)refreshActiveButton
self.activeButton.image = self.activeImage;
- (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent *)theEvent
NSLog(#"mouse entered %#",;
self.mouseOverActiveButton = YES;
[self refreshActiveButton];
- (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent *)theEvent
NSLog(#"mouse exited %#",;
self.mouseOverActiveButton = NO;
[self refreshActiveButton];
- (NSImage*)activeImage
NSLog(#"returning new active image");
if (self.listItem.isActive)
return [NSImage imageNamed:#"checkmark16"];
else if (self.mouseOverActiveButton)
return fadedCheckmark;
return nil;
The button is set up in a .xib file as a "Momentary Push In" (I've also tried "Momentary Change" - same behavior) with no title displayed and no border.
Running in the debugger, I've been able to confirm that:
The -mouseEntered: and -mouseExited: methods do continue to get called when moving the mouse over the button, even when the display doesn't update.
The correct image is being assigned to the button, and is returned back from the button instance after being set. (either the fadedCheckmark image when the mouse is inside, or nil when the mouse is outside)
I tried calling -setNeedsDisplay:YES on the button after assigning the image, as well as setting a layerContentRedrawPolicy of NSViewLayerContentsRedrawOnSetNeedsDisplay (the entire table view is layer-backed) with no change in behavior. Edit: also tried disabling layer backing altogether, with no change.
I feel like there must be something obvious staring me in the face that I'm missing, but if anyone can clue me in, I'd appreciate it.
The short answer: it's a bug! I've filed it with Apple as radar 20774731, and on Open Radar at
The basic sequence is, if you set the button's image to something, then set it back to nil, all subsequent setImage: calls have no effect on the button, forever as far as I can tell. I did forget to mention in the original post that this is all on 10.10.3. I did find some interesting stuff when debugging though.
It appears that once you set an image on the NSButton, after an additional pass of the run loop, it gains an NSImageView as a subview, which is presumably doing the actual drawing of the image. Apple has said they are moving NSCell towards deprecation, so I guess this is the first step, with relieving NSButtonCell of the responsibility of actually drawing the image.
So, the first time you set the image, the image gets set correctly on both the NSButton and the NSImageView. When the image gets set back to nil, they both get their images set back to nil as well. However, when you set the image a second time, while the NSButton's own image property does return back the new image, the underlying NSImageView's image property remains nil. So that might explain why it's not drawing anything.
Ultimately what I ended up doing was using a plain NSImageView with a transparent NSButton right on top of it. I don't get the highlighting you get when you click on a button, but I can live with that.

Cocoa disabling a NSTextField

Ok, I am working on a Cocoa app and I cannot get the text field to disable when the "Default Source" button is clicked. The cursor by default is in this text field when the program starts. When I click the default source button, the text field is not disabled until I manually click on another field and thus remove the cursor from the source text field. How do I make the text field disable immediately even though the cursor is there? Even if the cursor isn't there, the text field won't disable until I move the cursor there, and then back to another field.
I don't yet have 10 reputation... here is the link to the picture:
Currently, this is the only line of code that is in the function that is called when you click "default source":
sourcePath.enabled = NO;
Try checking if your on the main thread before disabling by:
NSLog(#"is main thread: %d", [NSThread isMainThread]);
If your not, then you can:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
sourcePath.enabled = NO;
This code may be a little inaccurate as my background comes from iOS...

Remove Focus from UITextField

I'm trying to remove focus from a UITextField and even though I resign it from being first responder, I'm still not able to have the cursor not focus on the text field.
I don't have any other input on the view to move the focus to and I don't want to create a dummy one either. What is a good workaround for this?
As per the documentation.
To dismiss the keyboard, send the resignFirstResponder message to the text field that is currently the first responder. Doing so causes the text field object to end the current editing session (with the delegate object’s consent) and hide the keyboard.
If you call resignFirstResponder on your textfield then it will end the editing session and the cursor wont be focussing on that textfield.
So please verify one more time whether resignFirstResponder is getting called on that textfield which you want to remove the focus.
Please try to set your current class as delegate of your UITextField. I think you forget to set the delegate that's why it's not working as you are expecting.

Specify editing NSTextField inside NSPopover on appearance

I'm working on an app that presents an NSPopover containing a number of NSTextFields. While I can tab between these fields as I expect, the popover is selecting a particular text field to be in the editing state when it appears, and it's not the field I want to edit; I'd like to be able to define which text field is editing on popover appearance programmatically (or in Interface Builder). How can I do this?
I've set up the appropriate key view loop by connecting IB outlets for all the various text fields involved, and I've hooked up the popover's nextResponder property to the text field I want to edit first, but that doesn't seem to have an effect - the popover will still select its preferred text field instead of mine. The Window Programming Guide suggests that I set the initialFirstResponder outlet of the window to the view I want selected, but an NSPopover is not an NSWindow and has no initialFirstResponder property (unless I'm missing something obvious).
Is there any way to specify which NSTextField I want to be editing when an NSPopover appears?
I think you said you tried using -makeFirstResponder: and passing the text field. This will set the window's firstResponder, but that's not the same as initialFirstResponder and the window must have initialFirstResponder set to something other than nil in order to respect the key view loop. (Source) A slight tweak to what you tried worked for me:
- (void)popoverWillShow:(NSNotification *)notification
// Set the window's initialFirstResponder so that the key view loop isn't auto-recalculated.
[[myField window] setInitialFirstResponder:myField];
I think you can make this work by setting all the text field's that you don't want to have focus to "selectable" instead of "Editable" in IB, this should leave the one text field you want to start with as the first responder. Then, in your popoverDidShow: method, set them all back to editable, and you should be able to tab between them as usual.
