Hidden/invisible Ajax request? - ajax

Is it possible to write and create a JavaScript Ajax request witch cannot be catched by the Firebug plugin in Firefox?
I'm asking this because I can see on Facebook that there are no Ajax request going on, but still when I sent a message from another Account, the message box on the top will add the "1 unread message" indicator... How's even this possible to achive?

Firebug logs "standard" AJAX requests to the Console panel; these are requests initiated using ActiveX/XHR.
Other types of requests are happening, though - CSS loading, images, javascript, etc. These requests are logged in Firebug's Net panel. Note also that requests logged in Console also appear in Net.
JSONP is a cross-domain method of AJAX in which a <script> tag is added to the page. When the request completes, the loaded contents of the script tag are parsed as JSON. The reason this works is that you are "tricking" your browser into treating the request as a request for a javascript resource rather than an AJAX request, thus skirting cross-browser security restrictions.
Putting this all together, JSONP requests (as well as all other types of requests, listed here as well as all <iframe> requests) are logged on the Net panel rather than in the Console panel. This isn't a bug or a problem; understanding the way JSONP works it is logical that the request would only appear in Net.

When using jsonp as your data type your calls do not show up in Firebug.


Is a HTTP GET the same thing as an AJAX call?

This is something I was wondering, but could not get a definitive answer elsewhere.
Is a http get request asynchronous?
If they're different, are there any major differences?
Not looking for opinions, just definitive answers.
Googling has just repeatedly led me to examples of one or the other.
HTTP is the most common protocol used to transfer data on the web. It's what the browser users on port 80 for all websites. Pages, AJAX, etc.
GET is a particular "verb" used in an HTTP request. A GET request is usually distinct in that it doesn't have a request body and it doesn't expect to modify anything on the server, simply "get" data.
AJAX requests are essentially HTTP requests made from JavaScript code, rather than from navigation in the browser. They may be GET requests, or they may be other kinds of HTTP requests. Structurally they're no different from any other HTTP request made by the browser, they're just made from code instead of the browser's UI.
There is overlap between these three terms, because they're not mutually exclusive versions of the same thing. They're apples and oranges, really. HTTP isn't different from the other two, it would be different from something like FTP. GET isn't different from the other two, it would be different from something like POST.
You can see a lot of this in action by taking a look at your browser's debugging tools. Visiting any reasonably active page (such as Stack Overflow, for example) will show you a number of requests being made and the server's responses to those requests. As you interact with a page which uses AJAX, watch those requests in the debugging tools and see how they're structured. Load a page or two by navigation and see how those requests are structured.
There's not much to it, really. It's all requests and responses, each of which is simply headers and content.
Ajax used so web applications can send data to and retrieve from a server asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page.
HTTP GET or HTTP POST are method in the HTTP Protocol, which are a way to send and receive the data.
While Ajax is the Car, HTTP Protocol is the Driving laws.
Few examples of everyday surfing using Ajax:
Facebook Feed - When scrolling to the bottom of Facebook a Loader circle appears that loads a more prior updates on your wall, this is happening without surfing to another page, but rather retrieving it while still on the same page.
Google Omnibox Prediction - When typing part of the text in the Omnibox, google will suggest you the completion of your text while you're still typing.
First try to get through : GET vs POST.
An ajax call can be GET or POST or PUT or any other.
To differentiate between ajax GET & normal HTTP GET.
Ajax GET seems asynchronous by as the request is sent using another thread by the browser.
Ajax GET request has additional X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest.
GET Request is captured by browser history, whilw Ajax GET does not get captured.

Getting the page URL where an AJAX call originated from

Many (probably the majority) of AJAX calls are done by a browser on a webpage and that webpage has a URL. Is it possible for a webserver to that's receiving the AJAX request to determine the URL of the webpage where the AJAX call was made? I assume there isn't a standard that requires this data in the headers, but perhaps some browsers include that info? Obviously this doesn't apply if the AJAX call was made from a phone app or other application without a URL.
Very generically (though unreliable), check incoming request headers for Referer. That should give you information about the source page.
Just keep in mind it can be spoofed, absent, etc. and shouldn't be considered bullet-proof (though it doesn't sound like you need it to be anyways).

AJAX inside IFRAME not working against same server

I'm using a website, abc.com, that is hosting an iframe of a page on 123.com.
The page inside the iframe is doing an AJAX request to another page on 123.com, but we're seeing that the request is getting cancelled.
Unless I'm wrong — and I haven't found any official information on the internet about this — the call should work fine as it is not a cross-domain request.
Would the fact that the parent frame is on a different domain really hinder the iframe from doing AJAX requests to its own server?
The IFRAME should be able to make an ajax request to its own originating site (same source URL). However, make sure the REQUEST event is FIRED from the IFRAME, not the parent.
My first guess would be you are loading the IFRAME and then addressing it (firing an event) via the parent (JS) to get it to do/get/set something which triggers an ajax call. In short, this is the mostly likely reason the IFRAME domain to same domain request is getting cancelled as it is still recognized by the browser as originating from outside the target domain code.
The REQUEST event needs to be organically generated from the user clicking on something in the IFRAME or from code in the IFRAME itself firing the event.
In other words: just because the IFRAME may have some ability to fire events/ajax in its JS/code to/from itself, it would normally still not be allowed to have the parent reference that ajax/JS directly via JS/code. The IFRAME has to already be coded to do it based on its load parameters (URL values, perhaps) or the user has to physically click/take action on something to create a user generated event on that domain.
Of course, this is going to vary a bit by browser and version on what you might be able coax in terms interactivity between the parent and iframe. But a strict, up-to-date browser will try to keep you from faking insecure interaction on the iFrame via js.
To get a better answer, you would need to provide more detail on exactly what you are doing/getting.

How to find whether Ajax request successfully send by Fire-bug add-on?

Please can some one explain me how to use Fire-bug add-on to check about whether Ajax request successfully send from our application ???
When you turn on Firebug, there's tab called 'Network' - there are shown all requests, especially ajax. The network tab allows you to filter requests and check request/response headers, status code, and message.
So, if you turn on Firebug and open Network tab (it's possible you'll have to enable tracking first, in that case it will show appropriate message), you will see if there was a request, where you expected it should be.
To see only ajax requests, check XHR on top bar, just under general tabs.
It will display in 'console' tab in firebug. i show you ajax call and request. it show ajax request like if ajax is successful then is gives 200 request and display the data or if the ajax request if fails is gives you a 301 request or some other request.

HTTP site with JSONP API over HTTPS?

Given all the coverage FireSheep has been getting, I have been trying to work out the best practices for balancing HTTP / HTTPS usage for some sites I manage (e.g. blogging sites, magazine sites with user contributed comments).
To me, its over kill to deliver all pages over HTTPS if the user is logged in. If a page is public (e.g. a blog) there is little point encrypting the public page. All I want to do is prevent session hijacking by sniffing cookies over HTTP channels.
So, one plan is:
Login form is over HTTPS
Issue two cookies: One cookie is 'public' and identifies there user for read only aspects (e.g. 'welcome bob!'). The second cookie is private and 'HTTPS only'. This is the cookie that is verified whenever the user makes a change (e.g. adds a comment, deletes a post).
This means that all 'changing' requests must be issued over HTTPS.
We use a lot of AJAX. Indeed, many comment forms use AJAX to post the content.
Obviously, I cant use AJAX directly to post content to a HTTPS backend from a HTTP frontend.
My question is: Can I use script injection (I think this is commonly called 'JSONP'?) to access the API? So in this case there would be a HTTP public page that sends data to the private backend by injecting a script accessed via HTTPS (so that the private cookie is visible in the request).
Can you have HTTPS content inside a HTTP page? I know you get warnings the other way around, but I figure that HTTPS inside HTTP is not a security breach.
Would that work? It seems to work in chrome and FF, but its IE that would be the party pooper!
Another way is to have an iframe which points to a https page that can make all kinds (GET, POST, PUT etc) of Ajax calls to the server over https (same domain as iframe is on https too). Once the response is back inside the iframe, you can post a message back to the main window using HTML5 postMessage API.
Pseudo code:
<iframe src="https://<hostname>/sslProxy">
MakeAjaxyCall('GET', 'https://<hostname>/endpoint', function (response) {
top.postMessage(response, domain);
This works in all modern browsers except IE <= 7 for which you'll have to either resort to JSONP or cross domain communication using Flash.
The problem with JSONP is that you can only use it for GETs.
Can you have HTTPS content inside a
HTTP page? I know you get warnings the
other way around, but I figure that
HTTPS inside HTTP is not a security
Including HTTPS content inside a regular HTTP page won't raise any alerts in any browser.
However, I don't think JSONP will help you out of this one. Using GETs to post content and modify data is a very bad idea, and prone to other attacks like CSFR
