Performance test against Web Service - performance

I am doing performance test against our site. The site exposes many Web services APIs. Our product has several workflows and each complete workflow is composed of calling more than one APIs.
I am wondering which of the following apporoaches is reasonable:
Test against each single API in a standalone way.
Test against each complete workflow which involves several APIs.
I think the latter one make more sense since it mimic the real scenario.
I'd like to hear your comments.

There are (as usual) pro's and cons of each approach. Personally I'd consider doing both, starting with the single API test.
The single API is probably the easiest to build, and it has the benefit of exactly pinpointing out where your performance issues are. It's also useful to so spot regressions in performance during development. If there are unit tests for the application consider using those instead. When there is a performance regression there usually also is a unit test which suddenly became slower.
Once you've done that you will still need to do the more complex tests. Firstly because you need to know if the performance of a certain flow is acceptable, but also because there can be unexpected interactions between different API's. Depending on you application there may be nasty concurrency issues, throughput bottlenecks etc. Make sure you run several flows concurrently, that's what happens in really live and it's only way to find issues related to locking in the database, I/O bottlenecks etc.
But before you start make sure you have a realistic idea of what the performance should be, how many concurrent users there will be and what the hardware requirements are. There is no limit to improving performance, so you have to decide what is good enough or you will never stop optimizing.


How to proceed for performance testing on an application which is not in production?

How to proceed with performing performance testing for an application that is not in production.
If the environment of the application under test is the same as it will be in production - the approach should not be different.
If the environment of the application under test is different, i.e. has less servers, the servers has less memory, etc. - in the absolute majority of cases you will not be able to calculate and predict the performance on more powerful hardware as there are too many factors to consider. You can inform the client about it right away.
However there are still some types of testing you can perform, i.e.:
You could run an integration test to check whether your application is configured for high load
You could run a scalability test to check whether and how does your application scale
You could run a soak test to check for possible memory leaks
You could use profiling tools to check bottlenecks in terms of code quality
You could identify slow DB queries and look for a way to optimise them
More information: Performance Testing in a Scaled Down Environment. Part Two: 5 Things You Can Test
If you meant how to judge on how much volume to test if application is not already in production, the answer is simple, you have to predict. The prediction can be based on survey, reports from your business analysts.
If none of the above are available. Just test how much your application can withstand in a test environment of similar configuration as production. This will give you an idea of when you need to start worrying while the application is live.

Measure performance of web application?

What are the best tools to test the performance of a (not deployed) application using Play framework? Things like, how long takes a request to execute, with different parameters, simulating a lot of requests (stress test), etc.
I'm searching a while but the problem is that the keyword "performance", "benchmarks" etc. lead me to pages about the performance of Play framework.
I thought maybe functional tests, could be used to measure performance (print difference between method start time and end...). But this doesn't look suitable for this kind of task.
I could just write a script, that triggers the requests, writes the timestamps to a log file... but maybe there's something finished, with extras, like e.g. charts, etc.
Any hint in the right direction greatly appreciated.
Iago is a load generation tool by Twitter written in Scala. Also, I've used the addon on Heroku to do performance testing. also has a non-heroku service that I have not used. Iago is probably your best bet for local testing of a non-public app.
A good example is a project used by Versal to choose their Scala stack for production.
The project is Scamper.

Best practice for end to end testing whole systems

End to end testing means exercising an application from the outer boundaries to verify its behavior. This far I've only done written tests for a single executable artifact. How should I test systems made up of multiple artifacts that is deployed on different hosts?
I see two alternatives.
The tests set up the whole system and exercise it from the very outer edges.
Each artifact is end to end tested in isolation, relying on the test content to enforce the protocol between them.
Is there a clear case for only adhering to one of these, or are one of them preferred, or are they interchangeable? If interchangeable, then what are some advantages and disadvantages between them?
Even though I think it depends on the context, I prefer the first alternative. Here are my random thoughts:
I like my tests to be as closely mapped to use cases as possible (BDD style) (with the disclaimer that I misuse the term use case). These use cases may span several applications and sub-systems.
Example: A back office administrator can view a transaction made by a user from the public interface.
Here, the back office admin interface and the public interface are different applications, but they are included in the same use case.
Mapping these thoughts to your problem where you have sub-systems deployed on different hosts, I would say it depends on how it is used, from the user/actor perspective. Do the use cases span several sub-systems?
Also, perhaps the fact that the system is deployed on several hosts isn't important to the tests. You could replace the inter-process communication with method calls in your tests and have the whole system within the same process during tests, reducing the complexity. Supplement this with tests that only verify the inter-process communication.
I realise that I forgot to include why I prefer to test the whole system.
Your asset is features, that is, behaviour, while the code is a liability. Therefore you'd like to test the behaviour, not the code (BDD style).
If you are testing each sub-system separately you are testing the code, not the features. Why? When you divided your system into sub-systems you did so based on some technical reasons. When you learn more you might discover that the chosen seam is sub-optimal and would like to move some responsibility from one sub-system to another. And you would have to modify test and production code at the same time, leaving you without a safety net. That's a typical symptom of testing implementation details.
That said, these kind of tests are too blunt to test everything. So you need to have complementary tests for details as well, where necessary.
Testing each artifact end-to-end separately would be highly desiderable in any case. This will ensure that every artifact is sound.
In addition, you might want to test a composition of artifacts. That would catch problems in the interactions between artifacts. I don't know about your situation, but one thing that is important to have is a test environment that is a copy of production. Testing the system in the test environment is a very good idea. You might also want to test the system in the production environment; this might be feasible or not. For instance, if your system processes credit card payments, you may want to avoid test payments on the production system.
In any case, testing each system separately is imho more important than testing the composition. Once you know that your artifacts are sound in isolation, catching interaction tests will be much easier. If you only have the end-to-end test of the whole system, it's much more difficult to understand where is the error when the tests fail.

design of mid-large sized application when doing TDD? [closed]

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I have a good grasp of unit testing, DI, mocks, and all the design principal goodness required to have as close to full code coverage as humanly possible (single responsibility principal, think 'how will i test this' as I code, etc...).
My most recent app, I did not code doing true TDD. I kept unit-testing in mind as I coded, and wrote my tests after writing the code, refactoring, etc.. I did TDD when it was 'easy' to do... however I did not have as good of a grasp as I do now... That was the first project I made full use of DI, mocking frameworks, etc, and the first which had full code coverage - and I learned a lot from it as I went along. I'm itching to get assigned to my next project so I can code it completely doing TDD from scratch.
I know this is a broad question, and I've already ordered TDD by example and XP Unleashed, but I'm hoping for a brief overview of how you all design / write a large application doing TDD.
Do you write the entire application, using nothing but stubbed out code? (e.g., write all the function signatures, interfaces, structures, and write the entire application but without writing any actual implementation)? I could picture it working on small-mid sized, but is this even possible on large applications?
If not, how the heck would you write your first unit test for the highest level function in your system? Lets say for example - on a web service where you have a function called DoSomethingComplicated(param1,...,param6) exposed to the world. Obviously, writing the test first for a simple function like AddNumbers() is trivial - but when the function is at the top of the call stack such as this?
Do you still do design up-front? Obviously you still want to do 'architecture' design - e.g., a flow chart showing IE talking to IIS which talks to a windows service via WCF which talks to the SQL Database... an ERD which shows all your SQL tables and their fields, etc... but what about class design? Interactions between the classes, etc? Do you design this up-front, or just keep writing stub code, refactoring the interactions as you go along, until the whole thing connects and looks like it will work?
Any advice is much appreciated
Do you do design up front?
Of course you do. You've got a big application in front of you. You've got to have some idea of the structure it will have before you start writing tests and code. You don't have to have it all worked out in detail, but you should have some basic idea of the layers, components, and interfaces. For example, if you are working on a web services system, you ought to know what the top level services are, and have a good first approximation of their signatures.
Do you write the entire application using nothing but stubbed out code?
No. You stub things out only if they are really difficult to control in a test. For example, I like to stub out the database, and the UI. I will also stub out third party interfaces. Sometimes I will stub out one of my own components if it vastly increases the test time, or it forces me to create test data that is too complicated. But most of the time I let my tests work on a pretty well integrated system.
I have to say I really dislike the style of testing that relies heavily on mocks and stubs. Don't get me wrong, I think mocks and stubs are very useful for decoupling from things that are hard to test. But I don't like writing things that are hard to test, and so I don't use a lot of mocks and stubs.
How do you write your first unit test for a high level function?
Most high level functions have degenerate behavior. For example, login is a pretty high level function and can be very complicated. But if you try to log in with no user name and no password, the response from the system is going to be pretty simple. Writing that tests will also be very simple. So you start with the degenerate cases. Once you have exhausted them, you move on to the next level of complexity. For example, what if a user tries to log in with a username but no password? Bit by bit you climb the ladder of complexity, never tackling the more complex aspects until the less complex aspects are all passing.
It is remarkable how well this strategy works. You might think that you'd just be climbing around the edges all the time and never getting to the meat; but that's not what happens. Instead you find yourself designing the internal structure of the code based on all the degenerate and exceptional cases. When you finally get around to the primary flow, you find that the structure of the code you are working on has a nice hole of just the right shape to plug the main flow in.
Please don't create your UI first.
UIs are misleading things. They make you focus on the wrong aspects of the system. Instead, imagine that your system must have many different UIs. Some will be web, some will be thick client, some will be pure text. Design your system to work properly irrespective of the UI. Get all the business rules working first, with all tests passing. Then plug the UI in later. I know this flies in the face of a lot of conventional wisdom, but I wouldn't do it any other way.
Please don't design the database first.
Databases are details. Save the details for later. Rather, design your system as though you had no idea what kind of database you were using, Keep any notion of schema, tables, rows, and columns out of the core of the system. Implement your business rules as though all the data were kept in memory all the time. Then add the database later, once you've gotten all the business rules working. Again, I know this flies in the face of some conventional wisdom, but coupling systems to databases too early is a source of a lot of badly warped designs.
Do I write the entire application, using nothing but stubbed out code?
No, not in the slightest sense - that sounds like a very wasteful approach. We must always keep in mind that the underlying reason for doing TDD is rapid feedback. An automated test suite can tell us if we broke anything much faster than a manual test can. If we wait wiring things together until the last moment, we don't get rapid feedback - while we may get rapid feedback from our unit tests, we wouldn't know if the application works as a whole. Unit tests are only one form of test we need to perform to verify the application.
A better approach is to start with the most important feature and work your way in from there, using an outside-in approach. This often means starting with some UI.
The way I do it is by creating the desired UI. Since we normally can't develop UI with TDD, I simply create the View with the technology of choice. No tests there, but I wire up the UI to some API (preferrably using declarative databinding), and that's when the testing begins.
In the beginning, I would then TDD my ViewModels/Presentation Models and corresponding Controllers, possibly hard-coding some responses to see that the UI works. As soon as I have something that doesn't explode when you run it, I check in the code (remember, many small incremental check-ins).
I subsequently work my way vertically down that feature and ensure that this particular piece of UI can go all the way to the data source (or whatever), ignoring all other features.
When the feature is done, I can start on the next feature. The way I picture this process is that I fill out the application by doing one vertical slice at a time until all features are done.
Kick-starting a greenfield app this way always takes extra long time for the first feature since this is where you have to wire up everything, so pick something simple (like the initial View of the app) to keep things as simple as possible. Once the first feature is done, the next ones become much easier because the foundations are now in place.
Do I still design up-front?
Not much, no. I normally have an overall design in mind before I start, and when I work in a team, we sketch this overall architecture on a whiteboard or a slide deck before we start.
This is more or less limited to
The number and names of layers (UI, Presentation Logic, Domain Model, Data Access, etc).
The technologies used (WPF, ASP.NET MVC, SQL Server, .NET 3.5 or whatnot)
How we structure production code and test code, and which test technologies we use
Quality requirements for the code (pair programming, static code analysis, coding standards, etc.)
The rest we figure out as we go, but we use many ad-hoc design sessions at the whiteboard as we go along.
+1 Good question
I truly don't know the answer, but I would start with building blocks of classes that I could test then build into the application, not with the top-level stuff. And yes I would have a rough up-front design of the interfaces, otherwise I think you would find those interfaces changing so often as you refactor that it would be a real hinderance.
TDD By Example won't help I don't think. IIRC it goes through a simple example. I am reading Roy Osherove's The Art of Unit Testing and while it seems to comprehensively cover tools and techniques like mocks and stubs, the example so far seem also pretty simple and I don't see that it tells you how to approach a large project.
Do you write the entire application, using nothing but stubbed out code?
To test our systems we mainly do unit, integration and remote services testing. In unit tests we stub out all long running, time consuming, and external services, i.e. database operations, web services connection or any connection to external services. This is to make sure that our tests are fast, independent and not relying on the response of any external service to provide us quick feedback. We have learnt this the hard way because we do have some tests that do database operations which makes it really slow that goes against the principle "Unit tests must be fast to run"
In integration tests, we test the database operations but still not the web services and external services because that can make the test brittle depending on their availability and we use autotest to run the tests in the background all the while we are coding.
However, to test any kind of remote services, we have tests that connect to the external services, do the operation on them and get the response. What matters to the test is their response and their end state if it is important for the test. The important thing here is, we keep these kind of tests in another directory called remote (that's a convention we created and follow) and these remote tests are only run by our CI (continuous integration) server when we merge any code to the master/trunk branch and push/commit it to the repo so that we know quickly if there has been any changes in those external services that can affect our application.
Do I still design up-front?
Yes but we don't do big design up front basically what uncle Bob (Robert C. Martin) said.
In addition, we get to the whiteboard before immersing ourself into coding and create some Class Collaboration Diagrams just to make it clear and sure that everyone in the team is on the same page and this also helps us to divide the work amongst the team members.

Performance testing scenarios required

What can be the various performance testing scenarios to be considered for a website with huge traffic? Is there any way to identify the elements of the code which are adversely affecting the site performance?
Please provide something similar to checklist of generalised scenarios to be tested to ensure proper performance testing.
It would be good to start with some load testing tools like JMeter or PushToTest and start running it against your web application. JMeter simulates HTTP traffic and loads the server that way. You can do that as well as load test AJAX parts of your application with PushToTest because it can use Selenium Scripts.
If you don't have the resources (computers to run load tests) you can always use a service like BrowserMob to run the scripts against a web accessible server.
It sounds like you need more of a test plan than a suggestion of tools to use. In performance testing, it is best to look at the users of the application -
How many will use the application on a light day? How many will use the app on a heavy day?
What type of users make up your user population?
What transactions will each of these user types perform?
Using this information, you can identify the major transactions and come up with different user levels (e.g. 10, 25, 50, 100) and percentages of user types (30% user A, 50% user B, ...) to test these transactions with. Time each of these transactions for each test you execute and examine how the transaction times change as compared to your user levels.
After gathering some metrics, since you should be able to narrow transactions to individual pieces of code, you will be able to know where to focus your code improvements. If you still need to narrow things down further, finer tests within each transaction can be created to provide more granular results.
Concurrency will kill you here, as you need to test your maximum projected concurrent users + wiggling room hitting the database, website, and any other web service simultaneously. It really depends on the technologies you're using, but if you have a large interaction of different web technologies, you may want to check out Neoload. I've had nothing but success with this web stress tool, and the support is top notch if you need to emulate specific, complicated behavior (such as mocking AMF traffic, or using responses from web pages to dictate request behavior.)
If you have a DB layer then this should be the initial focus of your attention, once the system is stable (i.e. no memory leaks or other resource issues). If the DB is not the bottle neck (or not relevant) then you need to correlate CPU/Memory/Disk IO and Network traffic with the increasing load and increasing response times. This gives you an idea of capacity and correlation (but not cause) to resource usage.
To find the cause of a given issue with resources you need to establish a Six Sigma style project where you define the problem and perform root case analysis in order to pin point the piece of code (or resource configuration) that is the bottleneck. Once you have done this a couple of times in your environment, you will notice patterns of workload, resource usage and counter measures (solutions) that will guide you in your future performance testing 'projects'.
To choose correct performance scenarios you need to go through the next basic checklist:
High priority scenarios from the business logic perspective. For example: login/order transactions, etc.
Mostly used scenarios by end users. Here you may need information from monitoring tools like NewRelic, etc.
Search / filtering functionality (if applicable) - Scenarios which involve different user roles/permissions
Performance test is a comparison test either with the previous release of the same application or with the existing players in the market.
Case 1- Existing application
1)Carry out the test for the same scenarios as covered before to get a clear picture on the response of the application before and after the upgrade.
2)If you need to dig deeper you can get back to the database team to understand which functionalities are getting more requests. Also ask them on the total number of requests on an average on any particular day so that you can take a call on what user load and time duration to be given for the test.
Case 2- New Application
1) Look for existing market players and design your test as per the critical functions of the rival product (for e.g. Gmail might support many functions what what is being used often is launch ->login ->compose mail -> inbox ->outbox).
2) Any time you can get back to your clients on what they suppose to be business critical scenarios or scenarios that will be used more often..
