Magento: images disappear when creating a new product - magento

I’m using Magento,.
When I want to create a new product, I can upload the images, but when I save the product, the images I uploaded are gone, as if I had never uploaded them…
I upgraded Magento from to and the products already loaded show their images fine.
Anyone knows whats going on?

You uploaded a product image, but did you set the Base Image,Small Image and Large Image radio buttons and saved for that uploaded image?

You must save configuration after uploading images, and also make sure that remove checkbox is unchecked when you save configuration.


Product image not displaying in product page(view.phtml)

Product image not displaying in product page of magento. Where as its showing in list and grid. It is due to an extension which i installed and uninstalled, since that the product image is not showing up, Even the view.phtml is not calling the media.phtml. Please any suggestions ...
You could replace view.phtml with your original file, which could could copy from the base template into your custom template
You may also need to delete any layout xml files installed by the module, incase it has made changes to the layout of the view page

Can't upload Images for my New Product in Magento

I have created my custom store view View1. And specified the image placeholder in the configuration settings.
Now while I add a new product all mandatory fields are filled. But when I add images
I get this error "Image type and information need to be specified for each store view."
Since I have added the placeholder image it appears as default but I want to add my own custom image.
Please help me. I got a due on 13/6/2013
And the product entered is saved in database PHPMyadmin. Also when I click default placeholder image I can't see my product in front-end.
I am working on version on Windows Seven
use Mozila or Just Rename your .htaccess file inside the /media directory to .htaccess-old.
If you don't use a browser with flash plugin installed (ex: chromium) the buttons will not display. What you need to do is to use a browser with the flash plugin (ex: google-chrome).
If you are on chromium, you can use the developer tools (F12) and you will see if the error come from missing flash plugin.

Magento Uploaded Image displays previous uploaded images

I'm having a problem. When I try to upload an image for a product, the newly uploaded image would show up to be some of the previous uploaded image when I move the mouse over it.
But when I save the product and move the mouse over the image again, it shows the correct image that was just uploaded.
I first thought it was a cache problem, so I cleaned up everything, flash, browser, magento image cache, but the problem still exists.
What can be done to fix this?
Try deleting the contents of the following folder :\media\catalog\product\cache Then reload the page to check

Change images folder for slider automatically depending on page loaded on Joomla 2.5

I'm doing a site and i have the following issue:
I have to show a lot of products, and in each page for each product i have an slider, this slider must have diferent images for every product. The thing is, as i'm using an slider component/module for joomla 2.5, i need to duplicate it for every product (at least for the little i know of joomla).
There is no other way to chance the images for the slider automatically, without duplicaiting the module/component?
You can use plugins to create image sliders easily inside articles.Nice Slide Show is a paid extension that will serve your purpose.
The Simple Image Slider is a free plugin but couldn't find its 2.5 version.
Also check this plugin:Sliding Image Links
Hope it helps

upload product images in magento

I just installed magento on wampserver, and I can create categories and add products, but whenever I try to upload an image for a product, it seems that the "upload files" button doesn't work. Here is a screenshot .
Can anyone please help me out??
maybe update flash. This button uses Flash. Or check that the permissions are correctly set:
