How do I get information from Visual Studio PerfWatson? - visual-studio-2010

My Visual Studio 2010 pro, which I use for programming C#, has suddenly slowed to a crawl. I get "Not Responding" a lot!
I have installed Visual Studio PerfWatson and it seems like it does its thing. It creates a number of .dmp and .maxdelay files.
So Microsoft gets information about what's going on, but how do I get this information?
// Anders

As far as I know, PerfWatson is not really built for end-user troubleshooting. When it detects a delayed response from a UI element or whatever it gathers as much information as it can and then tries to send it to MS; you should see a prompt when this happens and most of the information is available there (or in the generated dmp files which you should be able to open with any decent text editor).
If you want to dig around and find the cause of the issue yourself, I would typically recommend something like Process Monitor
When VS freezes you should be able to look at all sorts of interesting data with Process Monitor including individual operations and their results, the call stack, etc.


How do i get Visual Studio 2015 to highlight brackets, braces and references instantly, with no delay?

When placing the curser on a closing bracket in c# for instance, there is a small annoying delay before the opening bracket gets highlighted, and you have to sit and wait before you can use shortcuts such as (ctrl + shift + up/down). It feels like it is intended behaviour for reasons beyond me, so i don't think it is a bug or because my computer is slow (it's not), but it's driving me crazy.
I'm on a freshly installed PC, so i have only testet it in a few programming languages / file formats, and the behaviour only occours in some of them.
The delayed highligh behaviour occurs in .cs (c#), and .css files, but not in .js and .html files, here the code gets highlighed instantaneously exactly like i want it to in .cs files aswell.
I'm using Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition.
I have had this problem as well, since first installing. I can confirm that Update 1 CTP addresses this issue, and the delay is almost gone (maybe 1/8 second now.)
This UI delay was actually called out as a bugfix that was included with the update:
To the problem that there is a delay highlighting the brackets: In my opinion that has nothing to do with a bug. I think it takes a little while because your code needs to be parsed every time you change something in order to highlight the brackets. When you have many lines of code in one file it is obvious that it takes a little more time than normal.
Here are some tips that may help you:
Click the bracket and press STRG + ´ this will bring you directly to the other bracket. Or you press ALT + ´ and it will mark all your code in between your current brackets. You can look up the shortcuts of Visual Studio in Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard:
I'd recommend everybody programming in Visual Studio is to change the highlight color of the matching bracket. Have a look at this:
Here you can change all the colors and forms used for specific searchterms. I personally use Visual Assist 2015 to highlight my code (that's why I didn't change anything here). It is way more faster than VS itself and comes with a lot more functions like bracket guidelines who will show you the indent level of your brackets. Have a look, maybe you like it:
Its about 500ms in a newly created console project
500 msec is a magic number in .NET. You can get some insight from the source code for the C# Language Service, accidentally (?) exposed by a Microsoft programmer on github. Most relevant file is probably this one:
internal interface IBraceMatchingService
Task<BraceMatchingResult?> GetMatchingBracesAsync(Document document,
int position, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
Or in other words, the brace matching service runs as a background task. Such tasks normally run on a thread-pool thread and are subject to scheduling by the threadpool manager. That's where the magic 500 ms number comes into play. The manager attempts to keep the number of executing tp threads down to the number of processor cores available on the machine, the most efficient way to run threads. However, if the existing tp threads take too long to finish their job then the manager assumes that they are bogged down by I/O and allows an extra one to run. It does this once every 500 msec.
So first-order estimate of your problem is that VS has too many active thread-pool threads and they don't complete in a timely manner. Causing the brace matching task to run too late.
Finding out exactly what specific tasks bog it down is technically possible. I can't guarantee success with the Community edition and you'd need a fair amount of insight in how to read thread call stacks to get ahead. Startup another instance of Visual Studio and use Debug > Attach to Process. Pick "devenv.exe" from the list. Let it trundle while it is attempting to find PDB files, then use Debug > Break All.
First place to look is Debug > Windows > Tasks. Pretty unlikely you'll see anything there however, normal is to see none. Next one is Debug > Windows > Threads. You ought to see about 15 active threads back in that window. Hover over their Location column to take a peek at their callstack. Making sense of what you see isn't that simple unfortunately, it will help a lot if you can compare what you see with another machine that does not have this problem.
Since you have this problem on more than one machine, another approach is to look for an environmental factor that they have in common. Things to look for are aggressive anti-malware, a network connection that is too slow or too unreliable, a poorly performing add-in that you like but runs poorly on a VS version it wasn't tested on.
And consider that VS2015 isn't exactly ready for prime-time. Of all the recent VS versions released in the past 18 years, it is probably the least stable. It has a lot of heavy internal changes and there were an unprecedented number of alpha and beta versions with critical bug fixes implemented just a few months ago. Try it again after Update 1 is released.
Seems like this will be fixed in a future Visual Studio update:
I have not found a definitive solution for your problem.
This was a known bug in the VS2015 review edition.
This links discusses the delay (this link refers to c# btw, not c):
And there are still similar problems for some VS2015 Community Edition users.
Personally, I think you are stuck with a bug and if I were you I'd try the following:
Make sure I had unistalled all previous editions of VS.
Try a repair.
Completely uninstall and reinstall VS2015 if running repair doesn't work
Go back to VS2013 if it drives you cannot stand it, and wait until VS2015 is a bit more ripe on the vine.
One thing I have found with VS, is when it plays up it's painful, it takes so long to install and the worst case was when I ended up uninstalling and downloading everything that was associated with the install. It now works fine. (this was after previewing 2015 and then going back to 2013). You can also try this for VS2015 and also try a new download.
I sometimes will have a look at some previews, but after jumping in with haste too many times with the latest software releases and then repenting with leisure. I am now happy to wait for new releases to be out for a while before upgrading.
Another FYI for you to browse.
This is a link to Visual Studio 2015 RC fixed bugs and known issues. There are quite a few issues and hacks suggested. (not specific to your problem, but still there a few months ago.).
I am assuming you know how to play around with the settings. I've added the obvious, in case it's been overlooked.
I have added this screen shot from VS2013 settings.
Make sure you have automatic delimeter highlighting checked.
Sorry I could not be of more help.

Waiting for a background operation to complete

I have been suffering from the all too common 'Waiting for a background operation to complete...' message in Visual Studio 2012 (Professional) for a while now but it has been fairly sporadic.
Lately though, I am really struggling to use Visual Studio as pretty much whenever i try and do anything with any Razor views (mostly clicking to move the cursor) visual studio hangs and the above message appears for about a minute at a time.
(If when its finished doing stuff i then click in the view again, the process repeats, and repeats, and repeats.....)
I have searched high and low, and read loads of articles regarding this and peoples suggestions and tried changing indentation settings, resetting settings, etc but none have worked.
Has anyone come across something else that may work as this is seriously impeding my ability to use visual studio and sadly provoking much cursing.
I also had the same issue with VS2012 and unfortunately I had to format my pc after trying all the following solutions:
Move/clean the symbols cache
Reset VS preferences
Install Upgrade 2
Uninstall/Reinstall VS
After formatting and reinstalling VS2012, it started working like a charm again (obviously).
Sorry for that.
I know I asked this question a while back, but I thought best to put up my findings as they may help others.
The exact reason for the Waiting dialog is still unknown, but I have since moved my project to a local disk and implemented Team Foundation server to perform the hosting and backup of the main project files.
Since moving to local disk and using TFS, I have not experienced any more of the VS Waiting dialog.
Check if IIS or another process (BizTalk maybe) is locking your DLLs/references
Kill/stop IIS if it is

Stop current operation in Visual Studio

When using Visual Studio I often encounter situations when the IDE freezes while performing some operation. For instance, this frequently happens when I move next statement pointer (yellow arrow) during the debug session, when I unintentionally press F1, step into some low-level function that has multiple instantiations in the binary code etc.
In these situations Visual Studio notification balloon shows up in the tray with the following text:
Microsoft Visual Studio is Busy
Microsoft Visual Studio is waiting for an internal operation to complete. If you regularly encounter this delay during normal usage, please report this problem to Microsoft.
Often the delay is so long that it is faster to kill the Visual Studio process, start it over again, restart debugging session (or whatever else I was doing) and avoid doing an operation that has caused such a delay. However, this still takes too much time. I would like to have a way to stop/cancel the operation that is taking so much time. For instance, in Total Commander this is possible by pressing Esc during such an operation.
Is something like this possible with Visual Studio? Any plugins that allow doing it? Any other way to circumvent the problem?
P.S. Sorry for the lenghty description, but I wanted to explain the actual problem (not ask if certain solution is possible), so that people can think of ways to solve the problem.
P.P.S. Both 2008 and 2010 suffer from this problem.
If you're debugging, try hitting SHIFT-F5. This should stop the debugger, though probably not immediately, faster than what you've described. The program will process the keyboard a lot faster than trying to click menus with the mouse.
If you're building, try hitting CTRL-Break. Again, it may take a few seconds, but it usually comes around.
I've had the problem you mentioned a few years ago, but I can't remember what I ultimately did to fix it.
There may be many different causes of this issue, but for me apparently what was slowing it down was trying to load symbols from symbol servers. I unchecked the Symbol file (.pdb) locations in the Debugging\Symbols options and the problem went away entirely.
run iisreset may solve your problemstart >> iisreset.exe

Break on Arbitrary Event in Visual Studio

I'm trying to trace some legacy code at work, Visual Studio 2003 and .Net 1.1. There are actions done on Keypress and Text change that I know happen but, the Text fields themselves are made dynamically or are a control. I need to find the code that is executed when these things happen. Because of some poor architecture decisions on this piece of software the code is very spaghetti and hard to manually figure out.
What I would like to do is set Visual Studio into a mode where it would break when a specific event is handled regardless of the handler. This way I can get into the code and see through what is being done to make the translations and set variables.
Ultimately I'm trying to trace down when this code accesses the database to do lookups and updates so, allowing to watch for when a database connection happens would also be helpful and achieve much the same thing.

Why don't Minidumps give good call stacks?

I've used minidumps on many game projects over the years and they seem to have about a 50% chance of having a valid call stack. What can I do to make them have better call stacks?
I've tried putting the latest dbghelp.dll in the exe directory. That seems to help some.
Is Visual Studio 2008 or 2010 any better? (I'm still on VS 2005).
The code I use looks like this sample.
One thing you can do to improve the accuracy of call stacks found in dumps is to use a debugger other than Visual Studio -- specifically, use WinDbg or another tool that uses the "Windows Debugger" debugging engine found in dbgeng.dll (as opposed to the "Visual Studio Debugger" debugging engine that Visual Studio uses).
In our experience, WinDbg is 100% reliable in producing good call stacks from the same dumps where Visual Studio produces unusable or wildly inaccurate call stacks. From what I can tell, in cases where an unhandled exception is the source of the crash WinDbg automatically performs the tricky process of reconstructing/recovering the exception callstack, but Visual Studio does not (or cannot?). The two debuggers use different heuristics for interpreting stacks
WinDbg can be daunting at first, so here's my quick guide on how to make it easier or even avoid having to use it directly.
A Mere Mortal's Guide To Extracting Good Callstacks
These are ordered from "fastest/easiest" to "slowest/most cryptic to interpret".
Easiest Option: use DbgDiag from Microsoft
This is a little-known tool that automates a lot of analysis of common problems, and it's simple enough to give to non-programmers or even customers. It's fast and nearly foolproof, and has become my "go to" tool for quickly analyzing an incoming crash dump.
Launch the "DebugDiag Analysis" application
Select the "CrashHangAnalysis" checkbox on the main page
Drag-and-drop your dump into the "Data files" pane on the main page
Click "Start Analysis"
After a few seconds to a few minutes it will spit out a nice .mhtml file containing an analysis of the problem, info about all the related thread, complete call stacks, etc. All hyperlinked and easy to use.
DebugDiag even automates some of the more complicated analysis that is possible but painful in WinDbg (like tracking down which of the 350 threads in your application is responsible for a deadlock).
Note: Chrome will not download or open .mhtml files for security reasons, so you must open in Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge for it to be usable. This is annoying, and I've filed a request with the DebugDiag team ( to change the format to plain HTML
Middle option: Install WinDbg as an alternate debugging engine for Visual Studio
Install Visual Studio if it's not yet installed. This needs to be done before the next step.
Install the Windows Driver Kit (WDK)
Launch Visual Studio, and (this part is important!) use the new "File -> Open -> Crash Dump..." option to open the dump. This will debug the crash dump using the Windows Debugger (if you instead drag-and-drop the dump on Visual Studio or use the standard "File -> Open -> File..." option to open the dump, it will debug it using the old Visual Studio debugging engine... so be careful to use the right option).
You should now be able to see the correct call stack and navigate around using the Visual Studio GUI, although some things work differently (the watch windows require using the unfamiliar WinDbg syntax, thread IDs are different, etc). Note: the Visual Studio UI may be very sluggish, especially if many threads are involved and the 'threads' or 'parallel stacks' windows are open.
Hardcore option: Use WinDbg directly
Launch WinDbg.exe
Drag-and-drop your dump into the WinDbg window
Type !analyze -v and press Enter. After a little bit of time WinDbg will spit out a crash call stack, and also its estimation of what the source of the problem is. If you're analyzing a deadlock, you can try !analyze -v -hang and WinDbg will often show you the dependency chain involved.
At this point you may have all the info you need! However, if you then want to examine the process state in the Visual Studio debugger you can take the following additional steps:
Open the crash dump in Visual Studio
Right-click in the callstack window and choose "Go to Disassembly"
Paste the hex address from the top line of WinDbg's output callstack into the "Address" bar of the Disassembly window and press enter. You're now at the location of the crash, looking at the disassembled code.
Right-click in the disassembly window and choose "Go To Source Code" to go to the source code for the location. Now you're looking at the source code at the crash site.
Note: all of the above require having correct symbol server paths configured, otherwise you won't be able to resolve the symbols in the call stacks. I recommend setting the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable so that it's automatically available to Visual Studio, WinDbg, and DebugDiag.
What's missing from your callstack? Do you have a bunch of addresses that don't resolve to valid function names (ie, 0x8732ae00 instead of CFoo:Bar())? If so, then what you need is to put your .PDBs where your debugger can find them, or set up a symbol server and set the "Symbol Paths" in the right-click context menu of the Modules pane.
We store every .PDB from every binary every time someone checks in a new Perforce changelist, so that when a dump comes back from anyone inside the office or any customer at retail, we have the .PDB corresponding to the version of the game they were running. With the symbol server and paths set, all I have to do is just double-click the .mdmp and it works every time.
Or do you have a call stack that appears to only have one function in it? Like, 0x8538cf00 without anything else above it in the stack? If so, then your crash is actually the stack itself being corrupted. If the return addresses in the backchain have been overwritten, naturally the debugger will be unable to resolve them.
Sometimes also you'll find that the thread that actually emits the minidump is not the one that threw the exception that caused the crash. Look in the Threads window to see if one of the other threads has the offending code in it.
If you are debugging a "Release" build -- that is to say, one compiled with all optimization flags turned on -- you will have to live with the fact that the debugger will have trouble finding local variables and some other data. This is because turning on optimizations means allowing the compiler to keep data on registers, collapse calculations, and generally do a variety of things that prevents data from ever actually being written to the stack. If this is your problem then you'll need to open up the disassembly window and chase the data by hand, or rebuild a debug binary and reproduce the problem where you can look at it.
Turn off Frame Pointer Optimization, if you need stack dumps. Frame pointers are used to explicitly define stack frames. Without them, the debugger has to deduce the location of each frame.
The code to record the minidump is unlikely to be relevant. The main things that a minidump records are module information (for getting symbols) and the full content of all thread stacks. Beyond that basic information (which is always recorded) nothing else matters.
Getting good symbols (including PE files) is crucial for stack walking. More details can be found here:
I find that Visual Studio is usually reliable at displaying call stacks. It automatically displays the relevant call stack from the exception record, and it makes changing threads easy so that you can see the call stacks of all threads. It does sometimes try to 'hide' details that it thinks might confuse you - whether that is good or bad depends on your skill level.
Windbg defaults to showing the call stack of the code that recorded the crash dump rather than the crashing call stack. Windbg requires that you go ".ecxr" or "!analyze -v" in order to see the crash stack. I find this annoying. Windbg also requires more configuration in order to be useful.
The two debuggers do have different stack walking heuristics. These heuristics are needed, for instance, if you call or return to address zero since there is no unwind information for that address. For 'clean' crashes where the failing instruction is in normal code these heuristics are less important.
The stack walking has almost certainly improved in the last ten years. VS 2015 Community Edition is very capable and is free so you might as well try it.
If you use windbg then you can try some experiments:
!vc7fpo - toggles some of the windbg heuristics.
!stackdbg d, 7, f - turns on windbg stack walk
k1 - walks one level of the stack, spitting diagnostics as controlled by !stackdbg
dds esp - dumps the raw contents of the stack, doing a symbol lookup on each pointer
If you upgrade to VS 2015 and still have problems then it is likely that the stack walking failures are specific to the crashes you are seeing. If a buffer overrun tromps the stack before crashing then the call stack will be irrevocably damaged. Your question has too little information about what failures you are seeing to give a definitive diagnosis. I find the stack displays of both debuggers fairly reliable, but I also usually understand why they sometimes fail and when that happens I can still extract the information that I need.
I dont use minidumps, but rather dump teh stack by "hand" into a logfile
(see and
How to Log Stack Frames with Windows x64).
I encounter a similar behavior like you do: Sometimes there is a valid call stack, sometimes there is not. In a minor number of cases the stack might be really corrupted. In maybe 1/3 of all cases the installed Exception handler is not called at all! I guess that its somehow a problem of the windows structured exception handling.
