Add Live Support section to mvc 3 project -

Greeting to the community. This is my very first question.
I had in mind to add Livezilla live support in my MVC website, but I realised that there are some problems.
First of all, it is written in php and mysql, so is it possible to comply with MVC and sql server?
Does anybody know a similar solution (like livezilla) in my case?
PS. Excuse my poor english...

you could even look into using an iFrame to run livezilla inside of an mvc3 page if you wanted.
or, you could roll your own. if you wanted to try implementing a live response mvc3 page look into jquery and ajax asynchronous calls such as $.post and also look into the extension for controller AsyncController, and [AsyncTimeout(XXX)]. you will also have to read up on sending and receiving json objects in ajax and from a controller to the view.
Simple psuedo:
setTimeOut calls a javascript function every X milliseconds
the javascript function uses json to wrap page data and pass it to the controller inside a $.post() call
recieves page data as an model object in a post
determines if page is out of sync or not
returns relevant sync data in a json object back to the view
the same javascript function receives the json object from controller
updates the page based on relevant sync data

Problem solved. I just uploaded the folder given from livezilla in the root folder of my website. Then the only need to met is to have a Mysql server to create the database for livezilla. After that php and mvc runs together with no problem.


MVC pattern: js code that is calling server via ajax part of view or controller?

I know that the webpage that is opened by the user is part of the view. This one is easy, but what about js code calling the server to retrieve data via ajax? Is this part of the controller or still the view?
Can the view request data like this?
Thank you very much for any help.
Javascript, including Ajax, is a client-side technology. Therefore, in the context of MVC, any js script must be part of a template file.
Note that a template file is not the view (the V in MVC), but a part of it. The view should incorporate both server-side components (classes, interfaces, etc) and client-side components (html, js, css, images, etc). For example, an instance of a view class could read some data from the domain model and then load and render a certain template file, injecting the fetched data into it (formatted), in order to be printed on the screen.
So, an ajax object should be defined in a template file. Its request to the server is handled either by the controller, or by the server-side components of the view, depending on the MVC approach that you are choosing to implement. Though, the server response should always be created by the server-side components of the view.

How to load view containing data with ajax?

I have Restful controller that renders a view with data from database and I want to load this view with its data in another view via ajax. There is a problem "undefined variable". Is there any solution?
When you pass variables to your view they are only available on the server side while the view renders and then they are discarded. What this means is that the variables are only available to the php of your application and then they are gone by the time the view has been rendered and sent to the visitors web browser.
If you try to use the variables with JavaScript then you are running the JavaScript on the client side (as opposed to the server side). The variables that you pass to your view do not exist on the client side where your JavaScript runs.
From what it sounds like. You are defining a variable in your controller via laravel. Then you are passing the variable from the controller to the view. The view is then rendered as html and sent to the visitor's computer (the client) which the html is then loaded and that is when the JavaScript starts to load.
That's the problem, now possible solutions.
First you could send the variable (assuming it is simple data and not like an object) to the browser through laravel flash variables which are actually stored on one time cookies on the client side. Then you use JavaScript to access the cookie and get the data then storing it to a js variable and using it in your script.
Second you create an Api to respond to your http requests and then send an Ajax request from your JavaScript to the api to get the data. Then you would store it in JavaScript and use it. This allows complex data like objects because you would use the JSON format to send information to respond to the Ajax call. While cookies are restricted to (5kb I think) there is really no theoretical limit to JSON data.
I hope that helps and I hope I'm understanding your problem.
Would need to see your javascript before anything, but usually for me this means a misspelled element id or misspelled a reference file

AngularJS first(landing page) with dynamic content

I am a complete newbie to AngularJS. I want to check the feasibility of using it in my new Project which is a web application. I already have a few pages created in project using Struts2 Spring and hibernate. To convert these following are points I understand:
Convert server side API to REST style which returns JSON data
Question: Can I use dynamic HTML to load using AngularJS. I guess yes. not sure how?
Currently I use velocity Templates on server side to populate data in HTML templates and send it as response in AJAX? What would change if i try to use AngularJS?
I have a landing page which is used to show some images and data associated with it which is stored in DB. How can I show it using AngularJS?
Question: Shall I load the HTML template which contains only one div tag when I hit website URL( and then fire AJAX requests to load the dynamic HTML?
If I use AndularJS does it invalidate use of Struts2 altogether if I choose to implement my Data API as REST with JSON? I guess not as I will still need to load dynamic HTML views which will be generated on Server correct?
How to maintain HTTP session state on server side if I use REST data API with AngularJS on client?
I know I can search and read about answers to above questions on net somewhere. I just need them at one place so that I can carry discussion and other questions that arise from it.
I may answer some of your questions:
1) Convert server side API to REST style which returns JSON data
Question : Can I use dynamic HTML to load using AngularJS. I guess
yes. not sure how?
Currently I use velocity Templates on server side to populate data in HTML templates and send it as response in AJAX? What would change
if i try to use AngularJS?
If I understood you right, you want to generate templates on server-side. In this case - you just don't need AngularJs - your views are prepopulated on server and browser recieves static content (from client-side point of view). If you want to use AngularJs, then your templates will become static content (from server-side point of view) and they will be populated by angular via REST services.
2) I have a landing page which is used to show some images and data
associated with it which is stored in DB. How can I show it using
Question : Shall I load the HTML template which contains
only one div tag when I hit website URL( and then fire AJAX
requests to load the dynamic HTML?
Not exactly. One div would be enough for jQuery-based approuch (you would use something like $.ajax and then appended data in imperative way). In case of Angular you will need to return template. It may look like this:
<ul ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<li ng-repeat="item in data">
<img ng-src="item.image.src">
And some AngularJs controller that will fire request to REST service (via your AngularJs service, probably) and autmatically fill template with results
function MyCtrl($scope, $http) {
$http.get('/rest/data').success(function(result) {
$ = result;
3) If I use AndularJS does it invalidate use of Struts2 altogether if
I choose to implement my Data API as REST with JSON? I guess not as I
will still need to load dynamic HTML views which will be generated on
Server correct?
I think it will only invalidate use of View of MVC in Struts, since AngularJS will just replace it. Also it will make you to use something like RESTful controllers (not quite familliar with Struts, but I think there is something like this)
4) How to maintain HTTP session state on server side if I use REST
data API with AngularJS on client?
This is not short answer, but basically there is following pattern. AngualrJs provides http interceptors, that may intercept requests and responses. If response with code 401 (which is unauthorized) is intercepted, you may provide your user with a login form to restore session and after this action will be completed, retry last request. Also, here you may find another aspect of this question.
I hope my answer helped you.

Single URL for all the navigations in mvc3

I have a requirement of having the same URL throughout the application navigations. Like below
http://www.[Site Name]:com. (Here User should not have the idea of chaning the URL from one page to another page)
I am using ASP.NET MVC3 with latest Razor View Engine,
Can some body give suggestions on this?
Advanced Thanks,
Satish Kotha
This may make it very difficult for users to access your site - they won't be able to bookmark a specific page, for example.
It sounds like you want a single-page-app (e.g. like Google Mail or Reader). In this case, you have one page and make heavy use of AJAX. You can query the server via javascript, and send back Partial Views, or raw data in JSON format which can be rendered on the client, possibly via some kind of templating engine.
As Graham Clark has already mentioned, this functionality will most likely be frustrating for the user; however, achieving it depends on the complexity of your project. You may want to look into using jquery to load partial views into the main content area of your site.
When you click on your navigation you can use jquery's load() to replace the main content on the page. Jquery-load-with-mvc-2-partialviews is an interesting blog post that may give you more insight into what you would want to do. Your code to load content could look something like this:
{parameter}, function () {
// perform javascript actions on load complete

Display results dynamically based on GeoLocation MVC

I am building a webpage that needs to Query the database and display events in your area based on the users GeoLocation. I've seen this done so many times now on a lot of websites. But I have never built this functionality before.
I have the GeoLocation part functioning. When you land on the page it displays your zip code. I'm not sure how to grab that Zipcode from the div and query the database immediatley.? This webpage being is built using Orchard MVC/NHibernate.
Any suggestion would be helpful.
It sounds like you want the entire solution, but I'm not going to go into that kind of detail.
So I'll give you tips:
Use jQuery to grab the zip code from the DOM
Use jQuery to do an AJAX call to a action method in one of your controllers, passing the zip
Have the controller call the DB and hydrate the results into JSON
Have the controller return a JsonResult
Have jQuery handle the response of the AJAX call and do something meaningful
