How do I change the position of the Locals and Watchers panel in QtCreator? - debugging

Does anyone know how to change the position of the panel with local variables in QtCreator? When debugging, this panel is on the right side of the screen, but I would really like it to be on the bottom part.

In QtCreator 3.5:
- place mouse pointer near the top line of the window you want to move
- after ~1 sec window title bar will appear
- move window using drag-n-drop

Go to Window > Views and uncheck the "Locked" option.
Move / undock your panels as desired.
Relock the panels by re-checking the "Locked" option above.
That's where the option is in Qt Creator 2.3 on the Mac. Other platforms / versions may be slightly different.

QtCreator 4.1.9 on Linux:
Window -> View -> Automatically Hide View Title Bars (un-tick)
Then drag and drop.


How depends Xcode "Change Editor Orientation" menu option to the location of the assistant editor?

Xcode 12 is annoying me. In the storyboard I want to display the assistant editor below the storyboard but Xcodes sometimes stucks the editor to the right side.
Changing the menu option "Change Editor Orientation" seems to reflect the whole editor position but not the position of the assistant editor itself.
Even the orientation is set to vertical, sometimes the assistant editor goes to the right side, sometimes below.
So as I mentioned above that's what I want, I want to force Xcode to show the assistant always on the bottom side. But it always stucks onn the vertical, right position.
Even if a new editor with horizontal oriantation is opened, the position of the assitant editor won't change.
Also the layout pane is always greyed out and stuck in automatic despite I don't use the focused editor:
You can change its orientation By shortcut key
Press Option Key and hover on the editor icon.
This will give the below output.
Okay, for all desperates Xcode beginners: The Layout Panel becomes active if the assistant editor is opened regardeless the orientation:
Choosing the right or bottom changes the position of the assistant editor immediality.

Disable the Xcode utilities panel auto-display feature

How do I disable the Xcode auto-display feature of the utilities panel (aka the far right pane that holds the identity inspector etc)?
In full screen mode (coding, not just in the storyboard) whenever my mouse curser gets moved all the way to the right of the screen, the utilities panel displays automatically. It is distracting and unwanted. If I need that panel I can click the button in the upper right to display it, or use a keyboard shortcut. It doesn't seem like anything else is autodisplaying, just the right side panel. Once I move the mouse away from it, the panel disappears again. Maddening I tell you.

How to show view controls in the new update of Xcode 12?

I have updated xcode to the latest version ( Version 12.0 (12A7209)) and I can't show the toggle icons that show/hide inspector, debug or navigator Area
How can I show them again?
For the navigator the button is now at the far left, or use Command 0.
For the inspector the button is now at the far right, or use Command Option 0.
Also, in full screen mode you can summon the inspectors as overlays by hovering at the side with the mouse. Very cool as it saves space.
For the debug area there is no button; use Shift Command Y.
Basically this is a good time to learn the keyboard shortcuts!

IntelliJ Idea on MacOS: Move toolbar away from main menu

I'm usually working with IntelliJ IDEA on MacOS in fullscreen mode. When I try to access something in the toolbar, I often overshoot the target a little, and the main menu bar opens instead, hiding the toolbar. So I have to move the mouse a little lower, wait and move carefully into the toolbar again. This is quite annoying. Are there any tips to avoid this? Is it possible to move the toolbar, say, to the bottom of the screen?
It doesn't seem to be possible at the moment, but there are 2 open requests you can vote for:
IDEA-119950 A setting in the settings area to stop 'show on hover' menu in fullscreen
IDEA-117034 Fullscreen menu bar is too eager to show

Apple Interface Builder warning: The content rectangle doesn't lie entirely on screen with the menu and may not be completely visible for all screens

A warning comes up in a MainMenu.XIB dialogue box. It says:
Object: window(window)
ID: 371
Type: Illegal Configuration
Issue: This windows content rectangle does not lie entirely on the screen with the menu bar and may not be completely visible for all screen resolutions and configurations.
I saw something related to this issue on StackOverflow, but it did not help. Here was the prior response:
In Interface builder select the window and then from the inspector go to the window size tab and move the window away from the left edge. This will get rid of the warning.
Select window by it's title bar.
Open sizing and positioning tab (⌘+⌥+ 5 in Xcode4 and Xcode5) in inspector panel.
Adjust it's position on the desktop so that it is somewhere in the middle of it.
I had the same problem with Xcode 4.5.2
What I ended up doing is also clicking on the window's title bar -> "Show the size inspector" tab.
Then I just toggled the struts & springs in the preview area. Without really changing anything other than toggling on/off.
None of the above worked for me.
For me it seems that my MainWindow's width was too large. I found that at a 1024 it quit giving me the warning!
