Circular Hough Transform Improvements - algorithm

I'm working on an iris recognition algorithm that processes these kind of images into unique codes for identification and authentication purposes.
After filtering, intelligently thresholding, then finding edges in the image, the next step is obviously to fit circles to the pupil and iris. I've looked around the the technique to use is the circular Hough Transform. Here is the code for my implementation. Sorry about the cryptic variable names.
print "Populating Accumulator..."
# Loop over image rows
for x in range(w):
# Loop over image columns
for y in range(h):
# Only process black pixels
if inp[x,y] == 0:
# px,py = 0 means pupil, otherwise pupil center
if px == 0:
ra = r_min
rb = r_max
rr = sqrt((px-x)*(px-x)+(py-y)*(py-y))
ra = int(rr-3)
rb = int(rr+3)
# a is the width of the image, b is the height
for _a in range(a):
for _b in range(b):
for _r in range(rb-ra):
s1 = x - (_a + a_min)
s2 = y - (_b + b_min)
r1 = _r + ra
if (s1 * s1 + s2 * s2 == r1 * r1):
new = acc[_a][_b][_r]
if new >= maxVotes:
maxVotes = new
print "Done"
# Average all circles with the most votes
for _a in range(a):
for _b in range(b):
for _r in range(r):
if acc[_a][_b][_r] >= maxVotes-1:
total_a += _a + a_min
total_b += _b + b_min
total_r += _r + r_min
amount += 1
top_a = total_a / amount
top_b = total_b / amount
top_r = total_r / amount
print top_a,top_b,top_r
This is written in python and uses the Python Imaging Library to do image processing. As you can see, this is a very naive brute force method of finding circles. It works, but takes several minutes. The basic idea is to draw circles from rmin to rmax wherever there is a black pixel (from thresholding and edge-detection), the build an accumulator array of the number of times a location on the image is "voted" on. Whichever x, y, and r has the most votes is the circle of interest. I tried to use the fact that the iris and pupil have about the same center (variables ra and rb) to reduce some of the complexity of the r loop, but the pupil detection takes so long that it doesn't matter.
Now, obviously my implementation is very naive. It uses a three dimensional parameter space (x, y, and r), which unfortunately makes it run slower than is acceptable. What kind of improvements can I make? Is there any way to reduce this to a two-dimensional parameter space? Is there a more efficient way of accessing and setting pixels that I'm not aware of?
On a side note, are there any other techniques for improving the overall runtime of this algorithm that I'm not aware of? Such as methods to approximate the maximum radius of the pupil or iris?
Note: I've tried to use OpenCV for this as well, but I could not tune the parameters enough to be consistently accurate.
Let me know if there's any other information that you need.
NOTE: Once again I misinterpreted my own code. It is technically 5-dimensional, but the 3-dimensional x,y,r loop only operates on black pixels.

Assuming you want the position of the circle rather than a measure of R.
If you have a decent estimate of the possible range of R then a common technique is to run the algorithm for a first guess of fixed R, adjust it and try again.


Algorithm to get all zeniths crossing a box in three dimensions, MATLAB implementation

I have a 3D geometry problem and I am not certain of the best approach to solve it. I have a model with two boxes, one above the others. They have the same dimension, L (length) * p (depth) * e (thickness), and are separated by a height of h. They are perfectly superposed, with no offset between them.
For each point of my bottom box, I want to get the zenith of all lines that can cross the top box and arrive to this point. It doesn't matter if the line crosses the top box by the top or the side.
The zenith is the angle of "looking up". In our case, a zenith of 0 represents the point directly above the point P, and an angle of 90 is directly looking in front. A zenith of 180 would be looking below the point, but for our use, it's useless. The zeniths we look for are between 0 and 90°.
For a more intuitive visualization, let's say that I have a hole in the ceiling, and that I want to map the zenith of all light that crosses this hole and reaches the floor.
This is what it looks like:
For any point P of the bottom box, I want an array containing the zeniths of all "rays" that cross the top box before arriving on P. The red lines are the "edges", the last zeniths I would get for each corner.
I am working on a way to code it in MATLAB and I was wondering if there was a better algorithm that I am not seeing. My approach, in pseudocode, would be this:
bottomBox = [1:L, 1:p, 1:e];
topBox = [1:L, 1:p, 1+h:e+h];
results = zeros(L:p) * NaN; % Array of results, one per "case" on the bottom box
zeniths = zeros(L:p) * NaN; % Array of zeniths for each result case
for i = 1:L
for j = 1:p % Browsing the bottom box case by case
for k = 1:L
for l = 1:p
for m = 1:e % For each bottom box case, browsing the top box case by case
p1 = topBox(k,l,m); % p1 is each case on the top box
p2 = bottomBox(i,j,1); % p2 is the current bottom box case, z doesn't mattter
p3 = topBox(i,j,m); % p3 is the projection of p2 on the top box (zenith = 0)
v1 = p1 - p2;
v2 = p3 - p2;
zeniths(k,l) = rad2deg(atan2(norm(cross(p1, p2)), dot(p1, p2)));
results(i,j) = zeniths;
I tried to implement this and I couldn't get it to work. More specifically, the angle calculation doesn't seem to work, I have an error stating:
Error using cross;
A and B must be of length 3 in the dimension in which the cross product is taken.
I am looking for advice on how to build the algorithm.
Please tell me if the question is better suited for another StackExchange community, such as Math.
I'll get you started showing you one way to do it for 1 point and I'll let you build the final loop to do the calc for all your points.
As expressed in the comment, for the purpose of these calculations, you do not need to consider the thickness of your plates, you can model them simply with two parallel planes separated by a distance H.
I don't know the size of your plates nor the grid size you want so I'll keep it simple for this example:
H = 5 ; % distance between the planes
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-3:3,-2:2) ;
GridSize = size(X) ;
Zb = zeros(GridSize) ;
Zt = zeros(GridSize) + H ;
This gives you 4 matrices, defining 2 planes. The bottom plane is composed of [X,Y,Zb] and the top plane is formed by [X,Y,Zt].
If you want to visualise them, you can run the following code (optional):
%% Display planes
figure ;
ht = surf(X,Y,Zt, 'FaceColor',[.8 .8 .8],'DisplayName','Top plate') ;
hold on
hb = surf(X,Y,Zb, 'FaceColor',[.6 .6 .6],'DisplayName','Bottom plate') ;
xlabel('X') ; ylabel('Y') ; zlabel('Z') ;
axis equal ; legend show
Now for the rest of the example, I selected a point P, at coordinate [-2,1,0]. This choice is completely arbitrary, just for the example. In your final algorythm you will still have to loop over several points Pi (although remember that your problem is symetric so if your domain is too large you can reduce your computations by using the symetries of your model).
%% This will have to be embedded into a loop over the points Pi
% Assuming points P=(-2,1,0)
p = [-2;1;0] ;
zn = [0;0;1] ; % unitary vector, oriented Oz
dx = X - p(1) ; % `x` distance between all points of the plane and P
dy = Y - p(2) ; % `y` distance between all points of the plane and P
dz = zeros(size(X)) + H ; % `z` distance (all the same)
V = [dx(:) dy(:) dz(:)].' ; % to obtain list of vector V = [dx;dy;dz] ;
nv = size(V,2) ; % number of points/angle to calculate
zenith = zeros(nv,1) ; % preallocate result matrix (always good!)
for k=1:nv
% [u] is the vector going from `P` to the current point considered on the top plane
u = V(:,k) ;
% determine the angle between [u] and [zn]
zenith(k) = atan2( norm(cross(u,zn)) , dot(u,zn) ) ;
% Reshape "zenith" from vector to matrix so it matches the base grid system
zenith = reshape( zenith , GridSize ) ;
You now have, for this point P, a matrix of angle with every other point of the top plane:
>> rad2deg(zenith)
ans =
32.31 30.96 32.31 35.80 40.32 45.00 49.39
24.09 21.80 24.09 29.50 35.80 41.81 47.12
15.79 11.31 15.79 24.09 32.31 39.51 45.56
11.31 0 11.31 21.80 30.96 38.66 45.00
15.79 11.31 15.79 24.09 32.31 39.51 45.56
Once again, completely optionally, if you want to visualise the vectors which were used for the calculations:
for k=1:nv
hp(k) = plot3([p(1) X(k)],[p(2) Y(k)],[0 H],'Marker','o','MarkerFaceColor','k') ;
will yield:
Now for your final result, remember you have a 2D matrix for each point P of your bottom plane, so your final result will either be a collection of 2D matrices or a large 3D matrix.
Zenith angle is just
atan2(h, sqrt(dx^2+dy^2))
where dx, dy are coordinate differences along L and p axes (i-k and j-l in your loops)
Perhaps h+m (m as your variable for m = 1:e) instead of h if you need points inside top box

Finding random x,y coordinates in a figure where you know the boundary

The goal is to find coordinates in a figure with an unknown shape. What IS known is a list of coordinates of the boundary of that figure, for example:
boundary = [(0,0),(1,0),(2,0),(3,0),(3,1),(3,2),(3,3),(2,3),(2,2),(1,2),(1,3),(0,3),(0,2),(0,1]
which would look something like this:
Square with a gab
This is a very basic example and i'd like to do it with very larg lists of very different kinds of figures.
The question is how to get a random coordinate that lies within the figure WITHOUT hardcoding the anything about the shape of the figure, because this will be unknown at the beginning? Is there a way to know for certain or is making an estimate the best option? How would I implement an estimate like that?
Here is tentative answer. You sample numbers in two steps.
Before, do preparation work - split your figure into simple elementary objects. In your case you split it into rectangles, often people triangulate and split it into triangles.
So you have number N of simple objects, each with area of Ai and total area A = Sum(Ai).
First sampling step - select which rectangle you pick point from.
In some pseudocode
r = randomU01(); // random value in [0...1) range
for(i in N) {
r = r - A_i/A;
if (r <= 0) {
k = i;
So you picked up one rectangle with index k, and then just sample point uniformly in that rectangle
x = A_k.dim.x * randomU01();
y = A_k.dim.y * randomU01();
return (x + A_k.lower_left_corner.x, y + A_k.lower_left_corner.y);
And that is it. Very similar technique for triangulated figure.
Rectangle selection could be optimized by doing binary search or even more complicated alias method
If your boundary is generic, then the only good way to go is to triangulate your polygon using any good library out there (f.e. Triangle), then select one of the triangles based on area (step 1), then sample uniformly point in the triangle using two random U01 numbers r1 and r2,
P = (1 - sqrt(r1)) * A + (sqrt(r1)*(1 - r2)) * B + (r2*sqrt(r1)) * C
i.e., in pseudocode
r1 = randomU01();
s1 = sqrt(r1);
r2 = randomU01();
x = (1.0-s1)*A.x + s1*(1.0-r2)*B.x + r2*s1*C.x;
y = (1.0-s1)*A.y + s1*(1.0-r2)*B.y + r2*s1*C.y;
return (x,y);

Smallest enclosing regular hexagon

Is there any algorithm / method to find the smallest regular hexagon around a set of points (x, y).
And by smallest I mean smallest area.
My current idea was to find the smallest circle enclosing the points, and then create a hexagon from there and check if all the points are inside, but that is starting to sound like a never ending problem.
First of all, let's define a hexagon as quadruple [x0, y0, t0, s], where (x0, y0), t0 and s are its center, rotation and side-length respectively.
Next, we need to find whether an arbitrary point is inside the hexagon. The following functions do this:
function getHexAlpha(t, hex)
t = t - hex.t0;
t = t - 2*pi * floor(t / (2*pi));
return pi/2 - abs(rem(t, pi/3) - (pi/6));
function getHexRadious( P, hex )
x = P.x - hex.x0;
y = P.y - hex.y0;
t = atan2(y, x);
return hex.s * cos(pi/6) / sin(getHexAlpha(t, hex));
function isInHex(P, hex)
r = getHexRadious(P, hex);
d = sqrt((P.x - hex.x0)^2 + (P.y - hex.y0)^2);
return r >= d;
Long story short, the getHexRadious function formulates the hexagon in polar form and returns distance from center of hexagon to its boundary at each angle. Read this post for more details about getHexRadious and getHexRadious functions. This is how these work for a set of random points and an arbitrary hexagon:
The Algorithm
I suggest a two-stepped algorithm:
1- Guess an initial hexagon that covers most of points :)
2- Tune s to cover all points
Chapter 1: (2) Following Tarantino in Kill Bill Vol.1
For now, let's assume that our arbitrary hexagon is a good guess. Following functions keep x0, y0, t0 and tune s to cover all points:
function getHexSide( P, hex )
x = P.x - hex.x0;
y = P.y - hex.y0;
r = sqrt(x^2 + y^2);
t = atan2(y, x);
return r / (cos(pi/6) / sin(getHexAlpha(t, hex)));
function findMinSide( P[], hex )
for all P[i] in P
S[i] = getHexSide(P, hex);
return max(S[]);
The getHexSide function is reverse of getHexRadious. It returns the minimum required side-length for a hexagon with x0, y0, t0 to cover point P. This is the outcome for previous test case:
Chapter 2: (1)
As a guess, we can find two points furthest away from each other and fit one of hexagon diameters' on them:
function guessHex( P[] )
D[,] = pairwiseDistance(P[]);
[i, j] = indexOf(max(max(D[,])));
[~, j] = max(D(i, :));
hex.x0 = (P[i].x + P[j].x) / 2;
hex.y0 = (P[i].y + P[j].y) / 2;
hex.s = D[i, j]/2;
hex.t0 = atan2(P.y(i)-hex.y0, P.x(i)-hex.x0);
return hex;
Although this method can find a relatively small polygon, but as a greedy approach, it never guarantees to find the optimum solutions.
Chapter 3: A Better Guess
Well, this problem is definitely an optimization problem with its objective being to minimize area of hexagon (or s variable). I don't know if it has an analytical solution, and SO is not the right place to discuss it. But any optimization algorithm can be used to provide a better initial guess. I used GA to solve this with findMinSide as its cost function. In fact GA generates many guesses about x0, y0, and t0 and the best one will be selected. It finds better results but is more time consuming. Still no guarantee to find the optimum!
Optimization of Optimization
When it comes to optimization algorithms, performance is always an issue. Keep in mind that hexagon only needs to enclose the convex-hall of points. If you are dealing with large sets of points, it's better to find the convex-hall and get rid of the rest of the points.

Fast points in circle test with numpy

I have a large number of (x,y) grid points with integer coordinates which i want to test if they are in small number of circles given by radius and center. The points are some marked parts of an image, which means there are a small number of irregular shaped blocks, which contain the points. There i want to check for collisions and count the number of points inside a circle. My current approaches are rather slow (with python and numpy).
Now i have two tasks:
Test, if any point of set A are in any circle
Count the number of points of set B, which are in a circle
My current implementation looks like this (setA and setB are Nx2 numpy arrays and center is a 1x2 array.):
1) For each circle create an array of point - center, square it elementwise and take the sum, then check if it's smaller than radius**2
for circle in circles:
if (((setA -**2).sum(axis=1) < circle.radius**2).any():
return "collision"
return "no collision"
This could be optimized by using a python loop and breaking on the first collision, but usually numpy loops are a lot faster than python loops and actually both versions were slower than expected.
2) For each circle create an array of distances and do an elementwise less than radius test. Add up all arrays and count the non-zero elements of the result.
pixels = sp.zeros(len(setB))
for circle in circles:
pixels += (((setB -**2).sum(axis=1) < circle.radius**2)
return np.count_nonzero(pixels)
Is there an easy option to speedup this?
I do not want to over optimize (and make the program a lot more complicated), but just to use numpy in the most efficient way, using the numpy vectorization as much as possible.
So building the most perfect spatial tree or similiar isn't my goal, but i think a O(n^2) algorithm for a few thousand points and 10-20 circles should be possible in as fast way on an average desktop computer today.
Taking advantage of coordinates being integers:
create a lookup image
radius = max([circle.radius for circle in circles])
mask = np.zeros((image.shape[0] + 2*radius, image.shape[1] + 2*radius), dtype=int)
for circle in circles:
center = + radius
mask[center[0]-circle.radius:center[0]+circle.radius + 1,
center[1]-circle.radius:center[1]+circle.radius + 1] += circle.mask
circle.mask is a small square patch containing a mask of the disc of interior points
counting collisions is now as easy as
mask[radius:-radius, radius:-radius][setB[:,0], setB[:,1]].sum()
fast creation of discs (no multiplications, no square roots):
r = circle.radius
h2 = np.r_[0, np.add.accumulate(np.arange(1, 2*r+1, 2))]
w = np.searchsorted(h2[-1] - h2[::-1], h2)
q = np.zeros(((r+1), (r+1)), dtype=int)
q[np.arange(r+1), w[::-1]] = 1
q[1:, 0] -= 1
q = np.add.accumulate(q.ravel()).reshape(r+1, r+1)
h = np.c_[q, q[:, -2::-1]]
circle.mask = np.r_[h, h[-2::-1]]

Minimizing distance to a weighted grid

Lets suppose you have a 1000x1000 grid of positive integer weights W.
We want to find the cell that minimizes the average weighted each cell.
The brute force way to do this would be to loop over each candidate cell and calculate the distance:
int best_x, best_y, best_dist;
for x0 = 1:1000,
for y0 = 1:1000,
int total_dist = 0;
for x1 = 1:1000,
for y1 = 1:1000,
total_dist += W[x1,y1] * sqrt((x0-x1)^2 + (y0-y1)^2);
if (total_dist < best_dist)
best_x = x0;
best_y = y0;
best_dist = total_dist;
This takes ~10^12 operations, which is too long.
Is there a way to do this in or near ~10^8 or so operations?
This is possible using Filters in O(n m log nm ) time where n, m are the grid dimensions.
You need to define a filter of size 2n + 1 x 2m + 1, and you need to (centered) embed your original weight grid in a grid of zeros of size 3n x 3m. The filter needs to be the distance weighting from the origin at (n,m):
F(i,j) = sqrt((n-i)^2 + (m-j)^2)
Let W denote the original weight grid (centered) embedded in a grid of zeros of size 3n x 3m.
Then the filtered (cross-correlation) result
R = F o W
will give you total_dist grid, simply take the min R (ignoring the extra embedded zeros you put into W) to find your best x0, y0 positions.
Image (i.e. Grid) filtering is very standard, and can be done in all sorts of different existing software such as matlab, with the imfilter command.
I should note, though I explicitly made use of cross-correlation above, you would get the same result with convolution only because your filter F is symmetric. In general, image filter is cross-correlation, not convolution, though the two operations are very analogous.
The reason for the O(nm log nm ) runtime is because image filtering can be done using 2D FFT's.
Here are both implementations in Matlab, final result is the same for both methods and they are benchmarked in a very simple way:
%The following padding is not necessary in the matlab code because
%matlab implements it in the imfilter function, from the imfilter
% - Boundary options
% X Input array values outside the bounds of the array
% are implicitly assumed to have the value X. When no
% boundary option is specified, imfilter uses X = 0.
%W=padarray(W0,[m n]);
for i=1:size(F,1)
for j=1:size(F,2)
%This is matlab where indices start from 1, hence the need
%for m-1 and n-1 in the equations
F(i,j)=sqrt((i-m-1)^2 + (j-n-1)^2);
[mr mc] = ind2sub(size(R),find(R == min(R(:))));
[mr, mc]
T=zeros([m n]);
for y0=1:m
for x0=1:n
total_dist = 0;
for y1=1:m
for x1=1:n
total_dist = total_dist + W0(y1,x1) * sqrt((x0-x1)^2 + (y0-y1)^2);
T(y0,x0) = total_dist;
if ( total_dist < best_val )
best_x = x0;
best_y = y0;
best_val = total_dist;
[best_y best_x]
fprintf('The max difference between the two computations: %g\n', max_diff);
For an 800x800 grid, on my PC which is certainly not the fastest, the FFT method evaluates in just over 700 seconds. The brute force method doesn't complete after several hours and I have to kill it.
In terms of further performance gains, you can attain them by moving to a hardware platform like GPUs. For example, using CUDA's FFT library you can compute 2D FFT's in a fraction of the time it takes on a CPU. The key point is, that the FFT method will scale as you throw more hardware to do the computation, while the brute force method will scale much worse.
While implementing this, I have observed that almost every time, the best_x,bext_y values are one of floor(n/2)+-1. This means that most likely the distance term dominates the entire computation, therefore, you could get away with computing the value of total_dist for only 4 values, making this algorithm trivial!
