symfony domain event - events

I'm trying to implement Domain Driven Design in my Symfony2 project and experience some problems.
After reading some articles on Domain Models I found, that
I should put all the business logic into my domain models(entities).
Application level stuff, that needs to be done and doesn't belong to domain logic is fired with Domain Events(sending emails, putting some messages to the queue, etc.)
Luckily, Symfony provides Events, but here is a problem - I can't raise event from my entity.
Symfony documentation suggects to use DI to inject the dispatcher into the class, that raises Event
But Symfony Entities are newable, not injectable.
Right now I can see two ways:
1) Provide Event Dispather to Entity like this
class FooEntity
protected $dispatcher = null;
public function setEventDispatcher(EventDispatcher $dispatcher)
$this->dispatcher = $dispatcher;
2) Raise Events from the service(not from the Entity).
None of this options look pretty, because it seems to me that they break Domain Model ideology.
Can you point me in the right direction, please.

The idea of this here is to give paths to attain the DDD paradygm.
I do not want to shadow over #magnusnordlander answer, I will apply what he says.
Here is some of observations on the matter:
I think that the Entity itself should not have everything. It is sure not what the DDD people would say anyway. The [Doctrine2] Entity should only take care of the relationships (an entity with different variation too <= This is actually a thing that I was stuck for a while) and the aggregate root.
The Doctrine entity should only know about how to work with itself.
But, to Get Data or work with it, there is other stuff that you can use:
Is the thing that provides helpers to get your more sophisticated finders than what a quick findBy(array('id'=>$idvalue)) would do (and that the Entity/Assocation/Annotation cannot cover) and is indeed a great thing to have handy.
I personally tried to build all queries, and realized the EntityManager is already very good, out of the box. In most case, to my opinion: If you can /not/ use query or query builder, the better.
Business logic in all that...
Last thing on note, what you would be searching for must be to basically thin the Controller.
FooManager (for example) is where (if I am not mistaken) the business logic go.
I found a goldmine of information on that matter on this blog that covers:
Controllers and application logic revisited
Putting controllers in a diet, and mix it with some custom Event with
Leveraging the Symfony2 Event dispatcher
If you have any ideas, to augument, I set this answer as a Community Wiki

By Symfony entities, do you mean Doctrine 2 entities? If so, you can set services on both new objects and old objects that are loaded from the database in the following manner:
Prototype scoped service
Services in the prototype scope are always recreated when you get them. Instead of doing new FooEntity you would do $container->get('foo_entity').
In the YAML syntax you would define the service as follows:
class: FooEntity
- [setEventDispatcher, [#event_dispatcher]]
scope: prototype
This will take care of new entities. For existing entities you need a...
Post load event listener
Create an event listener, in the manner described here:
Have the listener listen for the postLoad-event. Inject the event dispatcher into the listener service, and use the listener service to set the event dispatcher on the entity.
Bear in mind that the listener service will fire after loading any entity, not just the FooEntity, so you'll need to do a type check.


Creational adapter

I have a lot of code like this
additional_params = {
date_issued: pending.present? ? pending.date_issued : Time.current,
gift_status: status,
date_played: status == "Opened" ? Chronic.parse("now") : (opened.present? ? opened.date_played : nil),
email_template: service&.email_template,
email_text: service&.email_text,
email_subject: service&.email_subject,
label: service&.label,
vendor_confirmation_code: service&.vendor_confirmation_code
}, employee: employee, **additional_params).create
The same pattern applies to many models and services.
What is the name of this pattern?
How to refactor the current solution?
Is there a gem to solve this kind of solution? Like draper or something else
To me, that looks a bit like a god object for every type of entity. You expect your service to take care of everything related to your entity. The entity itself just acts as a data container and isn't responsible for its data. That's called an anemic model.
First of all, you need to understand that there can be several representations of the same entity. You can have several different classes that represent a user. On the "List user" page, the class contains just a subset of the information, maybe combined with information from the account system (last login, login attempt etc). On the user registration page, you have another class as it's not valid to supply all information for the user.
Those classes are called data transfer objects. Their purpose is to provide the information required for a specific use case and to decouple the internal entity from the external API (i.e. the web page).
Once you have done that, your service classes will start to shrink and you need fewer custom parameters for every method call.
Now your service class has two responsibilities: To manage all entities and to be responsible for their business rules.
To solve that, you should start to only modify your entities through behaviors (methods) and never update the fields directly. When you do so, you will automatically move logic from your service class to your entity class.
Once that is done, your service classes will be even cleaner.
You can read about Domain Driven Design to get inspired (no need to use DDD, but get inspired by how the application layer is structured in it).
You can try the builder pattern. I am not familiar with a ruby gem, but you can find information here: and

updates to entity,domain driven design

Lets say I have an order which got updated on the UI with some values (they could be ok/not ok to ensure save)
1. How do we validate the changes made? Should the DTO which carries the order back to service layer be validated for completeness?
Once the validation is complete? How does the service return the validation errors? Do we compose a ReponseDTO object and return it like
ResponseDTO saveOrder(OrderDTO);
How do we update the domain entity order? Should the DTO Assembler take care of updating the order entity with the latest changes?
If we imagine a typical tiered' approach, ASP .NET on Web Server, WCF on Application Server.
When the Order form is updated with data on the web and saved. The WCF receives a OrderDTO.
Now how do we update the order from DTO? Do we use an assembler to update the domain object with changes from DTO? something like
class OrderDTOAssembler {
updateDomainObject(Order, OrderDTO)
I will try answer some of your questions from my experience and how I should approach your problem.
First I should not let DTO conduct any validations, but just plain POCO DTO's usually have different properties with specific datatypes, so some kind of validation is done. I mean you have to apply an integer street number and string for street name etc.
Second as you point out. Let a ORderDTOAssembler convert from OrderDTO to Order and vice versa. This is done in the application layer.
Third I would use Visitor pattern Validation in a Domain Driven Design like the example. The OrderService will use an IOrderRepository to save/update the order. But using the visitor-validation approach the OrderService vill call Order.ValidatePersistance (see link in example - but this is a extension method that is implemented in infrastructure layer since it has "db knowledge") to check its state is valid. If true, then we to IOrderRepository.Save(order).
at last, if Order.ValidatePersistance fails we get one or more BrokenRules messages. These should be returned to client in a ResponseDTO. Then cient can act on messages and take action. Problem here can be that you will have a ResponseOrderDTO messages but maybe (just came up with this now) all your ResponseDTO can inherit from ResponseBaseDTO class that expose necessary properties for delivering BrokenRule messages.
I hope you find my thoughts useful and good luck.

How to name the layer between Controller and Model codeigniter MVC

I wanna restrict model to calling to db only
while controller will call model, libraries or helpers.
I do not want to put logic in controller nor in the model to prepare data for views.
Now the logic for preparing all the arrays for views are done in controller. I am creating a library to separate this part as sometimes i feel it is overloading the controller
Hence, i want to create a library class and make controller build the view data before throwing it to the view. It is not exactly templating.
The thing is i do not know how to name it.. Any good suggestion ?
I am thinking view_builder, ui_builder, ui_components?
Here's how I'd layer the app:
View is either desktop or browser or mobile-based.
Controller is tightly bound to view. It's responsible for validating and binding input to model objects, calling services to fulfill use cases, and routing the response to the next view.
Services fulfill use cases. They know about units of work, own transactions, and manage connections to resources like databases. They work with model objects, other services, and persistence objects. They're interface-based objects, but can be remoted or exposed as web services - RPC-XML, SOAP, REST or other.
Persistence is another interfaced-based object. The implementation can be relational or NoSQL; the important thing is that the interface expresses CRUD operations for model objects. If you use generics, it's possible to write one interface that works for all.
I wouldn't have model objects persist themselves. I'm aware of the "anemic domain model" pejorative, but I think more exciting behavior should center around the business purpose, not CRUD operations.
Good setup. I also sometimes use CI libraries to work out the kinks in a returned data array before passing it to a view. I also sometimes just use the model.
And good for you for thinking about names - I think all the ones you mention are fine; you could also think about naming your library something like data_structure or array_to_object - or something more specific to your own problem like friend_map or tag_cloud.
My advice: pick a name, and then don't be afraid to change it if something more descriptive comes along or the function of your library evolves into something else. Find+replace is your friend.

How to construct two objects, with each other as a parameter/member

I have two classes that each need an instance of each other to function. Ordinarily if an object needs another object to run, I like to pass it in the constructor. But I can't do that in this case, because one object has to be instantiated before the other, and so therefore the second object does not exist to be passed to the first object's constructor.
I can resolve this by passing the first object to the second object's constructor, then calling a setter on the first object to pass the second object to it, but that seems a little clunky, and I'm wondering if there's a better way:
backend = new Backend();
panel = new Panel(backend);
I've never put any study into MVC; I suppose I'm dealing with a model here (the Backend), and a view or a controller (the Panel). Any insights here I can gain from MVC?
It's time to take a look at MVC. :-) When you have a model-view-controller situation, the consensus is that the model shouldn't be aware of the view-controller (MVC often plays out as M-VC), but the view is invariably aware of the model.
If the model needs to tell the view something, it does so by notifying its listeners, of which it may have multiples. Your view should be one of them.
In a circular construction scenario I'd use a factory class/factory method. I would normally make the construction logic private to the factory (using friend construct, package level protection or similar), to en sure that no-one could construct instances without using the factory.
The use of setter/constructor is really a part of the contract between the two classes and the factory, so I'd just use whichever's convenient.
As has been pointed out, you really should try to find a non-circular solution.
First of all, contrary to what others has said here, there's no inherent problem with circular references. For example, an Order object would be expected to have a reference to the Customer object of the person who placed the Order. Similarly, it would be natural for the Customer object to have a list of Orders he has placed.
In a refernce-based language (like Java or C#) there's no problem, at all. In a value-based language (like C++), you have to take care in designing them.
That said, you design of:
backend = new Backend();
panel = new Panel(backend);
It pretty much the only way to do it.
It's better to avoid circular references. I would personally try to rethink my objects.
panel = new Panel(backend);
You do this in this routine something like
Public Sub Panel(ByVal BackEnd as BackEnd)
Me.MyBackEnd = BackEnd
BackEnd.MyPanel = Me
End Sub
You don't need BackEnd.SetPanel
It is better to use Proxies. A proxy links one object to another through raising a Event. The parent hands the child a proxy. When the child needs the parent it calls a GetRef method on the proxy. The proxy then raises a event which the parent uses to return itself to the proxy which then hands it to the child.
The use of the Event/Delegate mechanism avoids any circular reference problems.
So you have (assuming that the backend is the 'parent' here)
Public Sub Panel(ByVal BackEnd as BackEnd)
Me.MyBackEnd = BackEnd.Proxy
BackEnd.MyPanel = Me
End Sub
Public Property MyBackEnd() as BackEnd
Set (ByVal Value as BackEnd)
priBackEndProxy = BackEnd.Proxy
End Set
Return priBackEndProxy.GetRef
End Get
End Property
Here is a fuller discussion on the problem of circular references. Although it is focused on fixing it in Visual Basic 6.0.
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Also another solution is aggregating Panel and BackEnd into another object. This is common if both elements are UI Controls and need to behave in a coordinated manner.
Finally as far as MVC goes I recommend using a a Model View Presenter approach instead.
Basically you have your Form Implement a IPanelForm interface. It registers itself with a class called Panel which does all the UI logic. BackEnd should have events that Panel can hook into for when the model changes. Panel handles the event and updates the form through the IPanelForm interface.
User clicks a button
The form passes to Panel that the user clicked a button
Panel handles the button and retrieves the data from the backend
Panel formats the data.
Panel uses IPanelForm Interface to show the data on the Form.
I've been delaying implementing the lessons learned here, giving me plenty of time to think about the exact right way to do it. As other people said, having a clear separation where the backend objects have listeners for when their properties change is definitely the way to go. Not only will it resolve the specific issue I was asking about in this question, it is going to make a lot of other bad design smells in this code look better. There are actually a lot of different Backend classes (going by the generic class names I used in my example), each with their own corresponding Panel class. And there's even a couple of places where some things can be moved around to separate other pairs of classes into Backend/Panel pairs following the same pattern and reducing a lot of passing junk around as parameters.
The rest of this answer is going to get language specific, as I am using Java.
I've not worried a whole lot about "JavaBeans," but I have found that following basic JavaBean conventions has been very helpful for me in the past: basically, using standard getters and setters for properties. Turns out there's a JavaBean convention I was unaware of which is really going to help here: bound properties. Bound properties are properties available through standard getters and setters which fire PropertyChangeEvents when they change. [I don't know for sure, but the JavaBeans standard may specify that all properties are supposed to be "bound properties." Not relevant to me, at this point. Be aware also that "standard" getters and setters can be very non-standard through the use of BeanInfo classes to define a JavaBean's exact interface, but I never use that, either.] (The main other JavaBean convention that I choose to follow or not as appropriate in each situation is a no-argument constructor; I'm already following it in this project because each of these Backend objects has to be serializable.)
I've found this blog entry, which was very helpful in cluing me into the bound properties/PropertyChangeEvents issue and helping me construct a plan for how I'm going to rework this code.
Right now all of my backend objects inherit from a common class called Model, which provides a couple of things every backend in this system needs including serialization support. I'm going to create an additional class JavaBean as a superclass of Model which will provide the PropertyChangeEvent support that I need, inherited by every Model. I'll update the setters in each Model to fire a PropertyChangeEvent when called. I may also have JavaBean inherited by a couple of classes which aren't technically Models in the same sense as these but which could also benefit from having other classes registered as listeners for them. The JavaBean class may not fully implement the JavaBean spec; as I've said, there are several details I don't care about. But it's good enough for this project. It sounds like I could get all this by inheriting from java.awt.Component, but these aren't components in any sense that I can justify, so I don't want to do that. (I also don't know what overhead it might entail.)
Once every Model is a JavaBean, complete with PropertyChangeEvent support, I'll do a lot of code cleanup: Models that are currently keeping references to Panels will be updated and the Panels will register themselves as listeners. So much cleaner! The Model won't have to know (and shouldn't have known in the first place) what methods the Panel should call on itself when the property updates.

How best to modify my model in Spring MVC if I care about IOC

I am building an application using Spring MVC. I want to make certain changes to my Model for every Controller in the application. In particular, I want to insert certain extra data into the model which will be present for all pages of the application.
I could do this several ways: just add the data at the end of every Controller, use a subclass of Model that adds my extra data, use a subclass of ModelAndView that wraps my Model, use a subclass of VelocityView that wraps the Model before using it... I'm sure there are other options.
But I have an "elegance" constraint: I don't want to write code in each and every Controller, I want this behavior defined in one-and-only-one place. Ideally, it would be controlled by my IOC bean config file.
Does anyone have a recommendation of how to achieve this elegantly?
Aspects are a good approach, but Spring MVC makes it even easier -- you can define a HandlerInterceptor that will be called before or after every time a request is handled. In the HandlerInterceptor postHandle method (in your class that implements the HandlerInterceptor interface) you can add your data to the ModelAndView. You define which handlers should be intercepted in your config file.
You could take a look at using Aspects. Spring even has an AOP extension that you could use.
In brief an aspect would allow you to define code once that would then get "woven" into your classes either when you compile the classes or when they are loaded by the classloader. It's relatively advanced stuff and isn't the most intuitive thing for new programmers to pick up, but it's intended to solve exactly the problem you're referring to.
I might be wrong, but I suspect that you may have described your requirements incorrectly.
You seem to be saying 'I want certain data to be added to my model, for all controllers'.
I suspect that you mean 'I want certain data to be available for all views'.
If my suspicions are correct, then adding the data to you model is polluting your model and violating the single responsibility principle. This is especially true if the same data is to be added to several models. Be careful that you are not just using your model as a convenient 'carrier' of the data - where the data doesn't really have anything to do with the model.
Admittedly, I'm not completely familiar with the Spring MVC way of doing things, but a more detailed example of what you're trying to achieve may allow for a more informed discussion.
