Genetic algorithm on a knapsack-alike optiproblem - algorithm

I have a optimzation problem i'm trying to solve using a genetic algorithm. Basically, there is a list of 10 bound real valued variables (-1 <= x <= 1), and I need to maximize some function of that list. The catch is that only up to 4 variables in the list may be != 0 (subset condition).
Mathematically speaking:
For some function f: [-1, 1]^10 -> R
min f(X)
|{var in X with var != 0}| <= 4
Some background on f: The function is NOT similar to any kind of knapsack objective function like Sum x*weight or anything like that.
What I have tried so far:
Just a basic genetic algorithm over the genome [-1, 1]^10 with 1-point-crossover and some gaussian mutation on the variables. I tried to encode the subset condition in the fitness function by using just the first 4 nonzero (zero as in close enough to 0) values. This approach doesn't work that well and the algorithm is stuck at the 4 first variables and never uses values beyond that. I saw some kind of GA for the 01-knapsack problem where this approach worked well, but apparently this works just with binary variables.
What would you recommend me to try next?

If your fitness function is quick and dirty to evaluate then it's cheap to increase your total population size.
The problem you are running into is that you're trying to select two completely different things simultaneously. You want to select which 4 genomes you care about, and then what values are optimal.
I see two ways to do this.
You create 210 different "species". Each specie is defined by which 4 of the 10 genomes they are allowed to use. Then you can run a genetic algorithm on each specie separately (either serially, or in parallel within a cluster).
Each organism has only 4 genome values (when creating random offspring choose which genomes at random). When two organisms mate you only cross over with genomes that match. If your pair of organisms contain 3 common genomes then you could randomly pick which of the genome you may prefer as the 4th. You could also, as a heuristic, avoid mating organisms that appear to be too genetically different (i.e. a pair that shares two or fewer genomes may make for a bad offspring).
I hope that gives you some ideas you can work from.

You could try a "pivot"-style step: choose one of the existing nonzero values to become zero, and replace it by setting one of the existing zero values to become nonzero. (My "pivot" term comes from linear programming, in which a pivot is the basic step in the simplex method).
Simplest case would be to be evenhandedly random in the selection of each of these values; you can choose a random value, or multiple values, for the new nonzero variable. A more local kind of step would be to use a Gaussian step only on the existing nonzero variables, but if one of those variables crosses zero, spawn variations that pivot to one of the zero values. (Note that these are not mutually exclusive, as you can easily add both kinds of steps).
If you have any information about the local behavior of your fitness score, you can try to use that to guide your choice. Just because actual evolution doesn't look at the fitness function, doesn't mean you can't...

Does your GA solve the problem well without the subset constraint? If not, you might want to tackle that first.
Secondly, you might make your constraint soft instead of hard: Penalize a solution's fitness for each zero-valued variable it has, beyond 4. (You might start by loosening the constraint even further, allowing 9 0-valued variables, then 8, etc., and making sure the GA is able to handle those problem variants before making the problem more difficult.)
Thirdly, maybe try 2-point or multi-point crossover instead of 1-point.
Hope that helps.


How to valorize better offsprings better than with my roulette selection method?

I am playing around with genetic programming algorithms, and I want to know how I can valorize and make sure my best exemplares reproduce more by substituting or improving the way I choose which one will reproduce. Currently the method I use looks like this:
function roulette(population)
local slice = sum_of_fitnesses(population) * math.random()
local sum = 0
for iter = 1, #population do
sum = sum + population[iter].fitness
if sum >= slice then
return population[iter]
But I can't get my population to reach an average fitness which is above a certain value and I worry it's because of less fit members reproducing with more fit members and thus continuing to spread their weak genes around.
So how can I improve my roulette selection method? Or should I use a completely different fitness proportionate selector?
There are a couple of issues at play here.
You are choosing the probability of an individual replicating based on its fitness, so the fitness function that you are using needs to exaggerate small differences or else having a minor decrease in fitness isn't so bad. For example, if a fitness drops from 81 to 80, this change is probably within the noise of the system and won't make much of a different to evolution. It will certainly be almost impossible to climb to a very high fitness if a series of small changes need to be made because the selective pressure simply won't be strong enough.
The way you solve this problem is by using something like tournament selection. In it's simplest form, every time you want to choose another individual to be born, you pick K random individuals (K is known and the "tournament size"). You calculate the fitness of each individual and whomever has the highest fitness is replicated. It doesn't matter if the fitness difference is 81 vs 80 or if its 10000 vs 2, since it simply takes the highest fitness.
Now the question is: what should you set K to? K can be thought of as the strength of selection. If you set it low (e.g., K=2) then many low fitness individuals will get lucky and slip through, being competed against other low-fitness individuals. You'll get a lot of diversity, but very little section. On the flip side, if you set K to be high (say, K=100), you're ALWAYS going to pick one of the highest fitnesses in the population, ensuring that the population average is driven closer to the max, but also driving down diversity in the population.
The particular tradeoff here depends on the specific problem. I recommend trying out different options (including your original algorithm) with a few different problems to see what happens. For example, try the all-ones problem: potential solutions are bit strings and a fitness is simply the number of 1's. If you have weak selection (as in your original example, or with K=2), you'll see that it never quite gets to a perfect all-ones solution.
So, why not always use a high K? Well consider a problem where ones are negative unless they appear in a block of four consecutive ones (or eight, or however many), when they suddenly become very positive. Such a problem is "deceptive", which means that you need to explore through solutions that look bad in order to find ones that are good. If you set your strength of selection too high, you'll never collect three ones for that final mutation to give you the fourth.
Lots of more advanced techniques exist that use tournament selection that you might want to look at. For example, varying K over time, or even within a population, select some individuals using a low K and others using a high K. It's worth reading up on some more if you're planning to build a better algorithm.

Find mutually compatible options from list of list of options

For purposes of this question, let us call a list of mutually incompatible options for "OptionS". I have a list of such OptionS, where each Option, apart from disqualifying all other Options in it's own OptionS list, also disqualify some Options from the other OptionS lists. These rules are symmetrical, so if A forbids B, B forbids A.
I want to pick exactly one Option from each list, such that no Options disqualify each other. There are too many Options (and OptionS) and too few disqualifications in each step to brute force a backtracking solution.
It reminds be a bit of Sudoku, but it is not an exact analog. From certain external factors, I have a rough likelihood for the different Options, or at least an ordering.
Is there a known better solution to this problem? Is it in NP?
Currently, I plan to just take random "paths" through the solution space, weighted by likelihood. A sort of simulated annealing.
EDIT - Clarification
I have a number, let's say between 5 and 500, of vectors.
Each vector contains a number, between 10 and 10000, of elements
Each element rules out a number of elements in the other vectors
This relation is symmetric
I want to pick exactly one element from each vector in a way that no elements disqualify each other
If there is no way to choose one from each vector, I want to at least choose as many as possible. The nature of the data is such that there will always be at least one (and at most a few) solution (or almost-solution - with just a few misses).
I cannot share the real data, but an example would be that the elements are integers between 1 and 10e9 and that only elements whose pairwise sum has more than P prime factors are allowed. Some numbers are more likely than others to "fit" other numbers, since larger numbers tend to have more factors, which makes some choices more likely just like the real one.
Pick P and the sizes and number of vectors as needed to make it suitably challenging :).
My naive solution:
I order the elements by how many other elements they rule out and try those who rule out few first (because that gives you a larger chance to be able to pick one from each).
Then I order the vectors by how many elements the "best" element rules out. Vectors that rule out many other elements are first. So the most constrained vector is tried first, even though the least constrained elements of that vector are tried first.
I then search depth first
The problem with this approach is that if the first choice is wrong, then the depth first search will never have time to reach the next choice.
A better way, which I try to explain in a comment below, would be to score each partial choice (node in the search tree) of elements according to how many you have chosen and how many elements are left. Then I could look deeper in the highest scoring node at each step, so the first choice is less rigid.
A similar way, which I might try first because it is slightly easier, is to do simulated annealing and take random paths, weighted by how many possibilities they keep, down the tree.
Depending on what constraints are allowed, I think you can reduce SAT to this.
Take a SAT expression e.g. (A|B|C)(~A|C|~D)...
Replace ~A by a and make a vector out of each term giving you {A,B,C} {a,C,d}...
You now have the problem of choosing one element from each vector, subject to the constraint that you cannot choose both versions of a variable - the constraints say that A is incompatible with a, B is incompatible with b, and so on.
If you can solve this instance of your problem you can solve SAT by setting to true variables that are chosen in your problem as A, B, C,... to false variables that are chosen as a, b, c,.. and making an arbitrary choice for anything not chosen - therefore your problem is at least as hard as SAT. (Except if you don't encounter these sorts of constraints, in which case I have not proved that your problem is this hard).
Given an instance of your problem, associate a variable with each element, write the constraints as boolean expressions (typically with only 2 variables) to give something which looks like 2-SAT, except that you need an expression for each vector of the form (A|B|C|D|...) to say that you must choose at least one element from each vector - so the exact solution version of your problem, at least, might code up quite nicely as input for a SAT-solver - so it is in NP and since we have already shown it is NP-hard it is NP-complete.
My first recommendation would be to find an off-the-shelf constraint solver and try that (request a maximum-weight solution with the log-likelihoods as weights), but if you're determined to implement a solver from scratch, then I would suggest that you start with something like WalkSAT. To summarize the link in the language of your question: at all times, keep a list of option choices (one from each option list, not necessarily compatible) and a list of conflicts (i.e., a set of pairs of indexes into the list of option lists). Repeatedly choose a conflict at random and resolve it by choosing differently for one half of the conflict or the other (most of the time) so as to decrease the number of conflicts afterward as much as possible or (some of the time) randomly, perhaps according to the likelihoods. Good data structures will be essential in making this run fast.

Using Genetic Algorithms when only relative fitness is known?

I am working on a chess engine, and am using the Gene Expression Programming approach to evolve the evaluation function.
As there is no oracle for chess, my fitness function is only capable of finding the relative fitness of two individuals (by performing a chess match).
Since I do not have an absolute fitness measure, I might end up with some individuals which are better than each other in a circular fashion ( $R_A_B(A)>R_A_B(B), R_B_C(B)>R_B_C(C), R_A_C(C)>R_A_C(A)$ )
So, what are some ways of efficiently evolving the individuals in such a scenario, and how can I avoid ending up in such circular mess?
Thanks :)
The circular fashion ( R_A_B(A)>R_A_B(B), R_B_C(B)>R_B_C(C), R_A_C(C)>R_A_C(A) ) cannot be completely avoided, because chess game is a good example of a perfect NP problem and a detailed behavior of such systems cannot be evaluated with great accuracy.
lets consider a chess board position P. Lets represent variations generated by individual A form the position P in a chess board to belong the set Ap. Lets consider another set Bp where the evaluate function defined by B is used to obtain variations at that position. Lets define a function Q(x) that tests the quality of the variations provided by any individual as the game proceeds. So at P let Q(Ap) > Q(Bp) then for any other position p', Q(Bp') > Q(Ap').
Evolving an individual that generates best variations for all positions is impossible as you yourself stated that there is no oracle for chess;
but that's not going to be a problem. here I have suggested a method that might help;
Instead of trying to provided a unique rank to individuals in such a mess, why can't they be treated equally? If they are treated equally, One problem that could arise is that the first few generations could largely end up in such a circular mess (there would be too many individuals being equal in strength). So its not wrong to use a different fitness function for the first few generations to improve their efficiency enough to solve basic chess puzzles (by defining a fitness function with a simpler endpoint). Later generations would fall in this circular mess for lesser number of times and that would not be a problem. If the fitness function depends upon the result of a match played between two individuals in a particular population, then this would set the end point of this evolution as: attaining the playing strength of the hypothetical function G(x) (which is never possible). So the individuals generated would try to evolve in a broader scale, by trying to become perfect in all board situations (which would slow down the process if the individuals present in the initial generations are of weak playing strength).
The other method I would suggest would be to try to define a constant function N(x), that is made to work in a higher time complexity (i.e. evaluates longer than the individuals selected from a particular generation by checking more variations). Now we may compare the values R_A_N(A), R_B_N(B), R_C_N(C) separately to rank them in an order. It is not really necessary to create a unique constant evaluate function for this purpose, any random individual can be selected for this purpose.
Using a selective individual N (made to search for a greater depth) and then trying to find the R_A_N(A), is more like selecting a origin in a graph where only relative positions of certain points are known. Here the population is made to develop relative to the selected individual; N does not have to be a constant function with fixed parameters, it could also be one of the individuals present in this circular mess being made to run in an engine that tests more number of variations( higher search depth) . If individual A is chosen as N, and is made to play with itself run in a greater depth, then its obvious that the individual A which runs with a higher depth beats A run at a lower depth. here, we could define a fitness function that depends upon factors other than the end result of a chess match; for example,
so defining R_A_N(A), R_B_N(B), ... this way could avoid this circular mess.

Genetic Algorithm Implementation for weight optimization

I am a data mining student and I have a problem that I was hoping that you guys could give me some advice on:
I need a genetic algo that optimizes the weights between three inputs. The weights need to be positive values AND they need to sum to 100%.
The difficulty is in creating an encoding that satisfies the sum to 100% requirement.
As a first pass, I thought that I could simply create a chrom with a series of numbers (ex.4,7,9). Each weight would simply be its number divided by the sum of all of the chromosome's numbers (ex. 4/20=20%).
The problem with this encoding method is that any change to the chromosome will change the sum of all the chromosome's numbers resulting in a change to all of the chromosome's weights. This would seem to significantly limit the GA's ability to evolve a solution.
Could you give any advice on how to approach this problem?
I have read about real valued encoding and I do have an implementation of a GA but it will give me weights that may not necessarily add up to 100%.
It is mathematically impossible to change one value without changing at least one more if you need the sum to remain constant.
One way to make changes would be exactly what you suggest: weight = value/sum. In this case when you change one value, the difference to be made up is distributed across all the other values.
The other extreme is to only change pairs. Start with a set of values that add to 100, and whenever 1 value changes, change another by the opposite amount to maintain your sum. The other could be picked randomly, or by a rule. I'd expect this would take longer to converge than the first method.
If your chromosome is only 3 values long, then mathematically, these are your only two options.

Writing Simulated Annealing algorithm for 0-1 knapsack in C#

I'm in the process of learning about simulated annealing algorithms and have a few questions on how I would modify an example algorithm to solve a 0-1 knapsack problem.
I found this great code on CP:
I'm pretty sure I understand how it all works now (except the whole Bolzman condition, as far as I'm concerned is black magic, though I understand about escaping local optimums and apparently this does exactly that). I'd like to re-design this to solve a 0-1 knapsack-"ish" problem. Basically I'm putting one of 5,000 objects in 10 sacks and need to optimize for the least unused space. The actual "score" I assign to a solution is a bit more complex, but not related to the algorithm.
This seems easy enough. This means the Anneal() function would be basically the same. I'd have to implement the GetNextArrangement() function to fit my needs. In the TSM problem, he just swaps two random nodes along the path (ie, he makes a very small change each iteration).
For my problem, on the first iteration, I'd pick 10 random objects and look at the leftover space. For the next iteration, would I just pick 10 new random objects? Or am I best only swapping out a few of the objects, like half of them or only even one of them? Or maybe the number of objects I swap out should be relative to the temperature? Any of these seem doable to me, I'm just wondering if someone has some advice on the best approach (though I can mess around with improvements once I have the code working).
With simulated annealing, you want to make neighbour states as close in energy as possible. If the neighbours have significantly greater energy, then it will just never jump to them without a very high temperature -- high enough that it will never make progress. On the other hand, if you can come up with heuristics that exploit lower-energy states, then exploit them.
For the TSP, this means swapping adjacent cities. For your problem, I'd suggest a conditional neighbour selection algorithm as follows:
If there are objects that fit in the empty space, then it always puts the biggest one in.
If no objects fit in the empty space, then pick an object to swap out -- but prefer to swap objects of similar sizes.
That is, objects have a probability inverse to the difference in their sizes. You might want to use something like roulette selection here, with the slice size being something like (1 / (size1 - size2)^2).
Ah, I think I found my answer on Wikipedia.. It suggests moving to a "neighbor" state, which usually implies changing as little as possible (like swapping two cities in a TSM problem)..
"The neighbours of a state are new states of the problem that are produced after altering the given state in some particular way. For example, in the traveling salesman problem, each state is typically defined as a particular permutation of the cities to be visited. The neighbours of some particular permutation are the permutations that are produced for example by interchanging a pair of adjacent cities. The action taken to alter the solution in order to find neighbouring solutions is called "move" and different "moves" give different neighbours. These moves usually result in minimal alterations of the solution, as the previous example depicts, in order to help an algorithm to optimize the solution to the maximum extent and also to retain the already optimum parts of the solution and affect only the suboptimum parts. In the previous example, the parts of the solution are the parts of the tour."
So I believe my GetNextArrangement function would want to swap out a random item with an item unused in the set..
