JTA Callbacks in Spring - spring

Is it possible to register some kind of callback with a JTA transaction in a Spring application?
I've got some mock services that are standing in for remote services that belong to another application that's normally accessed using Spring's HttpInvoker. These mock services model data in-memory in a trivial fashion using Maps and the like.
The Unit tests don't necessarily know which of these services might get used; the service the test case is targetting might use them behind the scenes.
The unit tests are transactional, and Spring's SpringJUnit4ClassRunner will rollback the transaction after each test, meaning that the state fo our unit test database is preserved between tests.
How can I rollback the state of this custom in-memory service implementation? If there was a way of finding out if there's a transaction currently going on, then I was hoping there'd be a way of registering a callback with the TransactionManager to be executed before the transaction is completed.

I don't think it's a good idea to clean up test mock in such an implicit way - tests usually perform cleanup explicitly.
However, if you really want, take a look at TransactionSynchronizationManager.registerSynchronization().


Is it worth implementing service integration tests in Spring Boot application?

I have come accross multiple articles on integration testing on Spring Boot applications. Given that the application follows three layer pattern (Web Layer - Service Layer - Repository Layer) I have not seen a single article with integration testing the application up to just the service layer (ommiting the web layer) where all the business logic is contained. All of the integration tests seem like controller unit tests - mostly veryfing only request and response payloads, parameters etc.
What I would like however is to verify the business logic using service integration tests. Since the web layer is responsible only for taking the results from services and exchanging them with the client I think this makes much more sense. Such tests could also contain some database state verifications after running services to e.g. ensure that there are no detached leftovers.
Since I have never seen such a test, is it a good practice to implement one? If no, then why?
There is no one true proper way to test Spring applications. A general approach is as you described:
slices tests (#DataJpaTest, #WebMvcTest) etc for components that heavily rely on Spring
unit tests for domain classes and service layer
small amount of e2e tests (#SpringBootTest) to see if everything is working together properly
Spotify engineers on the other hand wrote how they don't do almost any unit testing and everything is covered with integration tests that covered with integration tests.
There is nothing stopping you from using #SpringBootTest and test your service layer with all underlying components. There are things you need to consider:
it is harder to prepare test data (or put system under certain state), as you need to put them into the database
you need to clean the database by yourself, as (#SpringBootTest) does not rollback transactions
it is harder to test edge cases
you need to mock external HTTP services with things like Wiremock - which is also harder than using regular Mockito
you need to take care of how many application contexts you create during tests - first that it's slow, second each application context will connect to the database, so you will create X connections per context and eventually you can reach limits of your database server.
This is borderline opinion-based, but still, I will share my take on this.
I usually follow Mike Cohn's original test pyramid such as depicted below.
The reason is that unit tests are not only easier to write but also faster and most likely cover much more than other more granular tests.
Then we come across the service or integration tests, the ones you mention in your question. They are usually harder to write simply because you are now testing the whole application and not only a single class and take longer to run. The benefit is that you are able to test a given scenario and most probably they do not require as much maintenance as the unit tests when you need to change something in your code.
However, and here comes the opinion part, I usually prefer to focus much more on writing good and extensive unit tests (but not too much on test coverage and more on what I expect from that class) than on fully-fledged integration tests. What I do like to do is take advantage of Spring Slice Tests which in the pyramid would be placed between the Unit Tests and the Service Tests. They allow you to focus on a specific class (a Controller for example) but they also allow you to test some integration with the underlying Spring Framework or infrastructure. This is for me the best of both worlds. You can still focus on a single class but also test some relevant components of your application. You can test your web layer with #WebMvcTest or #WebFluxTest (so that you can test JSON deserialization and serialization, bean validation, etc...), or you can focus on your persistence layer with #DataJpaTest, #JdbcTest or #DataMongoTest (so that you can test the actual persistence and retrieval of data).
Wrapping up, I usually write a bunch of Unit Tests and then web layer tests to check my Controllers and also some persistence layer tests against a real database.
You can read more in the following interesting online resources:

Transaction Management while performing Functional Testing Spring Rest Interface

I am trying to write a Functional Testing suite. The test utilizes a bunch of Rest calls to execute workflows (The testing is black-box testing, using the rest interface.). The application under rest is Spring 3 and uses Spring's transaction management(DataSourceTransactionManager). To avoid individual setup and tear-down methods, I was thinking of making the transaction rollback-able.This is accomplished by using #TransactionConfiguration(defaultRollback = true) when doing unit\integration testing, but I am not aware of a straight forward way of doing it, while performing integration testing(since they are individual rest calls).
The application under test is not single threaded and multiple concurrent testing suite might be running at the same time on the same database instance\application.
My preliminary analysis leads me to believe that I should force spring to use the same rollback-able transaction for all the methods in a test suite.(Like using a Factory method that returns a Transaction based on a unique identifier. Passing a unique request parameter and using AOP to somehow inject a transaction for this thread)
Have any of you done anything similar. I would really appreciate some ideas.
Thank you.
Good Question,
I am planning to use transaction in my Junit test too
Please use if the following works for you
It will take some time for me to implement this in my project but hope, this will help you before I need this.
One more thing which i read is the program is multithreaded.
Do you not wish to use the Isolation level which are provided by spring ? But I think it will be developers who should take care of this.

Mocking AOP method implementation for unit tests

I've a java application which has multiple modules - (GWT-)RPC services, perf-library, remote-client (All java code written/owned by my team). The perf-library contains Spring AOP aspects related code and it's primarily used to push intercepted method logs to a data store. Now, perf-library is dependent on another remote-client which actually maintains a queue and handles the job of pushing logs to the data store. So, in a way, perf-library just delegates the task to remote-client.
The business logic code calls intercepted methods which have AOP logic and hence there is a dependency on remote-client. Obviously, I don't want to connect to the remote-client from within unit tests. I think I need to mock the implementation of method push() which connects to remote-client. What I'm unable to figure out is how to use the mock implementation for the business logic code package unit tests.
To clarify things, I've modules like this -
RPC service module - e.g. method login() is intercepted.
perf-library - Has aspects (to intercept methods like login()) and implementation to call remote-client
remote-client - Push data to some data-store
Now, for writing the unit tests for RPC service methods, how do I get the mock implementation of push() as it is internal to perf-library. Let's say, I've an interface LogClient (having method push()) which is implemented by two classes (one for production and another for test). I can use this Test implementation for unit tests of perf-library itself, but how do I make the RPC unit tests use it. I'm new to Spring, so not sure if this can be done easily with Spring or anything else. Any help will be nice.
Note: We're using Spring for maintaining beans and DI.
Not sure exactly how but Mockito can be a good choice.
Check this link for details.

In TDD, why OpenEJB and why Arquillian?

I'm a web developer ended up in some Java EE development (Richfaces, Seam 2, EJB 3.1, JPA). To test JPA I use hypersonic and Mockito. But I lack deeper EJB knowledge.
Some may argue that we should use OpenEJB and Arquillian, but for what?
When do I need to do container dependent tests? What are the possible test scenarios where I need OpenEJB and Arquillian?
Please enlighten me :)
There are two aspects in this case.
Unit tests. These are intended to be very fast (execute the whole test suite in seconds). They test very small chunks of your code - i.e. one method. To achieve this kind of granularity, you need to mock the whole environment using i.e. Mockito. You're not interested in:
invoking EntityManager and putting entities into the database,
testing transactions,
making asynchronous invocations,
hitting the JMS Endpoint, etc.
You mock this whole environment and just test each method separately. Unit tests are fine-grained and blazingly fast. It's because you can execute them each time you make some important changes in code. If they were more complex and time-consuming, the developer wouldn't hit the 'test' button so often as he should.
Integration tests. These are slower, as you want to test the integration between your modules. You want to test if they 'talk' to each other appropriately, i.e.:
are the transactions propagated in the way you expect it,
what happens if you invoke your business method with no transaction at all,
does the changes sent from your WebServices client, really hits your endpoint method and it adds the data to the database?
what if my JMS endpoint throw an ApplicationException - will it properly rollback all the changes?
As you see, integration tests are coarse-grained and as they're executed in the container (or basically: in production-like environment) they're much slower. These tests are normally not executed by the developer after each code change.
Of course, you can run the EJB Container in embedded mode, just as you can execute the JPA in Java SE. The point is that the artificial environment is giving you the basic services, but you'll end with tweaking it and still end with less flexibility than in the real container.
Arquillian gives you the ability to create the production environment on the container of your choice and just execute tests in this environment (using the datasources, JMS destinations, and a whole lot of other configurations you expect to see in production environment.)
Hope it helps.
I attended Devoxx this year and got a chance to answer the JBOSS dudes this question.
Some of the test scenarios (the stuff i managed to scribble down):
Configuration of the container
Container integration
Transaction boundaries
Entity callback methods
Integration tests
Selenium recordings

Is there a better way of detecting if a Spring DB transaction is active than using TransactionSynchronizationManager.isActualTransactionActive()?

I have some legacy code that I am now trying to re-use under Spring. This code is deeply nested in other code so it's not practical to redesign and is called in many situations, only some of which are through Spring. What I'd like to do is to use the Spring transaction if one has been started; otherwise, continue to use the existing (legacy) db connection mechanism. Our first thought was to make our legacy class a bean and use an injected TransactionPlatformManager, but that does not seem to have any methods germane to our situation. Some research showed that Spring has a class called TransactionSynchronizationManager which has a static method isActualTransactionActive(). My testing indicates this method is a reliable way of detecting if a Spring transaction is active:
When called via Spring service without the #Transactional annotation, it returns false
When called via Spring service with #Transactional, it returns true
In my legacy method called the existing way, it returns false
My question: Is there a better way of detecting if a transaction is active?
No better way than the TransactionSynchronizationManager.isActualTransactionActive(). It is the utility method used by spring to handle the transactions. Although it is not advisable to use it within your code, for some specific cases you should - that's why it's public.
Another way might be to use the entity manager / session / connection and check there if there's an existing transaction, but I'd prefer the synchronization manager.
