How to get two sums from a linq query - linq

I have a list of Transactions. Using Linq, I want to get a sum of the Cost and sum of the Quantity from this list in one query.
My first thought is to use grouping - but I don't really have a key that I want to group on, I want just one group with the results from the whole list. So, I happen to have a property called "Parent" that will be the same for all of the transactions, so I'm using that to group on:
var totalCostQuery =
(from t in Transactions
where t.Status != GeneralStoreTransactionStatus.Inactive &&
(t.Type == GeneralStoreTransactionType.Purchase ||
t.Type == GeneralStoreTransactionType.Adjustment)
group t by t.Parent into g
select new
TotalCost = g.Sum(t => t.Cost.GetValueOrDefault()),
TotalQuantity = g.Sum(t => t.Quantity.GetValueOrDefault())
Grouping by t.Parent seems like it could be wrong. I really don't want to group at all, I just want the sum of t.Quantity and sum of t.Cost.
Is that the correct way to get a sum of two different properties or can it be done in a different way.

Assuming this is Linq to SQL or Entity Framework, you can do that:
var totalCostQuery =
(from t in Transactions
where t.Status != GeneralStoreTransactionStatus.Inactive &&
(t.Type == GeneralStoreTransactionType.Purchase ||
t.Type == GeneralStoreTransactionType.Adjustment)
group t by 1 into g
select new
TotalCost = g.Sum(t => t.Cost),
TotalQuantity = g.Sum(t => t.Quantity)
Note that you don't need to use GetValueOrDefault, null values will be ignored in the sum.
EDIT: not sure this works with Linq to NHibernate though...
Note that if you're using Linq to objects, the solution above won't be efficient, because it will enumerate each group twice (once for each sum). In that case you can use Aggregate instead:
var transactions =
from t in Transactions
where t.Status != GeneralStoreTransactionStatus.Inactive &&
(t.Type == GeneralStoreTransactionType.Purchase ||
t.Type == GeneralStoreTransactionType.Adjustment)
select t;
var total =
new { TotalCost = 0.0, TotalQuantity = 0 },
(acc, t) =>
TotalCost = acc.TotalCost + t.Cost.GetValueOrDefault(),
TotalQuantity = acc.TotalQuantity + t.Quantity.GetValueOrDefault(),


LINQ Aggregate results with Many to Many Relationship

I am currently working with this schema
This is how my LINQ currently looks
var regionResults = (
from p in _context.Projects
from pr in p.Regions
where (data.RegionId == null || pr.RegionId == data.RegionId)
group p by pr.RegionId into g
join q in _context.Regions on g.Key equals _context.Regions.First().Id
select new Models.ViewModels.ProjectBreakdownViewModel.Regions
RegionName = q.Name,
TotalCount = g.Count(),
RejectedCount = g.Count(e => e.SubmissionStatusId == 2),
DeniedCount = g.Count(e => e.SubmissionStatusId == 3)
this is what it is currently producing, albeit incorrect
This is what I need it to be...
I know the problem is with this line, essentially
join q in _context.Regions on g.Key equals _context.Regions.First().Id
I don't know how to do this without the use of .First(), there doesn't seem to be a way to do it. I'm close I just don't know how to finish this.
If you have an collection of ProjectRegions in you Region entity, you can do this:
var result= context.Regions
.Where(r=> data.RegionId == null || r.Id == data.RegionId)
.Select(r=> new
RegionName = r.Name,
TotalCount = r.ProjectRegions.Count(),
RejectedCount = r.ProjectRegions.Count(e => e.Project.SubmissionStatusId == 2),
DeniedCount = r.ProjectRegions.Count(e => e.Project.SubmissionStatusId == 3)
ProjectRegion entity should have two nav properties, Project and Region, use them to navigate and create the corresponding conditions

How to find Distinct in more than one column in LINQ

I have a LINQ statement that returns many columns. I need to find distinct of unique combination of two columns. What is the best way to do this.
var productAttributeQuery =
from pa in ctx.exch_productattributeSet
join pp in ctx.exch_parentproductSet
on pa.exch_ParentProductId.Id equals pp.Id
join ep in ctx.exch_exchangeproductSet
on pp.exch_parentproductId equals ep.exch_ParentProductId.Id
where pa.exch_EffBeginDate <= effectiveDateForBeginCompare
&& pa.exch_EffEndDate >= effectiveDateForEndCompare
&& pa.statuscode == StusCodeEnum.Active
where pp.exch_EffBeginDate <= effectiveDateForBeginCompare
&& pp.exch_EffEndDate >= effectiveDateForEndCompare
&& pp.statuscode == StatusCodeEnum.Active
where ep.statuscode == StatusCodeEnum.Active
select new ProductAttributeDto
ParentProductId = pa.exch_ParentProductId.Id,
AttributeId = pa.exch_AttributeId.Id,
AttributeValue = pa.exch_Value,
AttributeRawValue = pa.exch_RawValue
return productAttributeQuery.ToList();
I want to get Distinct combination of ParentProductId and AttributeId from this list
You can group by anonymous type and select keys (they will be distinct)
var query = from p in productAttributeQuery
group p by new {
} into g
select g.Key;
You can use same approach with you original query if you want to get distinct pairs on server side.
Another approach - project results into pairs and get distinct from them:
var query = productAttributeQuery
.Select(p => new { p.ParentProductId, p.AttributeId })

How to optimize this LINQ expression?

I have this code:
var query = from deal in db.Deals
where deal.EndDate >= DateTime.UtcNow
select deal;
var priceList = filters.Price.GetPriceRangeList();
foreach(var price in priceList)
var startPrice = price.StartPrice;
var endPrice = price.EndPrice;
var priceResult = from deal in query
where (deal.DiscountPrice >= startPrice && deal.DiscountPrice <= endPrice)
select deal;
if(priceResult.Count() != 0)
priceResults = (priceResults == null) ? priceResult : priceResult.Union(priceResults);
query = priceResults != null ? query.Intersect(priceResults) : Enumerable.Empty<Deal>().AsQueryable();
My query is slow when priceList has more ten values.
I use Intersect for filters.
How to optimize these queries?
One idea for optimization would be to sort query by StartPrice ascending, that way your inner query can just stop traversal once StartPrice is higher than the DiscountPrice property:
var query = from deal in db.Deals
where deal.EndDate >= DateTime.UtcNow
orderby deal.DiscountPrice ascending
select deal;
var startPrice = price.StartPrice;
var endPrice = price.EndPrice;
var queryLocal = query.SkipWhile(deal => deal.DiscountPrice < startPrice);
var priceResult = queryLocal.TakeWhile(deal => deal.DiscountPrice >= startPrice
&& deal.DiscountPrice <= endPrice);
You have a few issues. The first one is that the query is executed every iteration in your foreach loop. Calling ToList or ToArray will ensure that it is only executed once
Secondly the union is costly. It will iterate priceResult for every iteration of the foreach loop
thirdly your count will also iterate priceResult. Use .Any instead if you wish to know if theres any elements. However I think you can avoid that. If I've read your code correctly I believe the below should have the same result but it does not have the above three issues
var query = (from deal in db.Deals
where deal.EndDate >= DateTime.UtcNow
orderby deal.DiscountPrice ascending
select deal).ToList();
var priceResults = (from price in filters.Price.GetPriceRangeList()
let startPrice = price.StartPrice
let endPrice = price.EndPrice
select query.SkipWhile(d => deal.DiscountPrice < startPrice)
.TakeWhile(d => deal.DiscountPrice <= endPrice)
).SelectMany(x => x);
instead of iterating for each union there's a distinct only once

Linq query: MAX in WHERE

I have a long query that returns
Item {
DateTime entryDate
I like to combine the result of this query with another table
Value {
DateTime date,
double value
such that if entryDate >= CUTOFF, then take the value on CUTOFF, else take the value on entryDate. In other words, I'd want to achieve:
SELECT Item.*, Value.value WHERE
MIN( Item.entryDate, CUTOFF ) ==
Excuse my syntax, but that's the idea.
EDIT: After some trial and error, I came up with this linq-to-sql query:
from iValue in Values
join iItem in ... (long query)
let targetDate = iItem.EntryDate > CUTOFF ? iItem.EntryDate : CUTOFF
where iValue.Date == targetDate
select new
Thanks for your help.
yourLongQuery.Where(y => y.Item.entryDate == || CUTOFF ==
.Select(x => new {
entrydate = (x.Item.entryDate < CUTOFF ? x.Item.entryDate : CUTOFF),
/*rest of x.Item properties here */ ,,
Filter the query, Combine the two items into one item and modify the first item
Given that you've returned your data from your Item query and that the Value table is relatively small then this is a nice way to go:
var lookup = values.ToLookup(v =>, v => v.value);
var query =
from i in items
let c = i.entryDate < CUTOFF ? i.entryDate : CUTOFF
let v = lookup[c].FirstOrDefault()
select new
Item = i,
Value = v,
The ToLookup extension is very useful and often overlooked.
such that if entryDate >= CUTOFF, then take the value on CUTOFF, else
take the value on entryDate. In other words, I'd want to achieve:
SELECT Item.*, Value.value WHERE MAX( Item.entryDate, CUTOFF ) ==
This is contradictory - if entryDate >= CUTOFF then take the value on CUTOFF imples that you want MIN(Item.entryDate, CUTOFF), not MAX.
Having said that, you just want to select the value.Value that matches each item of your query. Each item should look up the relevant value which matches your MAX (or, I believe, MIN) statement.
query.Select(item =>
var matchingValue = Values.Single(v => == Min(item.entryDate, CUTOFF));
return new { item, matchingValue.value };
This will return an IQueryable of anonymous { Item, double } objects.
If you require this to be a executed as a single SQL statement you'll need to do some refactoring. A good start is to swap matchingValue into a single statement.
query.Select(item => new { item, context.Values.Single(v => == Min(item.entryDate, CUTOFF)).value });
I don't have a Visual Studio in front of me to confirm, but I am not sure that the Math.Min function is mapped in LINQ-to-SQL. Let's assume it's not.
query.Select(item => new { item, context.Values.Single(v => == (item.entryDate < CUTOFF ? item.entryDate : CUTOFF)).value });
I believe that will resolve to a single query if you execute it with a .ToList() but can't confirm until I have some tools in front of me. Test it with SQL profiler to be sure.

In Linq2SQL, how do I get a record plus the previous and next in the sequence in a single query?

Given a date, what is the most efficient way to query the last record before that date, any record that equals that date, and the next one after that date.
It should be functionally equivalent to a query like this:
from asset in Assets
where asset.Id == assetId
select new {
Previous = (from a in a.Orders where a.Date < myDate orderby a.Date descending select a).FirstOrDefault(),
Current = (from a in a.Orders where a.Date == myDate select a).SingleOrDefault(),
Next = (from a in a.Orders where a.Date > myDate orderby a.Date select a).FirstOrDefault()
As is, this query runs three queries, and presumably has to sort the dataset by myDate three times to do it.
Some similar questions:
How do I get 5 records before AND after a record with a specific ID? (just uses two queries)
How do I get records before and after given one? Not in Linq, and therefore hard for me to take advantage of (my team will get annoyed).
To provide the "most efficient" query depends on what you mean by efficient.
If you want a single query to the database, a single sort of orders by date and finally fast look-ups by date then I suggest the following might be the most efficient. :-)
var orders =
(from a in Assets
where a.Id == assetId
from o in a.Orders
orderby o.Date
select o).ToArray();
var previous = orders.LastOrDefault(o => o.Date < myDate);
var current = orders.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Date == myDate);
var next = orders.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Date > myDate);
This should query the database once for the orders associated with the required asset Id, sort them by date, and return them as an array in memory. Since this is in memory it is now blindingly fast to look for the current, previous & next records for the specified date.
Does your Orders table have a sequential ID field? If so, you might be able to do it with:
from asset in Assets
where asset.Id == assetID
let current = asset.Orders.Where(x => x.Date == myDate).FirstOrDefault()
where current != null
let previous = asset.Orders.Where(x => == - 1).FirstOrDefault()
let next = asset.Orders.Where(x => == + 1).FirstOrDefault()
select new {
Previous = previous,
Current = current,
Next = next
If it doesn't, then it'd be a bit more code:
from asset in Assets
where asset.Id == assetID
let current = asset.Orders.Where(x => x.Date == myDate).FirstOrDefault()
where current != null
let previous = asset.Orders.Where(x => x.Date < current.Date).OrderByDescending(x => x.Date).FirstOrDefault()
let next = asset.Orders.Where(x => x.Date > current.Date).OrderBy(x => x.Date).FirstOrDefault()
select new {
Previous = previous,
Current = current,
Next = next
That should get compiled into a single SQL query that utilizes sub-queries. IE: the database server will execute multiple queries, but your client program is only submitting one.
Edit One other idea that would work if your Order table had sequential IDs:
var sample = (from asset in Assets
where asset.Id == assetID
let current = asset.Orders.Where(x => x.Date == myDate).FirstOrDefault()
where current != null
from order in asset.Orders
where order.Id == - 1
select order)
var Previous = sample[0];
var Current = sample[1];
var Next = sample[2];
Other Answers, for example, SkipWhile etc. very very slow. Good luck ^^
//Current Record
var query
= (from item in db.Employee
where item.UserName.Equals(_username)
select item).SingleOrDefault();
//Next Record
var query
= (from item in db.Employee
where item.UserName.CompareTo(_username) > 0
select item).FirstOrDefault();
//Previous Record
var query
= (from item in db.Employee
where item.UserName.CompareTo(_username) < 0
orderby item.UserName Descending
select item).FirstOrDefault();
Almost the same, but the SQL query plan might be different.
var q =
from asset in Assets
where asset.Id == assetID
select new
Previous = asset.Orders.where(a => a.Date == asset.Orders.Where(x => x.Date < myDate).Max(x => x.Date)).FirstOrDefault(),
Current = asset.Orders.Where(x => x.Date == myDate).FirstOrDefault(),
Next = asset.Orders.where(a => a.Date == asset.Orders.Where(x => x.Date > myDate).Min(x => x.Date)).FirstOrDefault()
