Maven failure to find maven-plugins:maven-cobertura-plugin - maven

I try to compile maven web project with
The problem is that when I try compile it I get the following errors:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project inferx-d2aserver: Could
not resolve dependencies for project
com.inferx:inferx-d2aserver:war:4.0: The following artifacts could not
be resolved: maven-plugins:maven-cobertura-plugin:plugin:1.3,
maven-plugins:maven-findbugs-plugin:plugin:1.3.1, Failure to find
maven-plugins:maven-cobertura-plugin:plugin:1.3 in was cached in
the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the
update interval of com.springsource.repository.bundles.release has
elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1] [ERROR]
I use Apache Maven 3.0.3, Java: 1.7.0 OS: Windows 7 (64 bit)

I am not sure if this is the same case since my dependencies is different. I got similar error message with the same dependencies error so I removed both dependencies from ~/.m2/repository/jaxen/jaxen/1.1.3/jaxen-1.1.3.pom and the project is compile fine now.

I was also facing similar issue. I just excluded jaxen from Jdom dependency and it worked for me.
jdom 1.1.2 includes jaxen 1.1.3 which imports those artifacts.

It look like your pom or parent pom contains a wrong definition of the maven-coberatura-plugin which should be fixed first. Furthermore remove the folder in your local repository.

From the error message related to cobertura version, it looks like you may be having a pom.xml corresponding to maven 1.
The following are maven 1.x versions of the plugins and not supported.

Removing the pom is not the solution; in future builds may be you need them. Best solution according to my opinion is to modify the POM of corresponding jars. Like if you are getting error because of any jar; actually there is the dependency defined in its POM. So use <exclude>. That will work for sure.


How to incorporate BIRT 4.9.0 into POM?

I am refactoring my application to work under java 17. Birt runtime 3.7.x is embedded in my application.
In updating to point to birt 4.9.0, I have updated my pom as follows:
<!-- -->
When I build, I get the exception
org.eclipse.birt:birt-runtime:jar:4.9.0 was not found in during a previous attempt
I have deleted and rebuilt my local .m2 directory.
When I dig around the maven repository I find the file at
This link (BiRT latest Runtime as one Maven Dependency for Eclipse) was resolved by manually downloading the file and pointing to a local copy. I'd prefer to avoid that, since Maven is all about avoiding that kind of scenario.
I suspect there's something in the maven path I am missing.
Thank you in advance.

Serialization errors due to jackson-databind version mismatch?

I am running into the following error
at com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.joda.ser.DurationSerializer.<init>(
at com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.joda.ser.DurationSerializer.<init>(
at com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.joda.JodaModule.<init>(
I checked to see what versions of jackson-datatype-joda are available. It appears that maven has excluded all version mismatches.
Any other reason this might cause serialization errors?
The problem is that among the maven dependencies (mind that it could be a transitive one) you have incompatible versions of jackson-datatype-joda and jackson-databind. Incompatible in the sense that jackson-databind's SerializationFeature class is missing the WRITE_DURATIONS_AS_TIMESTAMPS field. To see what dependencies maven brings you can run the following command in the terminal (or you can use an IDE's maven plug to search and analyse the maven dependency tree):
mvn dependency:tree | grep databind
the outcome will most probably be something like:
[INFO] | +- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:jar:2.4.1:compile
The version of course can vary but the important thing is that the WRITE_DURATIONS_AS_TIMESTAMPS field is only available since version 2.5
You can exclude a transitive dependency like this:
If it's not a transitive dependency you need to update version of jackson-databind.
I got it resolved by using following dependency as this dependency has overridden any other version used:
I had same error. I had included all jackson*2.7.0 libraries under WEB-INF/lib/ and i was still getting that error. I am using wildfly 8.2 and it had jackson 2.4.1 libraries under modules and somehow it was loading 2.4.1 jars from that location. So I had to manually upgrade them to 2.7.0 which fixed the issue. I was under impression that if I did not mention it to load jackson jars in deployment configuration file, it would not load wildfly jars. I guess I was wrong.

Excluding transitive dependency not working

Project A references Project B. Project B has included a local dependency. This local dependency unfortunately has a dependency to in version 1.5.
We want to use in version 1.11 in Project A but we are not able to "overwrite" the dependency. Eclipse always uses the dependency from Project B.
We already tried to exclude the 1.5 version from the local dependency, but it doesn't work.
The strange thing is, that Eclipse successfully resolves a class that has been added with version 1.11. For an already existing class, however, eclipse resolves it from the transitive dependency from de.someCompany.
Project B:
Project A:
I also tried to include the 1.11 dependency in Project A.
We even tried to install the DesignGridLayout V. 1.11 in the local dependency and to change the groupID and artifactId to something different, but it cannot even be found by Eclipse for some reason. If it would be possible to include the DesignGridLayout with another groupId and artifactId, I think it would work.
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib\designgridlayout.jar -DartifactId=design-grid-layout -Dversion=1.11 -DgeneratePom=true -Dpackaging=jar -DlocalRepositoryPath="%USERPROFILE%\.m2\repository"
Not sure - but:
Your project A has a dependency to itself? Shouldn't it use project-b?
Its not a good idea to change group or artifact id's as maven can no longer detect its the same artifact. If you do a custom version the version number should be enough.
If you add the dependency in your own pom then you don't need to exclude the artifact, since the groupId and artifactId are the same. The version in your own pom will win in project-b. If project a defines that dependency again itself that version will win.
I would do a mvn dependency:tree on project-a pom to see where the dependencies come from.
For eclipse: it indexes the local repository. In the maven settings there is a re-index button. So if you manually copy jars in there that may help eclipse to find the artifact. But that workaround would need to be done on every machine. I would not count that as solution. In the maven world artifact-resolution is an infrastructure issue and should not be handled per project. The way this is done should be transparent through the settings.xml

A conflicting jar is being added to Maven dependencies - how to track down?

I have a dependency that I have added to my project:
When I compile and run I get an error indicating a mismatch of signatures. Looking at my Maven Dependencies in my Java Build Path (Eclipse) I see a jar being added by Maven for Vaadin version 6.8.8. I have scoured my pom.xml and do not see that I have added that. I assume that this dependency is being added by another dependency.
I definitely want to use Vaadin version 7.0.5. As long as version 6.8.8 keeps getting included it will be an issue. How can I resolve this?
mvn dependency:tree
Once you have its output you can add a suitable exclusion.

downloading guice3.0 artifact from maven central repository

I'm trying to upgrade my struts2 web app from guice2.0 to guice3.0.
I'm trying to test it out using maven jetty.
I've successfully upgraded my pom.xml to use the correct version and groupId for the 3.0 release, but if I call mvn jetty:run
I see that it is trying to download
which throws a build error and can't be found the central repository?
I don't get this error if I don't include any guice extensions.
Any ideas?
I posted this question also to the guice user group.
This is the answer I received.
The guice-3.0-no_deps.jar is a build-time artifact that's used to compile the extensions, but is not required at runtime - it's not on maven central because the Guice team didn't want people depending on this "uber-jar" by mistake. The extensions have an optional dependency to guice-3.0-no_deps.jar (so they can compile) but they also have a non-optional dependency to guice-3.0.jar for the runtime case.
Well-behaved maven plugins should see that the the no_deps dependency is optional and not throw a build error if it's missing, so this sounds like a bug in the jetty plugin. To workaround the Jetty bug you can explicitly hide this dependency as follows:
Note that we can't do this in the original build pom because we still need the no_deps dependency when doing the original compilation.
