how do i create a grayscale image from non image data - image

I have a array containing data. This array contains only image data/ or it can be just random data. No header information is available. So writing this to a file and making its extension as jpg is not going to work. Can someone please recommend a library that would do this for me.
Any language that isnt a scripting language is ok. Any environment. I would prefer if its in C/Java/Matlab.

If you have your array in MATLAB (let's say it's in a variable called im), then you can just type
imwrite(im, 'myfilename.bmp', 'bmp')
and your array will be written to a .bmp file. You can choose from a number of other common formats too. See the documentation for imwrite.
You can even write random data in this way:
a = rand(100,100);


Difference between Tensorfloat and ImageFeatureValue

When using the Windows-Machine-Learning library, the input and output to the onnx models is often either TensorFloat or ImageFeatureValue format.
My question: What is the difference between these? It seems like I am able to change the form of the input in the automatically created model.cs file after onnx import (for body pose detection) from TensorFloat to ImageFeatureValue and the code still runs. This makes it e.g. easier to work with videoframes, since I can then create my input via ImageFeatureValue.CreateFromVideoFrame(frame).
Is there a reason why this might lead to problems and what are the differences between these when using videoframes as input, I don't see it from the documentation? Or why does the model.cs script create a TensorFloat instead of an ImageFeatureValue in the first place anyway if the input is a videoframe?
Found the answer here.
If Windows ML does not support your model's color format or pixel range, then you can implement conversions and tensorization. You'll create an NCHW four-dimensional tensor for 32-bit floats for your input value. See the Custom Tensorization Sample for an example of how to do this.

How to convert PDF to PDF/A-1a using ghostscript? What conditions are needed to convert to PDF/A-1a?

I already did a lot of research and realized that clear information about "How to generate PDF/A-1a" or "...convert to PDF/A-1a" is really rare. I found some information to convert to PDF/A-1a via GhostScript, but I didn't make it to get it working. So, maybe there are some necessary conditions for the data missing in the first place. Conditions like propper metadata of the PDF, structured data for readability by a screen reader, alternative text for pictures, and a declaration of the given language of the text. I need a proper working GhostScript command with the corresponding gs version and the mandatory file conditions to generate or even convert to PDF/A-1a. PDF/A-1b means nothing to me because I'm already able to convert to that.
Thanks for any help.

How to convert image to integer array? (do not use any non-standard library)

How to convert image.png or image.bmp to integer array? (do not use any non-standard library)
Please ignore chunks that are not directly related to image data.(IHDR、IEND...etc.)
thank you very much.
SOLVED: I should use binary I/O function in stdio.h to read image file. thanks
If you have to read images into arrays without any image processing libraries you need two things:
You need means to read files in general.
You need to know the internal structure of the file formats you want to read.
So for png refer to
This document will tell you where to find the image dimensions, pixel data and other features. It's basically a manual for software developers on how to use this standard format properly.
Some image formats will require additional work like decrompression.

Use image in a SAS Stored Process's HTML Stream

I am creating a report with SAS STP and I want to display a image(a logo) on the report. Okay here is what is happening:
data _null_;
file _webout;
put '<html>';
put '</html>';
I am PUTing HTML because I have complex table formats which I need to display and I am not using %STPBEGIN & %STPEND because that opens up an ODS Stream which frankly I do not know how to handle and I am having problems. Not using %STPBEGIN means the above code. This has been a very successful mechanism for me. I can show beautiful reports with CSS and everything. The only problem is images. A client has recently requested to put logo on every report. i though this was going to be easy but it has not been. Ok here is the deal, I tried to use <img src=" "/ > tag and I thought I would use some relative path and my image will show. This technique succeeded and failed.
I added an image to a folder location using SAS Management Console
and use its relative path '/Products/SAS Enterprise GRC/****' (didn't work)
I copied an image to default theme's images folder under Web/Staging/*** and tried to used the relative path (didn't work). So i tried to use other images from the the default theme. It worked.
I am stuck, how can I use a custom images here?
If your image is static, you can embed it into your results using a datastep without having to copy files to the server.
The trick to doing this is to encode the image into Base64 encoding, then you can embed the image into an <img src="" /> statement by using this magical notation:
<img src="data:image/png;base64,...." />
You can see that the src= attribute contains metadata to tell the browser that the value contains image data, that represents a png file (I used a png file when testing this post, you may have a JPG/BMP etc...) and that the value is encoded using base64. The 4 periods at the end would be replaced by your image data represented in base64 notation. This would look something like this:
<img src="
... much much more base64 content here ...
HSLyz+h9xy+7HbHRL83L1tv9h8+4d/+Ic/Gf8DiYav3mpqHAMAAAAASUVORK5CYII=" />
Converting your image to base64 is simple. You can simply google for an "online base64 image converter" such as this one. Drag and drop your image and it will produce your base64 code for you.
To get this into a datastep in sas, it's simply a case of:
data _null_;
file _webout;
put '<html>';
put '<img src="......etc..." />';
put '</html>';
If you image is particularly big (say greater than ~32k) you may run into issues trying to output it from a datastep. I probably need to test this to clarify. You can work around this by reading the base64 image from a file in SAS and streaming it directly to _webout, using code similar to below:
data _null_;
file _webout;
infile '\path\to\base64\file.ext';
put _infile_;
If you want to get really tricky, you can take any image you like (such as a chart generated in SAS) and convert it to base64 on the fly, then stream it out. Here is some SAS code that will take an image file and convert it to Base64:
data _null_;
length base64_format $20 base64_string $32767;
infile "\your_sasdir\hi.png" recfm=n;
file "\your_sasdir\hi.base64";
input byte $16000. ;
format_length = 4*(lengthn(byte)/3);
mod = mod(format_length,4);
if mod ne 0 then do;
format_length = format_length - mod + 4;
base64_format = cats("$base64x",format_length,".");
base64_string = putc(cats(byte), base64_format);
put base64_string;
Here is the image I used to test this with:
Once converted, the Base64 representation should look like:
I'm going to see if I can find a way to streamline this as this is something we do frequently at work.
EDIT : Interestingly, SAS9.4 seems to support doing this directly using ODS HTML5 in conjunction with the inline option. See the doc here.
See also this post, by Don Henderson, that provides a similar way to approach this problem. Thanks to Vasilij for the link.
When you define pictures in SAS metadata, it can be accessed via SAS Content server.
To get picture URL log into: 'https://severhost/SASContentServer/repository/default/sasfolders' and search for your picture.
If you defined your picture in catalog /Products/SAS Enterprise GRC/PictureName.gif, it should be accessible from adres 'https://severhost/SASContentServer/repository/default/sasfolders/Products/SAS Enterprise GRC/PictureName.gif(Report)'
Of course you have to remember, that customer user need to have access permission in SAS Metadata to read picture object.
If this won't solve your problem, please type which version of SAS software you are using.
I had a similar problem to you once. I have added the image to our intranet which happens to be SharePoint at the time. I defined that image to have public access level and then references in all my reports.
The idea that since the report is only for internal audience, they all will have access to intranet, but not necessarily to the Content Server so it circumvents the problem that Bagin mentioned.
If you don't have a suitable intranet, you could always reference a logo from your public website which is probably available to all of your audience even if they are external, but then you don't have control over that logo file and one day it might change in some undesirable way.
Using SASjs you can compile ANY binary content into a SAS web service (Stored Process or Viya Job).
Here's an example using an MP3 file:

Is there a way to infer what image format a file is, without reading the entire file?

Is there a good way to see what format an image is, without having to read the entire file into memory?
Obviously this would vary from format to format (I'm particularly interested in TIFF files) but what sort of procedure would be useful to determine what kind of image format a file is without having to read through the entire file?
BONUS: What if the image is a Base64-encoded string? Any reliable way to infer it before decoding it?
Most image file formats have unique bytes at the start. The unix file command looks at the start of the file to see what type of data it contains. See the Wikipedia article on Magic numbers in files and
Sure there is. Like the others have mentioned, most images start with some sort of 'Magic', which will always translate to some sort of Base64 data. The following are a couple examples:
A Bitmap will start with Qk3
A Jpeg will start with /9j/
A GIF will start with R0l (That's a zero as the second char).
And so on. It's not hard to take the different image types and figure out what they encode to. Just be careful, as some have more than one piece of magic, so you need to account for them in your B64 'translation code'.
Either file on the *nix command-line or reading the initial bytes of the file. Most files come with a unique header in the first few bytes. For example, TIFF's header looks something like this: 0x00000000: 4949 2a00 0800 0000
For more information on the TIFF file format specifically if you'd like to know what those bytes stand for, go here.
TIFFs will begin with either II or MM (Intel byte ordering or Motorolla).
The TIFF 6 specification can be downloaded here and isn't too hard to follow
