Add a subform to a form with ajax on submit - ajax

I read this article:
That was very interesting and it works fine.
I need to do the same but with a SubForm. I mean that when a user presses a button, I call, via ajax, an action that adds, attaches and displays a subform to my existing form.
For example:
I have a form where a user must fill in the name and surname of his children, so there is a button "Add Child". When the user presses that button a SubForm should be added to my existing form and displayed. On submit it will validate exactly like the example in that article. The only difference is that in there he just adds a single field. I need to add a SubForm, but in exactly the same way.
I tried the following in my action ( called by Ajax ):
public function clonerecursivegroupAction()
$ajaxContext = $this->_helper->getHelper('AjaxContext');
$ajaxContext->addActionContext('clonerecursivegroup', 'html')->initContext();
$id = $this->_getParam('id', null);
$subform1 = new Zend_Form_SubForm();
$Element1 = $subform1->createElement('text', 'text1');
$Element2 = $subform1->createElement('text', 'text2');
$this->view->field = $subform1->__toString();
This almost works.
The view of this action returns the html code of the SubForm, so on success of my ajax call I just display it.
The problem is that on submit it validates the form but it has lost the new subform just added. That does not happen in the article with just one element. I think I just need to add the SubForm to the existing Form, but how?

Add a prefix of the subform to the subform elements. I used the prefix "child" to represent the subforms. Each subform will be created as child1, child2 and so on.
public function clonerecursivegroupAction()
//.. Other code
$subform = new Zend_Form_SubForm();
$Element1 = $subform->createElement('text', "newfield$id");
$Element1 = $subform->createElement('text', "nextfield$id");
$this->view->field = $subform;
// Rest of your statements
Then, in the preValidation function, filter the subforms using the subform prefix, instead of the field name:
public function preValidation(array $data) {
// array_filter callback
function findForms($field) {
// return field names that include 'child'
if (strpos($field, 'child') !== false) {
return $field;
$subForms = array_filter(array_keys($data), 'findForms'); //filter the subform elements
$children = array();
foreach ($subForms as $subform) {
if (is_array($data[$subform])) {
$children[$subform] = $data[$subform];
//Iterate the children
foreach ($children as $key => $fields) { //$key = subformname, $field=array containing fiend names and values
// strip the id number off of the field name and use it to set new order
$order = ltrim($key, 'child') + 2;
$this->addNewForm($key, $fields, $order);
Add New Form function creates each of the sub forms and attaches to the main form:
public function addNewForm($form, $elements, $order) {
$subform = new Zend_Form_SubForm();
foreach ($elements as $key => $el) {
$Element1 = $subform->createElement('text', $key);
$this->addSubForm($subform, $form, $order);
[EDIT] Using setIsArray for a subform creates each element of the subform as an array element. It simplifies the preValidate function. Edited the code to utilize this feature.
See the complete code in pastebin
Here is another solution using belongsTo, providing array notation to the sub form elements :


How to create a Data Table from forge viewer

I want to create a table that represents the data from a model that i have loaded in the forge viewer.
i want the table to be in a docking panel, and show the propertys for elements in the model ( level, name, comment,Area, type name--> for each element [if it has the property])
i have tried to use the API reference, and create a DataTable, but i did not find examples of how to actually impliment it.
where and when do i need to set the datatable? ( after or before creating the docking pannel?)
what is the content of the arrays that i should pass in the constructor? ( according to the documentation : array of arrays for the rows, and array for the columns. is the row array, is simply an array that contains the columns arrays?)
this is my current code for the extension that shows the amount to instances in the model for each property that i want to adjust:
class testTest extends Autodesk.Viewing.Extension {
constructor(viewer, options) {
super(viewer, options);
this._group = null;
this._button = null;
load() {
console.log('testTest has been loaded');
return true;
unload() {
// Clean our UI elements if we added any
if (this._group) {
if (this._group.getNumberOfControls() === 0) {
console.log('testTest has been unloaded');
return true;
// The Viewer contains all elements on the model, including categories (e.g. families or part definition),
//so we need to enumerate the leaf nodes, meaning actual instances on the model.
getAllLeafComponents(callback) {
this.viewer.getObjectTree(function (tree) {
let leaves = [];// an empty 'leaf' list that we want to fill wiith the objects that has no mo children
//dbId== object id
// for each child that we enumerate from a root, call a code , and finally a true /false flag parameter that run the function recursivly for all the children of a child.
tree.enumNodeChildren(tree.getRootId(), function (dbId) {
if (tree.getChildCount(dbId) === 0) {
leaves.push(dbId);// if the object has no children--> add it to the list.
}, true);// the last argument we past ("true") will make sure that the function in the seccond argument ("function (dbId)(...)" ")will run recursively not only for the children of the roots,
//but for all the children and childrtn's children.
callback(leaves);//return the leaves
onToolbarCreated() {
// Create a new toolbar group if it doesn't exist
this._group = this.viewer.toolbar.getControl('allMyAwesomeExtensionsToolbar');//if there is no controller named "allMyAwesomeExtensionsToolbar" create one
if (!this._group) {
this._group = new Autodesk.Viewing.UI.ControlGroup('allMyAwesomeExtensionsToolbar');
this.viewer.toolbar.addControl(this._group);// add the control to tool bar
// Add a new button to the toolbar group
this._button = new Autodesk.Viewing.UI.Button('testTest');
this._button.onClick = (ev) => {
// Check if the panel is created or not
if (this._panel == null) {//check if there is an instance of our pannel. if not- create one
this._panel = new ModelSummaryPanel(this.viewer, this.viewer.container, 'modelSummaryPanel', 'Model Summary');
// Show/hide docking panel
this._panel.setVisible(!this._panel.isVisible());//cal a method from the parent to show/ hide the panel -->use this to toggle from visible to invisible
// If panel is NOT visible, exit the function
if (!this._panel.isVisible())
// First, the viewer contains all elements on the model, including
// categories (e.g. families or part definition), so we need to enumerate
// the leaf nodes, meaning actual instances of the model. The following
// getAllLeafComponents function is defined at the bottom
this.getAllLeafComponents((dbIds) => {// now we have the list of the Id's of all the leaves
// Now for leaf components, let's get some properties and count occurrences of each value
const filteredProps = ['Level','Name','Comments','Area','Type Name'];
// Get only the properties we need for the leaf dbIds
this.viewer.model.getBulkProperties(dbIds,filteredProps , (items) => {
// Iterate through the elements we found
items.forEach((item) => {
// and iterate through each property (prop) {
// Use the filteredProps to store the count as a subarray
if (filteredProps[prop.displayName] === undefined)
filteredProps[prop.displayName] = {};
// Start counting: if first time finding it, set as 1, else +1
if (filteredProps[prop.displayName][prop.displayValue] === undefined)
filteredProps[prop.displayName][prop.displayValue] = 1;
filteredProps[prop.displayName][prop.displayValue] += 1;
// Now ready to show!
// The PropertyPanel has the .addProperty that receives the name, value
// and category, that simple! So just iterate through the list and add them
filteredProps.forEach((prop) => {
if (filteredProps[prop] === undefined) return;
Object.keys(filteredProps[prop]).forEach((val) => {
this._panel.addProperty(val, filteredProps[prop][val], prop);
this.dt = new DataTabe(this._panel);
this._button.setToolTip('Or Levis extenssion');
Autodesk.Viewing.theExtensionManager.registerExtension('testTest', testTest);'''
We have a tutorial with step-by-step on how to do it.
Please, refer to Dashboard tutorial, specifically in Data Grid section.
In this case, the tutorial uses an external library (Tabulator) to show the data.

Api platform add or update

Good afternoon I am adding data in via POST method in PLATFORM API can I make this method work like adding or updating data.
So that when the data is already there for the object, it will simply update the pinOrder field.
My input:
"chat": "/api/chats/01FVKRYXMMTHKJ2EZB02F4FZ3Z",
"pinOrder": 3
Insert or update (upsert) is not available in Api Platform. However, you can achieve this behavior with a custom (or decorated) Data Persister.
In the persist method of the data persister you could manually check if an item matching your criteria does already exist and, if yes, update this one instead of persisting a new one.
You can use PRE_WRITE event. For exemple, an order item quantity.
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
KernelEvents::VIEW => [
'updateExistingItemQuantity', EventPriorities::PRE_WRITE,
public function updateExistingItemQuantity(
ViewEvent $event
): void {
$item = $event->getControllerResult();
$method = $event->getRequest()->getMethod();
if (!$item instanceof MyItemObject || Request::METHOD_POST !== $method) {
// find duplicateItem
if ($duplicateItem) {
$duplicateItem->setQuantity("UPDATED QUANTITY");
// save $duplicateItem

how to change the color of each crud entry when ajax table is enabled?

I am using laravel backpack and recently enabled $this->crud->enableAjaxTable(); in my crud because there was a lot of data to show.
But now I am not able to color my crud entries depending upon a expiry_date as I was doing before by overriding list.blade.php like this:
#if (!$crud->ajaxTable())
#foreach ($entries as $k => $entry)
use Carbon\Carbon;
$today_date = Carbon::now();
$data_difference = $today_date->diffInDays(Carbon::parse($entry->expiry_date), false);
if($data_difference <= 7 && $data_difference >= 0) {
} elseif($data_difference < 0) {
} elseif($data_difference > 7) {
<tr data-entry-id="{{ $entry->getKey() }}" style="color: {{$color}}">
Maybe because of this:
#if (!$crud->ajaxTable())
I tried to customize the AjaxTable.php search query using this link but I was not successful. Here is the code I tried in my ExampleCrudController by overriding search query of ajax:
public function search()
// create an array with the names of the searchable columns
$columns = collect($this->crud->columns)
->reject(function ($column, $key) {
// the select_multiple, model_function and model_function_attribute columns are not searchable
return isset($column['type']) && ($column['type'] == 'select_multiple' || $column['type'] == 'model_function' || $column['type'] == 'model_function_attribute');
// add the primary key, otherwise the buttons won't work
// structure the response in a DataTable-friendly way
$dataTable = new \LiveControl\EloquentDataTable\DataTable($this->crud->query, $columns);
// make the datatable use the column types instead of just echoing the text
$dataTable->setFormatRowFunction(function ($entry) {
$today_date = Carbon::now();
$data_difference = $today_date->diffInDays(Carbon::parse($entry->expiry_date), false);
if($data_difference <= 7 && $data_difference >= 0) {
} elseif($data_difference < 0) {
} elseif($data_difference > 7) {
// get the actual HTML for each row's cell
$row_items = $this->crud->getRowViews($entry, $this->crud, $color);
// add the buttons as the last column
if ($this->crud->buttons->where('stack', 'line')->count()) {
$row_items[] = \View::make('crud::inc.button_stack', ['stack' => 'line'])
->with('crud', $this->crud)
->with('entry', $entry)
// add the details_row buttons as the first column
if ($this->crud->details_row) {
array_unshift($row_items, \View::make('crud::columns.details_row_button')
->with('crud', $this->crud)
->with('entry', $entry)
return $row_items;
return $dataTable->make();
So my question is how can I color my crud entries depending upon expiry_date when enableajaxtable is active in laravel backpack?
When using AjaxDataTables, the rows no longer taken from the DB directly and outputed as HTML, but taken from the DB with an AJAX call. So your previous code wouldn't work, I'm afraid.
The best way I can think of to achieve the same thing would be to use a custom view for this CRUD panel, with $this->crud->setListView('your-view');. This would allow you to setup some custom JavaScript in that file, to modify DataTables.js to color the rows before it puts them in the table.
A cleaner alternative, if you're using Backpack\CRUD 3.2+, would be to customize the list.js file, to have all that logic there.
Hope it helps!

Zend 1 ajax with dojo informatiom person

I'm working with Zend 1 with dojo and do not know how to use ajax . In my particular case that when selecting a select , whether made ​​in consultation ajax back from the database information. To enter a ID from user print the information from user by ajax.In my work I can't use jquery.
Good question!
Not is very productive work with dojo, but is possible make exactly how do you want. You will create p element with information captured in data base
In your form, add attribute 'onChange'
$form->setAttrib('onChange', 'recoveryData()');
In js file do you have a function recoveryData(), something as:
// clean data
var myNewElement = dojo.byId('myNewElement');
if (myNewElement != null) {
content: {id: dojo.attr(dojo.byId("myElement"), "value")},
url: 'your-base-path/recovery-data/',
load: function (response) {
if (response != false) {
// converte to obj
var obj = dojo.fromJson(response);
// creat new element
var node = dojo.create("span", {
innerHTML: obj.NomeServidor,
id: "myNewElement",
'class': 'row'
);, dojo.byId("myElement"), "after");
Now, you need create an Action "recoveryDataAction()" in your Controller like this:
$data = $this->getrequest()->getPost();
$id = $data['id'];
if ($this->getrequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
// disable layout
// disable view render
$yourTable = new Project_Model_YourTable();
$row = $yourTable->fetchRow($id);
if ($infos != null) {
echo Zend_Json::encode($row);
echo false;

How to use Zend Framework Form Hash (token) with AJAX

I have included Zend_Form_Element_Hash into a form multiplecheckbox form. I have jQuery set to fire off an AJAX request when a checkbox is clicked, I pass the token with this AJAX request. The first AJAX request works great, but the subsequent ones fail.
I suspect it may be once the token has been validated it is then removed from the session (hop = 1).
What would be your plan of attack for securing a form with Zend Framework Hash yet using AJAX to complete some of these requests?
I finally abandoned using Zend_Form_Element_Hash and just created a token manually, registered it with Zend_Session and then checked it upon submission.
$myNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('authtoken');
$myNamespace->authtoken = $hash = md5(uniqid(rand(),1));
$auth = new Zend_Form_Element_Hidden('authtoken');
$mysession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('authtoken');
$hash = $mysession->authtoken;
if($hash == $data['authtoken']){
print "success";
} else {
print "you fail";
This seems to work and still keeps things relatively sane and secure. I'd still rather use the Hash element, but I can't seem to make it work with AJAX.
Thanks all.
That's how to handled hash field in ajax form :
class AuthController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function init()
$contextSwitch = $this->_helper->getHelper('contextSwitch');
$contextSwitch->addActionContext('index', 'json')
public function loginAction()
$form = new Application_Form_Login();
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid($request->getPost())) {
// some code ..
} else {
// some code ..
// Regenerate the hash and assign to the view
$this->view->hash = $reservationForm->hash->getValue();
$this->view->form = $form;
And then in your view script ..
<? $this->dojo()->enable()
->onLoadCaptureStart() ?>
function() {
var form = dojo.byId("login_form")
dojo.connect(form, "onsubmit", function(event) {
var xhrArgs = {
form: this,
handleAs: "json",
load: function(data) {
// assign the new hash to the field
dojo.byId("hash").value = dojox.json.query("$.hash", data);
// some code ..
error: function(error) {
// some code ..
var deferred = dojo.xhrPost(xhrArgs);
<? $this->dojo()->onLoadCaptureEnd() ?>
Hope it's not too late :D
There is a solution:
Create, besides the form that will contain the data, a form without elements. From the controller you instantiate the two forms. Also in the controller, you add the element hash to the empty form. Both forms should be sent to the vision. Then, in the condition "if ($ request-> isXmlHttpRequest ())" in the controller you render the empty form. Then, you take the hash value with the method "getValue ()". This value must be sent in response by Ajax and then use JavaScript to replace the hash value that is already obsolete. The option to create an empty form for the hash is to avoid problems with other elements such as captcha that would have its id generated again if the form were rendered, and would also need to have the new information replaced. The validation will be done separately because there are two distinct forms. Later you can reuse the hash (empty) form whenever you want. The following are examples of the code.
//In the controller, after instantiating the empty form you add the Hash element to it:
$hash = new Zend_Form_Element_Hash('no_csrf_foo');
$hash_form->addElement('hash', 'no_csrf_foo', array('salt' => 'unique'));
//Also in the controller, within the condition "if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest())" you render the form (this will renew the session for the next attempt to send the form) and get the new id value:
$hash_value['hash'] = $hash_form->getElement('no_csrf_foo')->getValue();//The value must be added to the ajax response in JSON, for example. One can use the methods Zend_Json::decode($response) and Zend_Json::encode($array) for conversions between PHP array and JSON.
//In JavaScript, the Ajax response function:
document.getElementById("no_csrf_foo").value = data.hash;//Retrieves the hash value from the Json response and set it to the hash input.
Form hashes are great in principle and a bit of a nightmare in practice. I think the best way to handle this is to return the new hash with the response when you make a request, and update the form markup or store in memory for your javascript as appropriate.
The new hash may be available from the form object, or you can read it from the session.
You hinted at the right answer in your question: increase the hop count.
There was specific mention of this in the ZF manual online, but they updated their manuals and now i can't find it (grin)- otherwise i would have posted the link for you.
If you want to use form validator in ajax side use following code :
class Application_Form_Myform extends Zend_Form
# init function & ...
public function generateform($nohash = false)
# Some elements
$temp_csrf = new Zend_Session_Namespace('temp_csrf');
$my_hash = new Zend_Form_Element_Hash ( 'my_hash' );
$this->addElement ( $my_hash , 'my_hash');
$temp_csrf->hash = $my_hash->getHash();
# Some other elements
class AjaxController extends Zend_Controller_Action
// init ...
public function validateAction()
# ...
$temp_csrf = new Zend_Session_Namespace('temp_csrf');
if($temp_csrf->hash == $params['received_hash_from_client'])
$Myform = new Application_Form_Myform();
# Form data is valid
# Form invalid
# Received hash from client is not valid
# ...
