ASP.NET MVC 3: how to get parameters the action method was called with? -

How do you get the object parameters, which action method was called with at run-time, to accomplish something to the effect of the following
public ActionResult Index(Int32? x, Int32? y, DateTime? z, NumberStyles n) {
this.RouteData.Values["x"] = x
this.RouteData.Values["y"] = y
this.RouteData.Values["z"] = z
this.RouteData.Values["n"] = n
return View();
It seems like it should be a possible to the names and values of each parameter without this kind of tedious code.
Sometimes you can get the parameters which the action method was called with, by looking in RouteData, but this isn't always the case, particularly if the action method was invoked with an ajax request, the parameters may not show up in the RouteData, and instead show up in the Request Params.
What I'm looking for, is a generic way to get each parameter that is defined in the action method signature at run-time, and gets the parameter's actual object, run-time value, not just a string. Further more, it should work no matter how the action method was invoked, whether it may be the result of ChildActionExtensions.Action or an ajax callback.
RouteData and Request Params don't seem to have what I'm looking for.

Your code sample is setting values back into the RouteData collection. Are you trying to pass parameters to your view using the RouteData collection? That's not what it exists for, you might consider using ViewBag instead.
Or, create a POCO which contains all your properties and let the data binder do all the work (so use #model YourType in your view and pass a single argument to your view. The default model binder will map the individual argument values for you).
As far as the input value collections are concerned, there's a good reason why the value is not to be found consistently in the collections you've mentioned.
Perhaps the trick here is to clarify what's going on prior to your action being invoked. The arguments to your action method can come from more than one source. For example, it may come from:
The URL Path
The URL query string (eg: in a GET, the parameters after the question mark ?)
POSTed form data
Explicit arguments from another action
In your code sample above, the RouteData collection will only contain the value of "x" if your route has a matching parameter name.
For example: "{controller}/{action}/{x}". (this is a custom route pulling "x" from the path)
Failing that, the values will be resolved using the default model binder and will be pulled from either the query string parameters or POST data as the case may be.
The route value will take precedence. So if the above custom route was applied, the following URL:
would invoke your action with x=1. The 1 would then be found in the RouteData as pulled from the URL path and the x=2 found in the Request.QueryString would be ignored.
If you are concerned with how x got its value, then you must take into account all of the above so you know where to look. There is also the question of which route is applied to the request, but that's another topic altogether.
All the input came across the wire as text.. it was the model binder that examined your action signature and converted to the types you specified (wherever that is possible).
So, I don't think what you are asking for exists even conceptually in this setting.


Understanding Html.ActionLink(..., ..., ...) syntax in MVC3

I'm doing a tutorial on MVC 3 and I stumbled upon the helper #Html.ActionLink(genre.Name, "Browse", new {genre = genre.Name}).
Now I understand what the values do and that the third value is a route parameter value but this is the first time I'm seeing this kind of syntax which is really bugging me for some reason.
What I mean exactly is new {genre = genre.Name}. I've come to understand that "new" precedes object/type declaration, however, this time it's simply the "new" keyword and the curly brackets. How exactly is this processed?
The syntax new { prop = val } creates an anonymous type. It's essentially the same as creating an instance of a class, except you're declaring the class and the instance all in one shot. Some people think that anonymous types are not statically typed or are not type safe. This isn't true. The types of the properties are inferred from the values they are assigned. This construction is used frequently in MVC and in linq.
Note that this syntax is not specific to MVC. You can use it anywhere it's convenient. I make a fair amount of use of anonymous types in day-to-day coding.
It's simple.. the first parameter is the link you want to display, so genre.Name can corresponds to Rock. The second argument is the action, the third argument your Controller class. The last parameter is the route values in the form of an anonymous object (an object you will never use again, the MVC engine uses the anonymous object in this case).
So your action(method) takes a string argument.
For example:
"Home" is the link the user sees (the first argument), Home (the second argument) is the action (method) to your Controller class, and it takes a string argument.
class HomeController
public ActionResult GenreAction(string genre)
When a request is made, it becomes Home/GenreAction/genre
It's a C# language feature called Anonymous Type, introduced with C# 3.5 if I'm not mistaken.

Object data lost between controllers

I have a problem with transferring an object (as a modelAttribute) and its values in a form between controllers. I have a form with modelAttribute, say "myObject", which has some members. I add a modelAttribute "myObject" to model in the first controller.
I am able to read and present values of "myObject" values in the view, for example, I can get values via ${myObject.memberName}, but when it comes to the second controller which takes as a parameter the object (I mean: modelAttribute("myObject") MyObject myObject) the members are set to default values, mainly null!
Some values are being set in the form (they work fine) and rest of them are being set in the first controller. I want to get values set in the first controller in the second one but they are lost.
How should I transfer the values of a modelAttribute object to not lost them between controllers? Should I place them in HttpRequest paratemers?
HTTP is a stateless protocol. So you can expect that parameters are not going to hang around between requests.
Should I place them in HttpRequest paratemers?
Yes, if you want the values to be available to the controller which handles the next request you need to pass them as part of the request/post them in some form data.
If you have data which you wish to make available to many requests you could consider putting the model in the HttpSession.

RESTful design pattern in MVC?

I'm designing an application trying to follow the REST spec. I'm trying to figure out the best way to design it.
So let's say I'm doing a POST call that so I have a "post" method in my controller and model
// in controller
function post()
//call post model here
In my post request I need to make the following checks:
-validate fields
-make sure item name is unique for that user
-make sure there are less than 10 items
-etc (there could be more cases)
Now in controller post function I will return a REST message and status code based on whatever happens, which is fine, but I'm curious to know where it's better to keep all those checks.
I can put all the checks in the model and then return some kind of array like:
array('text' => 'return response text/array or whatever here', 'code' => '200/400/etc')
Then just return this in the controller, or is it better to break up those checks into individual functions within the model and then do all the checks in the controller?
// in controller
function post()
//if validation fails -> send response
//if name is not unique -> send response
From a design point of view, if I ever wanted to potentially call the "post" method in the project model from other methods, it would not have an all encompassing function to handle it, however if I do keep it all in one model function it doesn't give me a lot of reusability. If I had to pick sides, chances are I probably wouldn't need to reuse those "check functions" too much anyway, however it also seems weird to have all that response info in the model rather than the controller.
Can anyone please give me some input on this.
I would not create post method inside the model (although having it in the controller is perfectly fine) simply because you just put code/model in such a frame that is not re-usable plus less readable. For instance, instead of post method in the model I would create create method.
There is no one-fits-all way for data validation. I like creating validation classes which have only one method validate for various data types (e.g. username validation class checks if it matches regex and is unique). It's better than copy pasting the validation code to every action (DRY). Where to call this class method? It depends. You can simply call that it in the action. Since the validation code is inside the validation class, it will look alright. You can also create a mapper which takes the request, determines what validations have to be performed and etc. but it might be overkill and is hard to do properly (maintainability wise).
For output again - DRY. It depends on what MVC framework are you using and there might be a good solution for this already. If not, you can create a class for that (yup, I am DRY maniac). You pass response code, array (or string) with response and class nicely wraps everything into JSON, XML format. Advantages: if you change then output format then you need to change only in one place.
Also consider using Remote Facade pattern.
Hopefully, you found something useful in this post.
I would separate the API from the MVC application and use Apify

MVC3 query string parameter and input field share same name

I have a queryparameter named "from" (a from date)
and also a input which binds to a property named From
In my ViewModel contructor i set the From property to a date...
This works if the query parameter name and the property name are different, but if they are same MVC3 with some magic takes whatever value there are in the query param and binds against that, it does not care what value are in the From property.. Why? this atuomagic is so wrong on so many levels! How do I disable it?
edit: It doesnt matter what value the Property gets, if a querystring exists with the same id as the input MVC automatic takes that value and assign it to the input element
You need to call
Before returning from your controller action.
The issue is that the ModelState has the value from the query string, and that takes precedence over the value in your model when binding occurs.
Whether this is a bug or a feature depends on your point of view...
MVC works by convention, and binds values to the model by names. To understand what is happening, I suggest you read this blog article from Phil Haack: What’s the Difference Between a Value Provider and Model Binder?
It is bad practice to have two unrelated elements with identical names in the same request, as a name collision is very likely to cause unexpected problems. Best practice is to rename one of these elements so that you eliminate the name collision.

How Does Queryable.OfType Work?

Important The question is not "What does Queryable.OfType do, it's "how does the code I see there accomplish that?"
Reflecting on Queryable.OfType, I see (after some cleanup):
public static IQueryable<TResult> OfType<TResult>(this IQueryable source)
return (IQueryable<TResult>)source.Provider.CreateQuery(
new Type[] { typeof(TResult) }) ,
new Expression[] { source.Expression }));
So let me see if I've got this straight:
Use reflection to grab a reference to the current method (OfType).
Make a new method, which is exactly the same, by using MakeGenericMethod to change the type parameter of the current method to, er, exactly the same thing.
The argument to that new method will be not source but source.Expression. Which isn't an IQueryable, but we'll be passing the whole thing to Expression.Call, so that's OK.
Call Expression.Call, passing null as method (weird?) instance and the cloned method as its arguments.
Pass that result to CreateQuery and cast the result, which seems like the sanest part of the whole thing.
Now the effect of this method is to return an expression which tells the provider to omit returning any values where the type is not equal to TResult or one of its subtypes. But I can't see how the steps above actually accomplish this. It seems to be creating an expression representing a method which returns IQueryable<TResult>, and making the body of that method simply the entire source expression, without ever looking at the type. Is it simply expected that an IQueryable provider will just silently not return any records not of the selected type?
So are the steps above incorrect in some way, or am I just not seeing how they result in the behavior observed at runtime?
It's not passing in null as the method - it's passing it in as the "target expression", i.e. what it's calling the method on. This is null because OfType is a static method, so it doesn't need a target.
The point of calling MakeGenericMethod is that GetCurrentMethod() returns the open version, i.e. OfType<> instead of OfType<YourType>.
Queryable.OfType itself isn't meant to contain any of the logic for omitting returning any values. That's up to the LINQ provider. The point of Queryable.OfType is to build up the expression tree to include the call to OfType, so that when the LINQ provider eventually has to convert it into its native format (e.g. SQL) it knows that OfType was called.
This is how Queryable works in general - basically it lets the provider see the whole query expression as an expression tree. That's all it's meant to do - when the provider is asked to translate this into real code, that's where the magic happens.
Queryable couldn't possibly do the work itself - it has no idea what sort of data store the provider represents. How could it come up with the semantics of OfType without knowing whether the data store was SQL, LDAP or something else? I agree it takes a while to get your head round though :)
