Magento terrible domain error - magento

I just Resolve Domain Names in my centos 6.0 server. Everything is right but!!
When I visit a product page, for example, everything is ok. But when i visit the same page without "www", for example It will be redirect to the index page.
What happened? Thanks in advance!

Make sure that your .htaccess does not rewrite all your urls to index page


Magento 404 error page frontend

I noticed that Magento throw back a 404 error when trying to access the website from other locations. This only happenes on frontend. Backend can be accessible from all over the world. I don't know what's wrong.
I can access the website just normally without any problems! I can access the website even at home without no issues!
The Website is:
No restrictions have been noticed. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this issue?
Please check could you make a condition of your index.php or try to replace with another same version index.php may be it will help
I recently deactivated other languages. This was the problem! This is the only solution that worked for me: Magento returns 404 error on all browsers except Firefox.

Joomla joomsef issue

For me, Joomsef is working for most of the links. I have moved my website to a new host and it is showing 404 for only some links. My client actually linked using itemid only and these links are showing 404.
For eg : index.php?Itemid=216 is redirecting incorrectly. It is not taking the category section. It has to be redirected to healing/main-lessons.html, but it is redirecting to mainlessons.html only and showing 404. How can I fix this?
Only URLs in the categosy healing has got this issue I think. I have .htaccess enabled and Rewritebase is correct. Also there is no changes to any other sections as I copied the complete DB and site files.
Managed to fix this. I have added aliases for each of the link in this category. Used a php script to fetch all the links in healing category and this itemid links are added as aliases to real links . These is added to joomsef_aliases table and now everything is working fine. :)

Magento putting template name in URL

This weekend my webserver wen't down.
Today I arrived at work and noticed my links ain't working. For instance: (shoes being the product category) redirects to a not found page.
I've noticed that works exactly as expected.
So what's up with that? How can I revert magento to not put the template name in the URL?
did you check you url rewrites? It is done by your sever, so the reset may have screwed it up
From your question:
SOLVED: add store code to URL was enabled.

Magento Homepage Keeps on redirecting to a 404 page

I have been on this issue for almost a week now and have been research all over the net for answers but i could not find one.
each time i access the homepage of my site, it results to a 404 error.
ex. ---> redirects to 404 ---> enters to the cms page that i set as my homepage
I have already run the magento cleanup scripts but it was not able to solve the problem.
Whoops, our bad...
The page you requested was not found, and we have a fine guess why.
If you typed the URL directly, please make sure the spelling is correct.
If you clicked on a link to get here, the link is outdated.
What can you do?
Have no fear, help is near! There are many ways you can get back on track with Magento Store.
Go back to the previous page.
Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for your products.
Follow these links to get you back on track!
Store Home | My Account
I've got a similar error and would like to post my solution here. The case was exactly the same for me: all the pages, categories, etc. worked perfectly, but the home page showed a 404 error.
I looked into the core_url_rewrite table and discover that there was an entry with the «request_path» field empty. So this entry was rewriting my base url and that was the reason for the 404 in my case. I just deleted it.
Hope this helps to other people.
If you are using the Enterprise version you should check the table enterprise_url_rewrite. The query below should help you:
select * from enterprise_url_rewrite where request_path="";
delete from enterprise_url_rewrite where request_path="";
Check the folowing:
1- System->Configuration->general->Web->secure
Base URL:
(be sure you are in the right shop site from the top left of the system)
2- System->Configuration->general->Web->Default Pages
Default Web URL: cms (yes just cms)
CMS Home Page: select your cms page
Default No-route URL: cms/index/noRoute
3- check your server has rewrites otherwise
System->Configuration->general->Web->Search Engines Optimization
Use Web Server Rewrites: No
4- something wrong with your .htaccess replace the file with the one in your original installer.
Because StackOveflow has this stupid rule that I must have a certain number of "points" before I can chime in on discussions I need to make this as a "new answer":'s #2 also solved the problem for me
2- System->Configuration->general->Web->Default Pages Default Web URL:
cms (yes just cms) CMS Home Page: select your cms page Default
No-route URL: cms/index/noRoute
for me this was set to "index". No clue how it worked before, or why it was set that way, but after updating it broke and this was the fix for me.
Note that I did also truncate the 'core_url_rewrite' table as well in troubleshooting. If you don't change urls at all, or often, then that's no big deal. But if you are chaning URLs often, then you'll loose your 301 redirect history (all old urls will 404 going forward). solution # 2 , worked for me.
I initially set my "Defaul Web URL" as the URL of the homepage. Similar to what I did with the baseURL but I was wrong.
I changed it to "CMS"
From there, it all works.

Set up a cms page for Magento

I've been trying to set up a CMS page in magento to be the home page, and it's just killing me - how hard should this be? no matter what I set up, I get a 404.
Can somebody tell me basic steps to set up a CMS page as the home page for a Magento install, living at:
I can't have the url key for the CMS page be empty, but setting the default page in the System->Config->Default Pages->CMS Home Page (which seems like it should work), still gives me a 404.
thx for any help
Hours of head banging later .... I’ve changed the parameter “Use Web Server Rewrites” on System -> Configuration -> Web from Yes to No. And it worked! My provider set this by default, so had to change it. Only downside is that I now get the /index.php extension added.
Did you check to make sure that the page was enabled and visible in your store view?
Ok - figured it out. In the System->Config->Web, the Default Web URL needs to be 'cms' (no quotes) - I guess that tells Magento to use the cms page instead of a default url.
In csm - pages create some html in the page, eg start simple with My Homepage.
Give it a name and take care the url is "home" (without the quotes.
Now go to system - configuration - web and select your homepage (name) from the dropdown where in lets you choose the homepage.
That should do it.
Your CMS Page Identifier should be home
I was running into the same issue. No matter what I did, the home page came back as a 404. I had it working on a test server (with a different database) and compared the options side by side. Absolutely nothing worked, the home page, named 'home' and the 'cms' was properly set, mod_rewrite working, htaccess file just peachy...but wouldn't work. after a few hours I saw that did, though I swear it hadn't been.
Finally I wiped the blood off the keyboard where I'd been smashing my head against it and went into url rewrite management and set id path to '/', request path to '/' and target path to '/home/' and it works like it should have all along. Hope this helps someone else!
