How does the Magento backend sales quote work? - magento

In general, I'm looking for a tutorial or walkthrough of how the payment system works in magento. Specifically, I'm interested in the process of creating an order from the admin backend. I have a customer credit extension that isn't working properly when creating an order from the admin backend. I've tried tracing through the code and there's SO much going I can't make heads or tails of it. There's the quote, then the addresses, which have totals associated with them, etc,'s all very confusing. I know this is a bit of an open ended question, but if anyone has any good resources on exactly what does what and how it all works that would REALLY help.

Hopefully this tutorial can give you some basic idea:


How do i obtain unpaid / paid but not send orders from using ebay REST API via chilkat library?

can anyone help me provide a hint on how to obtain orders from the ebay Sell/Order API ( not the xml, the REST-API)
the most obvious question is: which node is the right one? Buy/orders API ( in my opinion isn't the right because:
i (the user of the endproduct) am the owner of the ebay account
i dont want to buy something i want to see what anyone else have bought from me (the items i sell on ebay)
i only want to see the orders which are unpaid (buyer hasn't payed yet) or which are not send to the buyer but the buyer has already payed.
from my understanding this API (REST-API buy/order) is only for someone who wants to build an App in which you can buy something from ebay directly. Correct me if i am wrong.
If my understandings are right then which REST-API from ebay would be the best / most feasable to use?
i quite literally lose track on which Ebay API Node does what - the eBay-"Support"-Team "helped" by sending me an "please rate us"-Mail instead of answering the questions i asked- not quite useful, so i kindly ask the gods of stackoverflow or maybe Mr. Chilkat Software himself if i am lucky?
Next Step, if someone could help would be how to use them with the Chilkat Software ActiveX Library? I would love to use this Library because he's providing a ton of good examples which are working flawlessly and without any doubts or misleadings.
Also the library is working in VB6/VBA which is the target to implement it.
I know, its a pain in the butt but there is no real alternative for the task i need to resolve and there's only a little piece of the puzzle left missing to paint the great picture complete.
I would love to hear from you and get help in my task/journey.
Thanks in advance

CS-Cart: integrating Fishbowl

I am developing a cs-cart based website and my client wants to integrate Fishbowl into his website.
I have searched an add-on for it, but there is no one for me.
I have experience developed a simple add-on and, now I am going to build one add-on to integrate fishbowl.
Please guide me if you have solid experience on integrating fishbowl and cs-cart or another warehouse solution for cs-cart.
I don't understand why the fishbowl doesn't provide or developed the add-on for it.
Please help!
Thanks for reading!
Well, there are a few things to watch out for, and therefore a number of options.
Firstly, what does your client really want. Does he want the stock to be updated on the fly, or once a night? If the client wants to stock to be updated on the fly you will need to add some sort of post function for updating products to also execute your code. If your client wants it only once a night you could just get away by sending every product in the database (with your selected columns).
Secondly, try using object oriented code. If you are really into PHP you will know what I mean by this. Otherwise dont bother (or try learing PHP Object Oriented), though I must note that this can make your addon significantly faster.
Thirdly, use the provided dbquery function
If you have any more questions regarding this, feel free to ask.

How to protect a controller in a Spree extention so that only the admin of the shop can access it?

I am trying to develop a Quote Extention for Spree, allowing customers to upload files to AWS S3.
I would like to "secure" via authentication some of its actions and Spree provides useful helpers to that end, however I couldn't manage to get it to work.
As far as I understood the matter, I have to add this line in the QuotesController.
include Spree::Core::ControllerHelpers::Auth
in my controller, as shown in this gist
Unfortunately, I still get the undefined method error authenticate_user!
For the sake of keeping this thread DRY, you can find more on my question on Spree's repository issue #5794
Any contribution is very welcome.
Thank you.
So I could delete the question since it was based upon wrong assumptions, but I rather detail how I managed to solve the authentication of the QuotesController.
Many thanks to #Hates_ and all the people in the Spree IRC for their answers!
The first wrong assumption was in regard to the design of the QuotesController which should be split up in 2 parts one for the customers, one for the shop admin backend. The second wrong assumption was that the include Spree::Core::ControllerHelpers::Auth was not going to give me the protection I wanted. So here is what I ended up with:
The Admin Side
In Spree, in order to have your controller enjoy the "protection" of the admin of the shop, this controller has to inherit like that Spree::Admin::QuotesController < Spree::Admin::BaseController. This controller would live in app/controllers/spree/admin/quotes_controller.rb. This is all you need to "protect" it. Also, it will make your views integrate into the shop's backend nicely.
The Customer Side
It is better, by design, to make another QuotesController using a different namespace app/controllers/spree/quotes_controller.rb and inheriting like that:
Spree::QuotesController < Spree:Core::BaseController

magento manage CRUD operations on custom tables on backend

I added 2 tables, for now, maybe will need more and I'm looking on how to add an administration page on the backend side. I found this SO question Magento: Custom Module: How to Manage with Multiple tables that is extactly whay I need. The answer given is just, in my own words, that's too dificult to achieve and too long to explain in SO.
So, anyone willing to share some link, tutorial or DIY step by step explanation? I've already my models working and configured, thanks to #AlanStorm tutorials. I'm doing CRUD operations from within my code but I need to do it from backend on a window for administration purposes.
I thought this Magento Custom CRUD Application Tutorial would help me but it involves using magento ModuleCreator plugin and is not working for me on magento Also I already have my own module fully configured so lot of what module creator adds is not needed.
Found this sample/tutorial/code but I'm having hard time following it, lot of obscure points and not sure what I'm doing, even if it is correct.
You could definitely benefit from some adminhtml grids, there are no shortage of tutorials if you look for them. I wrote my own which I now shamelessly plug here.

Track visits/origin mvc website

I am not sure this is possible, I've certainly never tried doing this before but I have a customer who wants to be able to know where someone came from when they visited the site. Was it from google, bing, a link from another website, etc. More importantly as well they want to know if the visit is a product of normal SSO or if it was a paid add like adwords?
I would appreciate anyone's thoughts on this and if it's possible?
Many thanks
Why not use something like google analytics. It should tell you pretty much all that information.
