Is it possible to customize a CRM 2011 (online) entity view? - view

CRM 2011 online. I have a requirement to color code entries that appear in an entity view. On a form for entity A is a field that is a lookup to entity B. Entity B has > 1 views defined for it. The lookup field on form A defines what view of entity B appears when the lookup button is pressed. I have been asked if the view that appears can show the records such that the entries are color coded based on a column value of the view e.g. if a record in the view has a value of X for a particular column, show that record with a green background, else show with a red. The view in question is a "public" view and is unmanaged and customizable.
In effect what I am asking is if it's possible to manipulate the display of that view somehow? If not, is the only other option to override the clicking of the lookup on the form for entity A and display my own custom view window?
What I have found in my searching is this which seems to suggest that I can export a view and manipulate the XML to incorporate some kind of conditional formatting. However, all it tells me is that the value is a string. Anyone have any experience there?

You are going to make it harder on yourself by having unmanaged code in your solution.
That being said, you can easily do this sort of thing in an iFrame or Silverlight control.
A quick google brought up some examples on how to do this.


Hide/Remove Text in the Column in CRM View "Items Available To Work on" for Queue Item entity

When a user opens the view "Items Available To Work on" for QueueItem entity, a related entity's column is showing some data in the view. I want to remove or hide that data when another column in the view has some specific data in it.
Here is the actual example which I need to achieve.
When the field "Case Type" has text "Revenue Collection" then hide text "Dummy Taxpayer" from the field "Taxpayer". Both fields are showing from related entity Case in this QueueItem view.
I have checked the following possibilities but these are not working.
1- RetrieveMultiple message cannot be used with the QueueItem entity.
2- Tried with entity "SavedQuery" on RetrieveMultiple, but that is giving FetchXML of the view. We cannot change the result of the FetchXML dynamically here also.
3- In the properties of the column "Taxpayer" in the view, we do not have the option to run a JavaScript as my CRM version is 2016. This feature is available in Dynamics 365.
So, there is no supported way to achieve this as per my understanding. Any help/suggestion is appreciated on this issue
In Grid,
You cannot Hide/show column dynamically depending on your condition. Rather you can enable/disable field so that users cannot edit field based on Condition.
Please find Link Article as Example.
This is more of a data captured problem rather than data hide/show problem.
When the case type is "Revenue Collection", the value of the "Tax payer" should be null. Then this problem is solved in grid/view or form and everywhere.

Edit Filter Criteria Option not displayed for View

Why is the Edit Filter Criteria Option not getting displayed for the following view?
As you can see above there is no option for updating the filter criteria of this view named Account BulkOperation View, while for other views it gets displayed. I am not exactly sure why this is happening or if I am missing something.
Once this happened to me when the view query is customized to an extent with custom fetchxml. Check the background of this view using XrmToolbox FetchXML builder or View designer. Some broken query fields will be there.
The view is displayed with column layout and possibilities to define sorting and add new columns etc. But there is no link to "Edit Filter Criteria" as there usually is. This is because CRM actually realizes that this view is beyond its design capabilities, and only lets you alter the view in ways CRM knows CRM can handle.
Read more.

Cocoa bindings issue with three tableviews

im a osx-dev noob that is trying to build an application with three table views that will show the content of a core data store entity. But each table view is filtered on the attribute "status" of the entity.
the problem occurs when i also want to show the selected entity in textfields. I'm using three different array controllers with different fetch predicates. But in a textfield i can only bind the value to one array controller.
should i ditch the bindings and do it all programaticly or is there a simple solution to this? :)
here is an screenshot so you can grasp my app description.
Keep bindings to populate the text fields if it satisfies what you want to do with this GUI. I'd add an NSObjectController to control the one entity those fields represent. If you want the user's changes to those fields persisted, bindings are still awesome.
But I think with three tables that might control what's displayed in the text fields, you're going to need to have some sort of non-binding glue code that determines which of the tables wins. You can probably do everything you want by implementing some of the NSTableViewDelegate protocol.
If the text fields should display the last entity that the user clicked in any of the tables, simply have each table call the same tableViewSelectionDidChange delegate function. All three tables could have the same delegate. You can then call setContent on the NSObjectController from that function.
You could also use similar glue code to prevent more than one selection in any of the three tables, by having the same delegate function deselect everything in the other tables either through the view or the controller. But that's up to you and needs consideration of whether you want multiple selection, etc.

AngularJS: "Global" menu buttons for multiple views

I've (very) recently dived into Angular, but I'm struggling a bit with how to design my layout.
For my site I've created a menu containing an input field and some buttons. The idea is that the input field combined with either of the buttons should service a function. So say for viewA, the input field should only act as a search bar. If the user however clicks one of the buttons the input field value should be used to as a basis to create a new item in another viewB.
The search function works great for viewA, but I'm unable to make the buttons switch views. I'm suspecting (or know, but don't know how to address it) this is because the mentioned buttons are outside the view (ng-view) and thus don't have a controller.
I've searched around for "multiple controllers / views", where suggestions vary from using the include function or create a service. Problem is I have no idea what would best practise or if it's even necessary for my case.
The menu + input field is another view. It should have its own controller. Based on the route – $on($routeChangeSuccess, ...) – you can use ng-switch to switch between the appropriate HTML/template in that view. If your templates are large, you can use ng-include inside the ng-switch directives. Otherwise don't bother, and just in-line the HTML inside each ng-switch-when.
For an example of how so use $routeChangeSuccess (but not ng-switch), see

Populating a subform with different displays as a GUI in Access 2007

This is my first time building a UI in Access (using Access 2007), and I'm wondering what is the Right Way (TM) of going about this.
Essentially, I have several different queries that I'd like to display as pivot charts, pivot tables, tables, and reports. Eventually I'm also going to have to build forms to manipulate the data as well, but the application's primary function is to display data.
I'm thinking of having a button for each different display down the left side of the main window, and having the rest of the window display each button's corresponding contents (e.g. a pivot chart).
I have an idea that this can be accomplished using a single subform in the main form, and setting the subform's Source Object property within a function such as this one:
Public Function SetSubformSourceObject(newSourceObject) As Variant
subform.SourceObject = newSourceObject
End Function
Then, for each button I'd set its OnClick property to call this function with the name of the query I'd like to run.
Now, I have no idea if this is the best way of going about things, and would really appreciate some input :)
The principle seems fair to me. You have to give it a try. You do not even need a form-subform structure. You can set your sourceObject at the form level, and have your buttons in a commandBar instead of having them as controls on the form, so you do not have any 'form specific' code (like "onCLick") and controls. action/command controls on a form are space, code and maintenance consuming, while commandbars are more generic and are THE object that can hold all your action controls.
