How to make common master page in BIRT reporting? - birt

How do I make a common masterpage in BIRT? I'd like all of my reports to use a common master page, so that I can make a change in one place and all of the reports that use that master page automatically get the change.

Create a masterpage in a BIRT library and then have all of your reports use that masterpage. Here's how:
Open the BIRT report designer
File -> New -> New Library
In the Outline pane expand Masterpages. Rename the masterpage to something meaningful - you'll want to do this in case you create multiple masterpages in the future. For example, you may want one masterpage for Portait reports and a different one for Landscape reports.
Open a report which you want to link to the common masterpage
In the Resource Explorer pane expand Shared Resources -> your newly created library -> MasterPages
Right click on your masterpage -> Add to Report
Delete the old masterpage in the report
Your report will then be linked to a common masterpage - if you change something in the masterpage, the report will automatically get that change. You won't have to change the individual report.

As an addition to jrullmann's answer:
Usually, the masterpage should contain some dynamic data, such as the title of the report, and in some cases part of this data resides inside the DB.
To achieve this, you can for example create a Data Set "Masterpage" which resides in the same *.rptlibrary as the masterpage.
The DS query has the form
select ? as title,
from DUAL
and has parameters like title, ... .
Bind the header and footer grid of the masterpage to this DS.
Then, in your report, reference the master page and change the DS parameter binding in the header and footer grid.


Can I Open a chart with URL in DynamicsCRM?

I want to open chart with a URL in DynamicsCRM online.
I understood how to open forms, views and reports from MSDN below.
I can do it when I open the view with the URL and select the cart tab on the right.
But I want show the chart immidiately after the page loaded.
Is there any a nice way to open a chart directory?
Or would it better to create a report including the chart?
I am not aware of a way to force the chart pane to open when linking to a view in CRM.
Instead you could create a dashboard (which can contain both charts and views) and link directly to the dashboard.

How to find Oracle APEX Interactive report template

I need to make style changes to Oracle apex IR (apex version 4.2). For that purpose where can i find the template of it. ? is it saved inside table or procedure ?
Interactive reports are held in a region and the region can have a template, but has no effect on its content, such as an IR.
While you can define report templates for classic reports, this is not possible for interactive reports.
You cannot control the structure (html) it puts out.
You can however change the style of it by applying CSS to the appropriate elements. You don't have need to alter the source it puts out. Defining selectors and using your browser tools to inspect everything you can definitely influence the look and feel.
Word of warning though: heavily applying CSS will bring some trouble when upgrading to apex 5, as IRs have been changed a lot. This means you'll have to change selectors quite a bit while also doing more setup on the IR.
If you'd supply more info on the kind of change you'd want to make to the IR, answers could be more specific and concrete.
You can find Oracle Interactive reports template from
Click Edit Report Attributes
Then template is under Layout and Pagination Section
But i doubt you can edit the template in there.
If you are looking for adding a template to be used in your report then follow these steps
Go to the Main Page of your application
Then go to Shared Components
Then Search for User Interface Section
Under this section, Click Templates, this is where you can add template for any type of item(report, region, page, etc..)
Read these article for customizing report template
You can create new template under apex:
Application Builder/Application #/Shared Components/Templates

Adding a subreport to rdl table cell

I have this RDL report, which needs to show a list of objects.
each objects itself contains multiple charts and tables so my idea was to add a single table in my report and add a sub-report to the table cell and feed the id of each object via a parameter to the sub-report.
This is how my report currently looks like:
Many sites suggest that the proper file may be selected by navigating to the supreport properties screen and using the browse button on the "Use this report as subreport" section, but my designer has no browse button:
My first thought is I'll just type in the path. But this doesn't work because it won't support : or \
Here I'd like to mention that we deploy our report in a subfolder of our application's deployment folder(generally something on the lines of "C:\Program Files\Company\Application\data\ReportDefinitions") Also the report files are not included in the application's solution. They're loaded at run time as needed.
I've also checked what msdn has to say on the matter. Some pages suggest using an expression like ="path" but this doesn't work for the same reasons.
Another article from Microsoft says something in the line of:
but this doesn't work either it just can't find the report sub-report in any way:
I've double checked and triple checked. The sub report is in the same folder as the main report and it's name is correct, but it just won't see it
I've already spent hours on this and I feel like I've exhausted every option.
What am I missing?
It seems my problem was not loading the subreport properly.
I load and render my reports pragmatically. Adding the following line overcame the problem
new StreamReader(Path.Combine(this.systemSettings.DataPath, #"ReportDefinitionFiles\SingleCalibrationCurveReport.rdlc")));

odoo / OpenERP V8 - Tutorial on QWeb Reports

I am trying to start with odoo. One of the most import thing for us would be to generate different layout for sale orders.
I've started with this document:
It is from the "odoodays 2014" and shows how to customize an existing report. This works fine. I don't understand the points under "Generic / particular report".
Now I'm lost trying to add a new report (starting with a copy of the exisiting report) with a custom template.
I've tried to add a new item in the report view in settings, but I can't add any linked qweb views (I've added a new one, but it didn't get a new ID).
I've tried to create a copy in the views directory of the addon but it didn't help.
Is there any tutorial for this ?
Is there somebody who can give me some pointers how to add a new report ?
After searching around I've come to this solution. I've translated all the menu headers from German, because I'm using Odoo in German.
reports are listed in Settings / Reporting / Reports
you can click one of the reports
if you edit one of the reports you can click on "Search for linked QWeb Views" - you can click and change these views. They are in HTML and are used for the data in the reports
New reports are typically added with a plugin.
If you would like to change the report with the website editor you can install the website builder. If you change one of the reports from PDF to HTML (in Settings / Reporting / Reports) you get a popup when you're generating the report.
In this popup you can change the report template. With this you can change the template with the website builder tools.
These reports are saved in the database in the table ir_ui_view. If you change to another database they still have the original reports (this was my big fear - that changing the reports changes them for all databases).
Header and footer are still changed in the company settings with RDL.
So basically everything from the odoodays-2014 document is working like they've showed on this website - it was just pretty hard to find out how these things worked.

how can i add and use more than one layout in MVC3

I am new in MS MVC3.I am using C# with razor view engine in MVC3. There is a 'shared' folder (in MVC3 framework) where a _Layout.cshtml file that sharing by other views file. But how could i create more file as like _Layout.cshtml? how can i add and use more than one _Layout.cshtml file that will share the design by a specific view file, please let me know step by step because i am new in MVC3. and sorry for my bad English.
You can create as many Layouts as you want. The default layout of the views is set in the _ViewStart.cshtml file.
If you want to use a different layout in a view, all you have to do is set the Layout property at the start of the view.
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_MyLayout.cshtml";
If you right click on the folder in the solution explorer it will give you a menu that will say add->. If you select "new" a popup will give you a list and you can select Layout View form the menu. Once you select to add a View you can select what layout from the drop down list.
