Ruby Appending an hash and saving it in a CSV - ruby

I am learning ruby from a book I got called The Pragmatic Programmers Guide and have got to a point where I'm reading and processing things from a .csv file. I taken upon myself the challenge of making a small program that opens a csv file and then reads all the data, saving it into a hash. This is my code so far:
require 'csv'
class NoxReader
phash = {}
def open
CSV.foreach('data.csv', headers: true) do |row|
row.each do |x|
name, password = line.chomp.split(",")
phash[name] = password
Now I want to be able to append to that hash and write it back to the csv file. I have an idea on how to write it back to csv, but it's just appending to the hash via a gets.chomp that blows me away. Any help on where to start would be much appreciated.

In fact you are already appending key-value pairs to your hash. This is what phash[name] = password does in your code.
If you want to add the resulting hash of your function login_prompt in your other question to phash, you need to
phash.merge login_prompt


Having a CSV file and letting a user edit

In ruby, if I have a CSV like this:
I want to allow a user to enter an email and be able to edit any one of the options listed. For example, a user enters the email "" and it will output "lexus,rc,black,2,". Then from here the program will output some message that will tell the user to select to edit by "make,model,color,doors,email", and then be able to change whatever is there. Like lets say they choose "color", then they can change the color from "black" to "blue" of "" line. I believe this can be done using a hash and using key-values but I am not sure how to exactly make the editing part work.
this is my current code:
require "csv"
csv ='cars.csv', headers: true)
demo = gets.chomp
print csv.find {|row| row['email'] == demo}
all it does it takes in the csv file and allows a user to enter in an email and it will output that specific line.
So - your question is a bit vague and involves a number of implied questions, such as "how do I write code that can ask for different options and act accordingly" - so it might help if you clarify exactly what you are trying to ask.
From the looks of it, you seem most interested in understanding how to modify the CSV table, and to get info about the CSV fields/table/data etc..
And for this, you have two friends: The ruby 'p' method and the docs.
The 'p' method allows you to inspect objects. "p someObject" is the same as calling 'puts someObject.inspect' - and it's very handy, as is "puts someObject.class" to find out what type of object you're dealing with.
In this case, you can change the last line of your code a bit to get some info:
puts csv.class
got = csv.find {|row| row['email'] == demo}
p got
And suddenly we learn we are dealing with a CSV::Table
This is not surprising, let's head over to the docs. I don't know what version of ruby you're using, but 2.6.1 is current enough to have the info we need and is plenty old at this point, so you probably have access to it:
Tells us that if we do the using headers:
"If headers specified, reading methods return an instance of CSV::Table, consisting of CSV::Row."
So now we know we have a CSV::Table (which is much like an array/list but with some convenience methods (such as the 'find' that you are using).
And a CSV::Row is basically a hash that maintains it's order and is, as expected, keyed according to the headers.
So we can do:
p got.fields
p got['model']
got['model'] = 'edsel'
p got['model']
p got.fields
And not surprisingly, the CSV::Table has a 'to_s' method that let's us print out the CSV:
puts csv.to_s
You can probably take it from here.

I want add ruby hash to a yaml file(need to add value to the same keys repeatedly)

I tried to write a yaml file from a hash using ruby. And am able to create the yaml file.
The program is just a report that i tried to create. But the real problem occurred is that it works perfectly for one date. When I tried to run the on day1, its work perfectly(the yaml file is created correctly), but when i tried to run on another date, the values in the yaml files are overwrite, but actually I want to add the new value with the previous one in the yaml.
I know my english is bad and sometimes little lack to create logics. Please help me to correct the issue. The code is below
def write_monthly_yaml_file(daily_data)
#daily = File.exist?(#monthly_yaml_file) ? YAML::load_file(#monthly_yaml_file) :
#daily[Time.parse(#date).strftime("%m")] = daily_data, "w") {|f| f.puts #daily.to_yaml}
here daily_data is the hash, will anyone please help me to add new daily_data with old one(I need to add each value with previous value like summing)
Thank you
I assume you want to have many entries for one month:
# the line below overwrites the value for the key given
# #daily[Time.parse(#date).strftime("%m")] = daily_data
# will collect all data in an array instead:
(#daily[Time.parse(#date).strftime("%m")] ||= []) << daily_data
Here we create an array as a value unless it existed and append the daily_data value to it. For this code to be run successfully, please remove your existing yaml file from the disk.
The reason is that currently there is a single instance of daily_data associated with the key and the interface changed.
If your data in #daily[day] is a number you want to add to, try this:
#daily = File.exist?(#monthly_yaml_file) ?
YAML::load_file(#monthly_yaml_file) :
day = Time.parse(#date).strftime("%m")
#daily[day] = (#daily[day] + daily_data), "w") {|f| f.puts #daily.to_yaml}

Asking user for information, and never having to ask again

I want to ask for user input, but I only want to do it once (possibly save the information within the program), meaning, something like this:
print "Enter your name (you will only need to do this once): "
name = gets.chomp
str = "Hello there #{name}" #<= As long as the user has put their name in the very first
# time the program was run, I want them to never have to put thier name in again
How can I got about doing this within a Ruby program?
This program will be run by multiple users throughout the day on multiple systems. I've attempted to store it into memory, but obviously that failed because from my understand that memory is wiped everytime a Ruby program stops executing.
My attempts:
def capture_user
print 'Enter your name: '
name = gets.chomp
#<= works but user has to put in name multiple times
def capture_name
if'name.txt') == ''
print "\e[36mEnter name to appear on email (you will only have to do this once):\e[0m "
#esd_user = gets.chomp'name.txt', 'w') { |s| s.puts(#esd_user) }
#esd_user ='name.txt')
#<= works but there has to be a better way to do this?
require 'tempfile'
def capture_name
file ='user')
if == ''
print "\e[36mEnter name to appear on email (you will only have to do this once):\e[0m "
#esd_user = gets.chomp, 'w') { |s| s.puts(#esd_user) }
#esd_user =
#<= Also used a tempfile, this is a little bit over kill I think,
# and doesn't really help because the users can't access their Appdata
You will want to store the username in a file on the local file system. Ruby provides many ways to do this, and we'll explore one in this answer: YAML files.
YAML files are a structured storage file that can store all kinds of different data, and is a good place to store config data. In fact, YAML configuration files are key parts of the largest Ruby projects in existence. YAML gives you a good starting point for supporting future configuration needs, beyond the current one, which is a great way to plan feature development.
So, how does it work? Let's take a look at your requirement using a YAML config:
require 'yaml'
config_filename = "config.yml"
config = {}
name = nil
if file_exists(config_filename)
config = YAML.load_file(config_filename)
name = config["name"]
rescue ArgumentError => e
puts "Unable to parse the YAML config file."
puts "Would you like to proceed?"
proceed = gets.chomp
# Allow the user to type things like "N", "n", "No", "nay", "nyet", etc to abort
if proceed.length > 0 && proceed[0].upcase == "N"
abort "User chose not to proceed. Aborting!"
if name.nil? || (name.strip.length == 0)
print "Enter your name (you will only need to do this once): "
name = gets.chomp
# Store the name in the config (in memory)
config["name"] = name
# Convert config hash to a YAML config string
yaml_string = config.to_yaml
# Save the YAML config string to the config file, "w") do |out|
YAML.dump(config, out)
Rather than show you the bare minimum to meet your needs, this code includes a little error handling and some simple safety checks on the config file. It may well be robust enough for you to use immediately.
The very first bit simply requires the YAML standard library. This makes the YAML functions work in your program. If you have a loader file or some other common mechanism like that, simply place the require 'yaml' there.
After that, we initialize some variables that get used in this process. You should note that the config_filename has no path information in it, so it will be read from the current directory. You will likely want to store the config file in a common place, such as in ~/.my-program-name/config.yml or C:\Documents and Settings\MyUserName\Application Data\MyProgramName\. This can be done pretty easily, and there's plenty to help, such as this Location to Put User Config Files in Windows and Location of ini/config files in linux/unix.
Next, we check to see if the file actually exists, and if so, we attempt to read the YAML contents from it. The YAML.load_file() method handles all the heavy lifting here, so you just have to ask the config hash that's returned for the key that you're interested in, in this case, the "name" key.
If an error occurs while reading the YAML file, it indicates that the file might possibly be corrupted, so we try to deal with that. YAML files are easy to edit by hand, but when you do that, you can also easily introduce an error that will make loading the YAML file fail. The error handling code here will allow the user to abort the program and go back to fix the YAML file, so that it doesn't simply get overwritten.
After that, we try to see if we've been had a valid name from the YAML config, and if not, we go ahead and accept it from the user. Once they've entered a name, we add it to the config hash, convert the hash to a YAML-formatted string, and then write that string to the config file.
And that's all it takes. Just about anything that you can store in a Ruby hash, you can store in a YAML file. That's a lot of power for storing config information, and if you later need to add more config options, you have a versatile container that you can use exactly for that purpose.
If you want to do any further reading on YAML, you can find some good information here:
YAML in Ruby Tutorial on Robot Has No Heart
Jamming with Ruby YAML on Juixe Techknow
YAML on Struggling with Ruby
While some of these articles are a bit older, they're still very relevant and will give you a jumping off point for further reading. Enjoy!
If you need the name to persist across the user running the script several times, you're going to need to use some sort of data store. As much as I hate flat files, if all you're storing is the user's name, I think this is a valid option.
if File.exist?('username.txt')
name = 'username.txt', 'r' ) do |file|
name = file.gets
print "Enter your name (you will only need to do this once): "
name = gets.chomp 'username.txt', 'w' ) do |file|
file.puts name
str = "Hello there #{name}"

How to import a column of a CSV file into a Ruby array?

My goal is to import a one column of a CSV file into a Ruby array. This is for a self-contained Ruby script, not an application. I'll just be running the script in Terminal and getting an output.
I'm having trouble finding the best way to import the file and finding the best way to dynamically insert the name of the file into that line of code. The filename will be different each time, and will be passed in by the user. I'm using $stdin.gets.chomp to ask the user for the filename, and setting it equal to file_name.
Can someone help me with this? Here's what I have for this part of the script:
require 'csv'
zip_array ="path/to/file_name.csv")
and I need to be able to insert the proper file path above. Is this correct? And how do I get that path name in there? Maybe I'll need to totally re-structure my script, but any suggestions on how to do this?
There are two questions here, I think. The first is about getting user input from the command line. The usual way to do this is with ARGV. In your program you could do file_name = ARGV[0] so a user could type ruby your_program.rb path/to/file_name.csv on the command line.
The next is about reading CSVs. Using will take the whole CSV, not just a single column. If you want to choose one column of many, you are likely better off doing:
zip_array = []
CSV.foreach(file_name) { |row| zip_array << row[whichever_column] }
Okay, first problem:
a) The file name will be different on each run (I'm supposing it will always be a CSV file, right?)
You can solve this problem with creating a folder, say input_data inside your Ruby script. Then do:
This will produce an array of ALL files inside that folder that end with CSV. If we assume there will be only 1 file at a time in that folder (with a different name), we can do:
file_name = Dir.glob('input_data/*.csv')[0]
This way you'll dynamically get the file path, no matter what the file is named. If the csv file is inside the same directory as your Ruby script, you can just do:
Now, for importing only 1 column into a Ruby array (let's suppose it's the first column):
require 'csv'
array = []
CSV.foreach(file_name) do |csv_row|
array << csv_row[0] # [0] for the first column, [1] for the second etc.
What if your CSV file has headers? Suppose your column name is 'Total'. You can do:
require 'csv'
array = []
CSV.foreach(file_name, headers: true) do |csv_row|
array << csv_row['Total']
Now it doesn't matter if your column is the 1st column, the 3rd etc, as long as it has a header named 'Total', Ruby will find it.
CSV.foreach reads your file line-by-line and is good for big files. will read it at once but using it you can make your code more concise:
array =, headers: true).map do |csv_row|
Hope this helped.
First, you need to assign the returned value from $stdin.gets.chomp to a variable:
foo = $stdin.gets.chomp
Which will assign the entered input to foo.
You don't need to use $stdin though, as gets will use the standard input channel by default:
foo = gets.chomp
At that point use the variable as your read parameter:
zip_array =
That's all basic coding and covered in any intro book for a language.

Using CSV Class to parse a .csv file in Ruby

I'm using Ruby 1.9.3 and I've discovered the CSV class, but I can't get it to work. Basically, I want to be able to manipulate the various options for the CSV, and then pull a .csv file into an array to work with, eventually pushing that array back out into a new file.
This is what I have currently:
require 'csv'
CSV_Definition = CSV.New(:header_converters => :symbol)
CSV_Total = CSV.Read(File.Path("C:\Scripts\SQL_Log_0.csv"))
However, I don't think this is the right way to change the :header_converters. Currently I can't get IRB working to parse these pieces of code (I'm not sure how to require 'csv' in IRB) so I don't have any particular error message. My expectations for this will be to create an array (CSV_Total) that has a header with no symbols in it. The next step is to put that array back into a new file. Basically it would scrub CSV files.
Ruby used to have it's own built in CSV library which has been replaced with FasterCSV as of version 1.9, click on the link for documentation.
All that's required on your part is to use to import the CSV class via require 'csv' statement wherever you want to use it and process accordingly. It's pretty easy to build an array with the foreach statement, e.g.,:
require 'csv'
people = []
CSV.foreach(File.path("people.csv")) do |row|
# Where row[i] corresponds to a zero-based value/column in the csv
people << [row[0] + " " + row[1]]
puts people.to_s
=> [["Merry Christmas"], ["Hal Apenyo"], ["Terri Aki"], ["Willy Byte"]]
