Visual Studio: Dataset and DataTable Visualizer not working in watch window - visual-studio

I have just installed visual studio 2005 service pack 1 on a Windows 7 64 bit machine. Everything appears to work fine and I am able to run my project without any errors. However, when I am in debug mode I have noticed a problem with the "Watch" window for DataTables and DataSets.
I have a DataTable named dt and I enter it in the watch window. No magnifying glass appears to open the visualizer and I get the following error in the value column:
0x000000001d438c90 { KEY_XMLSCHEMA="XmlSchema" KEY_XMLDIFFGRAM="XmlDiffGram" KEY_NAME="TableName" ...}
Has anyone else had this problem? I have tried everything in this post and searched all around google but nothing worked.

I had to copy all the files in C:\Users\username\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Visualizers to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Packages\Debugger\Visualizers. Specifically it was missing autoexp.dll and autoexpce.dll.


Target schema for validation - missing in VS 2012 intellisense - how to resolve?

In a MVC4, razor view, I am unable to get HTML5 intellisense.
After adding AngularJS references to VS2012 for intellisense, I still wasn't getting the any of the AngularJS directives to appear.
I have the HTML5 schema enabled (Tools/Options/Text Editor/HTML).
I also don't see any of the HTML5 intellisense as shown here.
When I type the
Intellisense is "text".
Other tags show a green line with the message "Validation ($SCHEMA$): Element 'script' is not supported.
Looks like there's a disconnect somewhere with my schemas.
I also tried added the target schema for validation to the toolbar and received the error:
Microsoft Visual Studio
Could not complete the action.
How can I resolve this?
I have had exactly the same problem with VS 2013. I had been messing about with the schemas used for validation, so I reckoned that was the problem, turns out I had likely corrupted one of the files.
Find a "healthy" install of VS 2012 (maybe install on another machine?), zip & copy the following directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\Packages\schemas\html
Delete the directory from the "unhealthy" VS and copy the "healthy" one into it's place. Then re-start VS.
For 2013, you may also need to do the same for the following directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\Web\Schemas\1033\HTML
Prior to this I had also done a "Devenv.exe /Setup" and "Devenv.exe /ResetSettings", but I don't think these are necessary.

Unable to start debugging because the object invoked has disconnected from its clients

I'm running Visual Studio 2012 (version 11.0.61030.00 update 4). When debugging a local console application I get the following error when I start debugging (F5):
Microsoft Visual Studio
Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging.
The object invoked has disconnected from its clients.
This only happens if I leave visual studio alone without debugging for a couple minutes. If I close visual studio and re-open the error goes away (until I leave it untouched for another couple of minutes). Has anyone experienced this? I can't find any threads of other people experiencing it.
This may be a possible answer for the problem.
Some from the answer:
Check which files were changed (why and how) after update from a source control engine
Review the list of extensions and plugins. Try to disable all or some of them
Close Visual Studio and kill all the development processes: devenv, mspdbsrv, vcpkgsrv, msbuild, msvsmon, vshub, vstest etc
Remove .suo, .ncb, .VC.db, .VC.VC.opendb files of the solution as well as .vs directory, which sometimes cause problems
Remove project setting files, sort of YourProjectName.vcproj.DOMAINNAME.LOGINNAME.user or YourProjectName.csproj.user. The setting file name depends on a project kind you use
Run "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /setup or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /setup for x64 environment
Just Close the VIsual Studio and start again the project.Its work Perfectly for me.
While restarting Visual Studio does provide a workaround, it doesn't solve the actual problem. In my case, I was working with a C# solution in VS2017 and the following resolved the issue:
Close Visual Studio
Delete the .vs folder that was created in the Solution's directory
Re-open the Solution
I corrupted my App.config file with NLog settings without section Handler in the top of the document. Gist is check out your config file settings either corrupted in format or not properly handled any section. once I remove corrupted config section, it did not raise the error again (VS 2017)
Hope it helps!
In my case I have just reinstalled Windows 10 and so the Visual Studio 2022..
My project was targeting .net 5 SDK, but I only had .net 6 SDK installed. The solution was to install earlier version of the SDK.

Visual Studio 2010 Build Fails to File Copy Error

I'm building a project in Visual Studio 2010 and the build fails because it cannot copy the assemblyname.dll file from obj to bin folder. The exact error message is:
Error 7
Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\AssemblyName.dll" to "bin\AssemblyName.dll". The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open.
I think this is because the previous file in bin-folder is not accessible. When I try to delete the file manually, I get an error "The action can't be completed because the file is open in another program". If I try to see what application locks the file with Unlocker, I don't get any results (No Locking handle found).
If I restart Visual Studio, the error goes away but happens again after a build or two. Goes without saying that this is seriously slowing me down. Any advice how to start solving this?
VIsual Studio 2012 on Windows 8. I was receiving the same error message on my project. Restarting Visual Studio or cleaning the obj folder manually did not help. Finally I closed all open files (Windows -> Close All Documents) and the problem went away.
This behavior was due to a newly installed Visual Studio extension called Visual Studio Achievements (
I noticed that the .pdb file was locked by FxCop (using Unlocker) and I think that the Achievements -extension uses it. After disabling the extension I've no longer got the error mentioned above.
This bug has been fixed in recent versions of the extension (>1.7). It was released as a beta, btw...
This behavior of VS happen very often even on my computer (and on computers of my coworkers).
In my experience it happen more frequently when:
I have some form opened in design when i compile
I stop the execution od the application by pressing the "stop" button
in VS instead of exiting the application
So, closing the form in design before compile, and exiting the application instead of stopping it, somewhat mitigate the issue... but it still happen :-|
My computer is Win 7 x64 SP1 with VS 2010 SP1, 8Gb ram, and no swap file
Platform: Windows 8 Pro, Visual Studio 2012
I found that I receive this error when I am accessing the folder in Windows Explorer.
I was creating PDF documents with Visual Studio 2012. To review the sample document I would right click in Solution Explorer and use Open Folder in File Explorer.
On Windows 7 I would get a SYSTEM.IO error if the actual PDF document was open in Adobe Reader which is expected. With Windows 8 I found that I receive the above error if I have the folder open. I suspect there is a conflict with the Windows 8 preview.
If I close the folder and run the program it works fine.
Check if you open the dll in visual studio.
I open the dll in visual studio and this error happen!!

Visual Web Developer 2010 Intellisense Broken

My Problem
In Microsoft Visual Web Developer Express 2010, my intellisense suddenly stopped working today for my front end HTML (.aspx) files but is still working fine for code behind (.cs) files.
Along with this, when I hover over any asp control declared in my aspx pages, it says
validation(): Element 'control' is not supported.
validation(): Element 'label' is not supported.
(side note: 'control' and 'label' are lowercase in the message, instead of the proper case)
My Progress
I have been looking around for answers,
a few people suggested deleting certain files, such as the "*.ncb",
but I have not been able to find any MS files with this extention
anywhere (hidden files are visible).
I have a "Web Site", not a "Project" so within my site there are no
*.sln", *.proj, *.suo" files to delete either.
One suggestion was to "Clean" my project, but I can't find that
option anywhere.
Another person suggestion running "MS Developer command prompt" and
executing a utility called "devenv" with certain arguments. I do not
have the "MS Developer command prompt", I assume because I am using
the Express Edition. I cannot find the devenv utility in my file
system as well.
I have checked all my master pages but haven't noticed anything
I looked in the Tools > Options menu but didn't find any "intellisense" type of thing anywhere. My "Show all settings" is turned on.
I tried changing the doc type in the dropdown from XHTML 1.0 Transitional to all the other things just to see, with no luck.
My Plea to fellow .Net-ers
My website builds just fine with no errors, it's just having no intellisense on my aspx pages is driving me nuts.
Is there anything else I can try? Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks!
DevEnv is the program name for visual studio - it will be here:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" on a 64 bit OS
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" on a 32 bit OS.
Right click on the icon you use to run VS and then click properties and it will tell you where this file is in the Target box.
To clean a project, right click the project in the solution explorer and then click Clean.
Visual studio command prompt will be in the start menu under:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 > Visual Studio Tools
There may be several version depending if you are running on a 64bit OS, Itanium, etc. You can also just run DevEnv from the Run box or ordinary command prompt.
The 32bit version can be run from the Run Box using the following (if on 64 bit, add " (x86" after "Program Files"):
%comspec% /k ""C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"" x86
Personally, after closing down VS and rebooting the machine to check if it was just a process crash causing it (i.e. restart from a fresh OS and VS load) - I would reset option (see here /ResetSettings (devenv.exe)).
Good luck, and please reply back mif this worked or did not so to give the thread a conclusion. :D

DataTable visualizer disappeared from my Visual Studio

A while ago I noticed I don't have a magnifying-glass next to my datatables. I used to have it, and somehow, sometime, it disappeared...
Has anyone seen this happen? Do you know how to help me view my datatables again?
Update: I'm still clueless about this. Could anyone point me in some direction, where should I even start looking for an answer? Thanks a lot.
Update: I changed to a new computer, and still the same problem. But I pinpointed it to being only in Visual Studio 2005. On Visual Studio 2008 I have perfectly normal DataSet and Datatable visualizers.
So I tried re-installing VS2005, to make sure all the components were installed, nothing left out - but Nada. Still no visualizer.
Update: Found the solution to my problem: My answer
I was really bothered by the problem, so I turned to Microsoft support, and they solved my problem! The short solution is that apparently one of the DLL's in the My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Visualizers folder was corrupted. I deleted all the contents of the folder, and the visualizer came back.
The long answer can be found in this post written by Faruk Celik - the person from Microsoft who solved my problem.
Create a new clean project, does the Visualizer show up there?
Check if this file exist: "\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8.0\Common7\Packages\Debugger\Visualizers\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.DataSetVisualizer.dll"
Check if the dll is loaded in Visual Studio, Open your project, then open anther Visual Studio, attach the debugger into the first Visual Studio (Make sure that managed debugger is selected). Inside the debugging Visual Studio open Debug/Windows/Modules to see if the DataSetVisualizer is loaded.
try devenv /ResetSettings from an admin console.
I know this is an old post, but I have been fighting this same issue. Nothing solved my problem... I finally figured out that I had been running Visual Studio in compatibility mode (Windows 7 os). Once I ran devenv.exe without compatibility mode set, the visualizers showed up again.
Give devenv /resetskippkgs a try...
I am using Visual Studio 2017 and I had the same issue. I realised the visualizers folder is missing in my documents. I think this is something to do with the recent windows upgrade on the office computer. I have resolved it by creating an empty Visualizers folder.
I have the same problem and it drives me crazy. Finally, I have it works after trying many advice from Googling and trail and error.
\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe /resetuserdata at the command prompt.
I rename Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.DataSetVisualizer.dll to Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.DataSetVisualizer.dll.test on both
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies
\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Visualizers
I was having the same problem, nothing would appear when I hovered over my dataset variable. I was finally able to see the dataset visualizer when I added my.forms in front of my dataset variable in the Watch window
Execute Visual Studio as administrator. Right click and execute as administrator and the magnifying-glass appears next to datatables.
I tried everything in this post but nothing worked for me. I am running Windows 7 64-bit. Eventually I was able to find a solution in this post
I tried everything here but the only thing that worked for me was to overlay 2 folder using someone else VS 2019 that had the visualizers working.
C:\Users\XXXXXXXX\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Visualizers --< XXXXXXXX = the user folder
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\Common7\Packages\Debugger\Visualizers
