Scheme - converting to continuation-passing style - scheme

I kinda understand how to convert elementary functions such as arithmetics to continuation-passing style in Scheme.
But what if the function involves recursion?
For example,
(define funname
(lambda (arg0 arg1)
(and (some procedure)
(funname (- arg0 1) arg1))))
Please give me advices.
Thank you in advance.

One place that has a good explanation on continuations and CPS is Krishnamurthi's PLAI book. The relevant part (VII) doesn't depend on other parts of the book so you can jump right in there. There is specifically an extended example of converting code to CPS manually, and tackling recursive functions (the first part of chapter 17).
In addition, I wrote an extended version of that text for my class, which has more examples and more details on the subject -- you might find that useful too. In addition to the PLAI text, I cover some common uses of continuations like implementing generators, the ambiguous operator and more. (But note that PLAI continues with a discussion of implementation strategies, which my text doesn't cover.)

(define (func x y k)
(lambda (ret)
(if ret
(- x 1
(lambda (ret)
(func ret y k)))
(k #f))))
You are lacking a base case, which is why the only explicit call to the continuation is (k #f). If you have a base case, then you'd pass the base case return value to the continuation, also. For example:
(define (func x y k)
(zero? x
(lambda (ret)
(if ret
(k y)
(lambda (ret)
(if ret
(- x 1
(lambda (ret)
(func ret y k)))
(k #f))))))))

This partly duplicates Chris Jester-Young's answer, but well, I hope I can explain it better :-).
In CPS, the difference you're seeking is between these two things (roughly):
You can invoke a procedure, and pass it the continuation you were passed. That's the equivalent of a direct-style optimized tail call.
Or, you can invoke a procedure, and pass in as its continuation a new procedure that does something with the "return value," passing in your original continuation. This is the equivalent of a direct-style stack call.
The latter is what the lambdas in Chris's example are doing. Basically, evaluating a lambda creates a closure—and these closures are used to do the same job that stack frames do in the execution of a a direct-style program. In place of the return address in a stack frame, the closure contains a binding for a continuation function, and the code for the closure invokes this.


What are the continuation passing style conversion rules?

I am trying to understand continuation passing style conversion.
I am trying to build a Scheme to C compiler and I want to use continuation passing style. Whether or not continuation passing style is the right way to do this can you guys explain me the conversion rules?
For example, here is a presentation by Marc Feeley, the creator of Gambit Scheme.
I will summarize the continuation passing style rules he gives, but note: I don't understand them. In particular I don't understand what C is.
Here is the notation:
which denotes the continuation passing style conversion of the expression E in the continuation C.
So, for example, one conversion rule is this one:
(C c) ;; application of C to c
which denotes the CPS conversion of the constant c in the continuation C.
What is C? I am having trouble understanding what C is. It is like magic.
Another rule is:
[(if E1 E2 E3)]
(lambda (r1)
(if r1 [E2] [E3]))
where E1 gets passed to r1.
But what is C?
Can you guys please explain?
If you scroll higher up in the article, to page 7, you will find definitions of what a continuation is, which is necessary to understand the rules for converting to continuation-passing style. An example given is
> (sqrt (+ (read) 1))
and it notes that the continuation for (read) is
a computation that takes a value, adds 1 to it, computes
its square-root, prints the result and goes to the next REPL interaction.
So the continuation C for an expression E is "whatever happens to the value of this expression". This is reiterated on page 20, with the example
(let ((square (lambda (x) (* x x))))
(write (+ (square 10) 1)))
where the continuation of (square 10) is
(lambda (r) (write (+ r 1)))
So as you are recursively translating the program to CPS style, the continuation C will grow as you get deeper into the expression. Note that each of the translation rules [E]|C results in a smaller un-translated E, perhaps empty if E was simple enough, and a larger translated C.
When you convert a code in CPS you practically introduce a strict discipline in evaluation.
When you write (+ x y z), it is unclear the order in which you evaluate each of +, x, y, z. If the language you write in explicitly defines an order, you know what happens. But if the language does not insert an order, you can define the order you wish by writing in/converting the code into CPS, in the example I proposed you would write:
(eval + (lambda (+)
(eval x (lambda(x)
(eval y (lambda (y)
(eval z (lambda (z)
(+ x y z))))
if you want a left-right evaluation.
If you write your code in CPS, this is like writing code in assembler, as each piece of code can be associated with an instruction that has a corresponding in very low programming. If you convert some code in CPS, you need to uniquely rename variables to avoid collisions. At the time the C language was created, I think it was not clearly defined the CPS transform; this is why the inline specifier rejects recursive calls. It is possible to convert a recursive function into a goto-loop by rewriting the C code and using the CPS transform, but standard C does not want to.
The ways to convert the code into CPS are many. In Mit-scheme for example, the input code is not explicitly rewritten in CPS form, but the evaluation process uses a combination of goto statements and trampoline calls to simulate it (this is a way you won's learn in school about, but it is used in practice).
The recursive CPS code can be converted directly into iterative loops (this is why scheme->C translators do the conversion first) to solve the tail recursion. The first edition of EPL of Dan Friedman details it. There is also an article of Friedman on this. If you cannot find it, I will try to find it for you.

How does call/cc work with the CPS transformation from "Lisp in Small Pieces"?

The book Lisp in Small Pieces demonstrates a transformation from Scheme into continuation passing style (chapter 5.9.1, for those who have access to the book). The transformation represents continuations by lambda forms and call/cc is supposed to become equivalent to a simple (lambda (k f) (f k k)).
I do not understand how this can work because there is no distinction between application of functions and continuations.
Here is a version of the transformation stripped from everything except application (the full version can be found in this gist):
(define (cps e)
(if (pair? e)
(case (car e)
; ...
(else (cps-application e)))
(lambda (k) (k `,e))))
(define (cps-application e)
(lambda (k)
((cps-terms e)
(lambda (t*)
(let ((d (gensym)))
`(,(car t*) (lambda (,d) ,(k d))
. ,(cdr t*)))))))
(define (cps-terms e*)
(if (pair? e*)
(lambda (k)
((cps (car e*))
(lambda (a)
((cps-terms (cdr e*))
(lambda (a*)
(k (cons a a*)))))))
(lambda (k) (k '()))))
Now consider the CPS example from Wikipedia:
(define (f return)
(return 2)
Above transformation would convert the application in the function body (return 2) to something like (return (lambda (g13) ...) 2). A continuation is passed as the first argument and the value 2 as the second argument. This would be fine if return was an ordinary function. However, return is supposed to be a continuation, which only takes a single argument.
I don't see how the pieces fit together. How can the transformation represent continuations as lambda forms but not give special consideration to their application?
I do not understand how this can work because there is no distinction between application of functions and continuations.
Implementing continuations without CPS requires approaches at the virtual machine level, such as using "spaghetti stacks": allocating lexical variables in heap-allocated frames that are subject to garbage collection. Capturing a continuation then just means obtaining an environment pointer which refers to a lexical frame in the spaghetti stack.
CPS builds a de facto spaghetti stack out of closures. A closure captures lexical bindings into an object with an indefinite lifetime. Under CPS, all closures capture the hidden variable k. That k serves the role of the parent frame pointer in the spaghetti stack; it chains the closures together.
Because the whole program is consistently CPS-transformed, there is a k parameter everywhere which points to a dynamically linked chain of closed-over environments that amounts to a de facto stack where execution can be restored.
The one missing piece of the puzzle is that CPS depends on tail calls. Tail calls ensure that we are not using the real stack; everything interesting is in the closed-over environments.
(However, even tail calls are not strictly required, as Henry Baker's approach, embodied in Chicken Scheme, teaches us. Our CPS-transformed code can use real calls that consume stack, but never return. Every once in a while we can move the reachable environment frames (and all contingent objects) from the stack into the heap, and rewind the stack pointer.)
Now consider the CPS example from Wikipedia:
Ah, but that's not a CPS example; that's an example of application code that uses continuations that are available somehow via call/cc.
It becomes CPS if either we transform it to CPS by hand, or use a compiler which does that mechanically.
However, return is supposed to be a continuation, which only takes a single argument.
Thus, return only takes a single argument because we're looking at application source code that hasn't been CPS-transformed.
The application-level continuations take one argument.
The CPS-implementation-level continuations will have the hidden k argument, like all functions.
The k parameter is analogous to a piece of machine context, like a stack or frame pointer. When using a conventional language, and call print("hello"), you don't ask, how come there is only one argument? Doesn't print have to receive the stack pointer so it knows where the parameters are? Of course when the print is compiled, the compiled code has a way of conveying that context from one function to another, invisible to the high level language.
In the case of CPS in Scheme, it's easy to get confused because the source and target language are both Scheme.

Can any case of using call/cc be rewritten equivalently without using it?

Can any case of using call/cc be rewritten equivalently without using it?
For example
In (g (call/cc f)), is the purpose of f to evaluate the value of
some expression, so that g can be applied to the value?
Is (g (call/cc f)) always able to be rewritten equivalently
without call/cc e.g. (g expression)?
In ((call/cc f) arg), is the purpose of f to evaluate the
definition of some function g, so that function g can be
applied to the value of arg?
Is ((call/cc f) arg) always able to be rewritten equivalently
without call/cc e.g. (g arg)?
If the answers are yes, why do we need to use call/cc?
I am trying to understand the purpose of using call/cc, by contrasting it to not using it.
The key to the direct answer here is the notion of "Turing equivalence". That is, essentially all of the commonly used programming languages (C, Java, Scheme, Haskell, Lambda Calculus etc. etc.) are equivalent in the sense that for any program in one of these languages, there is a corresponding program in each of the other languages which has the same meaning.
Beyond this, though, some of these equivalences may be "nice" and some may be really horrible. This suggests that we reframe the question: which features can be rewritten in a "nice" way into languages without that feature, and which cannot?
A formal treatment of this comes from Matthias Felleisen, in his 1991 paper "On the Expressive Power of Programming Languages" (, which introduces a notion of macro expressibility, pointing out that some features can be rewritten in a local way, and some require global rewrites.
The answer to your original question is obviously yes. Scheme is Turing-complete, with or without call/cc, so even without call/cc, you can still compute anything that is computable.
Why "it is more convenient than writing the equivalent expression using lambda"?
The classic paper On the Expressive Power of Programming Languages by Matthias Felleisen gives one answer to this question. Pretty much, to rewrite a program with call/cc to one without it, you might potentially need to transform your whole program (global transformation). This is to contrast some other constructs that only need a local transformation (i.e., can be written as macro) to remove them.
The key is: If your program is written in continuation passing style, you don't need call/cc. If not, good luck.
I whole-heartedly recommend:
Daniel P. Friedman. "Applications of Continuations: Invited Tutorial". 1988 Principles of Programming Languages (POPL88). January 1988
If you enjoy reading that paper, then check out:
Of course anything that is written with call/cc can be written without it, because everything in Scheme is ultimately written using lambda. You use call/cc because it is more convenient than writing the equivalent expression using lambda.
There are two senses to this question: an uninteresting one and an interesting one:
The uninteresting one. Is there some computation that you can do with call/cc that you can't do in a language which does not have it?
No, there isn't: call/cc doesn't make a language properly more powerful: it is famously the case that a language with only λ and function application is equivalent to a universal Turing machine, and thus there is no (known...) more powerful computational system.
But that's kind of uninteresting from the point of view of programming-language design: subject to the normal constraints on memory &c, pretty much all programming languages are equivalent to UTMs, but people still prefer to use languages which don't involve punching holes in paper tape if they can.
The interesting one. Is it the case that call/cc makes some desirable features of a programming language easier to express?
The answer to this is yes, it does. I'll just give a couple of examples. Let's say you want to have some kind of non-local exit feature in your language, so some deeply-nested bit of program can just say 'to hell with this I want out', without having to climb back out through some great layer of functions. This is trivial with call/cc: the continuation procedure is the escape procedure. You can wrap it in some syntax if you want it to be nicer:
(define-syntax with-escape
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (e) form ...)
(call/cc (λ (e) form ...))]))
(with-escape (e)
... code in here, and can call e to escape, and return some values ...)
Can you implement this without call/cc? Well, yes, but not without either relying on some other special construct (say block and return-from in CL), or without turning the language inside out in some way.
And you can build on things like this to implement all sorts of non-local escapes.
Or, well, let's say you want GO TO (the following example is Racket):
(define (test n)
(define m 0)
(define start (call/cc (λ (c) c)))
(printf "here ~A~%" m)
(set! m (+ m 1))
(when (< m n)
(start start)))
Or, with some syntax around this:
(define-syntax-rule (label place)
(define place (call/cc identity)))
(define (go place)
(place place))
(define (horrid n)
(define m 0)
(label start)
(printf "here ~A~%" m)
(set! m (+ m 1))
(when (< m n)
(go start)))
So, OK, this perhaps is not a desirable feature of a programming language. But, well, Scheme doesn't have GO TO right, and yet, here, it does.
So, yes, call/cc (especially when combined with macros) makes a lot of desirable features of a programming language possible to express. Other languages have all these special-purpose, limited hacks, Scheme has this universal thing from which all these special-purpose hacks can be built.
The problem is that call/cc doesn't stop with the good special-purpose hacks: you can also build all the awful horrors that used to blight programming languages out of it. call/cc is like having access to an elder god: it's really convenient if you want dread power, but you'd better be careful what comes with it when you call, because it may well be an unspeakable horror from beyond spacetime.
An easy use of call/cc is as a bail out. eg.
;; (1 2) => (2 4)
;; #f if one element is not a number
(define (double-numbers lst)
(lambda (exit)
(let helper ((lst lst))
(cond ((null? lst) '())
((not (number? (car lst))) (exit #f))
(else (cons (* 2 (car lst)) (helper (cdr lst)))))))))
So to understand this. If we are doing (double-numbers '(1 2 r)) the result is #f, but the helper has done (cons 1 (cons 2 (exit #f)))
Without call/cc we see the continuation would be whatever called double-numbers since it actually return normally from it. Here is an example without call/cc:
;; (1 2) => (2 4)
;; #f if one element is not a number
(define (double-numbers lst)
(define (helper& lst cont)
(cond ((null? lst) (cont '()))
((not (number? (car lst))) #f) ; bail out, not using cont
(else (helper& (cdr lst)
(lambda (result)
(cont (cons (* 2 (car lst)) result)))))))
(helper& lst values)) ; values works as an identity procedure
I imagine it gets harder pretty quick. Eg. my generator implementation. The generator relies on having access to continuations to mix the generator code with where it's used, but without call/cc you'll need to do CPS in both the generator, the generated generator and the code that uses it.

Pattern match function in Scheme Meta Circular Evaluator

I'm trying to add a pattern matching function to an existing scheme meta circular evaluator (this is homework) and I'm a bit lost on the wording of the instructions. I was hoping someone more skilled in this regard could help me interpret this.
The syntax for match should look like the following: (match a ((p1 v1) (p2 v2) (p3 v3)))
And it could be used to find length like so:
(define length (lambda (x)
(match x (('() 0)
(('cons a b) (+ 1 (length b))))))
The pattern language in the function should contain numeric constants, quoted constants, variables, and cons. If patterns are exhausted without finding a match, an error should be thrown.
I thought I understood the concept of pattern matching but implementing it in a function this way has me a bit thrown off. Would anyone be willing to explain what the above syntax is doing (specifically, how match is used in length above) so I can get a better understanding of what this function should do?
(match x (('() 0)
(('cons a b) (+ 1 (length b)))))
It may be most helpful to consider what this code would need to expand into. For each pattern, you'd need a test to determine whether the object you're trying to match matches, and you'd need code to figure out how to bind variables to its subparts. In this case, you'd want an expansion roughly like:
(if (equal? '() x)
(if (pair? x)
(let ((a (car x))
(b (cdr x)))
(+ 1 (length b)))
;; indicate failure to match
You could write that with a cond, too, of course, but if you have to procedurally expand this, it might be easier to use nested if forms.
If you're actually implementing this as a function (and not as a macro (i.e., source transformation), then you'll need to specify exactly how you can work with environments, etc.
I suggest you read the chapter four, Structured Types and the Semantics of Pattern Matching, from The Implementation of Functional Languages. The chapter is written by Simon L. Peyton Jones and Philip Wadler.

Scheme early "short circuit return"?

I'm trying to find out how I can do an "early return" in a scheme procedure without using a top-level if or cond like construct.
(define (win b)
(let* ((test (first (first b)))
(result (every (lambda (i) (= (list-ref (list-ref b i) i) test))
(enumerate (length b)))))
(when (and (not (= test 0)) result) test))
For example, in the code above, I want win to return test if the when condition is met, otherwise return 0. However, what happens is that the procedure will always return 0, regardless of the result of the when condition.
The reason I am structuring my code this way is because in this procedure I need to do numerous complex checks (multiple blocks similar to the let* in the example) and putting everything in a big cond would be very unwieldy.
Here is how to use call/cc to build return yourself.
(define (example x)
(call/cc (lambda (return)
(when (< x 0) (return #f))
; more code, including possible more calls to return
Some Schemes define a macro called let/cc that lets you drop some of the noise of the lambda:
(define (example x)
(let/cc return
(when (< x 0) (return #f))
Of course if your Scheme doesn't, let/cc is trivial to write.
This works because call/cc saves the point at which it was called as a continuation. It passes that continuation to its function argument. When the function calls that continuation, Scheme abandons whatever call stack it had built up so far and continues from the end of the call/cc call. Of course if the function never calls the continuation, then it just returns normally.
Continuations don't get truly mind-bending until you start returning them from that function, or maybe storing them in a global data structure and calling them later. Otherwise, they're just like any other language's structured-goto statements (while/for/break/return/continue/exceptions/conditions).
I don't know what your complete code looks like, but it might be better to go with the cond and to factor out the complex checks into separate functions. Needing return and let* is usually a symptom of overly imperative code. However, the call/cc method should get your code working for now.
One way would be to use recursion instead of looping, then an early exit is achieved by not recursing further.
You can use the "call with current continuation" support to simulate a return. There's an example on wikipedia. The function is called call-with-current-continuation, although there's often an alias called call/cc which is exactly the same thing. There's also a slightly cleaner example here
Note: This is quite an advanced Scheme programming technique and can be a bit mind bending at first...!!!!
In this case you don't want a when, you want an if, albeit not top-level.
(define (win b)
(let* ((test (first (first b)))
(result (every (lambda (i) (= (list-ref (list-ref b i) i) test))
(enumerate (length b)))))
(if (and (not (= test 0)) result)
The reason it was always returning zero is that whether or not the body of the when got executed, its result would be dropped on the floor. You see, the lambda implicit in the function define form creates an implicit begin block too, so
(define foo
(lambda (b)
(let ...)
and the way begin works is that it returns the result of the last form inside, while dropping all the intermediate results on the floor. Those intermediate results are intended to have side effects. You're not using any of that, which is great(!), but you have to be careful to only have one form (whose result you really want) inside the function definition.
