Are there keyboard combinations to restart or shutdown a Windows XP system? - windows

For example the keyboard combination Alt->F4 closes an opened window. So what are the keyboard combinations for restarting and shuting down a Windows XP system ?

press power button which is on the cabinet . :P
or create a .bat file
For a shortcut to RESTART Windows XP:
SHUTDOWN -r -t 01
For a shortcut to SHUT DOWN Windows XP:
SHUTDOWN -s -t 01
Then call it via 3rd party tools on a set of keyboard actions
look here on how to call an application via Keyboard action :

Windows button ,then ALT+F4 opens the shutdown dialog, then depending on the interface you can choose the underlined letter or scroll the dropdown list.

looking at this webpage it appears if you press Ctrl+Esc then U, and then Enter on windows XP it will cause the machine. This can be seen here.
If you have a remote session and want to shutdown the remote machine, if you click the desktop and then press alt + f4. This will display the shutdown dialog on the remote machine.

No, by default there is no such combination.
You can, however, create a shortcut to call the shutdown function and assign hotkey to it.
I believe this would suffice.


Show all windows OS X keyboard shortcut for mavericks

Is there a keyboard shortcut for OSX Mavericks to show all windows, even the minimized or hidden ones for an application?
I hate having to use my mouse to click on the Chrome icon to open my other chrome windows.
The keyboard shortcut to show all windows for an application is Ctrl+Down then switch between these windows using arrow keys.
To change the keys used for the shortcut to whatever you want, go to System Preferences-> Keyboard-> Shortcuts-> Mission Control-> Application Windows.
It's under the system preferences for Mission Control: there's a shortcut defined there for "Application windows", currently set to ctrl + down arrow
Works for open and minimised windows for your currently chosen application.
Ctrl + ▲ (up arrow) works on my Mac
You can setup a "hot corner" and select "Application Windows". Also you would see the file history in a banner so that you could also access to your files that are minimised.

Shortcut in Notepad++ to switch between search box and main window (Windows 7)

Is any of you know if there is a systematic keyboard shortcut to switch back to the main window from the search box in Windows 7 (either from Notepad++ side, or Windows 7 side)?
Of course, you could do Alt+Tab but you might not end up directly on the right window (you might have to do "Alt+Tab" several times).
The idea to use Win+ to switch between windows does not work because the search box is not recognized as a dedicated window.
Courtesy of Kard Nails:
Press Alt+Tab twice, releasing the Alt key between. When you go back
to Notepad++ with the second switch, the search dialog is no longer on
I'm using Windows 7 (Spanish Version) at the office, and all I've got to do to hit the search box is to press CTRL + B.

Windows 8 - Disable Charms Bar

I'm currently working to disable and lockdown tablets, and am having a hell of a time getting this part disabled. On a touch screen tablet, running windows 8, swiping from the right side of the screen will bring up a charms bar. I want this disabled.
I know this is controlled by a registry value (or multiple values) somewhere, but can't locate them. And I've researched this for hours and hours.
Just a heads up, this has nothing to do with CharmBarHints or the Metro Switcher. This also has nothing to do with my mouse's hardware options. Please, don't give me a fix for a PC running windows 8 that is using a touchpad, it's not the same.
I'm just trying to disable the charms bar for a tablet. Also, I know that windows 8.1 will contain a Kiosk Mode, however that will not be officially released until Oct 17th, and I will be shipping this fix out before then.
Thanks for your help.
You should definitely try going to
1. "COntrol Panel"-> "Mouse" -> "Device Settings" tab-> "Settings" options ->
Uncheck the "Enable Edge Swipes" option
Windows charms bar is operated by explorer.exe. So if your app can run without it then you can hack around it by first disabling the autorestart of explorer.exe via (run as administrator):
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v "AutoRestartShell" /t REG_DWORD /d 0
Then the lines below represent my launch.bat - which works in the end as expected:
;; kill explorer (this disables all windows functionalities
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
;; start your kiosk app - should block the batch execution (so explorer.exe doesn't get executed at the end)
;; after you close both the app window and the opened chrome window relaunch explorer.exe to give back the functionality to windows
I use the approach outlined above to let a keyboardless kiosk app run. Because with a keyboard you can still close the app with alt+f4.
Have you tried this method?
Navigate to the following registry key in Registry Editor:
Now go to
ImmersiveShell > New > Key from the context menu, and then name the new Key as EdgeUI.
Right-click the EdgeUI key, point to New, DWORD (32-bit) Value and then name the new DWORD as DisableCharmsHint.
Now double-click the newly created DWORD value, type 1 and click OK. You may also need to reboot Windows for the changes to come into effect.
Once done, it will disable both the top-right and bottom-right hot corners that reveal the Charms Bar.

How to assign alt + f1 key to an opened Windows application

I usually have more then 10 opened application windows. When I write code I need to switch fast between a browser, an IDE and terminal windows. Alt + tab is too slow, too many windows to choose from.
Virtual desktop is a work around for me. On a first desktop I keep browser, on a second IDE, etc. So I am able to switch fast between my most important applications.
And the question. Is there an utility for Windows XP / Vista which allows to assign a keyboard shortcut like alt + f1 .. f10 to an opened application window?
UPDATE: All programs I've found allow to define a shortcut to an application. E.g. they will open new instance of Firefox instead of switch to an opened one. Closest to what I need is Switcher. It displays big thumbnails of all open windows with assigned numbers to press.
Autohotkey I've found to be very powerful. Here is a part of my test script.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
IfWinExist Notepad
Run Notepad
IfWinExist Firefox
Run Firefox
IfWinExist Commander
IfWinExist Carbide
Just use Win32 api KBS.
There's a fair number of shareware apps for keyboard shortcuts out there. Take a look at Stardock's Keyboard Launchpad, it's supposed to be able to do stuff like that.

Browser Window Size during Visual Studio Debugging

How can I force the window that opens when I run a website from Visual Studio to be maximized? Everytime I run my site VS automatically resizes the window to something that seems arbitrary.
After your browser window has been opened once (as not maximized) press the maximize button. Then HOLD ctrl key and press the close button ('X'). Then you may release the ctrl key.
Next time your window will be open as maximized (holding ctrl key while pressing close forces windows to remember the window's last state)
Go into the project settings - Web - Start Action, and set it to be "External program" with start.exe and command line arguments of
/MAX http://localhost:12345/myproject/default.aspx (or whatever)
This will open default.aspx in a maximized window, but only if you don't have any other IE windows open - if you do (and you have IE7) - you'll just get a tab in one of those windows instead.
This will probably keep your debugger from attaching to the iexplore process and may indeed return immediately because start.exe only runs for a second. You may have to manually attach to the iexplore.exe process.
But it doesn't involve a bunch of window-manipulating JavaScript.
