How to view GET request headers generated by open-uri - ruby

I'm using open-uri and I know I can get the response headers with the meta method as below, but I'm wondering how I can view the GET headers generated. Or would I have to use a different library for this?
page = open('');
Thanks for the help

You can set the request parameters with open('', 'User-Agent' => 'Me'), but to see all the headers that will be sent you will probably have to sniff the traffic with a proxy, ngrep, or tcpflow. Or read the source.

open-uri is a convenience library for quickly fetching and reading files over a network. If that's not your use case, you can use a lower-level library like Net::HTTP to get more control over the connection.


Request only the header in http call

Is there a ruby library, with which I can request the web server to return only the header response and no content? This will help me speed up a script in which all I care is the response code.
I am now using this
but the server generates all the assert files and so on, which I do not want.
You might use rest-client gem and in particular head method.
This can be done using 'Net::HTTP::Head' in the net-http library. other libraries also support it, just remember to look for the HEAD method instead of the Get method

How to view the raw XML or Json response using LinqToTwitter?

How can I view the raw XML or Json response when doing a search for users using the LinqToTwitter library? I'm using the SingleUserAuthorizer for oAuth.
If you have any ideas using other libraries or even a simple oAuth framework, I'm open to suggestions.
TwitterContext has a RawResults property you can use.
If this is just for debugging purposes, I'd use Wireshark or Fiddler - that way you get to see the complete HTTP requests/responses.

any gem available that will pull out the get and post parameters ofsource code that I've got using net/http?

I am pulling the source code of a webpage using net/http and I was wondering if there was anyway to parse out the get and post parameters so that they can be listed?
GET and POST parameters are in the HTTP header, not the HTML source. So the answer is no, you can't get it from the source, unless you know that the information has been somehow encoded in HTML, or can do that yourself.
However, any GET or POST parameters would have been sent by your Net::HTTP code, so you can print those out yourself.

Is there a way to see the final URL retrieved by an XMLHttpRequest?

I'm doing an AJAX download that is being redirected. I'd like to know the final target URL the request was redirected to. I'm using jQuery, but also have access to the underlying XMLHttpRequest. Does anyone know a way to get the final URL?
It seems like I'll need to have the final target insert its URL into a known location in the headers or response body, then have the script look for it there. I was hoping to have something that would work regardless of the target though.
Additional note: I'm asking how my code can get the full url from production code, which will run from the user's system. I'm not asking how I can get the full url when I'm debugging.
The easiest way to do this is to use Fiddler or Wireshark to examine the HTTP traffic. Use Fiddler at the client if your interface uses a browser, otherwise use Wireshark to capture the traffic on the wire.
One word - Firebug, it is a Firefox plugin. Never do any kind of AJAX development without it.
Activate Firebug and select Net, then perform your AJAX request. This will show the URL that is called, the entire request (header and body) and the entire response (once again, header and body). It also allows you to step through your JavaScript and debug it - breakpoints, watches, etc.
I'll second the Firebug suggestion. You'll see the url as the "Location" header in the http response.
It sounds like you also want to get this url in js? If so, you can get it off the xhr response object in the callback (which you can also inspect using FB!). :)

Downloading CSV via AJAX

Can you use AJAX to download a generated csv file from a web application? If so does anyone have any kind of reference that I could be pointed towards?
EDIT: Sorry I should have mentioned I am using Prototype's Ajax.Request and I looked in firebug's response tool and the generated CSV is the response, I just need to get it to pop up with the save file option after has been generated by the Ajax.Request
This is a known limitation of Ajax requests, you will need to use JS like:
Instead of using an Ajax request. Another way is to change the location of a hidden Iframe, but this has it's own pro's/con's.
You will never get an Ajax request to display the 'file save' dialog, no matter what HTTP headers you send.
In light of your latest edit, to make your CSV file trigger a file download (instead of rendering in the browser), there's no need for Ajax.
Instead, the solution is to have your back-end system add this HTTP header when the CSV file is requested:
Content-disposition: attachment; filename=<your_filename.csv>;
Your implementation here depends on the back-end system you're using. If you're using Rails (as your username suggests), here's a start:
filename = 'your_filename.csv'
headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
headers['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename=\"#{filename}\""
render :layout => false
Downloading it isn't the problem; you can download any data you like via XmlHttpRequest. The hard part is parsing it. There are several ways to parse it, from regexs to string indexing.
You can use "AJAX" to download anything .. Some people would say you shouldn't call it AJAX in that case since that term is rigorously devoted to downloading XML. But really it's just a mechanism to get data into the client w/o reloading a page. If you were loading HTML it'd be called AHAH, for CSV i guess you'd call it AHAC or AJAC? ..
