visual studio 2010 sp1 installation error - installation

The installation processed in a couple of hours then it tells me errors has occurred and needs to rollback.
Here is the error :
Action: Performing Action on Exe at Y:\NDP40-KB2468871.exe
Error launching CreateProcess with command line = NDP40-KB2468871.exe /q /norestart /pipe SectionName_1343615874 /log "C:\Users\NHATTH~1\AppData\Local\Temp"Error performing inpage operation.
CreateProcess returned error = Error performing inpage operation.
Original exit code: Y:\NDP40-KB2468871.exe returned non-MSI error code: 0x3e7 - Error performing inpage operation.
Modified exit code: Y:\NDP40-KB2468871.exe returned error code: 0x643 - Fatal error during installation.
Exe (Y:\NDP40-KB2468871.exe) failed with 0x80070643 - Fatal error during installation. .
PerformOperation on exe returned exit code 1603 (translates to HRESULT = 0x80070643)
Action complete
OnFailureBehavior for this item is to Rollback.
What is NDP40-KB2468871.exe about ?

try reinstall dotNetFx4.0
I had a similar problem.

Look for some kind of damage on the disk or dvd. It happens to me before and that what the cost.
Another posibility is that performing inpage operation occours because the file on the provide by the instalation cd is corrupted.
hope my words can help

My post is unlrelated but mght help others, I got a 0x80070643 error on instaling visual studio 2010 sp1 on Visual studio express 2010. The error was due to lack of diskspace in C drive.
Such a trivial issue and I overlooked. This could happen to anyone


Visual Studio 2019 Installer keep failing to download package for offline installer?

I follow this instruction to create an offline installer for Visual Studio 2019.
I rerun the following cmd several times already:
vs_enterprise.exe --layout c:\vslayout --lang en-US
But after a long time of verifying packages, it keeps giving me the error:
Total packages to download: 1
Starting 'UpdateLayout' operation
Error: Package 'Linux.GCC.arm_none_eabi,version=9.3.1' failed to download from ''. WebClient download failed: The request was aborted: Cou
ld not create SSL/TLS secure channel.. Bits download failed: File not found.. Wi
nInet download failed: Function: InternetOpenUrl, HR: -2147012867, Message: Unkn
own error 12029, Signature: PackageId=Linux.GCC.arm_none_eabi;PackageAction=Down
UpdateLayout progress: 99.00%
Error: Setup completed with errors.
Error: One or more errors occurred.
Press any key to continue...
I try downloading the Linux.GCC.arm_none_eabi with cmd:
vs_Enterprise.exe --layout c:\test --add Linux.GCC.arm_none_eabi --lang en-US
But it gave me the error:
Download of '' succeeded using engine 'WebCl
Download of '
489b34d6aa/VisualStudio.vsman' succeeded using engine 'WebClient'
Catalog load operation correlation: {"id":"f4ca2719-dc4d-46c0-b458-a3169a2d57db"
Layout operation correlation: {"id":"7780b16c-7775-4ac1-92b2-8a47537f7784"}
Planning 'Layout' operation
Error: The package 'Linux.GCC.arm_none_eabi' is not recognized.
Error: Failed to plan for Layout.
Error: Setup completed with errors.
Error: The package 'Linux.GCC.arm_none_eabi' is not recognized.
Press any key to continue...
But if I enter the url, I can download the file so the link does work, but how can I add the final missing piece to my offline installer?
My question is how can I solve this error so that I can have the complete offline installer?
My current solution is create the folder c:\vslayout\Linux.GCC.arm_none_eabi,version=9.3.1 and put the file in it. But I wonder if this is the right way to solve it.
Update: My current solution works, after I manually download and put it into the offline installer, I re-run the cmd to verify the packages and it give me the OK result:
Total packages to download: 0
Starting 'UpdateLayout' operation
Setup completed successfully.
Press any key to continue...
The error said:
Error: Package 'Linux.GCC.arm_none_eabi,version=9.3.1' failed to download from ''.
So in Firefox browser, enter the url, then I can download the file
Create the folder c:\vslayout\Linux.GCC.arm_none_eabi,version=9.3.1 and put the file in it.
After I manually download and put it into the offline installer, I re-run the cmd vs_enterprise.exe --layout c:\vslayout --lang en-US to verify the packages and it gives me the OK result:
Total packages to download: 0
Starting 'UpdateLayout' operation
Setup completed successfully.
Press any key to continue...
I checked your command line(vs_enterprise.exe --layout c:\vslayout --lang en-US) and it is good, without any error. Not sure, but the prompt error may be caused by Microsoft Server side or CDN provider.
In my mind there were some similar issues reported before, which also mentioned "Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel…" or "Package XXXXX failed to download from XXXXX", like this thread, and this thread.
The solution you mentioned, maybe not a really "correct" solution, as this maybe a potential issue, but as you downloaded the package from the prompt link and it passed the verification, the installation should be good and complete.
Your solution is helpful and may benefit other forum members who meet the same/similar issue, so I just make a
Create a folder and name it with the name that error message mentioned, and then download the file/package from the link which error message prompt. Put it to this folder. Verify the installation by using command --verify.

Trying to Add a Reference to Visual Studio Project Suddenly Throws an Exception

When I try to ADD a REFERENCE to any Visual Studio project...I am suddenly getting the following exception:
Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component
This happens across ALL projects regardless of whether they are source-controlled (or not)
I did recently install Xamarin on a SEPARATE PROJECT in another TFS SOLUTION
Delete all *.suo files
Delete all *.user files
Wiped the TFS Workspace & done a FORCE GET
Nothing has worked
The FIRST TIME you get this error message you'll get a window with a reference to the following file:
ActivityLog.xml: This file contains information about the underlying error.
If you ignore the message & click away from the initial dialog, THE ERROR GETS SUPPRESSED and is replaced with:
Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
If you look in this file you will see the error. This particular exception was was caused by:
Within the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.11.0.dll library.
This post helped me solve the issue!
Open "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017" as an Administraor
CD into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies"
Run "gacutil -i Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.11.0.dll"
After a restart, it all worked well.

Visual studio - how to check what DLLs does my program need to run/what DLLs are missed?

I've just downloaded the Visual Studio 2017 Community.
Once I try to compile any program (even the simplest "Hello World") with any configuration (release/debug, x86/x64, empty project/windows console application), I get the following error:
Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(381,5): error MSB6006: error MSB6006: "CL.exe" exited with code -1073741515 (This error means STATUS_DLL_NOT_FOUND, I know it's been asked before, but I don't know how to check what DLLs are missed).
<CL Condition="'%(ClCompile.PrecompiledHeader)' != 'Create' and
'%(ClCompile.ExcludedFromBuild)'!='true' and
'%(ClCompile.CompilerIteration)' == '' and #(ClCompile) != ''"
Do you know how to check what DLLs are missing?
I'm new but i hope I'll answer quite properly. To reach the actual error code you need to change it to hex. Yours is
. As far as I know it's file damage related,so you're right about dll missing. In older visuals the way to know it was via command line.
Ran msbuild.exe <my.sln> /t:<mytargetproject> from a VS2010 command prompt, where <my.sln> is your solution name and <mytargetproject> is the project you are trying to build. For e.g. msbuild.exe helloworld.sln /t:mainproj.
That is a cite from different post in stackoverflow.
Error Code -1073741515 When Using EDITBIN
Hope it will be easier for you to resolve problem with this. Can't help more as I don't use VS neither Windows. Good luck!

Visual studio installer doesn't start correctly

I just had to change my HDD. So I installed a version of Windows 10 Education on my computer, and now I'm trying to install Visual studio 2017 community/enterprise ( tried both ). After running the installer which was downloaded from the official website it doesn't start the installation, I just see for a tiny amount of time a small window pop but then it instantly shuts. What could be the reason for this behavior and how to fix this problem?
Edit: I can install other software, I managed to install a few other programs without a problem, I notice this behavior only with Visual studio and additionally .NET Framework installer.
I found this in my temp folder :
[4/20/2017, 11:30:37] === Logging started: 2017/04/20 11:30:37 ===
[4/20/2017, 11:30:37] [4/20/2017, 11:30:38] --- logging level: standard ---
[4/20/2017, 11:30:38] Directory 'C:\Users\2D94~1\AppData\Local\Temp\931f7233a5c56697278d79b1\' has been selected for file extraction
[4/20/2017, 11:30:38] Extracting files to: C:\Users\2D94~1\AppData\Local\Temp\931f7233a5c56697278d79b1\
[4/20/2017, 11:30:38] Error 0x8007002a: Failed to extract all files out of box container #0.
[4/20/2017, 11:30:38] Error 0x8007002a: Failed to extract
[4/20/2017, 11:30:38] Error 0x8007013d: Failed to get error string from error: 0x8007002a
[4/20/2017, 11:30:38] The entire Box execution exiting with result code: 0x8007002a
[4/20/2017, 11:30:38] Launched extracted application exiting with result code: 0x0
[4/20/2017, 11:30:38] === Logging stopped: 2017/04/20 11:30:38 ===
Edit 3: THANKS MICROSOFT you really screwed me up huh.
Edit 4: After full Windows reinstall with the latest version still getting this error.
Edit 5: Changed windows version from education to professional and it works!
Had the same issue. I was running installer from my /Download folder.
Try move the installer to D: drive, it helped me.

error MSB3073: The command "call "C:\project\clientdll\dependencies\gitrev.bat" :VCEnd" exited with code 255

I'm getting this message when trying to build my project (Visual Studio 2010):
Error 120 error MSB3073: The command "call "C:\project\clientdll\dependencies\gitrev.bat"
:VCEnd" exited with code 255.
Yes, the file does exist, I used this command in Pre build event, it looks like this:
call "$(SolutionDir)dependencies\gitrev.bat"
Any ideas?
Your Visual Studio is probably not openend with sufficient privileges. Open as admin and try again.
1) right click on Visual Studio Icon
2) choose run as administrator
3) In Start page choose your application.
4) Clean solution
5) Verify if outputs are removed and that the bat file is present in location
6) Rebuild solution
7) Check for errors again.
I had the same error when forgot to add the "call" prefix before the label:
:MYLABEL blablabla
The "(:" sequence basically will output the "Continue?" in the opened console window. Seems the Visual Studio does some track of what kind of cmd.exe behaviour and immediately stops the cmd.exe process with the 255 error.
I've had another error like:
error MSB3073: :VCEnd" exited with code -1.
Where the reason of this was the script output of another sequence (only in Visual Studio 2010 and higher):
... error ... :
Well, the Visual Studio tries to guess there the script behaves badly and stops it with these kind of errors.
