packing rxtx library in a jar with maven assembly plugin - maven

i need to create a jar file with dependencies and i need to add rxtx library as a dependency. but when i create the jar i cannot see rxtx in the jar file. please post me the correct way to do this.
this is my relevant part of the pom file
<!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<!-- bind to the packaging phase -->



Super pom and plugins

According to this book I am reading, in my super pom I must find the following code :
While in my super pom I find no goals or anything specified, like so :
The only plugin which was specified is the dependency plugin. The goal was set to copy:
Can you explain why I find this difference and what's "copy" defined in the goal ?

In maven-dependency-plugin how to unpack only if I pass him parameter?

Does Anyone knows how I can unpack an artifact by terms?
Meaning giving him like a Boolean parameter that will determine whether or not to unpack that certain artifact.
I tried to use the skip flag but it didn't work.
<!-- other configurations here -->
<!-- other configurations here -->
So I figured it out,
You simply have to put the skip flag in the right place,
I've put it right after the configuration.
<!-- other configurations here -->
<!-- other configurations here -->

Unpack jar contents after creating it in maven

I have this plugin in my pom.xml that creates a jar file and place it somewhere :
I want to extract this jar into some directory after creating it. How can I do that ?
I found this solution and it works for me: :)

Build maven jar from classes no java source

I want to build a maven jar artifact from classes. I don't have source files. These classes are originally in another artifact installed locally. I use maven-dependency-plugin to unpack the classes and put them in the target folder for this project/module.
It creates the jar.. but doesn't include the classes I just unpacked. Here's my pom:
<!-- unpack myjar1.jar and myjar2.jar -->
How can I include these classes into my final.jar?
I think the best solution is the maven-shade-plugin: create a pom.xml, add those 2 libraries as dependencies and configure the maven-shade-plugin.
Run mvn package and you have your merged project.
What Robert wrote above might be a workable solution too.. but I figured a different way out. I simply removed <includes> inside the maven-jar-plugin and it worked. I ran the build in eclipse by creating a build configuration and chose "debug" option. It spit out a lot of info about "configuration" which is otherwise not displayed.
This worked!
Another approach is to set ouputDirectory to regular target/classes directory.
So that unpacked classes plus your project classes will be avaialble in target/classes which can be bundled in to .jar using regular maven-jar-plugin by specifing **
Complete pom:

How can I untar an artifact in maven?

How do I untar an artifact to use to compile my source?
Do I need to copy the tar file before untarring it?
I have something like below...
<id>abc untar</id>
<argument>xvf abc.tar</argument>
You can untar an artifact by using dependency:unpack goal of maven dependency plugin. Here is a modified version of the example.
