rvm-installed ruby: runs in terminal fine, not anywhere else - ruby

I have installed Ruby via RVM on Linux Mint 11. It seems to have installed fine: when I enter type rvm | head -1, I get "rvm is a function" back. Entering ruby -v gives me 1.9.2p290. I can run ruby scripts from the bash terminal window fine. However, when I try to run the same scripts from say gvim (I've got a shortcut mapped to "ruby ") or geany or gedit (ditto), I get "ruby: command not found" (in gvim) or "ruby: not found" (in geany or gedit).
Here's more information: "which ruby" gives me: $HOME/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin/ruby. $HOME/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin is in my path in my .bashrc. On another Linux Mint 11 machine, where all works fine, "which ruby" gives me $HOME/.rvm/bin/ruby. Also, on the machine where all is fine, I have a $HOME/bin folder that I don't know where it came from, but was created the same day as my .rvm folder. It contains among other things, links to shell scripts in the $HOME/.rvm/wrappers folder.

I had same problem, you should try making shell login. To make so use the command "bash -l" instead of simply "bash". In geany you can find where to change it in edit->preferences->terminal->shell

I think you dont have your current ruby set as system default. try running this command:
rvm use 1.9.2 --default


Textmate error running commands after Yosemite upgrade

I recently upgraded my Mac to Yosemite, and now many Textmate 2 commands that I used to use all the time are failing and giving the following error—in this example I tried to run the "Comment line" command by pressing ⌘/:
The same thing happens for "Run", "Toggle String / Symbol", and many other Textmate commands.
When I click "Edit Command", it takes me to a script the first line of which is:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby18
If I take the 18 off of that, it seems to work, but I would have to do it for every command. There must be a better way.
I use rbenv and long ago I set my TM_RUBY variable to $HOME/.rbenv/shims/ruby, but setting or unsetting that doesn't seem to make a difference now. I also tried adding that path to TM's PATH variable. Any other ideas?
I figured out an answer. Running ruby18 at the command line produced a "command not found" error. So I created a symlink to the system ruby (which is ruby 2.0) with that name:
ln -s /usr/bin/ruby /usr/local/bin/ruby18
That seems to have worked. Still not sure if that's the best solution. Open to any other ideas.

Install Homebrew from within a ruby script

I've created a ruby script that sets up a new mac.
Among other things it creates a .bash_profile, .gitconfig and configures various system settings such as displaying the full POSIX path as the Finder window title (super useful).
Mostly I'm running commands in backticks such as `defaults write com.apple.finder _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool true` the aforementioned full POSIX path as the Finder window title trick.
All this works just fine.
What I want to do is have this ruby script run the Homebrew installer too. The bash command for this is :
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
However this doesn't work when called using backticks.
So my question is how do I run another ruby script (which the Homebrew installer is) from within a ruby script?
And more specifically how would I kick off the web based interactive Homebrew installer (well you have to press return at least once) from within a ruby script and for it's output to show in the terminal?
I know that I could rewrite this all as bash script but I'd really rather keep it all within ruby.
Let's decompose what $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" actually does:
download, via curl, the homebrew install ruby file. Since the command is surrounded by $(), it executes the command and passes the output to ruby.
execute the script via Ruby. The -e flag instructs Ruby to execute the script from the command line instead of loading a specified file.
Since we know that it's a ruby script, we can just do the following:
using Net::HTTP or some other ruby library, download, the homebrew install file.
eval() or otherwise execute the homebrew ruby script.
Of course, eval() is dangerous, especially with untrusted input, but you're already essentially running eval on the script anyways with the install command provided.
In script form that would be:
require 'net/http'
homebrew_uri = URI('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install')
homebrew_script = Net::HTTP.get(homebrew_uri)

Ruby Environment Variables?

I'm looking into learning some Ruby, I've installed it on Windows 7 X64 using the installer you can find at RubyInstaller.org .
Now my problem is that the installation is done and all that. But when I try and check for the ruby version in command prompt e.g
ruby -v
I just get an error saying that my system doesn't know what that is. Including ruby -e and ruby -s etc... Now coming from a Java background I assume that this has something to do with environment variables that might not be set for Ruby?
How exactly does one go about this to quickly get set up?
Try to edit your PATH variable. My PATH variable contain C:\Ruby192\bin, in this folder there are files ruby and irb.
Also I think there is an option for that in the installator, which you may check.
Find Ruby installation path. Maybe something like "C:\Ruby193...". There is a bin dir under that.
Add the bin dir to your PATH env.
The advice to check the PATH option on install is good.
Another thing that helped me was searching Windows for "Start Command Prompt with Ruby." From that command line, Ruby worked well and I am able to watch my XAMPP directory for SASS changes. I was never able to get that to work using either Git Bash or the regular Windows command line, but the Command Prompt with Ruby worked like a charm.

rvm installation not working: "RVM is not a function"

I just installed RVM, but can't make it work. I have such line at the end of my .profile file:
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
I tried to run source .profile and restarting terminal, but still, when I run rvm use 1.9.2 I'm getting:
RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with 'rvm use ...' will not work.
My system is Ubuntu 11.10.
You need to run the following
$ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
then run this
$ type rvm | head -n 1
and if you get
rvm is a function
the problem is solved.
You also need to run user$ rvm requirements to see dependency requirements for your operating system
Source: https://rvm.io/rvm/install/
I forget mention that you need to put this code into you ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file and you will not need to write this code again.
You are not using an login shell.
The process of enabling the login flag is described here, also some details on what a login shell is can be found here.
Thus, you need to check the option "Run as login shell" in the Gnome terminal's settings. It is required to open new terminal after this setting the flag.
Sometimes it is required to set the command to /bin/bash --login.
For remote connections it is important to understand the differene between running interactive ssh session and executing single commands.
While running ssh server and then working with the server interactively you are using login shell by default and it's all fine, but for ssh server "command" you are not using login shell and it would be required to run it with ssh server 'bash -lc "command"'.
Any remote invocation can have the same problem as executing single command with ssh.
To permanently resolve this just cut/paste following line:
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
From: ~/.bash_profile file
To: ~/.bashrc file
Reason this works is that .bashrc is executed each time you enter the terminal, and .bash_profile each time you login. That is why solution /bin/bash --login works, but you have to do that each time you enter the terminal. This way you are set until your next format, and you will forget all this by than :)
I too faced this problem. Finally i executed this line on terminal.
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
Problem is fixed. Because this line will make the RVM instance a function for a particular time.
The latest RVM (rvm 1.11.6 (stable)) stopped working on Ubuntu (10.10 - 64 bit - nerdy gnat or whatever) - I kept getting
"RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with 'rvm use ...' will not work."
Before, I got the message, but 'rvm 1.9.3-p0#rails321' would work. Now, it wouldn't work - you couldn't change gemsets at all.
Nothing worked, until I found this - make this the LAST line in /home/your-name/.bashrc
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
As you said, the error shown could be the following one.
RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with 'rvm use ...' will not work.
You need to change your terminal emulator preferences to allow login shell.
Sometimes it is required to use `/bin/bash --login` as the command.
Please visit https://rvm.io/integration/gnome-terminal/ for a example.
As said above, just type '/bin/bash --login' in your terminal (after restarting your terminal), then type the comand 'rvm use 1.9.3' (for e.g.) and it will start using the same version.
Just execute the command 'ruby -v' to confirm that the RVM is using the updated version of Ruby.
I had this problem too on a fresh rvm installation, and non of the answers here fixed it. Going into the official rvm site, on the basics section, they have this command:
# from http://rvm.io/rvm/basics
source $(rvm 1.9.3 do rvm env --path)
You should change 1.9.3 for the ruby version that you actually want, and it'll make rvm a function regardless of the shell type.
even though you accepted an answer, i'd like to suggest another way .. ~/.bashrc is loaded before any shell is opened. Add that line at the end of that, and you don't need any of that login shell thing
Maybe you can try belows:
Your Terminal ->
Edit ->
Profile Preferences ->
Title and Command ->
Check the "Run command as a login shell"
Run bash --login and then run rvm use 2.0.0.
Open Up the Terminal and then Go to Edit > Profile Preferences and then go to the Tab "Title and Command" and Check "Run Command as Login Shell".
Boot Up a Bash and Now you can install Gems directly from the terminal without the use of sudo and the error "RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with 'rvm use ...' will not work." will be eliminated.
All the above answers are valid. But when i faced the same issue, the solution was the following:
Update ZSH. (Tried to update directly din't work for some reason. So uninstalled and reinstalled updated version from here)
Set default shell as zsh (i.e. if you prefer zsh) using sudo chsh -s $(which zsh) $USER
Ensure that the following code is at the bottom of your .zshrc after you have installed the latest RVM probably using CURL from official RVM site
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
source ~/.profile
MOST IMPORTANT POINT: Ensure that in your .zshrc file every export to PATH is appended with :$PATH. Which i believe was the root of my problems even after following the above steps.
post this all my problems of RVM Not being a function went away. If it still does not work, give some error trace over here. After a few hours of struggle to solve this issue, i'm sure i must have seen all related errors.
Hope it helps. Cheers!
Procedure for installing Ruby 1.9.3-p125 on Mac OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion
You've already installed the latest XCode (>= 4.3) and and the command line Objective-C
compiler "clang".
You must run the "bash" shell for this procedure to work.
Go to System Preferences
Click on "Users & Groups"
Click the lock on the bottom left of the panel and enter your password to unlock it.
"Ctrl-Click" on your user icon in the left pane of the panel and choose "Advanced Options..."
Change the Login Shell to "/bin/bash"
Close the preferences
Open a terminal window (press command+spacebar and type in "terminal")
Follow the instructions at:
To install ruby, you may need to specify the clang compiler:
$ rvm install 1.9.3p125 --with-gcc=clang
If RVM gripes about /usr/local/rvm not found, you need to create a link:
$ ln -s /Users/[your user name]/.rvm /usr/local/rvm
source ~/.bash_profile
... should do the trick ..., probably need to logout and login again.
How to reload .bash_profile from the command line?
I'd got the same error because I'd ever installed the old rvm version ruby-rvm with the apt-get command.
I solved the problem by remove the script line to config the old rvm in .bashrc file.
Check the old rvm config script and then run source .profile
« Official » instructions are there: https://rvm.io/integration/gnome-terminal/
I fixed it by adding this line to .bash_profile:
[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM into a shell session *as a function*
I had the same error, but none of the solutions on this page seemed to work. For me it was enough to add the rvm executable to my path:
Et voila!
I had the same issue and I did this in my .bash_profile and it worked.
source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm".
For those who comes with same issue and they are using lubuntu like me I followed this link :
You start your terminal with
lxterminal -e "bash -il"
Thank to #mpapsis who pointed me to the right direction
My unclean way to change of ruby version is
rvm alias create default ruby-2.2.3 && source ~/.bashrc && rvm list
it works because I have the line bellow in my ~/.bashrc but strangely it don't do the job automatically.
[[ -s "/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm" ]] && source "/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm"
I tried to connect with --login to my docker container
docker run -it imagename `/bin/bash --login`
but in this case the container stay open in background and I can't enter commands.
I tried both zhc and terminal with the option "open with /bin/bash --login"
$ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
if you don't want to do it again and again for every terminal tab enable the login shell by following these steps.
got to preferences
enter image description here
enable run command as a login shell
enter image description here

How to run Ruby scripts in Geektool?

I want to run a Ruby script in Geektool that refreshes every 3 hours (so I set the refresh rate to 10,800 seconds) and the shell command in Geektool has this code in it:
ruby "/file.rb"
The file is located at root for convenience. Problem is, it won't run. I tried different commands, such as:
/Users/userhere/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p0/bin/ruby /file.rb
But it still doesn't work. I don't want it to use my /usr/bin/ruby installation (which, by default, is 1.8.7), I want it to use 1.9.3. So doing: /usr/bin/ruby "/file.rb" won't work for me.
In Terminal, if I run any of those commands they all work (except for the latter, because of dependencies) and my script works fine, but Geektool fails to even execute it. I tried with and without double quotes around the file name, even single quotes don't work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I needed an rvm gemset as well; I created a shell file:
/Users/Dave/.rvm/bin/rvm use 1.9.3-p0 > /dev/null
/Users/Dave/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p0/bin/ruby ~/foo.rb
With that shell file (which happens to reside in a directory off my ~) as the shell command it works fine.
Without the full paths to each command it doesn't work. GeekTool doesn't run your .bash_profile AFAICT. Also not sure that running an rvm Ruby w/o using it would do what you want anyway.
