How do you open the native map app from the browser? - windows-phone-7

This is a simple task on iPhone as it hijacks google map urls automatically. Android you use the geo protocol, blackberry has a bit of JS. How can you do this on WP7? From what I can tell it is not possible but hopefully someone out there knows more than me! To be clear I am talking about opening the native map app from the browser, not another app.

I've gotten the maps app to open from within my app by opening up a WebBrowser, so I'm guessing this will work straight from the webbrowser. Obviously you'll need to modify it to use JS, but the code is simple and you'll be able to understand what's going on.
string location = "maps:" + SelectedLocation.Street + " " + SelectedLocation.PostalCode;
location = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(location);
Additionally, the bing maps probably supports routes in the same way it does via a normal URL:
from Build your own URL :
The following example shows a route on the map from a specific address to a specific point: Way,%20Redmond,%20WA%2098052~pos.45.23423_-122.1232_MyPlace

I've documented my findings here:


How to change URL at runtime

We are trying to use Cobalt (20.stable) browser as the browser of our web SPA application.
My requirement is to be able to change URL at runtime, what I was able to find in the code:
starboard::shared::starboard::Application::Link(const char* link_data)
which ends up sending:
Unfortunately this is not working, as code is ignoring the call; the handling reaches the point:
// TODO: Remove this when terminal application states are properly handled.
if (deep_link_event->IsH5vccLink()) {
In my case I m trying to change the URL to let say
There should be a way to do that as when navigating we can always have a link that will cause the browser to go to some URL?
Porting layer is not supposed to control navigation directly. Instead, your Starboard implementation may send a deep link event which could be intercepted by a web app which will perform a navigation. See h5vcc_runtime.idl for Web API.
That said, if you are building an SPA, why do you even need to change a URL? Initial URL of a web app is controlled by --url command line switch.
When you say runtime are you looking to change the initial URL when the app is first launched? If so, you could just use the --url parameter.
So you could do the following:
cobalt --url=""
I did a patch to allow changing the URL.
I just need to call starboard::shared::starboard::Application::Link("").
Inside this call a DeepLinkEvent is posted.
Patch :
Cobalt does not navigate for you. The JavaScript receives the deeplink with the function it sets on h5vcc.runtime.onDeepLink and then does whatever it wants with that. As a SPA, it will parse the URL and load new content from its server in its own internal data format (e.g. protocol buffers, JSON, etc.) which it uses to update its own DOM to show new content.
Navigating is not the point of a SPA since that makes it not be a single page application. However, there may be cases such as a loader app that will want to make some initial decisions then load the actual SPA. That loader app would have to have the appropriate CSP rules in place, then set window.location to the URL of the page to navigate to.
Note: The code you found in Application::OnDeepLinkEvent() is a remnant that previously supported the H5vccURLHandler, which was removed in Cobalt 20. It's not meant to navigate to arbitrary deeplinks.

Chromecast new Cast.Api()

I just started using Chromecast SDK today and got bit confused with its APIs and samples given in the web.
What I am trying to do is to send some messages to the Chromecast so it will display them on the big screen. I am going to use Chrome API with HTML5/JS/CSS.
Most examples ( , in the web uses new Cast.Api() in the sender and uses an Activity in doing so. But I could not find a reference to a Cast.Api in the Chrome API. Most Google references deal with Media and I am not sure whether I have to use them. So to sum up, following are the questions I have (Sorry! I did read the API and developer guide but I am still clueless).
Do I have to write a custom receiver to show text on TV screen. Can't I survive default receiver,
Is handling multimedia files different from displaying text on the Chromecast or can I set the mime type to text/html and send a text stream (doesn't work for me at the moment)
Are those examples on the web uses a deprecated way of sending data to chromecast?
Thanks in advance,
Ok I think I found the answer from following documents,
Will try them and let you all know!
Following example page is very useful for anyone who try writing chromecast apps
I'm not sure how you fared, but here are some quick responses to your questions.
Yes, you have to write a custom receiver if you want to do anything other than sending images, audio, or video to the Chromecast. You can see a list of supported media Default Media Receiver here:
Yes (see above), it requires a custom receiver, which will also require your own appId and I'm pretty sure a custom namespace.
To my knowledge, all of the examples up on should be relevant, but I am working on a few wrappers to try to simplify getting up and running with custom Chrome Sender and Receiver apps. You can check them out here: Let me know if those help, and if you have any feedback to share.
I hope you've already figured all this stuff out, but if not hopefully this is useful.

Retrieving parameters from a custom URL in TideSDK

I'm putting together a desktop application in TideSDK and am having some trouble finding the parameters passed to the application via a custom launch URL.
The application launches when the appropriate protocol is invoked (call it aaa://), but I haven't been able to figure out how to grab the URL string. I read a couple of threads that suggested I could get the string with the Ti.API.application.getArguments() call, but it returns something odd (see below).
// launch application with aaa://some_args_here
var args = Ti.API.application.getArguments();
// returns (StaticBoundList) [ /path/to/app, "-psn_0_721072", ]
I'm not completely surprised that this doesn't seem to work, as the API documentation says the getArguments method returns a list of command line arguments.
Any insight as to how to access the launch URL would be appreciated!
have a look at
It doesn't appear that there's currently an "official" way to do this, so I came up with my own solution that seems to work pretty well (though currently its only implemented for OSX).
Searching through the TideSDK source, I found the place where the native application delegate is created. I added a URL launch handler in the app delegate, which stores the launch URL in a new app delegate member, and connected it to the API with a binding in Ti.UI.
If anybody else is interested in this functionality, or have insights as to how to accomplish this task for Windows, please get in touch!
Although I don't have your problem, just want to say the following function works fine for me.
var args = Ti.API.application.getArguments();
is it possible this is the problem of the urlprotocl registry?
my url protocol is set by this : MSDN
thus the value in "Command" is
tested on win7 and winxp,
both successfully get the arguments.

Can I access a string value from resource dll in windows phone 7 app?

OK, so I've successfully managed to create a localisation resource library for the title of my WP7 app using the msdn tutorial
The app title is therefore stored in a string table within the resource library AppResLib.dll. This resource string is accessible from the WMAppManifest.xml file by using the following code:
I would like to know if it's possible to access the app title string from a class within my app? My google searches seem to suggest that it's not possible. It's not possible to use a solution as outlined here, as it just returns the string "#AppResLib.dll,-200".
I think the only solution is to define the app title a second time in a localised string resource file as shown here which I would prefer not to do.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.
I'm use localised ressources, but it's a ressource file, I want to call my labels, title, and other text ressourecs in all my application (in my c# class and in XAML) .
if you want tutorial ( in french, sorry ) is here (you want to use google translate for translate all page in english )

Google static map API getting 403 forbidden when loading from img tag

What I have is a Google map that shows the location of a property but when I come to print the dynamic maps dont print so good so I decided to implement the Google Static Map image API.
^^ is an example of a property in print view and should show a static map image but it fails to load and looking at my inspector I'm getting a 403 Forbiden response for the image.
But if I go to the URL directly the image loads...
What am I doing wrong?
This has gotten quite a lot of views, so I'm adding my solution to the problem here:
When using the new API, make sure you generate a Key for browser apps (with referers) and also make sure the patterns match your URL.
E.g. when requesting from your pattern should be*
When you're requesting from
So make sure you check whether a subdomain is present and allow both patterns in the developer console.
Visit the Developer Console.
Under API Keys, click the pencil icon to edit.
Under "Key restrictions", ensure that you have an entry for*, **, and any local testing domains you might want.
There seems to be some confusion here, and since this thread is highly ranked on Google, it seems relevant to clarify.
Google has a couple of different API's to use for their maps service:
Javascript API
The old version of this API was version 2, which required a key. This version is deprecated, and it is recommended to upgrade to the newer version 3. Note that the documentation still states that you need a key for this to function, except if you're using "Google Maps API for Business".
Static Maps API
This is a whole different story. Static maps is a service that does not require any javascript. You simply call an url, and Google will return a maps image, making it possible to insert the URL directly into your <img> tag.
The newest version is version 2, and this requires a key to function because a usage limit is applied.
A key can be requested here:
And the key should be added to the request for the correct image to be generated:,NY&zoom=13&size=600x300&key=API_console_key
I hope this clears up some confusion.
I had this same problem but my solution was different. I had the V2 maps api enabled, but not the static maps api (I thought this was V2). I enabled the static maps api and it worked.
Oops I feel like such an idiot. I was using the old V2 maps API URL and not the new V3 API URL. I was getting a 403 because I was using the V2 URL without providing an API key :(
Be hundred percent sure of these points: (for static maps)
Enable your project at this url :
You have your localhost, staging and production - all urls with wildcards enabled in the referrer section.
Google has changed its policy and you now need an api key to display maps. refer this for more : Google Maps API without key?
Hope it helps.
Staticmaps V3 doesn't need the "Key" attribute and removing it seems to solve the <img> source problem.
Try with an URL like this:,0.0000&zoom=13&size=200x200&maptype=roadmap&markers=0.0000,0.0000&sensor=false
For more information read this.
Yeah, Google Maps API version 3 were java-script version; "Google Static Maps" latest were 2.0. I suspect there might be some restriction on use.
I could also not display static maps and could see 403 error in the browser's network console.
http response headers:
I had an API key with a lot of Google Maps APIs enabled but the Google Static Maps API was missing, enabling it solved the issue.
now you should use 'signature' parameter, which you should add to request - otherwise static maps won't work.
here is few useful links
1) how to generate signature
2) how to make signature on BE side (code snippet)
I am using Wordpress 4.9.4 with ChurchThemes Exodus Theme. I had applied for & generated a New API_KEY.
I confirmed it was being used when calling the map:
Google Map Link
However the Js Console showed the following error:
Google Maps Error in Js Console
As Johnny White mentioned above I had to navigate to the API Library Screen via APIs & Services Menu:
enter image description here
You will be greeted by the API Library screen:
API Library Screen
Click on Maps(17) Lower LHS.
Search for & click Google Static Maps API - Enable it if needed:
Google Static Maps API
You may also need to enable Google Maps Javascript API (same process as for Static Maps:
Google Maps Javascript API
Once that is done your maps should start appearing on your site or app.
If they don't appear on refresh you may need to:
clear your cache (Wordpress or Drupal webistes),
wait the 5 min recommended for the API to Register the enabled API's
Try enabling billing on this Google Cloud Project/Firebase Project.
I was experiencing this same issue and just received the 403 error in the console.
Copying and pasting the Static Maps URL in to the URL bar and loading it showed the following error message:
The Google Maps Platform server rejected your request. You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project at Learn more at
Hope this helps!
