How to handle keyboard events in subclass of NSViewController? - cocoa

I am creating one cocoa application having wizard like structure.
All dialogs are subclass of NSViewController. Currently I am not able get keyboard events such as keyDown and keyUp..
Please help me to solve this problem....
Thanks in advance....

Override keyDown: and keyUp: method.
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder {
return YES;
In subclass of NSViewController
you should refer Cocoa Event-Handling Guide .

If you are trying to simply get an event for escape, use this instead:
override var acceptsFirstResponder: Bool {
return true
override func cancelOperation(_ sender: Any?) {
// The user pressed escape

Setting window to "Auto Recalculates View Loop" in Inteface Builder has worked for me.


Dismissing keyboard in UITextField with RAC(5)?

Newbie to ReactiveCocoa and ReactiveSwfit here... Sorry if the answer is obvious.
I am trying to adapt the Start Developing iOS Apps with Swift sample to ReactiveSwift / ReactiveCocoa, and I am running into an issue with "translating" the UITextField's Delegate method -- which gets rid of the keyboard and essentially ends the editing (so I can capture the text field in the mealNameLabel) :
func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool
I am using
nameTextField.reactive.textValues.observeValues { value in
viewModel.mealName.swap(value ?? "")
// Setup bindings to update the view's meal label
// based on data from the View Model
mealNameLabel.reactive.text <~ viewModel.mealLabel
to get the value from the text field into the view model and percolate the view model's label back to the UILabel (convoluted...)
That works fine, as long as I maintain the viewController as the UITextField's delegate and I still implement the method depicted in the tutorial and mentioned above. Essentially :
override func viewDidLoad() {
nameTextField.delegate = self
// view controller logic
func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
// Hide the keyboard.
return true
I tried using
but that failed miserably due to my lack of understanding of controlEvents (docs anywhere ?).
So what do I need to do to make the keyboard disappear when the user is done editing, the "reactive way" ?
Thanks !!!
(Of course right after I post my question...)
It looks like this might actually do the trick :
.observeValues { textField in
After fiddling with the different event types, it looks like .primaryActionTriggered is what gets triggered when the "Done" button is pressed.
Any better way to do this ?

How to close window (NSWindowController) by hitting the ESC key?

I would like the user being able to close a window by hitting the ESC key but I can't get it to work in this specific case, hitting ESC triggers an error sound (the "no you can't do that" macOS bloop) and nothing happens.
I'm making a subclass of NSWindowController which itself creates an instance of a subclass of NSViewController and sets it in a view. Both controllers have their own xib file.
final class MyWindowController: NSWindowController, NSWindowDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var targetView: MainView!
let myVC: MyViewController!
var params: SomeParams!
override func windowDidLoad() {
myVC = MyViewController(someParams: params)
override var windowNibName: String! {
return "MyWindowController"
convenience init(someParams params: SomeType) {
self.init(window: nil)
self.params = params
final class MyViewController: NSViewController {
convenience init(someParams params: SomeType) {
// do stuff with the params
override func viewDidLoad() {
// configure stuff for the window
What I've tried
I suppose that my issue is that the MyWindowController NSWindow is the .initialFirstResponder when I would want the content of the targetView (an NSTableView) to be the first responder - this way I could use keyDown, I guess, and send the close command to the window from there. This doesn't seem optimal, though.
I've tried forcing the view controller views into being the first responder by using window?.makeFirstResponder(theView) in the windowDidLoad of MyWindowController but nothing ever changes.
I've also tried adding this to MyWindowController:
override func cancelOperation(_ sender: Any?) {
print("yeah, let's close!")
But this only works if the user clicks first on the background of the window then hits ESC, and it still emits the error sound anyway. Which is actually what made me think that the issue was about the first responder being on the window.
How would you achieve that? Of course, I know that the user can already close the window with CMD+W, but I'd really like to sort out this issue nonetheless.
Note that the code example is in Swift but I can also accept explanations using Objective-C.
The documentation of cancelOperation explains how cancelOperation should work:
This method is bound to the Escape and Command-. (period) keys. The key window first searches the view hierarchy for a view whose key equivalent is Escape or Command-., whichever was entered. If none of these views handles the key equivalent, the window sends a default action message of cancelOperation: to the first responder and from there the message travels up the responder chain.
If no responder in the responder chain implements cancelOperation:, the key window searches the view hierarchy for a view whose key equivalent is Escape (note that this may be redundant if the original key equivalent was Escape). If no such responder is found, then a cancel: action message is sent to the first responder in the responder chain that implements it.
NSResponder declares but does not implement this method.
NSWindow implements cancelOperation: and the next responder, the window controller, isn't checked for an implementation of cancelOperation:. The cancel: message does arrive at the window controller. Implementing
- (void)cancel:(id)sender
will work. The cancel: message isn't inherited from a superclass so autocompletion doesn't suggest it.
This worked for me in Xcode 10 and Swift 4.2:
#objc func cancel(_ sender: Any?) {
I tried it before but without the #objc part and it didn't work. So don't omit it.
When I needed such behavior I implemented it by overriding keyDown: of the NSWindow object.
I.e. something like the following:
- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
int k = [theEvent keyCode];
if (k == kVK_Escape)
[self close];
[super keyDown:theEvent];

Handle close event of the window in Swift

How to handle close event of the window using swift, for example, to ask "Are you sure you want to close the form?"
The form will be closed in the case "yes" and not closed in the case "no". Showing message box is not a problem for me.
viewWillDisappear() works for minimizing also, but I need only close event.
Like said above, you should make the ViewController an NSWindowDelegate, but you should handle windowWillClose, not windowShouldClose. windowShouldClose is to determine if the window is able to close or not, not an event that the window is actually closing.
I also found that you need to set up the delegate in viewDidAppear, not viewDidLoad. For me self.view.window wasn't defined yet in viewDidLoad.
override func viewDidAppear() {
self.view.window?.delegate = self
I was having the same query too, solved it using the method explained in detail here: Quit Cocoa App when Window Close using XCode Swift 3
It needs three steps:
Conform toNSWindowDelegate in your ViewController class
Override viewDidAppear method
Add windowShouldClose method
The added code should look like this:
class ViewController: NSViewController, NSWindowDelegate {
// ... rest of the code goes here
override func viewDidAppear() {
self.view.window?.delegate = self
func windowShouldClose(_ sender: Any) {
You can use the NSWindowDelegate protocol in your ViewController class. (See the documentation here)
To make your class conform to the protocol:
class ViewController: NSObject, NSWindowDelegate
To detect when the window's close button has been clicked, use windowShouldClose:
From the doc:
Tells the delegate that the user has attempted to close a window [...]
In this method, you can use NSAlert to prompt the user on whether or not they really want to close the window.
EDIT (in response to #Mr Beardsley's comment)
To make your ViewController the delegate, use:
window.delegate = self
Where self is the ViewController and window is the window you're using. You can put this in viewDidLoad:.
Just add this function to AppDelegate ...
func applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed (_ theApplication: NSApplication) -> Bool {
return true

How do I subscribe to TextField's TextChanged event in Xcode

I've recently started working on some test projects to get the feel for OS X development with Xcode. I come from Windows, so I might not be making much sense here.
How would I subscribe to certain "events" in Swift? I have just learned how to connect actions to UI objects. For example, I can now click a button, and change the text of a label programatically. However, and this may just be a case of lack of knowledge on my part - I am not able to find a way to subscribe to a TextField's "Text Changed" event.
Let's say that I have a TextField, and when I change the text at runtime (i.e. type something), I want to do something in the textChanged event for that particular TextField.
Is there even such a thing as a TextChanged event in OS X development?
I am now using the following code:
import Cocoa
class ViewController: NSViewController {
class textField:NSTextField, NSTextFieldDelegate
override func awakeFromNib() {
delegate = self;
override func controlTextDidChange(obj: NSNotification)
println("Text changed.")
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
override var representedObject: AnyObject? {
didSet {
// Update the view, if already loaded.
And I have added a ClassName to the TextField control in the Identity Inspector, but it isn't responding to the text changing. The message given is:
Failed to connect (textField) outlet from
(Xcode_Action_Basics.ViewController) to (NSTextField): missing setter
or instance variable
I just googled that error and came across this page: Failed to connect (storyboard) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSNibExternalObjectPlaceholder) error in Cocoa and storyboard which states that this is a known issue in Xcode and that it does not mean there is a problem with your code - but I'm not so sure about that, because the code isn't working. Not sure if I've missed out on something.
Create a class that implements the protocol NSTextFieldDelegate like
class MyTextField:NSTextField, NSTextFieldDelegate {
override func awakeFromNib() {
delegate = self // tell that we care for ourselfs
override func controlTextDidChange(obj: NSNotification) {
// .... handle change, there are a lot of other similar methods. See help
In IB assign this class here:

Cocoa: Key down event on NSView not firing

I have made a custom NSView and have implemented the keyDown: method. However, when I press keys the method is never called. Do I have to register to receive those events? fyi, I am making a document based application and can handle this code anywhere (doesn't have to be in this view). What is the best place to do this in a document based application such that the event will occur throughout the entire application?
You need to override -acceptsFirstResponder to return YES.
In Swift:
class MDView: NSView {
override var acceptsFirstResponder: Bool { return true }
