Convert SMS from text to PDU format Java - sms

Is there any java library for encoding mobile short messages from text to PDU format?
Any help will be appreciated.

Yes, I used smsj and found it very designed and working fine. It allows constructing complex SMS messages without dealing with gory details of PDU.


Can you send rich text messages via Twilio?

I am trying to send a rich text message via Twilio. I am able to send regular SMS messages, but I want to include a hyperlink in the body of the text.
I tried the twilio mediaUrl to include an rtf file, but that didn't work. Including html in the body of a message doesn't work as it just sends in plain text.
I'm posting via curl to the twilio endpoints, so i'd prefer not to have to get into PHP or some other language to achieve this. I just want to send raw data to twilio and receive a rich text message back, if it's possible.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Using Twilio you can send MMS messages to numbers in the US and Canada. When you pass a mediaUrl the file needs to be hosted somewhere publicly on the web and it will then be included within the message.
You can pass files of any of the mime types listed here, though when sending RTF the result will depend on how well the receiving device supports RTF files.
If you want to include a link, I'd recommend shortening the URL (using or similar) and just sending it as part of the text. Most smart phones will auto link the URL. Built in SMS apps on phones don't support markup of any sort, which is why your attempt with HTML just showed the raw markup.
Let me know if this helps at all.

sending special characters like ® via Twilio SMS

I'm using Twilio to send SMS messages, and I'd like to include the registration symbol ® in my message. Does anyone know what magic invocation one needs to send it?
Note: Twilio now supports Unicode. Per their documentation, "By default, SMS messages sent with Twilio support Unicode via UCS-2 character encoding to accurately represent global languages as they’re sent between different geographic locations and across carriers."
The registered trademark symbol ® has no equivalent ASCII representation and according to this answer and more recently this one, Twilio doesn't yet support Unicode.

Sending attachments in Windows Phone

I have been reading through the forums that it is not possible to send attachments through emails in Windows phone. Is this accurate? Is creating a web service my only option?
Any suggestions?
Unfortunatly, the current SDK (7.1.1) doesn't allow us to send email messages with attachments; all you can send is text!
The only way is to get the file content (byte array) you want to send, encode it to Base64, and just set the message text to this enconded content...

Is there a way to Detect Unread Text Messages on WP7.1

I'm looking to build a method which needs to see if there are any text messages on the device which have not currently been read
Is there a way to expose the phones messages to detect whether there are any unread ones and return a bool/int value?
I know in WinMo, you could use SystemState.MessagingSmsUnread to return an int, but I can't seem to find a wp7 equiv.
Thanks in advance
In Windows Phone there is no way to access the details of any received messages.
This was a deliberate design decision to prevent applications accessing a users personal data without their knowledge.

HL7 2.X Standard Ackknowledgement

I am trying to write an HL7 message parser that will send a specified acknowledgment back to a messaging engine so that my applicaiton may receive the next message in line.
The interface engine that is sending the messages is call VISTA (has anyone ever worked with it?) I have been told that it expects to receive an 'Ackknowledgement ACK' if there is a value in MSH field 15. In all of the messages that I am currently receiving, I am getting a value of 'AL'.
I have basically set up my application to send a TCP message to a hostname/ip:portnumber that can be set before the applicaiton is started.
If possible, could someone provide a sample ACK message (without sensitive data of course) AND the non-whitspace characters that wrap the message?
I would like to make sure that I know what I need to send back to the sending application.
After some further research of my own, and the help of responses to this post, I have found that the following items are required to be included for the sending applicaiton to accept my ACK and move onto the next message.
The ACK must contain the following:
MSH|^~\&|Receiving App|Receiving App ID|Sending App|Sending App ID|DateTime of Message||"ACK"|Message Control ID|Processing ID|Version ID
MSA|AE <or> AR <or> AA|Message Control ID (MSH 9 from the sent message)
ERR| This particular segment is not required by the sending application
The problem I was experiencing pertained to my Sending and Receiving App IDs and Names were swapped.
Thanks for the help!
I haven't worked with VISTA, and my only current setup is returning an error ACK due to some application issue that I won't be able to debug right now, but in case it's helpful here's the error ACK:
ERR|^^^207&Application Internal Error&HL70357
Note that this is HL7 v2.3 - the format may be different for other versions.
