How can I get a list of all embedded resources defined in my application? - windows-phone-7

How to get a list of all files (e.g. images) embedded as resources or content programmatically?
I tried
ResourceDictionary res = Application.Current.Resources;
But this does not return any files.

If the resources have build action Content then there is no way to enumerate them. You can only access them directly by name (so you would already have to know the names).
For resources with build action Resource or Embedded Resource you can use Ivan's solution.
The discussion to this similar question might give you a bit more code and information.

Hope this help:
var resourceNames = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceNames();


windows folder for temporary files created by my application

I'm trying to decide where the 'correct folder' to store documents and logs created by my windows form application. The application is used in education and has all paths held in the SQL server. Some (like logs file paths are shared) are accessible on network but specifically for temporary documents where should I default the storage to? I've recently tried the Users/username/AppData/ folder but I seem to be getting differing results after installation; so far I have put this down to people user credentials as often in schools they can do whatever they want (yes I know shocking indeed).
If anyone can point me in the direction of an MSDn article or knows better please reply - Thanks.
** Edit 10/09/2013 - Sorry all I should be further explicit. I'm looking for the folder / structure Microsoft has designed for this sort off activity. My application already provides users with the ability to create thier own working directories (there are several required) but I'm keen to use the 'correct' locations for this sort of activity... I thought the right place would be c:/Users/USERNAME/Appdata/APPLICATION FOLDER/ but as I mention I've come across a few access rights issues when uses install the application.... hope that explains better - thanks
To create temporary directory you can use something like this:
public string GetTempDirectory() {
string path = Path.GetRandomFileName();
Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), path);
return path;
Path class info
Directory class info

Get resources in converter?

What is the best way to get resource string or drawable in convert method of MvxConverter?
Can I access to current context or I have to manage static tracking?
What is the best way to get resource string or drawable in convert method of MvxConverter?
There are some standard bindings that get access to resources, e.g.
There's also at least one example of using resources in a custom binding:
You could do similar code in an MvxValueConverter rather than in a custom binding if you would prefer it (but that converter would not then be usable across multiple platforms).
Can I access to current context?
You can normally get access to Android Context objects using Mvx.Resolve<T> on:
For i18n text cross-platform alternatives to Android strings are also available - from Vernacular and from Mvx - see
I have to manage static tracking?
No idea what this is. Sorry

Where should utility functions in a Firefox Extension be placed

As I'm writing a Firefox XUL Extension I find that I want to share some functionality (the business logic) across the whole extension. What would be the best place to store this?
Can I create some sort of library (javascript) file which always gets loaded first?
You most likely want to create a JavaScript code module. You can use Components.utils.import() to load it:
And in utils.jsm you define which symbols should be imported by that statement, e.g.:
var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Utils"];
var Utils = {
The module will be loaded when it is first used and stay in memory after that - there will be only a single module instance no matter how many places on your extension use it. Note that I used a chrome:// URL to load the module, this is supported starting with Firefox 4. Documentation recommends using resource:// URLs which is cleaner because modules don't actually have anything to do with the user interface - still, using a chrome:// URL is often simpler.

Can you use a URL to embed an image inline in MVCMailer

In looking at the MVCMailer step by step, I see that you can embed images inline using cid in the HTML.
I see the code that talks about embedding:
#Html.InlineImage("logo", "Company Logo")
var resources = new Dictionary<string, string>();
resources["logo"] = logoPath;
PopulateBody(mailMessage, "WelcomeMessage", resources);
My question is rather than use a path within the site like:
resources["logo"] = Server.MapPath("~/Content/images/logo.png");
Can I somehow get at images I have in the Azure Cloud or S3 Cloud where I have plenty of space?
Please let me know if there is a way to get the image from some other source than the server the MVC mailer is running on.
In Server.MapPath(my_path), my_path, specifies the relative or virtual path to map to a physical directory. Server.MapPath is related with local FileSystemObject so in that case it will look for the file (you pass as parameter) in a location within local web server. More info is described here:
So if you image is located at, the passing it to Server.MapPath() will not work as this is not a location in local file system. I tried and found that it will not accept and I also try to tweak a few way but no success. IF you can change the code behind and which can access the resources from a URL then it will work otherwise not.

iText Add Image to PDF in a web application

I'm posting this for a friend. He is not able to access Stackoverflow from work (Third Party Cookies Appear To Be Disabled) :)
Ok here goes:
They have a Web application (JSP/Servlets/Custom Framework) and he is trying to generate a PDF on the fly. Now he wants to add images to that PDF. But it ain't working. Here is the piece of code:
Image image = Image.getInstance("../graphics/caution_sign.gif");
The graphics folder is on the parent project (webcontent/graphics/) and this is how they access the images from that folder in all other places (in the JSPs).
Now I read on another post that we need to use the real absolute path to access the Images. But the problem here is this is a POJO and there is no access to the servletContext in this class.
The PDF is generated fine, but the Image does not show and the error is:
C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP\runtimes\base_v7\profiles\was70profile1\..\graphics\caution_sign.gif (The system cannot find the path specified.)
It is trying to look for the "Graphics" folder in a different location instead of looking within the webcontent folder.
Hope my question is clear and would appreciate a lot if someone can help with this and help in resolving this issue
Thanks so much
He was able to solve it using this piece of code. Hope this helps someone else.
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
String path = classLoader.getResource("/graphics/caution_sign.gif").getPath();
Image image = Image.getInstance(path);
Following code can be used to access image path inside a java class.
URL imageUrl = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
Image img=Image.getInstance(imageurl+"../../../some/images/pic.gif");
Small change from the previous solutions :
Step1: Below code will return the class path including class file name
URL classURL = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
Step2: Get the base path by removing class name
String basePath = classURL.getPath().replaceAll("<classname>.class","");
Step3: Navigate to the image location based on your project
Image headerLogo = Image.getInstance(basePath+"../../../../../../../images/header_logo.gif");
