Corrupt VB.Net VS2010 project recovery - visual-studio-2010

In the last year I've worked on two relatively large .NET projects and both of them have ended up with project/code generation strangeness that I just haven't figured out how to fix..
The first project generates some bad code for forms that causes the VB.Net build to fail. I actually had to make a search/replace macro that fixes the 5 problems by adding a Global. to the beginning of a few references.
I chalked that up to a random act of unkindness against me and went on my way since the macro takes about 2 seconds to run...
So now 6 months later and new project is cranking along and I get a similar-ish problem. I have a bunch of form controls that store state in a settings file using the built in capabilities of .Net. I had about 20 controls that were configured automatically this way. Works great until today when for reasons I don't understand in the designer.vb file gets corrupted. At least one other person on the planet has had this problem here:
but the proposed solution didn't change the behavior.
So now I've had two projects (larger ones) that have project file issues that I can't resolve (I've had several smaller projects that are just fine).
What tools are available to fix projects, migrate projects, lint projects ... anything to recover projects to a reasonable state? Any successful recovery procedures beyond a roll-back/merge?

i had a corrupted reference issue linked to my use of mercurial and VS getting lost in file save time... if this may help...

If you open it in notepad and its corrupted - then its probably corrupted and the only way to restore it would be to go to a backup.
--> go to backup
-->click your project name
-->and then find your fire thats are corrupt


Visual Basic 6 vbp file corrupting randomly

Ok, I know this is a very old product so I'm hoping there are still a few of us old timers still out there who can help me.
Internally we have several old systems which are in the process of being migrated to c# however routine work is still required within them.
We have had a problem for quite some time and it appears to be getting worse, in fact it was mostly noticed since upgrading to Windows 10.
To give an example one project consists of the main application and 19 dll's all grouped within the project. Any part of the project can be compiled and works fine, but other times I can compile a dll and the dll vbp file gets corrupted.
Corruption could be...
Or incorrect reference guid
Reference=*\G{72F6675-2BDA-4133-9778-FA71E3F7DE3}#1.2#0#..\windows\---\COMDLG32.OCX (I've forgotten the exact text)
Object={F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0; COMDLG32.OCX
Removing the reference line fixes this.
I know I could mark the vbp to be read only and then keep changing it as required but I need to get to the bottom of what is causing it in the first place.
Any pointers are greatly received :-)

Externally generated projects(premake/cmake) lock up VS2015

I'm using premake5 here.
It generates my solution/project files, when this happens, VS2015 asks me if I want to reload the modified projects.
If I hit yes, this proceeds to lock up the IDE for a very long time.
Anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 minute I'd say.
Does anyone know of a way to work around this? This is super irritating.
It happens even for the most trivial of changes(modify one project, which only has 1 file in it).
I realize this is a VS problem, and not directly the fault of premake/cmake(or whatever build system you are using), but it totally sucks.
As you said, it's VS related :) But I think you have some problems with your installation : for small projects, reloading the whole solutions should be pretty fast : my personal projects take less than a second to reload (2 to 4 projects per solution, ~100 files per project)
Anyway in the usual course of development, re-generating your projects should not happen that often, except at the very beginning when you need to configure everything.
When you need to add a few files, just add them through Visual Studio : you won't have to run Premake again, and next time you run it, the files will be included by your script anyway. You can do the same with small configuration changes : update your project directly in VS, check that it works, and when it does, upadte the Premake script. You won't have to run Premake then.

Make Visual Studio auto reload solution when project files change

On the current project I am working on, there is, at the moment, a large churn of code, which means updating from source control can mean at times many csproj file changes. As we all know, VS2010 doesn't have a "Reload all" button, but you must reload each project and confirm each reload.
Is there a method where either the project is auto-reloaded or the IDE can detect this and ask for a solution reload?
Finally found a solution:
Quoting from the site:
Quite often I’ll find myself working
in situations where multiple projects
have changed, and Visual Studio asks
to reload them, one at a time. This
happens when I’m working a lot with
source control, and doing things like
switching branches, performing merges,
or just integrating upstream changes.
I have to click “Reload” a million
times for each project that changed on
disk, and it’s quite annoying. On top
of that, VS forgets which files I have
open, so every file that I was working
on gets closed.
I may be the last VS user to find out
about this, but a free lite version of
the VSCommands plugin is available on
the Visual Studio Gallery that does
just what I need – reload all changed
projects at once, preserving which
files I had open:
It's a pain, but the best option I've found is to Close the solution before Getting the latest source code.
If there are more than two changed projects, it is faster to manually unload&reload the entire solution than it is to Get and wait for it to unload&reload the affected projects only - reloading projects is achingly slow (even disregarding having to click the OK button for every project that changed).
(In my mind the real question is: Why does it ask that question at all??? If you Get the latest source code, there is absolutely no sane reason why you would want to only use part of it. It's like a petrol station attendant saying "You've bought some fuel. Would you like me to now actually put it in your car, or shall I just pour it out on the ground?")
Well, that doesn't work if your references paths changed in the csproj file and your using something like the sysinternals junction tool to change a symlink. E.g. tool switches D:\Projects symlink from D:\Baselines\1.0\Prjects to D:\Baselines\2.0\Projects , and because someone changed the folder structure between 1.0 and 2.0, your .csproj file suddenly points the dll path from ....\References\some.dll to ....\References\3rd-Party\some.dll . I know that is a special case, but happens (e.g. in my company).
There is an alternative solution though, one which I highly recommend as it has other benefits, too: the not-so-well-known VS 2010 Extension Solution Load Manager. It defers loading of Projects to the background, or until manually loaded, improving solution load time a lot for large solution files. It has this "reload solution" button in it's menu (unfortunatlely there seems to be no shortcut) which then reloads all solutions from scratch, skipping/backgroundloading the solutions you set. A Microsoft guy commented on his blog that they wanted to include something similar into VS 2010, but the feature didn't quite make it.
Sure, it may take longer then "just" one click and updating 100 documents, but it solved my problem of (relative) reference path changes, and gives a nice speed boost every time I open an at least medium sized solution.
Edit as of Oct 2013
VS2012 includes this functionality by default. At least the async loading stuff. The "don't load at all" functionality is unfortunately only possible by using manual "unload project" in VS2012. But as pr-project memory consumption did go down with VS2012, it's not that big of a deal anymore.
If you have checked the option "detect when file is changed outside the environment" in the "Documents" section of options, projects and files are reloaded when changed. It works for me when switching branches in git.

How do you handle sln and proj files in source control?

I hope this qualifies as programming related since it involves how to structure a project.
Because I've always used the web site model with I never had solution and project files and putting everything into source control worked great. I knew that everything I had in my web site directory was all I needed for the web site.
Now I'm using MVC and it only has a project model so now I have these solution and project files. If I work on it alone it's fine but once other people start to add/delete files from the project our solution file gets messed up and people end up having to grab the latest solution file, see what got changed and then add back/remove their files and check in the solution file again. It's become sort of a problem because sometimes people don't realize the solution file was changed, they make other changes and then when they check in everything other people do an update on their files they find that their files are gone from the project (although still physically on disk).
Is this normal? Is there a way to structure a project so that we don't need to check in solution and project files?
Your developers are not using TFS correctly. You should have multiple check-outs turned on, and everyone needs to be careful to merge their changes correctly when checking in. TFS will prompt you to do this, and accepting the defaults is nearly always the right thing to do.
It's not uncommon to have one or two developers who never get it, and you might have to help them now and then. But every programmer who works on a team needs to learn how to use source control tools correctly. If they can't manage that, they shouldn't be writing software.
[edit] It occurs to me that you might run into these problems if you check in the *.sln file directly, rather than choosing to "Add Solution to Source Control".
I don't think it's normal - what are you using for source control? It sounds like developers aren't respecting changes that others a making - checking in without merging first.
I know that early on in a project, when lots of files are being added & deleted, it can be a problem to keep up - you need to check out the project file, add your files, then check in the new file & project so other developers can also update it. You'll probably have multiple project files in a solution - perhaps one interim solution would be to have one "holding" project for each developer, then clean them up periodically - though these types of temporary fixes do have a tendency to become permanent.
I don't know of a way to set up a project file that's not in source control, though I suppose you could create a script that would generate them.
Having been through this, the key is respect & good communication between the developers.
This tends to happen with TFS multiple check outs. It can be hard to grasp coming from VSS to TFS as VSS allowed one person to check a file out at one time. Auto-merge should work most of the time for you but a couple of rules should ease the pain:
Check in early and often (if you add remove or rename a file check it in straight away even if it is a blank holder)
Before you check in do a get latest, this will ask you to resolve conflicts locally
Try to get continuous integration set up so that developers always know the state of the buidl and whether it is OK to check in\out.
We had a bit fo pain at the start of our current project but it soon settled down when we followed the rules above.
Personally, I think making changes to project and solution files requires discipline and clear (well understood) rules throughout your development team. These files (.sln, .*proj) are the bottlenecks of your project, and any errors or inconsistencies can cost you in team downtime. Changes need to be well thought out, planned and then executed.
They must be secured by source control (which you're already using, excellent) and your team members should work on the basis of only making the changes they need, and not leaving project or solution files checked out for an extended period.
If you are allowing multiple (shared) checkouts, this could become problematic in terms of overwriting another user's changes. Depending on your source control mechanism, people may be required to manually merge changes. Personally, I'd ask people to negotiate their project/solution changes with each other over merging (this can't always be achieved).
A third option if you are using TFS is the shelve feature. If someone needs to make changes locally, they can shelve the changes and merge later.
Lastly, another strategy is to try to architect your solution to be as modularized as possible - so people are distributed, working on separate projects and do not (ideally) have to overlap on too many common areas.
I'm not sure if you are using TFS, as people have mentioned, but if you are (or if you are using source control with similar capabilities) you can set it such that sln and csproj files are exclusive lockouts and are not able to be merged.
We have done this with quite large teams and while it causes some initial issues as people get used to it in the long run it has resolved many issues that were previously causing problems. Essentially you trade longer term merge issues/complexity for short term compile/checkin issues which we have found to be a good trade off.
Once you have set it to forced exclusive checkout and no merge you then get your dev teams used to the fact they should keep locks on the sln and proj files for as shorter time as possible.
Always check them in.
Always check out latest (merge if possible), make sure your change is there, before checking in a new version.
If your source control doesn't require a special action to check in from an old version, GET A DIFFERENT SOURCE CONTROL.

Visual Studio 2008 Painfully Slow Under SVN

I have recently been through the pain of converting an legacy WebSite project to a (C#)Web Application Project. During this time I also migrated the code from VSS control to Subversion on a dev server.
When debugging the application under VS2008 the project can literally take 4/5 minutes to completely load up. The majority of this time the Output Window states that it is loading symbols from Temp ASP.NET directory.
Figuring this may be an issue that it is under SVN control, I exported the project and began debugging without source control and this resolved the issue.
Can anyone suggest why this could be happening, ie. why under source control is it taking such a long time to debug?
Symbol loading shouldn't have anything to do with .svn. If moving your project solved the problem, I'd guess it's something to do with the difference between your actual copy and the exported one. Particularly, I'd say it would be to do with a file unlikely to be committed, like a ".user" file. The ".user" file probably has a lot of extra junk that VS is trying to load, and moving it means they got reset.
Check for any files missing (after a clean export...they'll have been re-created after you open the solution 1x) and you'll probably find the culprit.
You could try the TortoiseSVN client
The more plugins (Resharper etc) you have for VS the slower things tend to get.
