Internalization of JSF project on WebSphere 7 - internationalization

I'm trying to implement loading Resource Bundles for JSF application from DB, following the sample: internationalization in JSF with ResourceBundle entries which are loaded from database
For the test I coded getItSomehow() just as create HashMap and fill it with key "hello_world" and value "["+locale+"]"+"hello world"
The sample works fine when I deploy it on Glassfish3.
But when I use WebSphere AS 7, the jsf page is displayed correctly only for the first time. Opening the jsf page in other browsers (with other prefered language selected) I receive the respond always in the locale of first run.
While debugging, I found the difference in implementation of Glassfish uses this class provided in rt.jar of the JDK1.6; but WebSphere has this class inside java.util.jar
The ResourceBundle (of WebSphere) called from ApplicationResourceBundle.getResourceBundle() calls handleGetBundle() and finally invokes my.i18n.DbResourceBundle$DBControl.newBundle() .
Called second (and further) time with different locale it doesn't invoke my override but just returns the same bundle created for first locale.
The question: is it possible to code internalizable jsf web-application deployed on WebSphere AS 7.0.07, not digging nor hacking into internals of the AS?
(environment: Windows XP, WebSphere AS, jdk1.6.0_24, jsf 2.1.4)

You can provide a specific implementation of ResourceBundle.
Here an example that gets the current locale each time JSF invokes the ResourceBundle methods:
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
public class MyBundle extends ResourceBundle {
private static final Map<Locale, ResourceBundle> RB_CACHE = new HashMap<Locale, ResourceBundle>();
private static final String BUNDLE_NAME = "my-messages";
public MyBundle() {
public Enumeration<String> getKeys() {
ResourceBundle rb = getResourceBundle();
final Iterator<String> it = rb.keySet().iterator();
return new Enumeration<String>() {
public boolean hasMoreElements() {
return it.hasNext();
public String nextElement() {
protected Object handleGetObject(String key) {
ResourceBundle rb = getResourceBundle();
return rb.getObject(key);
private ResourceBundle getResourceBundle() {
Locale locale = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().getLocale();
ResourceBundle rb = RB_CACHE.get(locale);
if (rb == null) {
rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle(BUNDLE_NAME, locale);
RB_CACHE.put(locale, rb);
return rb;
and in your faces-config.xml put:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<faces-config version="2.0" xmlns=""
xmlns:xi="" xmlns:xsi=""
We had your same problem and this solution worked for us with Windows Server 2008, WebSphere AS, jdk1.6.0_29, jsf 2.1.5


How to integrate a Spring RMI server with a pure Java RMI client which is a non-spring Swing GUI?

I'm migrating a J2EE EJB application to Spring services. It's a desktop application which has a Swing GUI and to communicate to the J2EE server it uses RMI. I have created a simple spring service with spring boot which exports a service by using spring remoting, RMIServiceExporter. The client is a rich client and have a complicated architecture so i'm trying make minimum changes to it to call the spring rmi service.
So in summary I have a plain RMI client and a spring RMI server. I have learned that spring rmi abstracts pure java rmi so in my case they don't interoperate.
I will show the code below but the current error is this. Note that my current project uses "remote://". So after I have got this error I have also tried "rmi://". But, in both cases it gives this error.
javax.naming.CommunicationException: Failed to connect to any server. Servers tried: [rmi://yyy:1099 (No connection provider for URI scheme "rmi" is installed)]
at org.jboss.naming.remote.client.HaRemoteNamingStore.failOverSequence(
at org.jboss.naming.remote.client.HaRemoteNamingStore.namingStore(
at org.jboss.naming.remote.client.HaRemoteNamingStore.namingOperation(
at org.jboss.naming.remote.client.HaRemoteNamingStore.lookup(
at org.jboss.naming.remote.client.RemoteContext.lookupInternal(
at org.jboss.naming.remote.client.RemoteContext.lookup(
at org.jboss.naming.remote.client.RemoteContext.lookup(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
at javax.swing.SwingWorker$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
I have searched for how we can interoperate spring rmi and plain/pure java rmi and i read several answers from similar questions at stackoverflow and web but i couldn't find anything useful or fits my case because even the best matched answer says only that it doesn't interoperate.
I thought that maybe i need to turn my swing gui client to spring by using spring boot but i couldn't be sure about application context since i don't want to break existing client code. So i have looked for maybe there is something like partial spring context so that maybe i can put only my client code to it and spring only manages this file.
And then I thought that maybe I need to change my RMI server to force spring to create some kind of plain/pure Java RMI instead of default spring RMI thing. I say thing because I read something about spring rmi that explains it's an abstraction over rmi and we can force it to create standard RMI stub.
While I'm searching for a solution i have encountered the Spring Integration but I couldn't understand it really since it looks like an other abstraction but it also tell something about adapters. Since I have seen "adapter" maybe it is used for this kind of integration/legacy code migration cases. But I couldn't go further.
Client Side:
private boolean initializeEJBz(String userName, String password) throws Exception {
ri = RemoteInvocationFactory.getRemoteInvocation(user, pass);
if (ri != null) {
return initializeEJBz(ri);
} else {
return false;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
public final class RemoteInvocationFactory {
private static final CommunicationProperties cp = new CommunicationProperties();
public static synchronized RemoteInvocation getRemoteInvocation(
byte[] userName, byte[] password) throws NamingException {
String url = System.getProperty("rmi://");
if (url != null) {
return new JbossRemotingInvocationFactory(userName, password, url);
return null;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class JbossRemotingInvocationFactory implements RemoteInvocation {
private final byte[] userName, password;
private final String providerURL;
private volatile InitialContext initialContext;
private final SecretKey secretKey;
private static final String SSL_ENABLED = "";
private static final String SSL_STARTTLS = "";
private static final String TIMEOUT = "jboss.naming.client.connect.timeout";
private long timeoutValue;
private final boolean startSsl;
public JbossRemotingInvocationFactory(byte[] userName, byte[] password, String providerURL) {
try {
KeyGenerator keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES");
secretKey = keyGenerator.generateKey();
this.providerURL = providerURL;
startSsl = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty(SSL_ENABLED));
String property = System.getProperty("myproject.connect.timeout");
if (property != null) {
try {
timeoutValue = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(Long.parseLong(property), TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
timeoutValue = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
Hashtable jndiProperties = new Hashtable();
this.userName = encrypt(userName);
jndiProperties.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, new String(password, UTF_8));
initialContext = new InitialContext(jndiProperties);
this.password = encrypt(password);
} catch (NamingException | NoSuchAlgorithmException ne) {
throw new RuntimeException(ne);
public <T> T getRemoteObject(Class<T> object, String jndiName) throws NamingException {
if (initialContext != null) {
T value = (T) initialContext.lookup(jndiName);
return value;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException();
public <T> T getRemoteObject(Class<T> object) throws NamingException {
throw new IllegalAccessError();
private void addOptions(Hashtable jndiProperties) {
jndiProperties.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jboss.naming.remote.client.InitialContextFactory");
jndiProperties.put("jboss.naming.client.ejb.context", "true");
jndiProperties.put("", "false");
jndiProperties.put("", "false");
jndiProperties.put(SSL_STARTTLS, "false");
jndiProperties.put(TIMEOUT, Long.toString(timeoutValue));
if (startSsl) {
jndiProperties.put("", "true");
jndiProperties.put(SSL_ENABLED, "true");
jndiProperties.put("", "JBOSS-LOCAL-USER");
jndiProperties.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, providerURL);
jndiProperties.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, new String(decrypt(userName), UTF_8));
public void reconnect() {
try {
Hashtable jndiProperties = new Hashtable();
jndiProperties.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, new String(decrypt(password), UTF_8));
initialContext = new InitialContext(jndiProperties);
} catch (NamingException ignore) {
private boolean initializeEJBz(RemoteInvocation remoteInvocation) throws Exception {
cs = remoteInvocation.getRemoteObject(CustomerService.class, JNDINames.CUSTOMER_SERVICE_REMOTE);
// here is the integration point. try to get RMI service exported.
myService = remoteInvocation.getRemoteObject(HelloWorldRMI.class, JNDINames.HELLO_WORLD_REMOTE);
return true;
public static final String CUSTOMER_SERVICE_REMOTE = getRemoteBean("CustomerServiceBean", CustomerService.class.getName());
public static final string HELLO_WORLD_REMOTE = getRemoteBean("HelloWorldRMI", HelloWorldRMI.class.getName());
private static final String APPLICATION_NAME = "XXX";
private static final String MODULE_NAME = "YYYY";
protected static String getRemoteBean(String beanName, String interfaceName) {
return String.format("%s/%s/%s!%s", APPLICATION_NAME, MODULE_NAME, beanName, interfaceName);
Server Side:
package com.example.springrmiserver.service;
public interface HelloWorldRMI {
public String sayHelloRmi(String msg);
package com.example.springrmiserver.service;
import java.util.Date;
public class HelloWorldRMIimpl implements HelloWorldRMI {
public String sayHelloRmi(String msg) {
System.out.println("================Server Side ========================");
System.out.println("Inside Rmi IMPL - Incoming msg : " + msg);
return "Hello " + msg + " :: Response time - > " + new Date();
package com.example.springrmiserver;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiServiceExporter;
import com.example.springrmiserver.service.HelloWorldRMI;
import com.example.springrmiserver.service.HelloWorldRMIimpl;
public class Config {
RemoteExporter registerRMIExporter() {
RmiServiceExporter exporter = new RmiServiceExporter();
exporter.setService(new HelloWorldRMIimpl());
return exporter;
package com.example.springrmiserver;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import java.util.Collections;
public class SpringRmiServerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args)
//, args);
SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication(SpringRmiServerApplication.class);
app.setDefaultProperties(Collections.singletonMap("server.port", "8084"));;
So, my problem is how to interoperate pure/plain/standard java rmi client which is in a swing GUI with spring rmi server?
Edit #1:
By the way if you can provide further explanations or links about internal details of spring RMI stub creation and why they don't interoperate i will be happy. Thanks indeed.
And also, if you look at my getRemoteBean method which is from legacy code, how does this lookup string works? I mean where does rmi registry file or something resides at server or is this the default format or can i customize it?
Edit #2:
I have also tried this kind of lookup in the client:
private void initializeSpringEJBz(RemoteInvocation remoteInvocation) throws Exception {
HelloWorldRMI helloWorldService = (HelloWorldRMI) Naming.lookup("rmi://xxx:1099/helloworldrmi");
System.out.println("Output" + helloWorldService.sayHelloRmi("hello "));
//hw = remoteInvocation.getRemoteObject(HelloWorldRMI.class, "helloworldrmi");
Edit #3:
While I'm searching i found that someone in a spring forum suggested that to force spring to create plain java rmi stub we have to make some changes on the server side so i have tried this:
import java.rmi.server.RemoteObject;
public interface HelloWorldRMI extends **Remote** {
public String sayHelloRmi(String msg) throws **RemoteException**;
public class HelloWorldRMIimpl extends **RemoteObject** implements HelloWorldRMI {
Is the code above on the right path to solve the problem?
Beside that the first problem is the connection setup as you can see in the beginning of the question. Why i'm getting this error? What is the difference between "rmi://" and "remote://" ?
While I was trying to figure out, I could be able to find a solution. It's true that Spring RMI and Java RMI do not interoperate but currently i don't have enough knowledge to explain its cause. I couldn't find any complete explanation about internals of this mismatch yet.
The solution is using plain Java RMI in Spring backend by using java.rmi.*(Remote, RemoteException and server.UnicastRemoteObject).
java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject is used for exporting a remote object with Java Remote Method Protocol (JRMP) and obtaining a stub that communicates to the remote object.
I think this post is closely related to this interoperability issue: Java Spring RMI Activation
Spring doesn't support RMI activation. Spring includes an RmiServiceExporter for calling remote objects that contains nice improvements over standard RMI, such as not requiring that services extend java.rmi.Remote.
This is the interface that server exports:
import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
public interface HelloWorldRMI extends Remote {
public String sayHelloRmi(String msg) throws RemoteException;
and this is the implementation of exported class:
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
import java.util.Date;
public class HelloWorldRMIimpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements HelloWorldRMI {
public HelloWorldRMIimpl() throws RemoteException{
public String sayHelloRmi(String msg) {
System.out.println("================Server Side ========================");
System.out.println("Inside Rmi IMPL - Incoming msg : " + msg);
return "Hello " + msg + " :: Response time - > " + new Date();
and the RMI Registry is:
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.util.Collections;
public class ProxyServerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(1200); // this line of code automatic creates a new RMI-Registry. Existing one can be also reused.
System.out.println("Registry created !");
registry.rebind("just_an_alias",new HelloWorldRMIimpl());
registry.rebind("path/to/service_as_registry_key/CustomerService", new CustomerServiceImpl());
SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication(ProxyServerApplication.class);
app.setDefaultProperties(Collections.singletonMap("server.port", "8084")); // Service port;
HelloWorldRMI helloWorldService = (HelloWorldRMI)Naming.lookup("rmi://st-spotfixapp1:1200/just_an_alias");
System.out.println("Output" + helloWorldService.sayHelloRmi("hello from client ... "));

Unable to create file upload service - Receiving ModelValidationException (No injection source ) during startup [duplicate]

I am using Jersey based restful Service implementation strategy to build a service which will be used to upload files.
My service class name is : (See Code below)
package com.jerser.service;
import com.sun.jersey.core.header.FormDataContentDisposition;
import com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataParam;
public class UploadFileService {
public Response uploadFile(
#FormDataParam("file") InputStream uploadedInputStream,
#FormDataParam("file") FormDataContentDisposition fileDetail) {
String uploadedFileLocation = "d://uploaded/" + fileDetail.getFileName();
// save it
writeToFile(uploadedInputStream, uploadedFileLocation);
String output = "File uploaded to : " + uploadedFileLocation;
return Response.status(200).entity(output).build();
// save uploaded file to new location
private void writeToFile(InputStream uploadedInputStream,
String uploadedFileLocation) {
try {
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File(
int read = 0;
byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
out = new FileOutputStream(new File(uploadedFileLocation));
while ((read = != -1) {
out.write(bytes, 0, read);
} catch (IOException e) {
These are the JAR files I have inside my lib:
I am getting the following error when I am trying to up my tomcat server :
org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.ModelValidationException: Validation of the application resource model has failed during application initialization.
[[FATAL] No injection source found for a parameter of type public com.jerser.service.UploadFileService.uploadFile(,com.sun.jersey.core.header.FormDataContentDisposition) at index 0.; source='ResourceMethod{httpMethod=POST, consumedTypes=[multipart/form-data], producedTypes=[], suspended=false, suspendTimeout=0, suspendTimeoutUnit=MILLISECONDS, invocable=Invocable{handler=ClassBasedMethodHandler{handlerClass=class com.jerser.service.UploadFileService, handlerConstructors=[org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.HandlerConstructor#d3e2d4]}, definitionMethod=public com.jerser.service.UploadFileService.uploadFile(,com.sun.jersey.core.header.FormDataContentDisposition), parameters=[Parameter [type=class, source=file, defaultValue=null], Parameter [type=class com.sun.jersey.core.header.FormDataContentDisposition, source=file, defaultValue=null]], responseType=class}, nameBindings=[]}']
at org.glassfish.jersey.server.ApplicationHandler.initialize(
at org.glassfish.jersey.server.ApplicationHandler.access$500(
at org.glassfish.jersey.server.ApplicationHandler$
at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors$
at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors$
at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors.process(
at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors.process(
at org.glassfish.jersey.internal.Errors.processWithException(
at org.glassfish.jersey.server.ApplicationHandler.<init>(
at org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.WebComponent.<init>(
at org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer.init(
at org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer.init(
at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.initServlet(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.loadServlet(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapper.load(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.loadOnStartup(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext$
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext$
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
Over the internet I found there are plenty of example which shows How to upload MULTIPART file using RESTFul API. But with same solution. I am not able to run those code as well.
I think I am doing something wrong with the JAR files. Could anyone please help me on this?
Get rid of jersey-multipart-1.18.jar. That is for Jersey 1.x. Add these two
For Maven you would use the following dependency (you don't need to explicitly add the mimepull dependency, as this one will pull it in).
<version>2.17</version> <!-- Make sure the Jersey version matches
the one you are currently using -->
Then you need to register the MultiPartFeature. If you are using a ResourceConfig for configuration, you can simply do
If you are using web.xml, then you can add the class as an <init-param> to the Jersey servlet
Note that if you have multiple providers that you want to register, then you can delimit each provider class with a comma, semicolon, or space/newline. You cannot use this same param-name twice. See Suarabh's answer
Also, once you get rid of jersey-multipart-1.18.jar you will have compile errors for the missing imported classes. For the most part, the class names are still the same, just the packages have changed, i.e.
For Dropwizard
If you're using Dropwizard, instead of adding the jersey-media-multipart, they document for your to add dropwizard-forms instead. And instead of registering the MultiPartFeature, you should register the MultiPartBundle
public void initialize(Bootstrap<ExampleConfiguration> bootstrap) {
bootstrap.addBundle(new MultiPartBundle());
Really doesn't make much difference though as all the Dropwizard bundle does is register the MultiPartFeature with the ResourceConfig.
If you are here for a different ModelValidationException, here are some links for information on other causes of the exception.
Yet another possible cause for this very generic error is that Jersey only searches for factories associated with the last annotation when multiple ones are declared on a param. (See bug report)
Until this is fixed, if you are using any other annotations besides #FormDataParam, it has to come last.
This works:
#NotEmpty #FormDataParam("myParam") String myParam
This does not:
#FormDataParam("myParam") #NotEmpty String myParam
I too got the same exception.I did the following changes in web.xml
and changed jersey 2.7 to 2.9 .I do not know what change of this 2 has solved the issue.
Register MultiPartFeature.
In web.xml add to the Jersey servlet:
Below code worked for me:
Class ->>> add it
Class Property --->> add it
Public Class userREST () {
public Response uploadImageFile(#FormDataParam("uploadFile") InputStream fileInputStream,
#FormDataParam("uploadFile") FormDataContentDisposition fileFormDataContentDisposition,
#FormDataParam("FIR_REG_NUM") String FIR_REG_NUM, #FormDataParam("LOGIN_ID") String LOGIN_ID) {
final_json_result = WriteFileInFolder.fileAnalysis(fileInputStream, fileFormDataContentDisposition, FIR_REG_NUM,
return Response.ok(final_json_result).build();
}// uploadImageFile
Public Class FileJAXRSConfig () {
package ####.jaxrs.jwt;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import ####.helper.Common###;
import ####.jaxrs.jwt.filters.JWTRequestFilter;
import ####.jaxrs.jwt.filters.JWTResponseFilter;
import ####.service.FileServicesREST;
public class FileJAXRSConfig extends Application {
public Set<Class<?>> getClasses() {
Set<Class<?>> clazzes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
return clazzes;
public Map<String, Object> getProperties() {
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put("jersey.config.server.provider.packages", "####.service");
properties.put("jersey.config.server.provider.classnames", "");
return properties;
Don't need to add following in web.xml
If someone is using #FormDataParam with #ApiOperation swagger annotation, it won't work(as per swagger latest version at this time) as mentioned here:
I had this same problem with Scala and this helped me solve it. Just want to add some Scala specific details to help anyone using Dropwizard with Scala. Here is an example of how to "register" the MultiPartFeature in a Scala and Dropwizard project.
package org.research.s3.service
import io.dropwizard.Application
import io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
import org.research.s3.service.resource._
import org.research.service.s3.resource.UploadResource
class CmdaaApp() extends Application[CmdaaAppConfig] {
override def run(t: CmdaaAppConfig, env: Environment): Unit = {
env.jersey().register(new RootResource)
//Need this to make the file upload code work in
env.jersey().register(new MultiPartFeature)
env.jersey().register(new UploadResource(curBucket))
object CmdaaApp {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = new CmdaaApp().run(args: _*)
and here is the code for the UploadResource that does the upload:
package org.research.service.s3.resource
import{FileInputStream, InputStream}
import{Gson, GsonBuilder}
import org.research.util.OptionSerializer
import org.research.s3.service.resource.s3Bucket
class UploadResource(currentBucket: s3Bucket) {
val gsonb = new GsonBuilder()
gsonb.registerTypeAdapter(classOf[Option[Any]], new OptionSerializer)
val gson = gsonb.create
// def uploadFile(): Response = {
def uploadFile(#FormDataParam("file") uploadedInputStream: InputStream): Response = {
/* Need code here to get a uuid for the file name
Then return the uuid if we have success and of course 200
This code refers to an s3 bucket but you don't need that. You can just replace that call with code do download your incoming file data to a regular file.
I had the same problem when I tried to upload the file.
I spent a lot of time until I found a solution to the problem.
1.If you changed version of your JARs files you may have a version conflicts!
Clean up your artifacts/libs and rebuild project.
2.You need to register your UploadFileService class too:
Hope it will help someone and save your time.
in case you are getting this error while writing Dropwizard tests for the upload Resource this is the solution:
add dependency on dropwizard-forms
2.add this in the application file:
public void initialize(Bootstrap<ExampleConfiguration> bootstrap) {
bootstrap.addBundle(new MultiPartBundle());
in the test file add:
.addResource(new FileResource())
.addProvider(new MultiPartFeature())
I had a very similar problem and the answer that helped me was this
I was trying to use a user defined object as a query parameter and from the answer that's usually not allowed unless it meets some conditions.
In case someone comes across this in the future and is running into the same problem I was running into. Make sure that the annotations you are importing are from the correct packages. In my case I was importing javax.websocket.server.PathParam instead of

Jetty websocket class loading issue

I have implemented a basic websocket server in Jetty(Standalone mode).
public class MyWebSocketServlet extends WebSocketServlet {
public void configure(WebSocketServletFactory webSocketServletFactory){
webSocketServletFactory.getPolicy().setIdleTimeout(1000 * 10 * 60);
webSocketServletFactory.setCreator(new MyWebSocketFactory());
public class MyWebSocketFactory implements WebSocketCreator {
public Object createWebSocket(
ServletUpgradeRequest servletUpgradeRequest
, ServletUpgradeResponse servletUpgradeResponse) {
return new MyWebSocketListener();
public class MyWebSocketListener implements WebSocketListener {
private Session sessionInstance;
public void onWebSocketBinary(byte[] bytes, int i, int i1) {
ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, i, i1);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
public void onWebSocketClose(int i, String s) {
public void onWebSocketConnect(Session session) {
sessionInstance = session;
public void onWebSocketError(Throwable throwable) {
public void onWebSocketText(String s) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Instead of using a Standalone Jetty if I use embedded jetty and programatically configure the server and add the Servlets then this sample runs fine.
But if I am packaging the same as a war, and then deploying the same in a standalone jetty instance I am having the following observation:
I am able to hit the HttpServlet , i.e. MyHttpServlet and receive a response
But when I try to hit the websocket servlet, i.e. MyWebSocketServlet, I am seeing the following error:
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection cannot be cast to org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection
at org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.WebSocketServerFactory.acceptWebSocket(
at org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.WebSocketServerFactory.acceptWebSocket(
at org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.servlet.WebSocketServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(
at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doHandle(
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle(
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionHandler.doHandle(
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doHandle(
I did come across the following link:
Jetty - stand alone WebSocket server
From the above link it seems to be a class loading issue, because jetty websocket package is treated as system class package and shouldn't be loaded by the WebApp if already loaded by the system.
So as referenced in the above link, I looked into the details suggested at:
From this link, one of the ways to get around this issue is to call the org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.setSystemClasses(String Array) or org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.addSystemClass(String) to allow fine control over which classes are considered System classes.
So for being able to do that, I should be able to get an Instance of WebAppContext, when Jetty is initializing and add the WebSocket classes as system classes.
I tried searching for how one would be able to achieve the same but no luck so far ? Can anybody kindly point me to a reference implementation as to how this can be achieved ?
Java Version: OpenJDK 7(latest)
Jetty: 9.2.10.v20150310
Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04
Thanks in advance!
If you have followed this link to setup the Jetty Standalone Instance, then you might have run the following command:
[/opt/web/mybase]# java -jar /opt/jetty/jetty-distribution-9.2.10.v20150310/start.jar --add-to-start=deploy,http,logging
If so, then when you try to hit the websocket servlet you will see the exception that you are noticing.
All you need to do is, instead of that command, you as well need to initialize the websocket module as shown below:
[/opt/web/mybase]# java -jar /opt/jetty/jetty-distribution-9.2.10.v20150310/start.jar --add-to-start=deploy,http,logging,websocket
Hope this helps!
Don't include the org.eclipse.jetty.* classes in your war's WEB-INF/lib or WEB-INF/classes directories.

JAXB marshal/unmarshal - ing SWT.Image or AWT BufferedImage

I am trying to marshal with jaxb an object which contains an Image, and afterwards unmarshalling it (i.e. save/load).
Is there a way to store that image?
I am trying to create a function which returns the byte array describing the swt.image imagedata, but once I marked it as an #XmlElement, the process of storing it fails throwing an Exception like this:
com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.IllegalAnnotationsException: 1 counts of IllegalAnnotationExceptions
JAXB annotation is placed on a method that is not a JAXB property
this problem is related to the following location:
at #javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement()
Also, I have tested to convert the SWT.Image to a AWT.BufferedImage, but I still get the same Exception.
Your exception indicates that you have placed an annotation on a method that isn't an accessor (get/set method). Below is an example using a java.awt.Image property:
package forum9094655;
import java.awt.Image;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
public class Root {
private Image image;
public Image getImage() {
return image;
public void setImage(Image image) {
this.image = image;
package forum9094655;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;
import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller;
public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(Root.class);
Root root = new Root();
Image image = new BufferedImage(1,1,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Marshaller marshaller = jc.createMarshaller();
marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
marshaller.marshal(root, System.out);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

OSGi Declarative Services - NullPointer Exception

I have a problem with my Declarative Services. I have 2 bundles, one is a server provider and another the user interface that consumes the service.
On server side, the implementation is:
public boolean checkUser(){
return true;
And the XML file inside OSGi-INF folder:
<component name="ZBService">
<implementation class="service.ZBService" />
<provide interface="service.IZBService" />
On client side, the implementation is:
public class GreetingServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements GreetingService{
IZBService zb;
public void setZBService(IZBService eventAdmin) {
this.zb = eventAdmin;
public void unsetZBService(IZBService eventAdmin){
if(this.zb == eventAdmin){
this.zb = null;}
public boolean greetServer(String input, String input2) throws Exception {
return zb.checkUser();
And XML file:
<component name="ZBService">
<implementation class="" />
<provide interface=""/>
<reference name="zb" interface="service.IZBService" bind="setZBService" unbind="unsetZBService" cardinality="0..n" policy="dynamic" />
Also, I have included the tag Service-Component on manifest file and I have deployed the equinox ds bundle that is ACTIVE.
The client is a GWT user interface, then I inject the service reference into server side of GWT. Well, when I deploy the application on Equinox it runs, but when I push the button, I launch an event to call ZBService. I have debugged the application and the error is zb attribute is null. It is to say, the dependence is nos injected. However the services are exposed on Equinox. If I write services on Equinox console, the services are deployed. Then, my conclusion is the error is due to the injection does not perform.
I would like to know if someone knows what is the reason??
Thanks a lot in advance!!
Nice day
I did your suggestions but it doesn't run. I change the component names and condinality/policy. The result is the same --> NullPointerException due to the injection isn't done.
Also I have debug the application to see if the methods bind and/or unbind are called, but they aren't.
The complete class is:
public class GreetingServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements GreetingService{
static protected IZBService zb;
public GreetingServiceImpl(){
System.out.println("Constructor GreetingServiceImpl");
public IZBService getZb() {
return zb;
public void setZb(IZBService zb) {
GreetingServiceImpl.zb = zb;
public void unsetZb(IZBService zb) {
GreetingServiceImpl.zb = zb;
protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
throws ServletException, IOException {
// Cache the current thread
Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
// We are going to swap the class loader
ClassLoader oldContextClassLoader = currentThread.getContextClassLoader();
super.service(req, resp);
public void activate(ComponentContext context) {
System.out.println("Creating new greeter for " + context.getProperties().get("name")
+ ": " + context.getComponentInstance().toString());
public void activate() {
System.out.println("Activando la referencia al servicio");
public void deactivate(ComponentContext context) {
System.out.println("Deactivating greeter for " + context.getProperties().get("name")
+ ": " + context.getComponentInstance().toString());
public boolean greetServer(String input, String input2) throws Exception {
return zb.checkUser();
And the XML client is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<scr:component name="serviceZB" xmlns:scr="">
<implementation class="" />
<!-- <service>
<provide interface=""/>
</service> -->
<reference name="zb" interface="service.IZBService"
bind="setZb" unbind="unsetZb" cardinality="1..1"
policy="static" />
Why isn't the service injected if the service is deployed???
Here is a list of things you can try:
First, remove the "static" of zb, that could be the problem.
If you are using Equinox, add the -Dequinox.ds.print=true flag to the VM arguments and see more information about parsing XMLs and so
Of course, add sysouts to setZB and unsetZB :)
Remember that IZBService implementation needs a constructor without arguments
If you are using Equinox use the "list -c" command to obtain information of each component (it's cool because says exactly why a component is not registered).
Set the "inmediate=true" in XMLs to force to inmediatly activation.
You have both components with the same name, , which is kind of awkward when discussing them.
The reference on the client side has: cardinality="0..n" policy="dynamic". Which means it can be activated with zero to n references. Yet your code does not handle this. It seems to expect exactly one reference. Perhaps you should use cardinality="1..1" policy="static".
