mvc 3 pass parameters -

I have controller which gets list of keys and i want to pass them to another controller action:
public class DocumentController : Controller
private List<DocumentKey> _keys = new List<DocumentKey>();
public ActionResult Send(Document doc, IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> file)
_keys = getKeys();
return RedirectToAction("Status", "Home", _keys);
i try to use
return RedirectToAction("Status", "Home", _keys);
return RedirectToAction("Status", "Home", new {keys = _keys});
But in Status keys is always null or has count = 0.
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Status(List<DocumentKey> keys)
return View(keys);
I can pass simple data, for example:
return RedirectToAction("Status", "Home", new {key = _keys.First().ToString()});
public ActionResult Status(string key)
this works, but is there a way to pass collection ?

Passing this type of data as query string parameters will not work as you are attempting to do so. If you need data to persist until your next request, it may be feasible to push the "keys" into tempdata.
public class DocumentController : Controller
private List<DocumentKey> _keys = new List<DocumentKey>();
public ActionResult Send(Document doc, IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> file)
TempData["_keys"] = getKeys();
return RedirectToAction("Status", "Home");
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Status()
List<DocumentKey> keys = TempData["_keys"];
return View(keys);

RedirectToAction does a round trip by sending a HTTP 302 to the client. Is that really what you need?
Because if you don't, then the easiest would be to call your HomeController's Status method directly. You would also need to replace your call to View to explicitly specify the name of the view, i.e:
public ActionResult Status(List<DocumentKey> keys)
return View("Status", keys);
If you do need the round trip, then a solution would be to use TempData to store your data as suggested by Jesse.


Web Api Core 2 distinguishing GETs

Why can't Web API Core 2 tell these apart?
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
// GET api/values?name=dave
public string Get(string name)
return $"name is {name}";
Here's what happens -
Both http://localhost:65528/api/values and http://localhost:65528/api/values?name=dave cause the first Get() method to execute.
This exact code works fine in Web Api 2.
I know multiple ways of getting around this, but I don't know why it happens.
Can someone explain why this has changed?
I don't think you can even compile your code in ASP.NET Core Mvc 2.0 since you have 2 actions mapped to same route [HttGet] api/values:
AmbiguousActionException: Multiple actions matched.
Remember, ASP.NET Web API uses the HTTP verb as part of the request to figure which action to call. Although it uses conventional routing (you name your actions Get, Post, Put and Delete, etc) if you don't have route attribute specify, I would highly recommend to always use routing attribute to annotate your controllers and actions.
Api Design time
Now it's up to you to design the route, as a developer. Remember the route is supposed to be a Uri that can identify a resource / resources.
Use the name as identifier along with the route
public class CustomersController : Controller
// api/customers
public IActionResult Get()
// api/customers/dave
[HttpGet("{name:alpha}")] // constraint as a string
public IActionResult GetByName(string name)
Use the name as filter, against the resource collection
public class CustomersController : Controller
// api/customers
// api/customers?name=dave
public IActionResult Get(string name)
To confuse you more
api/customers/dave will still execute GetById first!
public class CustomersController : Controller
public IActionResult Get()
public IActionResult GetByName(string name)
public IActionResult GetById(int id)
Both methods GetByName and GetById are potential candidates but MVC picks GetById method first because MVC compares the method/template name {name} and {id} through case-insensitive string comparison, and i comes before n.
That's when you want to put constraints.
public class CustomersController : Controller
public IActionResult Get()
// api/customers/dave
public IActionResult GetByName(string name)
// api/customers/3
public IActionResult GetById(int id)
You can also specify the Ordering too!
public class CustomersController : Controller
public IActionResult Get()
// api/customers/portland
[HttpGet("{city:alpha}", Order = 2)]
public IActionResult GetByCity(string city)
// api/customers/dave
[HttpGet("{name:alpha}", Order = 1)]
public IActionResult GetByName(string name)
// api/customers/3
public IActionResult GetById(int id)
Without the Order, the method GetByCity will be in favor than GetByName because character c of {city} comes before the character n of {name}. But if you specify the order, MVC will pick the action based on the Order.
Sigh the post is too long....
Because in your case the best match in the route pipeline is the default httpget attribute (the one that get all). The query is a regular string so if you don't ask what you want from the query the best match is still the one that get all.
public string Get([FromQuery]string name)
return $"name is {name}";
The [FromQuery] is pointing to the key "name" in the query string to get the value.
Your should read Routing in core

Use Action method selector to differentiate between Ajax and non-ajax request instead of relying on if(Request.isAjaxRequest)?

I'm following a book called 'Asp.Net MVC4 in Action'. And now at certain point they say, Instead of relying on if statement within our code to check if the request is Ajax or not, we could use an action method selector to differentiate it. And what they have done is create a class AcceptAjaxAttribute with following code
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace CustomAjax
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
public class AcceptAjaxAttribute : ActionMethodSelectorAttribute
public override bool IsValidForRequest(ControllerContext controllerContext, MethodInfo methodInfo)
return controllerContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest();
and the function in controller which looked like this before
var speaker = _repository.FindSpeaker(id);
return Json(speaker, JsonRequestBehaviour.AllowGet);
return View();
has changed to something like this
public ActionResult Details(int id)
var speaker = _repository.FindId(id);
return Json(speaker, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
public ActionResult Details_NonAjax(int id)
var speaker = _repository.FindId(id);
return View();
To be honest I have no idea what is being done or why we created new class and used that[AcceptAjax] thingy. Can someone may be explain it to me.
Before you had one action with an if inside, after the refactoring you have 2 actions each returning a different type of result. The ActionMethodSelectorAttribute is used to select the proper action based on some condition. Since the 2 actions have the same name (Details), ASP.NET MVC will use this attribute to select the one or the other based on whether an AJAX request is being used.
But honestly I don't like this approach at all. You now have 2 actions and have repeated the var speaker = _repository.FindId(id); call twice which is not very DRY. Wouldn't it be better if you had this?
public ActionResult Details(int id)
var speaker = _repository.FindId(id);
return View(speaker);
If you are like me and think that this is better, then simply replace this AcceptAjaxAttribute you got from the book with an action filter:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
public class AcceptAjaxAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest())
var result = filterContext.Result as ViewResultBase;
if (result != null && result.Model != null)
filterContext.Result = new JsonResult
Data = result.Model,
JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
The OnActionExecuted method will be invoked after the controller action has finished running and returned some result. Inside this method we verify whether the controller action returned a ViewResultBase (ViewResult or PartialViewResult) and whether a model has been passed. If this is the case we simply replace this result by a JsonResult.
And if you want to avoid decorating all your controller actions with this [AcceptAjax] attribute, you could register it as a global action filter in your ~/App_Start/FilterConfig.cs:
public class FilterConfig
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());
filters.Add(new AcceptAjaxAttribute());

webapi actionfilters, how to inject a value when using different argument types that inherit from a base type

I have a base request type..
class RequestBase
public string inputId;
public string derivedid;
and types that inherit ..
class RequestA : RequestBase
public string name;
class RequestB : RequestBase
public string color;
I have a webapi service, some actions take an input parameter of RequestA, some take RequestB
public HttpResponseMessage Process1(RequestA request)
//do something with request.derivedId
public HttpResponseMessage Process2(RequestB request)
//do something with request.derivedId
I have an actionfilter that takes the inputId from the request and generates a derivedId
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
RequestBase request = (RequestBase)actionContext.ActionArguments["request"];
string inputId = request.inputId;
string derivedId = inputId + "123";
// ?? somehow inject derivedId back into the actionContext so that my controller methods can access?
As my comment states above, I'd like to populate the derivedId field and have it accessible to my controller methods.
Thanks in advance
There's a few solutions to this problem already described in this thread - one of them should suit you:
ASP.NET MVC Pass object from Custom Action Filter to Action

ActionResult HttpPost need to access value

I am using MVC C#
Say I have the following ActionResult:
public ActionResult Create(string location)
I need to use location primary in the [httppost]
public ActionResult Create(Employee employee)
// I need to access the value of location here but I dont' have access to the View
What is the best way of getting the value of location. I can create a viewmodel and pass that value to the View and then retreive it in the [HttpPost ]but I do not have access to the View as it is restricted.
There is a number of methods to pass data between controller methods in mvc. One of them is by using TempData.
You can save location in your GET-method
public ActionResult Create(string location)
TempData["location"] = location;
and then retrieve it in your POST-method
public ActionResult Create(Employee employee)
var location = TempData["location"];
Although, using a viewmodel would be more preferrable.

Force a ASP.NET MVC 3 action parameter to use value from the URL, not object

Consider a model class
public class MyModel
public string Id { get; set; }
/* some other properties */
And a controller
public class MyController
public ActionResult Update(string id, MyModel model)
/* process */
The routing is registered as follows:
protected override void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
new { action = "Update", controller = "My"},
new { httpMethod = new HttpMethodConstraint(new[] { "PUT" }) });
When using a REST client and sending MyModel serialized as a JSON or XML request to this controller, a null "Id" property of "MyModel", overrides the "id" parameter of the action method, even if you post it to
How does one force ASP.NET MVC 3 to populate the "id" property from the URL (in this case "10") and ignore the "Id" property of the "MyModel"?
Note that I'm not using ASP.NET Web API.
Try using attribute [FromUri]. It's in "System.Web.Http". This attribute on action param id indicates it should be bonded using the url request.
using System.Web.Http;//at the top
public class MyController
public ActionResult Update([FromUri]string id, MyModel model)
/* process */
For MVC3 try to include web-api package(from nuget or manually) to use [FromUri] attribute. IF that is not possible then the only way I can think of getting it is from this.HttpContext.Request.QueryString["id"]
Instead of having id as a action method paramter declare it in action body. May have to change the url query api/my?id=1212. First try using api/my/{id} format.
var id = this.HttpContext.Request.QueryString["id"];
