Exception in Visual Studio.Net: System.OutofMemory.Exception - visual-studio

I am working with VisualStudio 2010 and this would probably be the most common error.
In my code I am calling a script to load data from a database table which comprises of over 1,765,700 rows and is 777,826 KB size.
I keep running into an System.OutOfMemory.Exception error.
Is there anyway I can increase the memory being allocated to my program or change the settings? I had done it while running my programs in eclipse before. Can it be done in Visual Studio2010 as well?
Thank you

The first step would be, if at all possible, to not load all of the data into memory at once unless this is truly a requirement. If there is any way to load the data in stages, you would avoid coming close to the memory limitations.
However, changing this to target x64 and running on a 64bit platform should give you plenty of memory access to load this amount of data without issues. That would potentially be the simplest option.


Visual Studio 2017 - System.OutOfMemoryException when running Azure Function with large file size

There is Azure Function to handle BlobStorage. However, if it handled file with file size ~180MB in my local Visual Studio, it threw “System.OutOfMemoryException”.
Checked that required ~380MB in process of Task Manager. However, is it supporting 1.5GB by default?
Later on, I tried this method but faced below error:
Loaded custom extension 'BotFrameworkConfiguration'
Loaded custom extension 'SendGridConfiguration'
Loaded custom extension 'EventGridExtensionConfig'
A ScriptHost error has occurred
mscorlib: Could not load file or assembly 'file://\\Mac\Home\Documents\XXX\bin\Debug\net461\bin\YYY.dll' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
Stopping Host
How to running Azure Function with handling big size of file?
A System.OutOfMemoryException doesn't necessarily mean your file is too big. There are numerous possible causes.
For instance: if you're using a List for instance; the underlying implementation of List is an Array. If your memory is extremely fragmented, you might not have enough adjoining space available to allocate a List instance despite having enough free memory.
Another possible cause:
In spite of the name, the most likely cause of a System.OutOfMemoryException is not technically due to a lack of memory. Instead, a System.OutOfMemoryException can occur when attempting to increase the length of an instance of the StringBuilder class, beyond what is specified by its current MaxCapacity property.
Taken from .NET Exception Handling – System.OutOfMemoryException
The error message An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. most of the time indicates you're trying to load a x64 assembly in a x86 program or the other way around.
Adding to Rick answer Follow the steps for changing the bitness and if you have no dependency on 32 bit then run it on 64 bit. It will definitely provide you the relief .
Function App -->> Platform Features-->>Configuration-->>General settings

Set memory limit for debugging in Visual Studio

In an application I'm working on, under certain conditions the memory usage will shoot through the roof, effectively locking up my computer. I don't think it's a memory leak, and there are no errors, it just needs too much memory. The memory usage jumps to 99% in Task Manager and Windows stops working, forcing me to reboot.
Is it possible to set a maximum amount of memory VS can use while debugging? I'm not looking for a way to make it run out of memory faster, I just want to keep some memory free so Windows can keep working.
Visual Studio 2010
Windows 7 64b
I'm not asking how to fix a memory leak. I'm trying to limit the memory used by the VS debugger. For example, my PC has 8GB RAM, but my application has to run on a PC with 2GB RAM. So I want to configure VS to only use 2GB. If the application tries to allocate 2.0001GB I want VS to tell it there is no more memory (probably causing a crash).
This isn't exactly the answer you were looking for, but it might help others, so I'm posting:
I would try the following:
1) Download Oracle Virtualbox
2) Download Disk2VHD.exefrom Microsoft Sysinternals
3) Clone your system using Disk2VHD
4) Configure a VM with the memory restrictions you want.
In this way you can restrict the RAM and CPUs used by your task, and possibly recover easier from the case you describe.

How can I force SQL Server to use more CPU

I have an data transformation query which takes a long time to run on my development machine (Core i7 920 running at 3.9GHz, and with 12GB of RAM under Windows Server 2003 x86 and with 2 Velociraptors 300GB iN RAID0).
When I look at the task manager, the CPU stays around 26%, with the third (out of 4) core being the most active.
As this is not a production environment, is there any way to tell SQL Server 2008 that I am alright with it using more of my CPU or is it because my query can not be parallelized for some reason?
If, shouldn't SQL Server be smart enough to cut the query in smaller chunks and run it across several threads so each core can get it?
Optimize your query. Chances are that the issue is with it and not SQL Server.
It already knows that it's okay unless you specifically limited it to use only a certain number of CPUs either through configuration or through setting the MAXDOP parameter.
It sounds like you may be constrained by your hard drives or memory more than anything.
Note that because you are running an x86 version of windows (and by extension sql server), you may be RAM limited to around 3GB. And even with the PAE (physical addressing extensions) turned on, it's going to be a world of difference slower than if you have an x64 OS and SQL Server to begin with.
In other words, you might consider reinstalling the machine from the ground up to take advantage of all the x64 goodness you have.

How can I use up RAM quickly to test garbage collection?

Windows Server 2008. How can I quickly use up RAM so to induce GC in my app. If there is a way to do it without needing Visual Studio or installing a language runtime it would be good.
EDIT: I don't want to have to write an app and then copy it over to the server. I'm looking for a way to do it quickly without writing an app that requires an IDE or installation of a runtime/compiler.
Perhaps a powershell or batch script?...
I don't think using up RAM outside your process is going to necessarily trigger GC.
If I understand your question correctly, you have a program Foo.exe that is written in some unknown language, running on some unknown runtime (are you not allowed to post the details for some reason, or do you just not know?), and you want to try to get that program's runtime to trigger a garbage collection. However, you want to do this by using up RAM outside of foo.exe.
You could do this by creating a simple batch file that just started up a hundred copies of IE or Word or whatever program you want. However, I don't think that will do what you want it to do. If your process has already allocated a certain amount of memory, it won't necessarily give that memory up or trigger GC just because other processes are being started. It may page to disk, or may force other programs to page to disk. But not all Garbage Collectors are alike, so we can't really help without more details. I'm pretty sure some VM's never give back memory once they've allocated it, even after GC.
You could run your program inside a virtual machine such as Virtual Box, where you specify the memory ceiling of the guest operating system.
I'm having trouble imagining a scenario where this would be necessary though. Could you provide more information about the problem?
If you are using java you can specify the max amount of memory using Xmx. Search for JVM memory setting

Does Windows Server 2003 SP2 tell the truth about Free System Page Table Entries?

We have some Win32 console applications running on Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 that regularly fail with this:
Error 1450 (ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES): "Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service."
All the documentation we've found suggests it is linked to the number of Free System Page Table Entries running out. We have 16GB RAM in these machines and use the /3GB Operating System switch to squeeze the Windows kernel into 1GB and allow our processes access to 3GB of address space. This drastically reduces the total number of Free System Page Table Entries, so combined with our heavy use of MapViewOfFile() it is perhaps not surprising that the kernel page table entries are running out.
However, when using Performance Monitor to view the Free System Page Table Entries counter, the value is around 36,000 on reboot and doesn't go down when our application starts. I find it hard to believe that our application, which opens many large memory-mapped files, doesn't have any effect on the kernel page table. If we can't believe the counter, it's much more difficult to test the effect of any system changes we make.
There is a promising Knowledge Base article, The Performance tool does not accurately show the available Free System Page Table entries in Windows Server 2003, but it says the problem has been fixed in Service Pack 1, and we are already on Service Pack 2.
Has anyone else struggled with or solved this issue?
Update: I have checked !sysptes in windbg (debugging the kernel) and the value matches the performance counter, around 36,000. I guess this is most likely to mean that there really are that many free page table entries and Windows is telling the truth. It does leave the question of why we're getting 1450 errors though, if the PTEs are not running out.
Further update: We never did get to the bottom of why the 1450 errors were occurring. However, instead we upgraded the OS on these servers to 64-bit Windows. This allows the existing 32-bit applications (without recompilation) to access a full 4GB of virtual address space, and lets the kernel memory area with those pesky Page Table Entries be as big as it likes too. I don't think we've had a 1450 error since.
Can you try the windbg command "!sysptes" to get System PTE Information? I'm not sure if you can do this with live kernel debug, you may have to get a memory dump.
I'm not sure why you assume that ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES is caused only by running out of free System Page Table Entries ? As far as I know, such generic error codes are used for more than one resource type. And in fact, the first Google hit suggests that running out of file cache memory may cause it too. (KB on an XP bug, which tripped this error mode).
In your case, I'd be checking the "Handle Count". Another possible problem is address space fragmentation. If you you want to create a 1GB file mapping view, you need 1GB of free address space, and it has to be contiguous. If you map a 1GB file, a 800 MB file, and a 1GB file, close the 800MB one and open a 900MB file, the 900MB file may not fit in the hole that's left.
MS has 2 ways to allow there 32 bit OS to "deal" with hardware that has 4 GB or more of RAM.
Option 1: is what you did with the /3GB Switch in the Boot.ini.
Option 1 Pros and Cons:
(CONS) This option sucks 1 GB from the normal 2 GB kernel area - hence making the OS struggle to meet the demands of both Paged Pool allocations and kernel stack allocations. So a person might think that using the /3GB Switch will help their, but really this option is screwing the 32 bit Window OS into a slow death.
(CONS) But, This gives my App 3GB.... WRONG (Hence this is a CON) The catch is that ONLY application that have been recompiled from the vendor to be "/3GB Switch aware" can really use the extra 1 GB. Hence the whole use of the /3GB Switch is a really BAD J.O.K.E on everyone.
Read this link for a much better write-up:
Option 2: Use the /PAE switch in the Boot.ini.
Option 2 Pros and Cons:
(PROS) This really this only option if you have a more then 4GB of RAM. It tricks a application by placing the complete application memory footprint in RAM. Normally, only a application "Working Set" memory is in RAM and the remaining application memory requirements go into Windows Pagefile. What is a application total memory requirements?? - it called "Virtual Size".
In my world, I have a big fat Java based IBM Product that I deal with. The server that is running the "application" has 16 GB of RAM. I simply add the /PAE switch and watch (thanks to sysinternals Processes Explorer) application paging requests go from 200 KB per sec to up to 4MB per sec.
Question: "Why"?
Answer: The whole application is in RAM.
Question: "Does the application know that it is completely running in RAM?
Answer: No - It is running that same old way that it was always run, "THINKING" that it's has part of itself as the "Working Set" memory living in RAM and the remaining application memory requirements go into Windows Pagefile.
Yes, it is that flipping GOOD.
Please Note: Microsoft has done a poor job telling anyone about the great Windows OS option. Duh
Try it and report back to stackoverflow....
