I have a image(png format) in hand. The lines that bound the ellipses (represent the nucleus) are over straight which are impractical. How could i extract the lines from the image and make them bent, and with the precondition that they still enclose the nucleus.
The following is the image:
After bending
EDIT: How can i translate the Dilation And Filter part in answer2 into Matlab language? I can't figure it out.
Ok, here is a way involving several randomization steps needed to get a "natural" non symmetrical appearance.
I am posting the actual code in Mathematica, just in case someone cares translating it to Matlab.
(* A preparatory step: get your image and clean it*)
i = Import#"";
i1 = Image#Replace[ImageData[i], {0., 0., 0.} -> {1, 1, 1}, {2}];
i2 = ImageSubtract[i1, i];
i3 = Inpaint[i, i2]
(*Now reduce to a skeleton to get a somewhat random starting point.
The actual algorithm for this dilation does not matter, as far as we
get a random area slightly larger than the original elipses *)
id = Dilation[SkeletonTransform[
Dilation[SkeletonTransform#ColorNegate#Binarize#i3, 3]], 1]
(*Now the real random dilation loop*)
(*Init vars*)
p = Array[1 &, 70]; j = 1;
(*Store in w an image with a different color for each cluster, so we
can find edges between them*)
w = (w1 =
GradientFilter[Binarize[id, .1], 1]]) /. {4 -> 0} // Colorize;
(*and loop ...*)
For[i = 1, i < 70, i++,
(*Select edges in w and dilate them with a random 3x3 kernel*)
ed = Dilation[EdgeDetect[w, 1], RandomInteger[{0, 1}, {3, 3}]];
(*The following is the core*)
p[[j++]] = w =
ImageFilter[ (* We apply a filter to the edges*)
Length[#1], (*Count the colors in a 3x3 neighborhood of each pixel*)
0, {{{0, 0, 0}, 0}}, (*If no colors, return bkg*)
1, #1, (*If one color, return it*)
_, {{{0, 0, 0}, 0}}])[[1, 1]] (*If more than one color, return bkg*)&#
Cases[Tally[Flatten[#1, 1]],
Except[{{0.`, 0.`, 0.`}, _}]] & (*But Don't count bkg pixels*),
w, 1,
Masking -> ed, (*apply only to edges*)
Interleaving -> True (*apply to all color chanels at once*)]
The result is:
For the Mathematica oriented reader, a functional code for the last loop could be easier (and shorter):
If[Length[#1] == 1, #1[[1, 1]], {0, 0, 0}] &#
Cases[Tally[Flatten[#1, 1]], Except[{0.` {1, 1, 1}, _}]] & , #, 1,
Masking -> Dilation[EdgeDetect[#, 1], RandomInteger[{0, 1}, {3, 3}]],
Interleaving -> True ] &,
WatershedComponents#GradientFilter[Binarize[id,.1],1]/.{4-> 0}//Colorize,
What you have as input is the Voronoi diagram. You can recalculate it using another distance function instead of the Euclidean one.
Here is an example in Mathematica using the Manhattan Distance (i3 is your input image without the lines):
DistanceFunction -> ManhattanDistance] ]], i3, i3}]
I am working with another algorithm (preliminary result). What do you think?
Here is what I came up with, it is not a direct translation of #belisarius code, but should be close enough..
%# read image (indexed image)
[I,map] = imread('');
%# extract the blobs (binary image)
BW = (I==1);
%# skeletonization + dilation
BW = bwmorph(BW, 'skel', Inf);
BW = imdilate(BW, strel('square',2*1+1));
%# connected components
L = bwlabel(BW);
%# filter 15x15 neighborhood
for i=1:13
L = nlfilter(L, [15 15], #myFilterFunc);
imshow( label2rgb(L) )
%# result
L(I==1) = 0; %# put blobs back
L(edge(L,'canny')) = 0; %# edges
imshow( label2rgb(L,#jet,[0 0 0]) )
function p = myFilterFunc(x)
if range(x(:)) == 0
p = x(1); %# if one color, return it
p = mode(x(x~=0)); %# else, return the most frequent color
The result:
and here is an animation of the process:
Frequently I have to visualize multiple datasets simultaneously, usually in ListPlot or its Log-companions. Since the number of datasets is usually larger than the number of easily distinguishable line styles and creating large plot legends is still somewhat unintuitiv I am still searching for a good way to annotate the different lines/sets in my plots. Tooltip is nice when working on screen, but they don't help if I need to pritn the plot.
Recently, I played around with the Mesh option to enumerate my datasets and found some weird stuff
Table[{Sin[x], Cos[x], Tan[x], Cot[x]}, {x, 0.01, 10, 0.1}],
PlotMarkers -> {"1", "2", "3", "4"}, Mesh -> i, Joined -> True,
PlotLabel -> "Mesh\[Rule]" <> ToString[i], ImageSize -> 180], {i,
1, 30}], 4]]
The result looks like this on my machine (Windows 7 x64, Mathematica 8.0.1):
Funnily, for Mesh->2, 8 , and 10 the result looks like I expected it, the rest does not. Either I don't understand the Mesh option, or it doesn't understand me.
Here are my questions:
is Mesh in ListPLot bugged or do I use it wrongly?
how could I x-shift the mesh points of successive sets to avoid overprinting?
do you have any other suggestions how to annotate/enumerate multiple datasets in a plot?
You could try something along these lines. Make each line into a button which, when clicked, identifies itself.
altplot[[1,1,3,2]]=Button[sinline,message="Clicked on the Sin line"];
altplot[[1,1,4,2]]=Button[cosline,message="Clicked on the Cos line"];
If you add an EventHandler you can get the location where you clicked and add an Inset with the relevant positioned label to the plot. Wrap the plot in a Dynamic so it updates itself after each button click. It works fine.
In response to comments, here is a fuller version:
plot = Plot[{Sin[x], Cos[x]}, {x, 0, 2*Pi}];
sinline = plot[[1, 1, 3, 2]];
cosline = plot[[1, 1, 4, 2]];
AddLabel[label_] := (AppendTo[plot[[1]],
Inset[Framed[label, Background -> White], pt]];
(* Remove buttons for final plot *)
plainplot = plot;
plainplot[[1, 1, 3, 2]] = plainplot[[1, 1, 3, 2, 1]];
plainplot[[1, 1, 4, 2]] = plainplot[[1, 1, 4, 2, 1]]);
plot[[1, 1, 3, 2]] = Button[sinline, AddLabel["Sin"]];
plot[[1, 1, 4, 2]] = Button[cosline, AddLabel["Cos"]];
"MouseDown" :> (pt = MousePosition["Graphics"])]]
To add a label click on the line. The final annotated chart, set to 'plainplot', is printable and copyable, and contains no dynamic elements.
[Later in the day] Another version, this time generic, and based on the initial chart. (With parts of Mark McClure's solution used.) For different plots 'ff' and 'spec' can be edited as desired.
ff = {Sin, Cos, Tan, Cot};
spec = Range[0.1, 10, 0.1];
(* Plot functions separately to obtain line counts *)
plots = Array[ListLinePlot[ff[[#]] /# spec] &, Length#ff];
plots = DeleteCases[plots, Line[_?(Length[#] < 3 &)], Infinity];
numlines = Array[Length#Cases[plots[[#]], Line[_], Infinity] &,
(* Plot functions together for annotation plot *)
plot = ListLinePlot[##spec & /# ff];
plot = DeleteCases[plot, Line[_?(Length[#] < 3 &)], Infinity];
lbl = Flatten#Array[ConstantArray[ToString#ff[[#]],
numlines[[#]]] &, Length#ff];
(* Line positions to substitute with buttons *)
linepos = Position[plot, Line, Infinity];
(* Copy all the lines to line[n] *)
Array[(line[#] = plot[[Sequence ## Most#linepos[[#]]]]) &,
(* Button function *)
AddLabel[label_] := (AppendTo[plot[[1]],
Inset[Framed[label, Background -> White], pt]];
(* Remove buttons for final plain plot *)
plainplot = plot;
bpos = Position[plainplot, Button, Infinity];
Array[(plainplot[[Sequence ## Most#bpos[[#]]]] =
plainplot[[Sequence ## Append[Most#bpos[[#]], 1]]]) &,
(* Substitute all the lines with line buttons *)
Array[(plot[[Sequence ## Most#linepos[[#]]]] = Button[line[#],
AddLabel[lbl[[#]]]]) &, Total#numlines];
"MouseDown" :> (pt = MousePosition["Graphics"])]]
Here's how it looks. After annotation the plain graphics object can be found set to the 'plainplot' variable.
One approach is to generate the plots separately and then show them together. This yields code that is more like yours than the other post, since PlotMarkers seems to play the way we expect when dealing with one data set. We can get the same coloring using ColorData with PlotStyle. Here's the result:
ff = {Sin, Cos, Tan, Cot};
plots = Table[ListLinePlot[ff[[i]] /# Range[0.1, 10, 0.1],
PlotStyle -> {ColorData[1, i]},
PlotMarkers -> i, Mesh -> 22], {i, 1, Length[ff]}];
(* Delete the spurious asymptote looking thingies. *)
plots = DeleteCases[plots, Line[ll_?(Length[#] < 4 &)], Infinity];
Show[plots, PlotRange -> {-4, 4}]
Are you going to be plotting computable curves or actual data?
If it's computable curves, then it's common to use a plot legend (key).
You can use different dashings and thicknesses to differentiate between the lines on a grayscale printer. There are many examples in the PlotLegends documentation.
If it's real data, then normally the data is sparse enough that you can use PlotMarkers for the actual data points (i.e. don't specify Mesh). You can use automatic PlotMarkers, or you can use custom PlotMarkers including BoxWhisker markers to indicate the various uncertainties.
Is it possible to change the values of the variables in Manipulate? Suppose I have a Manipulate with two variables, x and y and we display the values. What I want to do is to make it in such a way that when I change the value of x, y gets updated to x*x. When I change the value of y, then x gets updated to the square root of y.
The other question is, can I have multiple panels in Manipulate? I would like to have a white panel under each slider.
Row[{x, y}, " "],
Control[{{x, 0, Style["x", "TI", 14]}, 0, 4 , Appearance -> "Labeled"}],
Control[{{y, 0, Style["y", "TI", 14]}, 0, 16, Appearance -> "Labeled"}]
In the above plot I have set x to 3 and y to 9. Again, I would like to move y to say 4 and have x to move to 2. Similarly, I want to move x to 4 and have y move to 16.
Is is possible? or have I just encountered the chicken or the egg problem?
A bit hack-ish but to couple the sliders and get two panels, you could also do something like this
Panel[DynamicModule[{x, y, width = 250},
Labeled[Slider[Dynamic[x, (x = #; y = #^2) &], {0, 5}],
{Style["x", "TI", 14], Dynamic[x]}, {Left, Right}],
Labeled[Slider[Dynamic[y, (y = #; x = Sqrt[#]) &], {0, 25}],
{Style["y", "TI", 14], Dynamic[y]}, {Left, Right}]},
Framed[Pane[#, width, Alignment -> Center], FrameMargins -> 10,
Background -> White, FrameStyle -> {Gray}] & /#
{Row[{"x=", Dynamic[x]}], Row[{"y=", Dynamic[y]}]}}, Alignment -> Left]]]
How about
DynamicModule[{x = 0},
{Slider[Dynamic[x], {0, 1}],
Slider[Dynamic[x^2, (x = Sqrt##) &], {0, 1}]}]
which is a trivial modification of a code snippet I found in tutorial/IntroductionToDynamic in the docs?
EDIT: You can add panels etc as follows:
DynamicModule[{x = 0},
Row[{Column[{Slider[Dynamic[x], {0, 1}], Panel#Dynamic#x}],
Column[{Slider[Dynamic[x^2, (x = Sqrt##) &], {0, 1}],
It might be better to have each question separate. Hard to answer 2 questions in same place.
For the first question, you can use your own Dynamics to obtain better control. Here is one way:
Dynamic[Refresh[Text#Row[{"x=",x," y=",y}],TrackedSymbols->{event}]],
For your second question, a Manipulate, has one 'panel' where output goes to. So, you can't really do it with one Manipulate. But you can nest Manipulates, so you can do it that way by having each manipulate with its own controls all under one Manipulate.
To share variables between 2 inner Manipulate, so when one Manipulate update its own variable, the other Manipulate sees the latest update, here is one possible way. When you movbe one Manipulate slider, the second Manipulate updates automatically with the new value.
Manipulate[( gx=x; Row[{"x=",x," y=",gy}]),
Manipulate[( gy=y; Row[{"x=",gx," y=",y}]),
This may be an abuse of ListAnimate but I'm using it to flip through a bunch of images.
When there are few enough images I can grab the slider with the mouse and flip back and forth among the images easily enough.
But when there are too many it's very tricky to flip through them one by one.
Is there a way to simply use the arrow keys (or whatever keys) to flip forward and backward through the images, kind of like a slideshow?
Here's a simple keyboard controlled slideshow:
SlideShow[list_List] :=
With[{len = Length[list]}, DynamicModule[{pos = 1},
{"RightArrowKeyDown" :> (pos = Mod[pos + 1, len, 1]),
"LeftArrowKeyDown" :> (pos = Mod[pos - 1, len, 1]),
"UpArrowKeyDown" :> (pos = 1),
"DownArrowKeyDown" :> (pos = len)}]]]
Then you control the slideshow by selecting the output and using the arrow keys:
right=forward, left=back, up=first, down=last,
For example:
Some example pictures:
pics = ExampleData /# ExampleData["TestImage"][[{1, 2, 3, 4}]]
(* Imagine a screen capture here *)
This can be dressed up to give it a frame, buttons, etc...
I just noticed that SlideView or FlipView will do exactly what I want!
(Except that neither of them seem to offer keyboard controls, which would be very nice.)
The following also works:
DynamicModule[{i = 1},
EventHandler[SlideView[{a, b, c, d}, Dynamic[i]],
{"RightArrowKeyDown" :> (i = Min[i + 1, 4]),
"LeftArrowKeyDown" :> (i = Max[i - 1, 1])}]]
When plotting a function using Plot, I would like to obtain the set of data points plotted by the Plot command.
For instance, how can I obtain the list of points {t,f} Plot uses in the following simple example?
f = Sin[t]
Plot[f, {t, 0, 10}]
I tried using a method of appending values to a list, shown on page 4 of (Numerical Computation in Mathematica) by Jerry B. Keiper, as follows:
f = Sin[t]
Plot[f, {t, 0, 10}, AppendTo[flist,{t,f[t]}]]
but generate error messages no matter what I try.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
f = Sin[t];
plot = Plot[f, {t, 0, 10}]
One way to extract points is as follows:
points = Cases[
Cases[InputForm[plot], Line[___],
Infinity], {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ}, Infinity];
ListPlot to 'take a look'
giving the following:
Brett Champion has pointed out that InputForm is superfluous.
Cases[plot, Line[___], Infinity], {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ},
will work.
It is also possible to paste in the plot graphic, and this is sometimes useful. If,say, I create a ListPlot of external data and then mislay the data file (so that I only have access to the generated graphic), I may regenerate the data by selecting the graphic cell bracket,copy and paste:
ListPlot#Transpose[{Range[10], 4 Range[10]}]
points = Cases[
Cases[** Paste_Grphic _Here **, Point[___],
Infinity], {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ}, Infinity]
Edit 2.
I should also have cross-referenced and acknowledged this very nice answer by Yaroslav Bulatov.
Edit 3
Brett Champion has not only pointed out that FullForm is superfluous, but that in cases where a GraphicsComplex is generated, applying Normal will convert the complex into primitives. This can be very useful.
For example:
lp = ListPlot[Transpose[{Range[10], Range[10]}],
Filling -> Bottom]; Cases[
Cases[Normal#lp, Point[___],
Infinity], {_?NumericQ, _?NumericQ}, Infinity]
gives (correctly)
{{1., 1.}, {2., 2.}, {3., 3.}, {4., 4.}, {5., 5.}, {6., 6.}, {7.,
7.}, {8., 8.}, {9., 9.}, {10., 10.}}
Thanks to Brett Champion.
Finally, a neater way of using the general approach given in this answer, which I found here
The OP problem, in terms of a ListPlot, may be obtained as follows:
ListPlot#Cases[g, x_Line :> First#x, Infinity]
Edit 4
Even simpler
ListPlot#Cases[plot, Line[{x__}] -> x, Infinity]
ListPlot#Cases[** Paste_Grphic _Here **, Line[{x__}] -> x, Infinity]
ListPlot#plot[[1, 1, 3, 2, 1]]
This evaluates to True
plot[[1, 1, 3, 2, 1]] == Cases[plot, Line[{x__}] -> x, Infinity]
One way is to use EvaluationMonitor option with Reap and Sow, for example
(points = Reap[Plot[Sin[x],{x,0,4Pi},EvaluationMonitor:>Sow[{x,Sin[x]}]]][[2,1]])//Short
Out[4]//Short= {{2.56457*10^-7,2.56457*10^-7},<<699>>,{12.5621,-<<21>>}}
In addition to the methods mentioned in Leonid's answer and my follow-up comment, to track plotting progress of slow functions in real time to see what's happening you could do the following (using the example of this recent question):
(* CPU intensive function *)
LogNormalStableCDF[{alpha_, beta_, gamma_, sigma_, delta_}, x_] :=
CDF[StableDistribution[alpha, beta, gamma, sigma], (x - delta)/u],
u \[Distributed] LogNormalDistribution[Log[gamma], sigma]]]
(* real time tracking of plot process *)
res = {};
ListLinePlot[res // Sort, Mesh -> All] // Dynamic
Plot[(AppendTo[res, {x, #}]; #) &#
LogNormalStableCDF[{1.5, 1, 1, 0.5, 1}, x], {x, -4, 6},
PlotRange -> All, PlotPoints -> 10, MaxRecursion -> 4]
Here is a very efficient way to get all the data points:
{plot, {points}} = Reap # Plot[Last#Sow#{x, Sin[x]}, {x, 0, 4 Pi}]
Based on the answer of Sjoerd C. de Vries, I've now written the following code which automates a plot preview (tested on Mathematica 8):
pairs[x_, y_List]:={x, #}& /# y
pairs[x_, y_]:={x, y}
condtranspose[x:{{_List ..}..}]:=Transpose # x
MonitorPlot[f_, range_, options: OptionsPattern[]]:=
Module[{data={}, plot},
Monitor[Plot[(data=Union[data, {pairs[range[[1]], #]}]; #)& # f, range,
Evaluate[FilterRules[{options}, Options[Plot]]]],
plot=ListLinePlot[condtranspose[data], Mesh->All,
FilterRules[{options}, Options[ListLinePlot]]];
Show[plot, Module[{yrange=Options[plot, PlotRange][[1,2,2]]},
Graphics[Line[{{range[[1]], yrange[[1]]}, {range[[1]], yrange[[2]]}}]]]]]]
SetAttributes[MonitorPlot, HoldAll]
In addition to showing the progress of the plot, it also marks the x position where it currently calculates.
The main problem is that for multiple plots, Mathematica applies the same plot style for all curves in the final plot (interestingly, it doesn't on the temporary plots).
To get the data produced into the variable dest, use the option SaveData:>dest
Just another way, possibly implementation dependent:
Plot[Tan#t, {t, 0, 10}] /. Graphics[{{___, {_, y__}}}, ___] -> {y} /. Line -> List
, 2]
Just look into structure of plot (for different type of plots there would be a little bit different structure) and use something like that:
plt = Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 1}];
lstpoint = plt[[1, 1, 3, 2, 1]];