TextMate - auto add closing HTML tag - textmate

Is there a way to make TextMate automatically add a closing HTML tag when I type the opening one? Something like what Notepad++ does under Windows/Linux, or MS Visual Studio.
I mean WITHOUT any shortcuts? So I just type "<body>" and it adds "</body>" and puts the cursor back in between. Without any "Ctrl + Shift + Option + Whatever" black magic.
Or a TextMate alternative maybe?
PS. Mac OS is just one of the many OS'es I work in, so I don't want to litter my brain with any shortcuts...

No, you can't. The simplest thing you could do for closing tags is to type some opening tag with it's contents <div>Some text and then hit Command + Option + Dot to close the most recent unclosed tag. This involves a shortcut but it is easy to remember.

Typing e.g. body and then pressing TAB will complete the tag.

One alternative, which may or may not suit how you code, is to hit ctrl+shift+W (wrap selection). With nothing selected you'll get <p></p>, with the 'p' highlighted so you can overtype with your desired tag name.
I personally prefer the cmd+option+. shortcut already mentioned.
Credit to http://www.456bereastreet.com/archive/200811/textmate_productivity_tips/


How to prevent auto-complete popup display after comma or colon?

I just updated my Sublime Text version (Build 4107), and it seems to me a new behaviour appeared - that I would like to avoid.
Whenever I write a colon or comma, the auto-complete popup automatically displays, which is problematic because most of the time in this situation I am about to go to next line by pressing Enter. Thing is, if press Enter, I select now the first occurence of autocomplete instead of going to next line.
I can avoid this by doing "Alt + Enter" or by pressing "Esc" before Enter, but it is not a convenient solution. Is there any way to prevent this autocomplete popup to display afer this particular punctuation signs ?
I read about punctuation.separator scope naming (https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/scope_naming.html#punctuation). But I can't figure out how to use it in auto_complete_foo settings to do what I want.
Example :
Thanks for the help !
If you have a package SublimeCodeIntel, try to disable it, and check the problem is saved or not
It helped me
You can set "auto_complete_when_likely": false, in your user preferences which should prevent this behavior.

Get outside parentheses in Visual Studio 2013

All right, this is stupid, but I have no clue how people deal with this and I'm hoping I'm missing something...
When I write something like this:
if (n == 0)
...The closing parenthesis gets added as soon as I type the opening one. The only way I know of to get out of them now is to reach over and tap the End key or something, which kind of ... Damages my shui, you know? And yet apparently they thought this feature was a cool idea, so...
What do you normally do to tell the IDE that you're done with this bit and you're ready to move on to the next? Same question applies to automatic quotes and stuff in the XAML editor, I guess.
Just keep typing - if you type your own ) when the cursor is just before the automatic one, it should not create another ), but just move the cursor over it.
(Disclaimer: I'm not certain this works on a vanilla Visual Studio - I have a bunch of extensions installed)
You can press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open a new line below the current one without moving the cursor to the end of the line.
To add to this, Tab is another option and I find it easier:
In your example, type the logic, press Tab to skip passed the end bracket.
If you are inside auto quotes, type your text, then press Tab twice.
Like the other answer, it only applies when first being typed, so if you go back to edit something, you are left using the End and Arrow keys.
In Visual Studio 2015 with Productivity Power Tools installed (probably works earlier as well), when being inside an auto-complete block (quotes or braces):
end goes to line end ( typically slow to type/find)
"/) typing same key as auto-complete already inserted will simply replace the auto-inserted character
tab jumps over end of auto-complete (e. g. braces or quotes)
shift+enter adds ; at end of line, goes to new line (often what you want)
ctrl+shift+enter goes to new line
There is a short key in VS - "Edit.LineEnd" - pressing "End" you get to the end of the current line. I've re-assigned it (for me the best variant was "Alt-Enter") and use it to get outside of parentheses and quotes.
Hit the enter key when you are done typing.

Reformatting code in text mate to established code conventions - Visual studio's ctrl K+D equivalent on Text Mate

Can anyone tell me if there's a quick way to format your code in Text Mate, similar to pressing ctrl K+D in Visual studio?
Edit by Damien_The_Unbeliever:
For those not familiar with Ctrl K+D, it doesn't just indent code - it reformats it using the generally established formatting conventions in the editor - it may replace spaces with tabs or vice-versa for the indentation, ensure code is consistently indented, move braces to separate lines, etc.
TextMate reindenting and reformatting varies a little depending on the language you're using.
You can generally use the Text menu, that depending wether you have an active selection or not it will show you different commands under it. For example, if you have selected a section of code, there will be a Indent Selection menu item. If you have no active selection, it will be Indent Line.
To have this working properly, be sure to select the current language, if it isn't assigned yet (like on unsaved documents). If you're working with HTML, it will simply indent the lines depending on what's above it. It will keep line breaks intact.
If you need something to break out tags on new lines and properly format the document, you should use the Tidy command that is found in the Bundles menu, under HTML (or simply by using the shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+H. If you have a selection active at the moment that you use it, it will simply reindent that section. If instead you have no selection, it will properly reformat the whole document, including checking for tag validity and other errors.
The Bundles for other language have similar commands, like XML (still Tidy) and Javascript (that has a Reformat Document command).
As an ending note, I simply suggest to look into the Bundles menu; there are many little gems in it. ;)
Did you look in the menu bar? Under Text you have a couple of Reformat… entries that may fit your needs.
Beside these native features, some bundles — like the JavaScript one — have custom Reformat… commands : click on the little cog button at the bottom and explore your current language's bundle's content.

Commenting code in Notepad++

I'm using Notepad++ as an editor to write programs in Python. It might sound daft but I looked around in the editor and could not find any means (not the manual way but something like in Emacs) to do a block comment in my code.
Since so many language settings are supported in Notepad++, I'm curious to find a way to block comment code.
CTRL+Q Block comment/uncomment.
See Keyboard And Mouse Shortcuts - Notepad++ Wiki.
Try the following shortcut:
This link was exactly what I was searching for .
Let me summarize the answers for others' benefit (for python and notepad++)
1) Ctrl+K on multiple lines (i.e. selected region) allows you to block comment.
Also note that pressing the combination multiple times allows you to add multiple "#"s (sometimes I use that while testing to differentiate from other comments)
2) Ctrl+Shift+K (on the commented region) allows you to perform block uncomment
3) Ctrl+Shift+K on an uncommented selected region does not comment it
4) Ctrl+Q allows you to block comment/uncomment in a toggled mode (meaning, you cannot add multiple '#'s like in 1) )
Hope this helps another wandering soul.
Question - how would you develop a hack of keyboard combinations to comment/uncomment if there were no shortcuts? Just curious. I've no clue hence asking.
Yes in Notepad++ you can do that!
Some hotkeys regarding comments:
Ctrl+Q Toggle block comment
Ctrl+K Block comment
Ctrl+Shift+K Block uncomment
Ctrl+Shift+Q Stream comment
Source: shortcutworld.com from the Comment / uncomment section.
On the link you will find many other useful shortcuts too.
for .sql files Ctrl+K or Ctrl+Q does not work.
to insert comments in .sql files in Notepad++ try Ctrl+Shift+Q
(there is no shortcut to uncomment the code block though. I have tried that on v5.8.2 )
Use shortcut: Ctrl+Q.
You can customize in Settings
In your n++ editor, you can go to
Setting > Shortcut mapper
and find all shortcut information as well as you can edit them :)
Two ways for block commenting:
Select the block
Alt + Right click
Choose block comment.
Without having selected a language type for your file there are no styles defined. Comment and block comment are language specific style preferences. If that's a PITA...
To select for multi-line editing you can use
shift + alt + down arrow
To add a comment under any code on NOTEPAD++ first we have to save and define the programming or scripting file type. Like, save the file as xml, html etc. Once the file is saved in proper format you will be able to add a comment directly using the shortcut ctrl+Q
Just select the desired line and click on Ctrl + Q
Ps: I am using Notepad++

Visual Studio stack trace in notepad++

This is probably just a setting I'm not seeing, but when I get a stack trace out of Visual Studio's exception helper dialog, it has \r\n after each "line" in the call stack. When I copy this and paste it into Notepad++, it shows up as literally \r\n, visible in the document. Of course I'd like these to be interpreted as CR LF, so everything's on a different line.
Anyone know how to do this?
I know this question is old, but maybe someone will find the solution helpful.
Open find and replace, and
go to the replace tab
In the find box type \\r\\n
In the replace box type \r\n (both without quotes)
Make sure the Extended search mode is selected in the bottom left.
Finally, hit replace all.
It took me a while the first time to find the setting. It's View >> Show Symbol >> Show All Characters.
This sounds like a Notepad++ bug. I can paste into regular Notepad and UltraEdit without the side effects you describe.
Like Cerebrus says, you can workaround it on the Notepad++ side by using its search/replace facility.
