NSSavePanel, setAccessoryView and animation - cocoa

I'm making a Cocoa application which has an NSSavePanel. During the lifetime of the modality of this panel, I allow the user to toggle between two different accessory views (call them View A and View B) for this panel via a checkbox in both of these views. I'm building on Snow Leopard.
View B is larger heightwise than View A. When switching from View B to View A, Cocoa starts with the height of the save panel plus View B's height, draws View A at the bottom of the panel with a blank space at the top of View A and then slowly animates this space away so that View A slides upwards. This looks okay.
When switching from View A to View B, Cocoa draws View B's components at the very top of the save panel so that they overlap the save panel's own components (text fields, buttons, etc.). It then slides View B downwards to underneath the save panel's own components. This looks ugly.
First off, I'm not sure how to reason about the proper way to animate the transition from View A to View B. Secondly, I'm not sure to accomplish it. I suppose I could just have one accessory view and just show and hide components in this when switching from basic to advanced mode, but this seems kind of a kludge.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

The easiest way I've found to do things like this is to use an NSTabView with no visible tabs that does NOT draw the background. A and B are subviews of the tab view. Use the checkbox to toggle between the subviews of the NSTabView -- create an action method that uses -[NSTabView selectTabViewItemAtIndex:]. Then you don't have to worry about the height changing and Cocoa handles the transition.


OS X App - Cannot Resize App Window

I have an OS X app originally built using Xcode 4, now using Xcode 7. When "springs-and-struts" was superseded by constraints, I reworked the UI to use constraints. Simple enough, and seemed to work well.
Fast forward two years after first release, and for the second release I needed to add controls and increase the height of the main app view. Unfortunately, my test team is using smaller screens and cannot see the whole view. They need to resize vertically.
Problem - even though the resize controls box is checked, the window cannot be resized. The controls do not show at run time. I tried
Setting lower minimum window content size height, but that did not change anything.
Changing content compression resistance did not change anything.
I am thinking this issue has something to do with constraints.... Any ideas on how to get resize to work?
Edit: After playing with a new test app some, I am more certain the problem is due to constraints. I have a control where I have constrained leading and trailing space to superview and width - there went horizontal resize.
I really need to have a view where the user can resize the window, but scroll the content. However, in this case, the content is other controls. I think on iOS, I would use a UIScrollView. On OS X, I have tried a scroll view control and have tried embedding in a scroll view, and neither have the desired effect.
I had the same issue and solved it by adding a view to be used as a "container" in the view controller.
Pin the top left corner of the "container view" to the view controller (leading space 0 and top space 0). Add equal width and height constraints on the "container view" to the view controller. Then move all your objects into the "container view" and add your object constraints on the "container view" not the view controller.
In my case, it happened in this way (Xcode 13.1).
I mistakenly added a view from IB outside of the window view hierarchy. The new view was added as a separated object (a top node in the interface builder file). I added the new view into the window by drag-n-drop.
I found the new view had different behaviours, for example, I couldn't set the top space constraint. With this view in the view hierarchy, I couldn't change the window size (content view size) at all.
I removed the view and added another in the view hierarchy, it worked as normal.
I think IB initialises the view differently if it is a separated object (top node of the interface builder file).

Cursor above siblings

Suppose there is a window with a very simple UI hierarchy which has just two siblings: NSTextView and NSButton, and they do overlap.
My question is, why is the cursor different when hovering over the button, depending on whether there is the textview below it or not? Why is the text cursor "leaking" through the button? How do I make the button retain its cursor regardless what is beneath it?
I thought I could create an NSView, place the button inside it and somehow make the view "opaque" but I didn't get too far...
What I'm trying to do is to have a button which "floats" above the textview and still displays the proper (normal) cursor.
For performance reasons, Cocoa does not enforce clipping among sibling
views or guarantee correct invalidation and drawing behavior when
sibling views overlap. If you want a view to be drawn in front of
another view, you should make the front view a subview (or descendant)
of the rear view.
You can use NSTrackingArea to update cursor manually:

How to show different views in same window in cocoa?

Is it possible to do navigation within the same window in a mac application ?(Like it is possible in ios apps).I want to show each view in the same window instead of opening different windows on a button click.
e.g When a user clicks a button then the next page should be loaded in the same window.(The next page will have nothing in common with the current page.)
You may use Tab View for easy switching between views on a same window.
You may also customize your tab view , make it tabless (In the attributes inspector set style to tabless) and use your buttons to switch between views.
You may take help from the following link : http://devcry.heiho.net/2012/01/nstabview-tutorial.html
You may add or remove subviews from your window on button clicks, using
[[yourWindow contentView] addSubview: yourSubview]; // Add subview to window
[yourSubview removeFromSuperview]; //Remove subview
Steps to swap between views using a tabless tab view.
Drag a NSTabView to your xib.
Set the no. of tabs in attribute inspector to no. of views you want.
Design each view of the tab as per your requirement.
Now in the attribute inspector of tabview, set style to tabless.
Now drag the buttons you want to use for swapping between views. Suppose Button0 and Button1 are for 1st and 2nd view of your tab view.
Create a IBOutlet for your NSTabView in your .h file. Bind it to the referencing outlet of you tabview.
IBOutLet NSTabView* tabview;
Set a IBAction for both your buttons in your .h class file.
In the button action method for button1, use
- (IBAction)button1clicked:(id)sender
[tab selectTabViewItemAtIndex:0];
Similarly in button2 action method use:
[tab selectTabViewItemAtIndex:1];
In this way you can have any no. of views and you may select any view on button click using
[tab selectTabViewItemAtIndex:(index of the view you want to load)];
In general you want to google for view swapping.
There are tons of examples out there. Some from Apple and lots elsewhere.
Much of it is very similar to iOS.
You need to read the docs a bit too.
Understand NSView and how to load views from nibs, how to create view objects in code, how to add a subview and how to remove a view.
There are many approaches to having different views for different reasons. The right approach is a combination of style, experience and what your app actually needs to do.
Cocoa includes NSBox, NSTabView, and lots of others. Those two can be configured to not display any visual indication that they are containers.
You will also need to understand at least a little about NSWindow to understand its content view (the root container of other views generally)

Xcode - Nested storyboard views - hide/show?

I have a reasonably complicated UIView which contains several nested views which are displayed according to a variety of responses - all are laid out in a storyboard.
Is there a way to hide a view in the foreground to work on a view in the background? As its really fiddly selecting particular elements to arrange / style!?
I've been trying to figure out a nice way to do this, some function like hiding the view and its subviews from the storyboard (not from the actual application), but couldn't find anything.
This is not the nicest of ways but it is how I do it at the moment...
What I do is select the views I want to "hide" from the document outline and add a constant (screen width/height) value to its x/y origin value to push them out of the screen. I also change the document label for those views (Identity Inspector > Document > Label) to something like "Hidden" so I can later search for the "hidden" views from the document outline and put them back where they belong.
I have 2 work arounds.
A) Change the View Controllers size to freeform. Set its size to be really large so I can space out the views.
B) Use the sort order of the views Document Outline (lowest is front most) and add an image view (same as the view background) under the first view to block the others. Then delete it after finishing my edits.
or xcode developers could just simple add a design-visible checkbox for views and controls.... but ill take my rants somewhere else.
In xcode 7 you can do it from the storybord
for more details
Maybe this could help you :
Open your storyboard in the Finder and edit it with a simple text editor (not xcode).
You will see it's just a xml file.Look for the view you want to hide, and add hidden="YES" in the parameters list.
That's what I do on my own project.
In Xcode when you select your storyboard, you have a panel that displays all your view controllers and their hierarchy. If you change the order of the elements you change the background/foreground order.
You can add extra views to the scene dock.
These views get initiated along with the view controller, but are not added to the view controller's view hierarchy. You can reference them using IBOutlets.
e.g. I have a full screen loading view that I added to the scene dock instead of covering up the view controller in the storyboard. I can add the loading view to the view controller's view hierarchy in code:
#IBOutlet weak var loadingView: UIView!
loadingView.frame = view.bounds
loadingView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth.union(UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight)
Reference: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/recipes/xcode_help-IB_storyboard/Chapters/AddViewsToDock.html

Sizing a control to fit its container in Interface Builder

Let's say I have a split view, and I want to fill half of it with a table view (a fairly common use case, I would think). Is there any way to tell the table view to size itself to fit the split view or do I really have to size it manually?
I've done this, the way Jon Hess mentions first. Assuming you're using Interface Builder version 3:
Drag and resize your GUI (tableview from what I understand?) component to fit into the enclosing area the way you want it.
Click it to select it.
Press Command-Shift-I to open the inspector window for this GUI component. The inspector window should now actually show that you've selected a "Scroll View".
Click the "ruler" heading to be able to set the sizing. You'll see to the right an animated representation of how your GUI component will behave within its enclosing GUI component, and to the left another represenation of the same, without animation, but with four springs and two struts that you can turn on or off.
Turn all six things on, making them red.
VoilĂ  :-)
It's generally easier to create the subviews first, then use the Layout/Embed Objects In/Split View menu item to create the split view around them.
As far as I know, doing it manually is the only way to go. However, if you turn on "snap to cocoa guidelines", the inner view will snap to the edges of the enclosing view as you drag towards them. This makes it easier than having to manually mouse the edges into place, or manually edit the sizes to match.
You can set all of the springs and struts of the table view to "on" in the size inspector and that will cause the table view to fill the split view. Alternatively, you can use the outline view in the main document window to place the tableview's enclosing scroll view directly into the splitview instead of in an intermediary custom view.
