Difference between Dojo Data and dojo ajax - ajax

I am wondering when to use dojo data and for example 'dojo.data.itemfilereadstore' to get data from the server and when you should choose to use ajax and for example 'dojo.xhrGet' to retrieve data from the server.
Let me take as an example my homepage where I give my user an overview off items. He can filter this in a way that he can choos to retrieve items off type A, type B or items off type A and B.
Should I use:
url: "get-items.php", //json result
load: function(response) {

Those two things have vastly different purposes:
dojo.xhr is a data transport - its main purpose is sendig and receiving messages from the server.
dojo.data is a data store - its main purpose is to represent a collection of data items, supporting things like querying, monitoring for updates, etc. The fact that some data stores support being initialized directly from the server is just a coincidence. Those features are there purely for convenience.
Use dojo.xhrGet if you just need to fetch data once and then are done with it.
Use a data store if you want to use the extra functionality from the datastore interface. (like serving as a model for Tree widgets or watching for updates in an MVC style)
Btw, since 1.6 there is a new dojo.store API as a leaner alternative to dojo.data. Keep that in mind when deciding wether to use a datastore.


What is the best practice to get the required data into VueJS component?

I'm building my first VueJS application which is intended to be used by hundreds of people in the future. I tried to make the individual components reusable and indpendent as possible. To achieve this i decided to let every component fetch its required data themselves. This works fine but i'm not sure if its best practice. I could also pass the data between the components or even using the 2-way data binding functionality.
The sketch bellow describes one of the situations i have. Note that 1 account has 1..* users. As you can see i need to fetch the accounts to display them in the accountOverviewComponent.
Currently i only fetch the accounts in the accountOverviewComponent and fetch the users when the account edit button by the passed accountId in the accountOverviewComponent is clicked. This way i don't fetch data i don't need at the time.
I can also include the users (god knows which data/relations will be added in future) to the fetch account response as wel so i can pass all required data to the accountShowComponent when a account edit button is clicked. This way i can save requests to the server with the side note that i fetch users of accounts i dont need. A possible disadvantage is that the account is updated in the accountShowComponent and not in the accountOverviewComponent (for example when the accountShowComponent is a modal on top of the accountOverviewComponent. So i need to pass the updatet account back or re-fetch the accounts after a save or something.
As third option I can do the same in option 2 but than with the 2-way data binding which handles the data synchronization between the components. This will probably restrict the usage of the accountShowComponent to cases where the accountShowComponent is used "on top" of a parent which contains the data.
I can also store the data in a Vuex store and update the stores all the time. I read that this is bad practive as it should be only used for data which is required accros the SPA. I think Vuex is overkill in "simple" situations like this?
What is the best practice of the described situation? I have a bunch of comparable situations/scenarios in my application. Performance (also for mobile devices), scalability and being "future proof" (extendability/modularity) are important for me. Can someone help me out because i'm a bit lost in the options i have?
The reason i think Vue is overkill is comming from this article which makes totally sense from a software engineer perspective to me (i may be wrong). As my components have a kind of "parent - child" relation so i can solve my "issue" easily with passing data (or use 2-way data binding) and callback-events.
The number one use case for storing data in a centralized store like Vuex, is, because the data must be accessible in multiple places of your application, by components which oftentimes are not related in any way (they neither are parents or children of each other). An example of this would be certain user settings to configure how your application looks or what date format should be used, to name a concrete example.

crudGetList action does not delete from state data not present in response

WARNING: This question is specific to react-admin framework
I'm trying to do an in app manual, that uses data from server to load content pages. To doing so I'm doing a custom page that fetches manual pages on componentDidMount. In this function I call react-admin crudGetList(resourceName, pagination, sortingById, filters), where filters is {and:[{condition},{language: currentLanguage}]} since I want to have the manual in different languages. I noticed that having pages in different languages in database and using crudGetList action with filters fetches the correct instances, however the state maintains old data. For example if I initially fetch data in English language, change language and go back to manual page, redux state will have pages for both languages instead of the current selected one.
Is this expected behaviour? Making the new request for manual pages shouldn't replace redux-state data to data coming from request? If is not expected should I open an issue?
React-admin uses a pattern called optimistic rendering. That means that if the app has fetched some entities in the past, if it needs to display these entities, it first shows the stale entities, then fetches the backend, and if the response differs, re-render the screen with up to date data.
For instance, when a user fetches a list of posts, react-admin stores these posts in a dictionary indexed by id:
123: { id: 123, title: "hello" },
456: { id: 456, title: "world" },
React-admin also stores the list of identifiers that the list should display:
[123, 456, ...]
Using these two properties, react-admin can now display the list. But it can also display the detail of a post without hitting the server first. So when a user clicks on an item in the list, react-admin uses the data from the first structure to display it right away, without waiting for the server response.
The purpose of optimistic rendering is performance: since the user doesn't need to wait for a round trip with the server, the interface is super snappy.
In your particular case, I understand that this can cause problems, because the store contains stale data that is not in the desired language. I suggest that you create a custom saga, which reacts to the language change action, and clears the store to avoid this kind of problem.
Check the documentation for custom sagas in the react-admin site:
You have to configure how the redux store responds to new incoming data.
More specifically, this is what a "reducer" is for; your "action" (in your case crudGetList) feeds the data into the "reducer", which is just a function with instructions to the store on how it should adjust its shape based on the new data.
Somewhere in your app there's probably a reducer that responds to your fetch action, but it's configured to just shove the new results alongside the old, rather than replace them. It's very difficult to know, however, without seeing the code describing the entire redux "cycle".
The redux docs are excellent. I'd start there and make sure you have a good understanding if the entire flow of data through redux, and then go hunting for that reducer.

Meteor load static data once for several templates

I'm working with meteor and FlowRouter. I have a collection of a country's administrative divisions and the data is about 2000 documents. I read this data in several routes so at the moment I'm subscribing to the same collection every time I visit one of the routes that is using this data.
This is causing a slow performance and a waste of resources. Given that this collection doesn't change, is there any way to load or subscribe to this data once and have it available for the whole app or specific routes?
Maybe save the data in settings.json and have it available as an object would be better?
Thanks in advance for any help.
You need to keep the subscriptions active between routes. You can do this using this package (written by the same author as FlowRouter so it all works nicely together):
Alternatively, create a Meteor method to return the data and save it in your Session. In this case it won't be reactive, so it depends on your needs.
Any subscription you make that's external to the routing will be in global scope, which will then mean that data from that subscription is available everywhere. All you need to do is set up the subscription say in the root layout file for your site and then that data will be kept in your local minimongo store at all times.
The Todo list collection in the Todo app example here is an example of this, this is the code from that example:
Tasks = new Mongo.Collection("tasks");
if (Meteor.isServer) {
// This code only runs on the server
Meteor.publish("tasks", function () {
return Tasks.find();
if (Meteor.isClient) {
// This code only runs on the client
You can then query that local data as you would normally.

Alt data dependency between actions not stores

I have a react app where I'm using alt for the flux architecture side of things.
I have a situation where I have two stores which are fed by ajax calls in their corresponding actions.
Having read the alt getting started page on data dependencies it mentions dependencies between stores using waitFor - http://alt.js.org/guide/wait-for/ but I don't see a way to use this kind of approach if one of my store actions is dependent on another store action (both of which are async).
If I was doing this inside a single action handler, I might return or chain some promises but I'm not sure how to implement this across action handlers. Has anyone achieved this? or am I going about my usage of ajax in react the wrong way?
EDIT: More detail.
In my example I have a list of nodes defined in a local json config file, my node-store makes an ajax request to get the node detail.
Once it's complete, a different component (with a different action handler and store) wants to use the node collection to make an ajax query to different endpoints a node may expose.
The nodes are re-used across many different components so I don't want to roll their functionality into several different stores/action handlers if possible.

How to handle data composition and retrieval with dependencies in Flux?

I'm trying to figure out what is the best way to handle a quite commons situation in medium complex apps using Flux architecture, how to retrieve data from the server when the models that compose the data have dependencies between them. For example:
An shop web app, has the following models:
Carts (the user can have multiple carts)
For each of the models there is an Store associated (CartsStore, VendorsStore, ProductsStore).
Assuming there are too many products and vendors to keep them always loaded, my problem comes when I want to show the list of carts.
I have a hierarchy of React.js components:
The CartList component is the one who retrieves all the data from the Stores and creates the list of Cart components passing the specific dependencies for each of them. (Carts, Vendors, Products)
Now, if I knew beforehand which products and vendors I needed I would just launch all three requests to the server and use waitFor in the Stores to synch the data if needed. The problem is that until I get the carts and I don't know which vendors or products I need to request to the server.
My current solution is to handle this in the CartList component, in getState I get the Carts, Vendors and Products from each of the Stores, and on _onChange I do the whole flow:
This works for now, but there a few things I don't like:
1) The flow seems a bit brittle to me, specially because the component is listening to 3 stores but there is only entry point to trigger "something has changed in the data event", so I'm not able to distinguish what exactly has changed and react properly.
2) When the component is triggering some of the nested dependencies, it cannot create any action, because is in the _onChange method, which is considering as still handling the previous action. Flux doesn't like that and triggers an "Cannot dispatch in the middle of a dispatch.", which means that I cannot trigger any action until the whole process is finished.
3) Because of the only entry point is quite tricky to react to errors.
So, an alternative solution I'm thinking about is to have the "model composition" logic in the call to the API, having a wrapper model (CartList) that contains all 3 models needed, and storing that on a Store, which would only be notified when the whole object is assembled. The problem with that is to react to changes in one of the sub models coming from outside.
Has anyone figured out a nice way to handle data composition situations?
Not sure if it's possible in your application, or the right way, but I had a similar scenario and we ended up doing a pseudo implementation of Relay/GraphQL that basically gives you the whole tree on each request. If there's lots of data, it can be hard, but we just figured out the dependencies etc on the server side, and then returned it in a nice hierarchical format so the React components had everything they needed up to the level where the call came from.
Like I said, depending on details this might not be feasible, but we found it a lot easier to sort out these dependencies server-side with stuff like SQL/Java available rather than, like you mentioned, making lots of async calls and messing with the stores.
