Want to know Windows Clipboard Internals - windows

I am interested in learning windows system internals and how things work. I am inclined towards learning system programming on windows. With that context, I am curious to know few things on how windows clipboard internally functions:
What precisely happens when we select some text, image etc and press
Ctrl + C ?
What precisely happens when we we press Ctrl + V in different application?
Where exactly the copied data resides? Does the copied data go into kernel mode memory - that is shared across all processes?
How the copied data becomes available to a different process?
I want to know the answer to the above questions from the system programmer's perspective.
Also, share any resources that discuss about windows clipboard internals.

I have some good resources on my site: http://www.clipboardextender.com
It talks about clipboard viewer implementation, typical mistakes, do's and dont's.
Basically the clipboard is a shared memory area that you copy data into (aka. "copy", such as in response to the user pressing Ctrl+C) and copy data from (aka "paste").
The data can be simultaneously represented in dozens of common formats, and any number of programmer-defined formats.
It is impossible to completely "backup" the clipboard and restore it like it was, without impacting other programs, and causing a negative user experience. Look into "delayed rendering" to see why, and consider what would happen when an Excel user copies 5000 rows x 255 columns in a spreadsheet, and presses Ctrl+V. Understand that, and you'll understand the magic (and pitfalls) of delayed rendering.


Popup window in Turbo Pascal 7

In Turbo Pascal 7 for DOS you can use the Crt unit to define a window. If you define a second window on top of the first one, like a popup, I don’t see a way to get rid of the second one except for redrawing the first one on top again.
Is there a window close technique I’m overlooking?
I’m considering keeping an array of screens in memory to make it work, but the TP IDE does popups like I want to do, so maybe it’s easy and I’m just looking in the wrong place?
I don't think there's a window-closing technique you're missing, if you mean one provided by the CRT unit.
The library Borland used for the TP7 IDE was called TurboVision (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbo_Vision) and it was eventually released to the public domain, but well before that, a number of 3rd-party screen handling/windowing libraries had become available and these were much more powerful than what could be achieved with the CRT unit. Probably the best known was Turbopower Software's Object Professional (aka OPro).
Afaik, these libraries (and, fairly obviously TurboVision) were all based on an in-memory representation of a framed window which could be rapidly copied in and out of the PC's video memory and, as in Windows with a capital W, they were treated as a stack with a z-order. So the process or closing/erasing the top level window was one of getting the window(s) that it had been covering to re-draw itself/themselves. Otoh, CRT had basically evolved from v. primitive origins similar to, if not based on, the old DEC VT100 display protocol and wasn't really up to the job of supporting independent, stackable window objects.
Although you may still be able to track down the PD release of TurboVision, it never really caught on as a library for developers. In an ideal world, a better place to start would be with OPro. It was apparently on SoureForge for a while, but seems to have been taken down sometime since about 2007, and these days even if you could get hold of a copy, there is a bit of a question mark over licensing. However ...
There was also a very popular freeware library available for TP by the name of the "Technojock's toolkit" and which had a large functionality overlap (including screen handling) with OPro and it is still available on github - see https://github.com/lallousx86/TurboPascal/tree/master/TotLib/TOTSRC11. Unlike OPro, I never used TechnoJocks myself, but devotees swore by it. Take a look.

Why is trying to open a TOpenDialog spawning a ton of threads?

I've got a very simple form with a TOpenDialog and a button on it. When I press the button, it calls Execute on the dialog. If I watch in the debugger, the act of opening the dialog box spawns something like 14 threads, and they don't go away when I close the dialog box either.
Anyone have any idea what's going on with that?
Imagine you want to show your friends how beautiful the Pacific Northwest is. You decide to set off on a trip to snap a few photos of sunset over the Pacific. What you really care about is the image files making their way home, where they can be uploaded to the Facebook. In reality the camera, lenses and the tripod need to be hauled over the Olympics and back. You also need to bring the photographer (yourself) who will set the camera up and press the shutter. The photographer needs to be moved there and back in relative comfort, so you take a seat on which the photographer will rest while making the trip. This seat is enclosed in a shiny metal box with a bunch of other metal, glass and rubber parts some of which are turning and reciprocating. In the end, about two tons of stuff (and a living human being) taking a multi-hour trip, burning gallons of hydrocarbon liquid -- with the goal of moving a few bits of information from the shore to the internet.
Exactly the same thing happens with your application. When the user wants to open a file using "Open File" dialog box, the user expects to be able to:
navigate to the directory containing the file (The directory may be on local hard drive or CD/DVD/BR or network drive or archive, etc. The media may be encrypted or compressed, which needs to be displayed differently. The media may not be plugged in, for which the user might need to be prompted. The media may require user's credentials, which have to be asked);
connect to a new directory using its URI/UNC (map the drive);
search the directory for some keywords;
copy/delete/rename some files;
see the list of the files in that directory;
preview the content of each file in the directory;
select which file to open;
change his/her mind and decide not to open the file;
do many other file-related things.
The OS lets all this to happen by essentially giving your process most of the Windows Explorer functionality. And some of it has to happen in the background, otherwise the users will complain about how unresponsive the Open File dialog is. The obvious way to run some tasks in background is to run them on different threads. So that's what we see.
What about the threads left behind, you ask? Well, some of them are left there for the case the user will decide to open another file: it saves a lot of time, traffic and typing in this case. That custom authentication used for this one particular process last time? -- stored. The preview icons for those pesky PDFs? -- still there. The length and bitrate for every movie in the directory? -- still available, no need to re-parse them.
Of course the threads did not just magically appear by themselves. Check out how many DLLs have been mapped into the process. Looking at some of them one can get quite an interesting picture of what functionality has been added.
Another interesting way to look at it would be to dump the callstacks at the moment every thread gets created. This shows which DLL (and sometimes which object) created them. Here's how a x64 Win7 creates all the threads. One can find the Explorer frame's thread getting created; some OLE activity which will be used to instantiate file filters, some of which can generate preview icons, overlays and tooltips; few threads belonging to search subsystem; shell's device enumerator (so if the user plugs in a new device, it will automatically appear in the open dialog); shell network monitor (ditto) and other stuff.
The good news is it happens fast and doesn't add too much overhead to your process. Most of the threads spend most of the time waiting for some seldom events (like USB key being plugged in), so the CPU doesn't spend any time executing them. Each thread consumes 1MB of virtual address space in your process, but only few 4Kb pages of actual physical memory. And most, if not all of those DLLs did not use any disk bandwidth to be loaded: they were already in RAM, so they just got mapped into your process for almost free.
In the end the user got a whole lot of useful functionality in a snappy UI, while the process had to do very little to achieve all that.

Should I worry about putting a large amount of data on the Windows Clipboard?

If you try to close a Microsoft Office application when you've got a ton of its stuff on the clipboard (e.g. a whole word doc), it prompts you to ask if you would like to access that data after the application is closed.
In this day and age, does it really matter if I have say 10MB of stuff on the clipboard?
As I write my image processing app, should I follow the same rule as Office, or just forget about it and leave the data there?
Personally, I favor just forgetting about it and leaving it there. I've always found the MS Word approach more annoying than useful.
The reason word is asking about this is that it uses Delayed Rendering for the clipboard. This allows word to only create the formats that are requested upon a paste operation. However, any formats on the clipboard that were created with delayed rendering will disappear if the program exits without rendering them. In the case of excel, rendering thousands of empty cells in RTF would take megabytes of space, even though the actual data is tiny. Thus it asks whether you want the data rendered to the clipboard or if you're fine with losing it.
For your own application, the question then becomes: should I use delayed rendering? The answer depends on how long it take you to render in the various formats you'd like to support. If you're only supporting one format that renders quickly, odds are there's not going to be an advantage to delayed rendering.
If you're storing things on the clipboard without the user requesting it then you might just annoy a few people :)
Otherwise, yeah, just leave the data there.
How To Erase Windows Clipboard Data and Why.
any one who has access to the computer can easily see the clipboard information.
I'd guess, malware today would also be snooping there.
this question might be more suitable on superuser.

Speeding up text output on Windows, for a console

We have an application that has one or more text console windows that all essentially represent serial ports (text input and output, character by character). These windows have turned into a major performance problem in the way they are currently code... we manage to spend a very significant chunk of time in them.
The current code is structured by having the window living its own little life, and the main application thread driving it across "SendMessage()" calls. This message-passing seems to be the cause of incredible overhead. Basically, having a detour through the OS feels to be the wrong thing to do.
Note that we do draw text lines as a whole where appropriate, so that easy optimization is already done.
I am not an expert in Windows coding, so I need to ask the community if there is some other architecture to drive the display of text in a window than sending messages like this? It seems pretty heavyweight.
Note that this is in C++ or plain C, as the main application is a portable C/C++/some other languages program that also runs on Linux and Solaris.
We did some more investigations, seems that half of the overhead is preparing and sending each message using SendMessage, and the other half is the actual screen drawing. The SendMessage is done between functions in the same file...
So I guess all the advice given below is correct:
Look for how much things are redrawn
Draw things directly
Chunk drawing operations in time, to not send every character to the screen, aiming for 10 to 20 Hz update rate of the serial console.
Can you accept ALL answers?
I agree with Will Dean that the drawing in a console window or a text box is a performance bottleneck by itself. You first need to be sure that this isn't your problem. You say that you draw each line as a whole, but even this could be a problem, if the data throughput is too high.
I recommend that you don't use the SendMessage to pass data from the main application to the text window. Instead, use some other means of communication. Are these in the same process? If not, you could use shared memory. Even a file in the disk could do in some circumstances. Have the main application write to this file and the text console read from it. You could send a SendMessage notification to the text console to inform it to update the view. But do not send the message whenever a new line arrives. Define a minimum interval between two subsequent updates.
You should try profiling properly, but in lieu of that I would stop worrying about the SendMessage, which almost certainly not your problem, and think about the redrawing of the window itself.
You describe these are 'text console windows', but then say you have multiple of them - are they actually Windows Consoles? Or are they something your application is drawing?
If the latter, then I would be looking at measuring my paint code, and whether I'm invalidating too much of a window on each update.
Are the output windows part of the same application? It almost sounds like they aren't...
If they are, you should look into the Observer design pattern to get away from SendMessage(). I've used it for the same type of use case, and it worked beautifully for me.
If you can't make a change like that, perhaps you could buffer your output for something like 100ms so that you don't have so many out-going messages per second, but it should also update at a comfortable rate.
Are the output windows part of the
same application? It almost sounds
like they aren't...
Yes they are, all in the same process.
I did not write this code... but it seems like SendMessage is a bit heavy for this all in one application case.
You describe these are 'text console
windows', but then say you have
multiple of them - are they actually
Windows Consoles? Or are they
something your application is drawing?
Our app is drawing them, they are not regular windows consoles.
Note that we also need to get data back when a user types into the console, as we quite often have interactive serial sessions. Think of it as very similar to what you would see in a serial terminal program -- but using an external application is obviously even more expensive than what we have now.
If you can't make a change like that,
perhaps you could buffer your output
for something like 100ms so that you
don't have so many out-going messages
per second, but it should also update
at a comfortable rate.
Good point. Right now, every single character output causes a message to be sent.
And when we scroll the window up when a newline comes, then we redraw it line-by-line.
Note that we also have a scrollback buffer of arbitrary size, but scrolling back is an interactive case with much lower performance requirements.

Overcoming Windows User Object Handle Limit

I'm looking for advanced strategies for dealing with User Object Handle limits when building heavy-weight windows interfaces. Please explain how you overcame or bypassed this issue using SWT or direct Windows GUI APIs. The only thing I am not interested in is strategies to optimize widget usage as I have done this extensively and it does not solve the problem, only makes it less likely.
My Situation:
I have an SWT based GUI that allows for multiple sessions within the same parent shell and within each session their are 3 separate places where a list of user generated comments are displayed. As a user opens multiple sessions and pulls data that populates those lists, the number of user object handles can increase dramatically depending on the number of comments.
My current solutions:
1. I page the comments by default thereby limiting the number of comment rows in each session, but due to management demands, i also have what is effectively a "View All" button which bypasses this completely.
2. I custom draw all non-editable information in each row. This means each row utilizes only 2 object handles.
3. I created JNI calls which query the OS for the current usage and the Max usage. With this i can give indications to users that a crash is imminent. Needless to say, they ignore this warning.
First off, are you sure the problem isn't desktop heap vs. handle count? Each handle can consume a certain amount of Windows desktop heap. One USER handle may eat a lot of space, some very little. I'm suggesting this to make sure you're not chasing user handle counts when it's really something else. (google for Microsoft's dheapmon tool, it may help)
I've read that you can alter the maxes on handles by changing keys in the registry:
CurrentVersion\Windows\ USERProcessHandleQuota and GDIProcessHandleQuota
This could be a short term fix for users.
I'd approach this by first figuring out what 2 user handles need to be maintained for each item (like 2 for each item in a listbox?). This seems suspect. User handles are for only a few top-level Windows UI objects (Windows, menus, cursors, Window positions, icons, etc...). I don't see why your widget needs to keep 2 objects around for each item (is it an icon handle??).
If you're looking to rip the whole thing apart - this sounds like a job for a virtual-mode List-View (LVS_OWNERDATA).
You should think about using windowless controls. They are designed for precisely this situation. See "Windowless controls are not magic", by Raymond Chen
Not only top-level windows, but most native controls use one user object each. See Give Me a Handle, and I'll Show You an Object for an in-depth explanation of user- and other handle types. This also means that SWT uses at least one user handle per widget, even for a Composite.
If you truly are hitting the limit of 10000 user objects per process, and you don't have a leak, then your only option is to reduce the number of widget instances in your application. I wrote a blog article about how we did this for our application.
