Create resource using Visual Studio 2010? - visual-studio-2010

I'm attempting to create a resource in Visual Studio 2010 which I will use to create a custom dialog box. Microsoft gives these steps:
However there is no "Resource File" option in the Add New item dialog. There is, however, an "Add Resource..." menu item in the Project menu. However, this item is dimmed out. Why is it dimmed out? How can I get it to be available?


Visual Studio - Create an Item Template that shows up in the Add New Item dialog for the solution

Visual Studio 2017
I created an Item Template for Visual Studio. When installing the template or running the solution locally, the template only shows up in the Add New Item dialog for a C# project.
I want it to be in the Add New Item dialog for the solution.
It seems to me the problem is having the ProjectType set to CSharp in the .vstemplate file, but I don't know what to set it to. According to the docs the options are only CSharp, VisualBasic, and Web.
Visual Studio - Create an Item Template that shows up in the Add New Item dialog for the solution
Item template/Project template are for projects rather than solutions and belongs to a specific type of project (such as C# library), that is the reason why you could not add Item template to the solution.
When you add a new item to a solution using Visual Studio, you'll only see those items that are in General Category. All those files are not "templates", they can be find here :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\NewFileItems
So, if you want to add New Item dialog for the solution, you could add your custom file, like,, then restart the Visual Studio to add the new item for solution:
Hope this helps.

How can I add an addin in visual studio 2008 by menu item

I want to write some addin in vs2008 to help me do some repetitive work. And I want to see my addin in the menu item when I right click my class name in editor. And who can tell me hwo to add my addin in the menu.
See Adding buttons, commandbars and toolbars to Visual Studio .NET from an add-in for detailed explanation. Basically you need to call Commands.AddNamedCommand to create your command and then call myCommand.AddControl(CommandBars["Code Window"]).

Visual Studio TFS add-in branch context menu

How can I add a custom entry to the context menu of a branch in the Source Control Explorer of TFS?
To add context menu options you need to create an entry in a Visual Studio Command Table file. The simplest way to do this is to create a new extensibility project (you need to install the Visual Studio SDK first) - this has an example of how to add a custom command to an existing menu.
For more about vsix and vsct extensibility check:
I also found this blog useful:

Adding context menu for VS 2010 Add-In on loading

I'm creating an Add-In for Visual Studio 2010.
I want to add the context menu item to the tab during Add-In loading
(in OnConnect method of the Add-In):
I do know how to add the menus using CommandBars.
I already added commands into "Tools" and "Solution Explorer" menus.
I just cannot find the CommandBar responsible for the menu, I need.
Can anybody help me?
Solution found.
You can enable logging of chosen menus.

Extending VisualStudio

I want to extend Visual Studio such that, when someone right clicks on Solution Explorer, context menu should have a new menu item, say "Open custom form", clicking which should open a form (this form would actually accept some settings and modify config file accordingly)
Q1. Please provide on where should I start for such extension. Couldn't find any reference/tutorial link :(
Q2. What technology can be used to make such a form - Winforms/WPF?
Either Windows Forms or WPF should be fine.
SO: Visual Studio Add-In - adding a context menu item to solution-explorer
Google Code: explorer-popup-add-in
There's a lot of docs on Visual Studio integration here
