Birt : Add bookmarks to Report in PDF Format - birt

Can anyone tell me How to add Bookmarks to the Report generated in PDF format in Birt. Bookmark should be unique.

Get into the design view of that report and then their is tab for bookmarks.U can add from thr.


how to show the page header value in downloaded pdf from intractive report

I have a interactive report with some values and in that page header I have some tiles and dates. When I click the download and open the interactive report PDF file,
I want the page headers to be added in the PDF eg: titles and dates
which is in page header should be added in PDF
It sounds like you have printing needs that go beyond what APEX does out of the box. There are many options for this, I'll mention two.
Many folks in the APEX community are loving APEX Office Print (AOP):
Another option is PL/PDF:

Print a PDF of the screen

My question is -
In Jasper Reports, is it possible to print a PDF of the screen that is been shown?
I have created a dashboard, that shows some data in a tabular format. Now, on clicking a button, the dashboard should be downloaded as a PDF file. Is this feature possible in Jasper Reports?

Show PDF saved as blob in oracle db in Birt report

I am designing a Birt report where we have a requirement of showing PDF which is saved as Blob in oracle DB. What tried to add it as dynamic image in my table column of report. But when i generate report i get output in some bytes format not as pdf. Is it possible to show a pdf in report which is saved as blob in DB table.
BIRT doesn't recognize PDF as an image format probably.
I don't think this is supported.
BTW, the BIRT ROM documentation does not say anything about which formats are supported.
Handling PDF like an image seems weird, anyway. A PDF can have multiple pages.
In our application, we use a post-processing tool (you could use iText for this) to append the PDF to the BIRT-generated PDF. However, this approach depends on the way you have BIRT integrated into your application.
For example, it will probably not work with the sample WebViewer.

Drill Down report Hyperlink shows "Birt Report Viewer" title

I have a created a drill down birt report (i.e. a summary report and then a detail report). In my jsp I am using the birt reports tag library to show the reports in a report viewer. In these tags I've set showTitle="false". In the summary report this options works and the title does not show.
But when I click on my drill down link, the detail report shows a title of "Birt Report Viewer" appears. I guess that is a default title and there is a property or parameter in the hyperlink specification that I need to set which I am missing in order to hide that default title.
Can anyone help me with this please.
Thanks for your top Sundar. After reading it I tried to pass through __showtitle=false in the report parameter screen and it worked. The title no longer displays after hitting the drill through link.
Before this I was unaware of the __notation. I guess that notation is reserved for special birt paramters.

How to get hyperlinks in BIRT report viewer

Using BIRT 4.2
My database (Postgresql) has many fields with hyperlinks in it and when I am displaying the reports via BIRT report viewer, all the fields which have hyperlinks are displayed as normal text in the BIRT report viewer. I want the hyperlinks to be retained at the BIRT report viewer. How can I achieve this. Please suggest.
Select the corresponding cell and go to the hyperlink property and click on edit and select the URI radio button and click on the javascript syntax button and you will find your column bindings from that select the value of the column and finally you will get the hyperlinks
your url should be like this (http://www.+row["Title"] if your Title field having google means then your string should be like this ("").if you didn't append any HTTP means then it will look for the file which is in webcontent folder of your birt.war
